Chapter 18

Six years ago Zidra palace had held Zayed's art exhibition.

He had lost his inspiration after the multiple betrayals he faced in his life and Aveline had helped him get back to art.

He had painted portraits after portraits of Aveline, capturing every beautiful expressions of her captivating face

And Aveline had attended the exhibition and obviously the media people recognised her.

His muse, they called her.

They wanted to know more about her and they had surrounded her asking her questions after questions in their native language.

Aveline didn't knew Arabic. He had come to her rescue but had lashed out on her.

He simply was furious on her behalf. Not on her.

He didn't consider the possibility that Aveline would think that he was furious on her for interrupting the exhibition.

That thought never crossed his mind

"Why Salim? What was the need for all that. That too keeping it a secret from me. You knew right, it doesn't matter to me whether she knows Arabic or not." Zayed asked in a painful voice

"I know that. You know that. But Ava didn't know that, did she Zayed. You never made her feel special. You never made her feel wanted. She thought she isn't worthy of you. She felt, being a middle class girl from some faraway village in France, she isn't worthy of being the wife of a Sheikh from a powerful nation. She wanted to be worthy of you Zayed" Salim said

"She used to go out everyday without telling me where or for what. And I thought. I thought she was having an affair" Zayed said closing his eyes in despair.

"You thought what??" Salim yelled looking furious at his brother.

"Is that why you separated Zayed??" Basim asked

"She didn't defend herself. She just let me think she was having an affair with Arif Mehboob" Zayed said trying to defend himself

"Really?? That is your excuse?? How far do you think she will keep on defending herself in front of you Zayed? From day one you have misunderstood her for everything. Never once you tried to listen to her" Basim said, his voice raising with each word

"I just. I don't know. When she left Salim's wedding without informing anyone and when I found her name on that local lodge's registration book. I just lost it." Zayed said running his hands through his hair in frustration

"She left Salim's wedding because her mother was ill. Her mother was hospitalized Zayed. She left only after telling me. She didn't tell you because she thought you wouldn't care" Rosaline said fuming at her son's cruelty.

"Her past colored my judgement about her." Zayed whispered

"What past?? Are you talking about her supposed home wreck??" Salim asked furiously.


"Not another word Zayed. It's about time you know the truth" Salim said angrily

"Salim. You promised Ava you wouldn't tell him anything" Basim reminded his older cousin brother.

"She made me promise because she wanted Zayed to understand her without any proofs. She wanted Zayed to accept her by knowing her through her. Not through a third party. And I promised I would do what is better for her. I don't think having these many accusations on her name is something good for her" Salim said

"What is it that you two knew, that we don't?" Rosaline asked

"Do you know what happened in Barely, Zayed ??"

Zayed was about to reply but Salim beat him to it.

"No. Don't answer that. You know what you saw. But you don't know what really happened there"

"Adolf Clermont had kidnapped Ava's mother and blackmailed her to marry him. Just like how you were ready to marry one of your father's mistress to save your mother from more pain, Ava had agreed to marry Adolf Clermont to save her mother's life" Salim said and blood drained from Zayed's face making him as pale as a ghost.

"She was sold to that old man by her uncle and aunt. She was kept on chains so that she wouldn't run away. And still, she managed to save her mother and run away from there" Basim said

"I didn't knew. I misunderstood her"

"You never understood her Zayed" Salim said in pity

"Oh god!! What did I do?" Zayed said raking his fingers through his hair.

"You not only broke her heart Zayed. You separated her from a family she adored. After the way she lost her parents and sister, she loved it here. She loved being the part of big family " Basim said

"Lost her parents? Sister? Her mother is still alive right?" Zayed asked in confusion. He only knew about her mother

"Her adoptive mother" Badim said and Zayed looked up at him in surprise.

"Ofcourse you didn't know that. You knew nothing about her Zayed. She lost her parents when she was too young. She don't remember her parents. She only remembered her sister, from whom she was separated at a very young age. And then her adoptive father died when she was 12 years old. All these are news to you right Zayed??" Basim asked

Zayed felt ashamed. He knew nothing about her. His brothers knew her better. And they obviously loved her dearly.

He had always been jealous of the bond she shared with his brothers. Initially he had thought it was because he didn't like sharing his brothers with a new comer. But during the last months he had started realizing that he didn't like sharing Aveline. He wanted her attention all on him.

By the time he had realised he wanted more, she had stopped trying. It was like she gave up on him. Them. The came the mysterious trips to the town on a daily basis and secret phone calls.

Being betrayed and taken advantage of multiple times in his life, he had trust issues. And he was quick to form conclusions.

Because he was scared to trust his heart. Scared to listen to what his heart had to say, that Aveline is innocent.

He wanted to protect himself from further betrayals and pain and he had listened to his brain and accused Aveline of infidelity.

"How did you know all these??" Zayed heard Salim asking Basim in a confused tone.

Seems like even Salimas was not aware that Aveline was adopted.

"Ava told me once. How much she owes her Zayed for giving her a family" Basim said sarcastically.

"You know Zayed. Even after everything, she never accused you. She never said a word against you. Only if she had told us what your reasons for separation were" Salim said

Zayed looked up at him in surprise

"You met her after she left?" Zayed asked

"Ofcourse. You didn't think we would simply let her go just like that. When I said she is a sister for me, I meant it Zayed" Salim said

"When did you meet her?" Zayed asked

"Soon after your break up. Camille and I flew over to France and met with Ava. We went there with the intention of bringing her back. But she was adamant not to come back. She said there is nothing left to save in the marriage. We asked her many times, to let us know what really happened. She was tight lipped. Refused to tell us what happened. All she would say is that ,it was not meant to be" Salim said

Rosaline had tears running down her eyes, thinking about how her son had ruined the most beautiful thing that had happened in his life, himself

"You stayed in touch Salim? You know where she is?" Rosaline asked hopefully

"No aunt. She refused to stay in touch. She begged us to give her a clean break. She wanted to move on completely. Without anything from our family holding her back. We couldn't go against her wishes. She made me promise to not ever search for her" Salim said regretfully

"Poor child. I hope she is happy somewhere" Rosaline said

"Leave it. What is the point of discussing all these now. You lost the best thing that has ever happened to you Zayed. And no you have to live with it. Maybe as Ava said, it was not meant to be. I hope she found someone deserving of her" Salim said and walked away followed by Basim and Rosaline, leaving Zayed to his own company

He would get her back. And he would go to any lengths to win her back, Zayed vowed to himself