Chapter 19

Ava settled her little munchkins for the night after reading them three stories, one of each of her kid's choice.

Well, two were stories and the third one was an article on dinosaurs, which Zian love to hear. Zahir and Zada simply has to endure it

Kate had gone for a business trip from her company for two days and as she settled in the living room she thought about the day's events.

It was a Saturday. Usually it was not a school day, but today her kids had school as there was some orientation class organized for the kids.

All day she was alone and her mind kept playing the kiss she shared with Zayed, repeatedly.

She willed herself to not think about Zayed and directed her thoughts to her kids and what had happened today.

Ava was tying Zada's hair in two pigtails when she noticed the two little heads huddled together.

She could literally see trouble written all over their face and she sighed not knowing what was awaiting her.

As usual Zian had forgotten to wear his underwear. How could he not wear? It seemed to her like underwear was an essential piece of clothing and the absence of that piece would be bothersome and uncomfortable.

The little guy scrambled off his chair before racing full speed to the bedroom and Ava was grateful that he was still at an age when he would obey her.

She couldn't take a break to ponder the future at this point in the morning. With Zian out of the picture, that left Zahir alone. Together, they were as thick as thieves. Separate them though, and she could usually get one to confess.

"What are you guys planning?" she asked, bending down so she was at eye level with Zahir.

They were identical and it was extremely difficult for strangers to tell them apart.

Together they used to trick people for fun, when Zahir insists they do that.

"We're not planning anything," Zahir whispered, and he placed a chubby hand on both sides of her face. "I promise, momma. We're innocent."

Ava knew she was in trouble then.

"Zahir, if you let me in on the secret, maybe we can have ice cream for dessert tonight."

Zahir's eyes widened and he smiled excitedly, showing his tiny white teeth with gaps in between because not all of his teeth were in.

"Momma,zian has a surprise for you." Zahir said excitedly

Ava's stomach churned with those words. The last time Zian brought her a surprise, he was covered in mud and had two little kittens under each arm.

He'd "rescued" the kittens from someone else's backyard.

How he'd done that, she had no idea since her back yard was fenced in with a gate that only an adult could handle and there weren't any kittens, much less mud,in her backyard.

It had taken a week and several lost kitten posters posted around the neighborhood before the original owners had been found and kittens returned.

"Zahir, you know I love surprises," she lied and felt no remorse, "but I also know that sometimes Zian's surprises can be a bit scary. Can you give me a hint?"

Zahir was torn because he didn't want his mother to be scared, but he couldn't reveal the amazing surprise.

"This won't scare you. I promise. It's a good surprise."

Zian was coming back down the hallway by that point so there wasn't anything else Ava could say to convince him at the moment.

Ava yet had to figure out what the surprise was. She kept on trying to figure out what it could be in an attempt to steer her thoughts away from Zayed. And she succeeded in neither.

And then she thought about the call she had received from the school mid day.

"Ms Dupont, Zahir got into a fight today with the new girl who is equally stubborn as he is. And to add to that, Zian and Zada had joined Zahir in the fight" the principal said and Ava wondered if it was the surprise Zahir told her about.

Because Zian getting into a fight is definitely a surprise, but she dismissed that thought as soon as it came when she remembered the fight was with some new girl.

New girl!! She must be damn stubborn if she can keep up with Zahir.

And why would Zian and Zada join the fight. That is unusual!!

Unless Zahir is hurt??

That thought crashed into her and she wasted no time in reaching the school.

As soon as she reached school, the peon directed her to the kindergarten class room....

Ava was astounded to see her three dare devils standing facing a little girl and a boy.

All five glaring at each other.

What the hell is going on!!

Then she saw Zahir snatching the toy car from the little girl and throwing it away, smashing the car to the floor and she flinched at the noise.

Then she saw in utter horror the girl taking zahir's bag from his chair and throwing it across the room.

Someone to fight eye to eye with Zahir??Ava mused.

She saw the teachers helplessly trying to control the situation

"Zahir, Zian, Zada." Ava called out in a stern voice and all three looked at her in surprise.

She has never seen Zian this angry. He was usually calm. And can get naughty too. But being angry was Zahir's fort. What did happen to make Zian angry?

"Stop fighting!! Zian??" She called out not knowing what it is she wants to know.

"She punched Zahir mumma" Zian said pointing at the little girl who was still glaring at Zahir.

And then the teacher came out and explained to her about the twins who joined school today and how Emily, the little girl punched Zahir thinking that he was bullying her brother Erick

And how Zian and Zada sprang up on either side of Zahir in a fight mode when they saw the girl punching their brother.

And the teacher was surprised that Zahir didn't hit the girl back and Zahir frowned at the teacher when she mentioned that....

"I don't hit girls" he had said glaring at the teacher and she looked surprised enough to know that Zahir had his morals intact.

"Mumma told me good boys don't hit girls, didn't you mumma??" He asked looking at Ava

When ?? She didn't remember. But she might have...

"Did I??" She asked without thinking.

"You told me once, when I fought with Zada" he said

And she remembered that happened two years ago. When they were three year old toddlers. And she was surprised to know that he still remembered that

Aww my baby, she thought with pride swelling in her heart.

"Come on Zahir. Now say sorry to cute little Emily" Ava said and all three frowned at her.

God!! What a unity??

"Zahir." she said in a stern voice.

"Fine. I'm sorry. But only because mumma asked me to" Zahir added after apologizing, making Ava roll her eyes.

"Emily. You too say sorry. He didn't bully me actually" little Erick said making Ava smile.

If Emily is a firecracker, Erick seems to be the calm little boy

"Fine. Sorry. But only because my brother asked me to" Emily said just like how Zahir did.

They both threw a dirty look at each other and turned the other way around.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the calling bell.

Who was it at 9 in the evening.

She wasn't expecting anyone.

She doesn't have many friends here in this city.

So who could it be.??

She hurried towards the door before the person on the other side pressed the calling bell again waking her kids.

She opened the door and froze

"Missed me??" Zayed asked with his devilish smirk intact on his face.