Curiosity Helps

Chapter 7

Knock, knock.

Pearce awoke to the noise from his door. He thanked God because he feels okay now… also thanks to her especially because if he is not okay yet, no matter how many times anyone knocks on the door, he will not answer it.

But he was suddenly surprised because the person only knocked once so he immediately got out of bed and looked at who and no one appeared in front of him.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

Pearce turned to his right and in the distance, he saw a woman with red hair and eyes. He looked at her for a while like examining her before he spoke.

"Are you the one who knocked?"

"I am," she replied. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

Pearce wondered at her questions. The woman sighed.

"I heard from Elesa that you are sick so I just wanted to check and tell you that the tour could be moved tomorrow but…" she paused and this time, she examined him. “…you look okay. Is it okay for us to have the tour today?”

He gave her a cold look. "I'll just change," and also closed the door.

After he got dressed, he also went out and saw the woman leaning against the wall waiting. The woman stood up straight when she saw Pearce.

"Just follow me," the woman ordered but before she could get away…


The woman stopped and turned to Pearce.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

Pearce just avoided looking at her in response.

“Good thing because I’m hungry too. Come, I know somewhere to eat. I'll treat you,” said the woman and started walking which Pearce followed.

"What is your name?" Pearce asked simply.

"Flare," was Flare's simple answer and from then on, they just walked quietly to a restaurant.

When they arrived, they also immediately ordered their food and ate. After Pearce ate, he pulled something out of his pocket.

"What is that?" Flare asked.

"Medicine," is Pearce's simple answer.

Flare just nodded her head. After Pearce drank, Flare finished eating so they went straight to the Fire Cabin.

When they arrived, a huge volcano was in front of Pearce so he was surprised.

"The entrance to our cabin is the very crater of this volcano because our city is inside it," Flare started. "And for us to get there, we will ride this."

Pearce looked where Flare was referring to and saw an elevator made of metal and had only its 'framework'. They immediately entered the elevator and saw that Flare started the machine with her hands to warm it up so it started to rise up.

When they reached the crater, Pearce immediately looked inside.

"This is the Fire Cabin, where fire people like me live."

Pearce just looked at their small city inside the big volcano.

"Come on, let's start."

"Do I have to do anything?" Pearce asked suddenly so Flare stopped and wondered.

"What do you mean?" Flare asked back.

"By my hair color, they will already think that I am breaking your law," Pearce replied.

"Ah because of your tour in another cabin yesterday?" Flare said. “Let it be. We are not that strict here in the Fire Cabin because they know I am with you. And also, any person who is not a fire person cannot really last long in our cabin.”

Pearce looked at Flare.

"What do you mean by that?" Pearce asked.

Flare started walking. "You’ll see."

Pearce watched her walk and immediately followed her down. Whenever they pass an important building, Flare immediately explains it. Pearce noticed that almost all the buildings were glued to the volcanic wall and only a few were glued to the ground and almost all of them were also made of dried lava.

And unlike ice people, fire people are the opposite because they have a high body temperature even though they are not sick and they love spicy foods and they only drink a beverage or soup when it’s really hot.

Because of the heat, Pearce was sweating so Flare noticed it.

"Are you tired?" Flare asked.

Pearce looked at her. "It's just hot."

“Let’s go to the fire palace. It's not that hot there,” as Flare walked at the same time.

When they got there, it was at the bottom of their cabin and Pearce was surprised because as they descended, the ambient temperature rose but when they entered, that’s the only time he believed what she meant even though there are floating tongues of fires around them that gave light to the interior. The palace looks like an old castle that is obviously made of dried lava.

He just followed Flare until they reached her office but while they were walking, Flare found something so she stopped.

"Just a moment Pearce," at the same time she went to the place where she saw it.

Pearce just watched the princess leave and when she completely disappeared from his sight, he just thought of following her.

Flare arrived at the entrance of the fire palace and saw what he had found.

"Where are you going?" Flare asked the fire prince coming out of the palace so he turned to her.

“Oh Fla-flare. Yo-you're here,” Fuego stammered.

Flare gave him a serious look.

"Are you trying to escape?" she asked seriously.

“Escape? What are you talking about?” as Fuego scratched his head and looked the other way.

Flare didn't say a word and her face was still serious so Fuego let out a sigh.

“Okay you caught me but so what? Get used to it. I'm always out of the cabin,” Fuego replied.

Flare looked at him. “I know that but I just want to know where you will go so I'll know where to find you in case you're needed here.”

Fuego clicked his teeth. “We have phones for communication Flare. Why do I need to tell you where I will go?” his reply. "Not like you that always escape without me even knowing it," he added.

“That was months ago.”

"Whatever," Fuego answered irritatedly.

From that point on, Flare already knew that something was wrong with him.

"So you and your girlfriend fought again?" Flare asked.

He didn't say a word and just avoided looking at her and without him answering, Flare knew the answer already.

"Princess Flare."

The two looked at the one who called the princess and saw a fire maid and behind her following is…

"Sorry for the disturbance but this intruder got in the palace and looks like he is lost and answered that he's with you princess."

Flare looked at Pearce who was giving back a cold stare.

“Yes he is with me and he's not an intruder. He's my visitor,” Flare replied. “Thank you for escorting him.”

The fire maid bowed and left as well and Flare immediately approached Pearce.

“I'm sorry I left you. Good thing they did not arrest you.”

Pearce didn't say a word and just looked at Flare.

"So today's your tour here huh."

The prince caught the attention of the two. Flare was slightly surprised to see Fuego's venomous look at Pearce while Pearce gave him back a cold look. Flare can feel the tension between them and she didn't know why there is.

“What’s the matter, Fuego? Is there something wrong with Peare?” Flare asked.

Fuego just gave him one last glare before he turned around.

"I'll be going," and started to walk away.

"Okay?" Flare replied in wonder. "Uhm say hi to Callie for me," Flare said goodbye and he didn't know why Fuego suddenly stopped and she was even more surprised by what he said last.

"Who says I'm going to meet her?"

Flare was surprised to hear that and unknowingly Fuego continued to leave.

During the time that Fuego and her were together as the head of their cabin, she very well knows how hot-tempered the prince is, especially when he and his princess are fighting, but from what she heard just a while ago, only now did she see that the prince was like that.

"Are we just going to stand here and stare?"

Flare returned to the truth to what her guest had said so she immediately looked at him still wearing his numb face.

"I'm sorry," and she started walking while Pearce knew he would just follow them.

When they also arrived at her office, Flare immediately entered as if in a hurry straight to the table. Pearce also came in and looked around the office first. When he stepped inside, just like the former princess, her room was also simple. This means that they both have what they really need in an office such as a large desk, chairs, shelves and the stacked papers on their desk only this time, this office has a fireplace. Now he knows it was really no joke that everything about them was hot.

Pearce immediately sat down on the couch and even though he was just walking, he was drenched in sweat.

"Princess, can I ask for a—"

"Ah Callie, this is Flare."

Pearce stopped and looked at the princess on the phone.

"It's not that I want to interfere with you two but I just want to know if you and Fuego fought again?" Flare asked.

Pearce just watched the princess listen to what the speaker on the other line was saying.

“Ah… nothing. I'm just not used to his behavior now ever since this morning.”

"Hello Callie?"

Flare let out a sigh.

“I'm sorry for being inquisitive. I should not have asked—“

Flare stopped and you could see the shock on her face because of what she heard on the other line.

It took a few minutes before she returned to the truth.

"Ah I-I'm still here," she began. "U-uhh uhm well…"

“Ah no, no. I should be the one apologizing for my question. All right… uhm I'll hang up the phone. Thank you for the time,” as she put the phone down.

Flare sat down on her chair and the shock is still written on her face as if she could not believe what she heard earlier that Pearce noticed.


She just returned to the truth when her guest called her who was staring at her.

"May I ask?" Pearce asked.

“Ah y-yes. What is it?" Flare stammered.

"Will we stay here any longer?" Pearce asked. “It’s too hot and I’m thirsty. I would have asked for water but I remembered earlier in your report that there is no water here,” he looked at the princess at the same time but it seemed like his saliva was just wasted because Flare didn’t even pay attention to him.

"Princess," he called again which slightly surprised Flare and looked at him again.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Please repeat what you said?” the princess asked.

Pearce let out a sigh.

"Is this the reason why you are not strict because no one lasts here who is not a fire person because of the heat?" he asked.

The princess gave him a look.

"Yes, that's right," Flare replied.

"In that case, can we go back to the Main Cabin?"

There was a pause before the princess stood up.

"Yeah, let’s go," Flare replied.

As they walked up the crater, Pearce stared at the princess next to him who was obviously worried because of her face.

"Princess," Pearce called again.

"Yeah?" the princess muttered without looking at him.

“You have been like that ever since in your office. What is your problem?"

Flare just let out a sigh.

"It’s nothing. I’m just thinking a lot about our cabin being a princess,” Flare replied.

"I look numb but I know how to listen," Pearce replied.

Flare stopped walking because of what she heard from her guest. Pearce also stopped when Flare looked at him.

“I know you just want to help but this problem is ours, Pearce. Don't involve yourself in it if you don’t want trouble,” and Flare started walking again but Pearce just stood in his place.

"Doesn't what bother you is the separation of the ice princess and the fire prince?"

Now, Flare was stopped by what she heard but her face was full of shock because she didn’t expect to hear that from her guest. She turned to him while still wearing a numb face.

"How… you… what…" Flare didn’t know what to say because of his stares at her, it was as if he was reading her mind so Flare's face immediately became serious.

"What does this mean? How did you know?" Flare asked seriously.

He was still staring at her. "Because I am the—"

"Princess Flare!"

Pearce stopped and the two immediately looked at a fire guard running towards Flare.

"What is it now?" Flare asked seriously.

"Your highness, the nature prince is waiting at the entrance and he's forcing himself to come in here," replied the fire guard.

Flare sighed. "What does he want this time?" full of irritation, Flare said to herself as she walked towards the entrance. Pearce followed ignoring the fact that they were talking about something.

When they arrived, there were fire guards standing but he was not there.

“Where is he?” Flare asked the fire guards.

“Flare! Over here!”

They looked at the one who shouted and saw him at the top of a nearby palm tree.


"Hi Flare!" happy greeting of the prince while waving.

"What are you doing there?!" Flare asked angrily.

"Eh… your guards are not letting me pass through and told me to wait at the bottom but I got impatient and I want to see you so I climbed up here," Feesy answered.

“What are you thinking?!” Flare is still irritated. "Of course you're not allowed to go in our cabin especially if you're a nature person because you'll get easily burned in here!"

"I know that," Feesy looked in the other direction and pouted. "I just wanted to see you because I already missed you."

Flare started to blush after she heard that but her anger at the prince still prevailed because he’s acting like a child.

"Just get down from there and we'll talk below!" Flare ordered.

"Okay," Feesy replied cheerfully and got off while Flare boarded the elevator and without a word Pearce followed and boarded which Flare was surprised and found out that she was with someone.

"Pearce, I'm sorry. I almost forgot about you.”

Pearce ignored her and just waited for the elevator to come down. When they got down, Feesy was there smiling happily at them.

"So today's your tour with Pearce huh," said Feesy.

"Obviously," Flare answered.

"I see. So Pearce…” Feesy looked at Pearce at the same time. "…how's your tour with my girl?"

Pearce looked at the princess first and then Flare looked back at him with a worried look on her face before she looked back at Feesy.

"It was fine—"

Pearce stopped when he saw Feesy's face because even though he’s smiling, his eyes were as poisonous as if he was being threatened.

"Fine eh…" Feesy said still not changing his look. "Are you sure?"

Pearce was just looking back at him and of all the people that you want to exchange faces with…

“Why prince…” Pearce gave him a smirk. "Should have I answered that we're not?"

This made Feesy shocked for a moment and was startled after he saw that.

"Enough said with our tour because the real question here is why do you have to come here in the first place, Feesy?" Flare groaned so Feesy returned to the truth and looked at her.

"Uuhh uhm well… just like I said earlier that I—"

"Yes that you missed me," Flare rolled her eyes. "Is that all?"

“Huh? Have I said that?” Feesy asked confusedly as Flare wondered.

"I mean yes I said that," Feesy answered his own question. “And also I came here to invite you to have uhm… to have lunch with me.”

"Lunch…" Flare thought at the same time and looked at Feesy who was just looking at her.

Flare sighed. "Okay. But we need to be quick because I have a lot of things to do."

"Uuhh yeah sure," Feesy smiled.

"Also, I have to escort Pearce first to his room before we go."

Feesy immediately looked at the visitor who was looking back at them coldly.

“Okay,” Feesy smiled. "I'll go with you."

Flare just looked at him and started walking away once the two followed her.

While they are walking down the hallway, they are already close to Pearce's room when,

“Paging Princess Flare of the Fire Cabin, please proceed immediately to Princess Yani's office bringing the visitor named Pearce. I repeat…”

They stopped and looked at each other in wonder as the speaker repeated what was said. Not one of them knew why so they went straight to Yani's office. When it opened, they saw the princess writing but it also immediately caught her attention.

"Oh Flare and Pearce…" said Yani. “…and uhm Feesy?”

“Hi Yani. Good morning!” Feesy happily greeted.

"Uhm did I also call you?" Yani asked in astonishment.

“Oh no Yani. It's just that the three of us are together when you called them and I'm here to have a lunch date with my princess,” as he puts his arm around Flare’s neck while Flare rolled her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry to disturb you two—"

“No Yani. You're not disturbing us,” replied Flare. “We are on our way to take Pearce to his room when you suddenly announced that so you have nothing to worry about.”

"Ah okay," Yani replied. “Uhm if you don't mind Feesy but can you please wait outside first? I need to talk to Flare…” she looked at Pearce at the same time. “…with him.”

They were surprised by Yani's behavior and the two of them looked at the visitor inside the office who was looking at them coldly before Feesy thought of leaving.

After closing the door, silence first before,

"What does this mean Yani?" Flare asked immediately.

Yani let out a sigh first.

"How is Fuego?" Yani asked and looked at Flare.

Flare was a little surprised and looked at Pearce first.

"Before I answer that, I want to make sure again—"

“Yes Flare. They broke up,” Yani interrupted immediately, silencing Flare.

A few minutes of silence passed while Flare closed her hand forming a fist.

"Impossible," Flare replied. "They are just cooling off."

"How did you say that Flare?" Yani asked.

Flare clicked her teeth.

“Even though it is annoying to look at those two every time they are together and always quarreling, I know their relationship is strong. Even though one person is a fire person and the other is an ice person, I can see that they are very strong and believe it or not, they served as an inspiration to me on what love really is so I don’t believe that,” Flare said emphatically.

Yani looked at her and also turned her gaze to the listening guest.

"I understand what you mean Flare because I also did not believe it when I heard that from Callie's very mouth but we know that she doesn’t know how to lie right?" Yani said.

"But how? How did that happen?" Flare asked, confused.

Yani bowed her head and sighed.

“I honestly don't know either. I want to talk to them but I don't have the time because I have a lot in my plate today,” Yani replied.

Flare just kept quiet.

"Let's go back to my earlier question Flare, how is Fuego, as the prince of your cabin?"

Flare bowed her head. "I noticed his actions and… it’s not good."

Yani didn’t say a word and there was no trace of shock on her face.

“But he is still fulfilling his responsibilities. In fact, he does not give me all the work,” Flare added.

Yani sighed in relief. "That’s good then," Yani immediately smiled.

“So that's all. Thank you Flare for your time. You can leave now. Maybe I got all the time you need for your date with Feesy.”

Flare was slightly startled and blushed a little before she bowed.

"If so, I’ll take my leave," Flare replied but she glimpsed at the listening guest again so she stopped.

“Oh right, how about Pearce? Should I still deliver him to—“

“Ah no need Flare. He will be left here first because we will talk,” Yani smiled.

Flare just nodded and walked towards the door but when he opened the door,

“Oh and Flare, last of all…”

Flare stopped and turned to Yani as Yani smiled sincerely to her.

"…always take care."

Flare was stunned for a moment by what Yani said and nodded again before she finally left Yani's office. When she came out, there was silence again inside the office and the only noise came from Yani writing on papers while Pearce was just standing where he was.

"Okay," Yani broke the ice. "Looks like I'll just continue this—"


Yani stopped what she was going to say when she heard that noise and looked at her companion inside her office.

"Uhm are you hungry Pearce?" Yani asked.

Pearce didn’t say a word and averted his eyes again because like before, he was also embarrassed.

“Well, your stomach answered it and I finished my work for now. Let's eat at the shops,” Yani offered.

When they arrived at a restaurant, they found a table good for 4 people and were immediately given a menu.

“Just order whatever you want, Pearce. It’s my treat because you still don't have money,” Yani said while looking at the menu.

Pearce looked at the name of each meal and because he could not understand the others, he just looked at the pictures and if it looked delicious, that was his choice. After they ordered, the waiter also left and they waited.

It would have been awkward between them but Yani didn’t let that happen.

“So while waiting, let's talk first. Is that okay with you, Pearce?” Yani asked.

Pearce looked at her.

"Is this a part of the bet we talked about?" Pearce asked.

Yani let out a sigh. "Again, that's not a bet because I did not agree to it but yes that's it."

Pearce didn’t speak.

“Also, so as not to be too boring and formal, each of us will ask a question and then one of us will answer and we’ll just take turns. One question, one answer… is that okay?”

Pearce still didn’t speak.

“And lastly, please don’t just ignore me. If you don't want to answer the question, tell me so I will know, okay?”

"Any question?" Pearce asked back.

"Yes," Yani replied. "But that's it, depending on the question okay?"

Pearce didn’t speak back and just stared at Yani.

"Uhm is that a yes?"

Pearce nodded.

"Good," Yani said. "So you want to go first?"

"How many questions?" Pearce asked.

"Ah that uhm…" Yani thought. "How about you, how many do you want?"

"If you ask me, as many as I want princess because…" Pearce looked intently at Yani. "…I have a lot to ask."

Yani paused for a moment at the other person's gesture.

"Uhm only ten, is that okay?" Yani asked hesitantly.

"Whatever you say, princess."

“Okay. So again do you want to go first?”

"Ladies first," is Pearce's simple answer.

"Okay uhm…" Yani thought first and their food arrived just in time.

They prepared to eat before starting.

"Birthday and age," Yani asked.

"That was two," Pearce stated.

"I know," Yani replied.

"November 12. 21 years old," Pearce replied. "Birthday and age."

"October 7. 18 years old," Yani replied. "Where do you live in the Philippines?"

"Visayas," Pearce replied. "Hobbies?"

Yani paused and wondered at Pearce's simple answer but she just ignored it at first.

"Writing," Yani replied. "You, hobby?"

"Sculpting," Pearce replied, which surprised Yani.

"You’re a sculptor?!" Yani asked in shock.

"That's your fifth question," Pearce said.

Yani fell silent and realized what he meant.

"Yes, I am a sculptor. Published author?" Pearce asked.

“No. It's just a hobby,” Yani replied. “What do you use in sculpting? Do you use stone? Or maybe ice? Or wait do you also use other elements such as—“

“That is your ninth question. You only have one question left,” Pearce interjected, which made Yani stop.

Yani was about to complain but he has a point. It seems like she’s starting to regret now that he limited the number of questions because her companion is smart.

"I use stone, ice and yes I also use other elements in sculpting," Pearce still replied.

Yani just nodded when she found that out.

“Have you finished a book yet? How many?” Pearce asked.

“Ops, that was two. Hah!” Yani replied.

"I know," was Pearce's simple answer as he continued to eat.

Yani pouted and just avoided looking at him. "I don’t know if I will call it ‘done’ but I only have one book for me that is done… and I have not yet let others read it."

Yani looked at Pearce who was still eating.

"Uhm you ask first because I only have one question and I don’t want to waste it," Yani said.

"The policy says we will take turns," Pearce replied. “If this is your last question, it was your fault for wasting the others earlier so ask your last question. You’re making a policy but you’re not even following it.”

Yani was completely silenced after that. It was really wrong for her to think of asking this guy. She had no choice but just sighed.

"What do you have to do with the separation of Fuego and Callie, the prince of fire and the princess of ice?" Yani asked.

Pearce didn’t stop chewing his food and looked at Yani who was just looking at him, waiting for an answer.

Pearce swallows his food first before…

"I am the reason why they separated," Pearce replied, stopping Yani in her place.

Not only on the fact that her question was lengthy and then he answered it simply so she was stopped, but also because of that simple answer. She didn’t expect that to be his answer.

"Princess," Pearce called, so Yani returned to the truth. "You have no more questions left and I have four more in case you’re not aware."

Yani didn’t say a word because the shock was still obvious. Ten was not really enough because she wanted to ask how that happened but like he said, a policy is a policy.

"How many years have you been a princess in this country?" Pearce asked.

Yani heard that but she could not answer because she was still shocked.

"Princess, the answer to the question."

“Ah huh? I mean three,” Yani replied. "I have been a princess for only three months now."

"In that case, who was in charge of this nation before?"

Yani looked at Pearce before she answered.

"His name is Gabriel but we call him King Gabi and he is the father of the eight princes of different cabins."

Pearce continued to eat.

"You only have two questions," Yani said.

Even though Pearce had not finished what he was eating, he first placed his spoon and fork on the plate before looking at Yani carefully and asked,

"Do you like the ice prince?"


This time, she was stunned and out of shock, she dropped her spoon because of the question.

Yes, she said that he could ask anything but she didn’t really expect that to a guy he just talked to for a short amount of time and the guy with whom she is having lunch with now. She not only knew that he's observant and at the same time helpful which is a good thing but… he's also so unpredictable which she thought… is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"Princess, don't worry too much because you only have two possible answers for this question…" again, Pearce looked intently at her. "Yes or no."

Yani was still stunned and didn’t know what to answer. In all the games she thought of to get to know the person she was talking to, “one question, one answer” was really wrong because he’s smart. She thought she would catch it when he finally asked what he said next but she heard how he said it… and that was not a question.

"One answer princess," Pearce insisted.

She knew that but she also knew to herself that she doesn’t know which of the two she would choose.


"Excuse me but your spoon is on the floor."

Yani was surprised by the one who suddenly talked that she thought was close to her so she immediately turned to the person…

…and how playful fate can be.

“Your Majesty? / Jethro?” they both said at the same time.

It's a good thing she hasn't answered yet.