Fire and Ice

Chapter 6

“The princess has a really high fever so I'm prescribing these medicines for her to drink after she ate properly and have some rest. If possible, please tell her to stop working first and continue it tomorrow,” said the doctor to Pearce.

Pearce nodded in response.

“So that's all I have to say. I will now take my leave," as she looks at the princess who is lying on the sofa of her office.

“Please be well, your highness,” and bowed in front of her.

“Yes doctor. Thank you for your time," Yani answered and gave her a smile.

The doctor went out immediately with her equipment.

"I'm sorry for that, Pearce."

Pearce immediately looked at her.

“Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Pearce didn’t say a word and just sat on the chair next to the sofa where she is lying.

"You already ate?" Pearce asked coldly.

Yani looked at him. "No-Not yet."

"Where can I get food?"

“Ah uhm you don’t need to. I have someone to bring the food.”

"What time is it coming?"

"He will arrive at about twelve."

Pearce immediately looked at the clock in Yani's office. There are still five more minutes before it arrives.

"Are you hungry?" Pearce questioned.

“Ah not yet. Don’t worry, my stomach is used to eating at twelve o'clock.”

Pearce can see the princess closing her eyes and then suddenly opening it.

"Why are you waiting for me?" suddenly, Pearce questioned so Yani immediately looked at him.

She gave him a smile.

"Didn't we have an agreement?" the princess said.

It took a while before he found out what she meant.

"The bet?" Pearce simply asked.

Yani nodded. "Technically, it’s not a bet because I didn't agree with it but that's it."

Pearce turned his gaze to his front.

“You don't have to do that. You're just exhausting yourself,” Pearce said coldly.

“Hehe. I'm sorry Pearce but I am the type of person that doesn’t back down on my promise."

Pearce looked at her and gave her a smirk out of the blue.

"What if it just ended up in a situation that you never wished for or didn’t ask for?"

Yani was slightly surprised and looked at the person she was talking to.

"If that happened, I hope I have the strength to face it," she smiled at Pearce. "I will do everything to stand up for what I said."

Pearce's grin disappeared immediately after she said that.

"You really are sick," Pearce said that confused Yani.

Knock, knock.

"Oh looks like the food is already there," said Yani. “Come in.”

The door opened.

"Your Majesty—"

The man did not finish what he was going to say because when he opened it, Yani was not at her table so he continued to go in.

"Dear princess—"

The man was shocked when he saw Yani lying down on the couch while Yani gave back the man who was carrying her food a shocked face.


"Dear princess!" Jethro said in shock and promptly walked up to Yani. "What happened your majesty?!" full of panic and concern, Jethro questioned her.

Yani cannot answer back out of shock due to the fact that Jethro was the one who brought her food even though he shouldn’t be the one.

"She has a high fever and her doctor said that she needs to rest," Pearce said so Jethro looked at him.

"That's all the doctor said?" Jethro questioned.

"She also said that she needs to eat before she take her medicine so we're waiting," Pearce replied.

"Is that so?"

"What are you doing here Jethro?" Yani asked so they looked at her. "You are not the person that should bring my food here."

Jethro gave a smile to Yani.

"I plan to come here and pass by the person carrying your food and thought of doing it so that it will not be inconvenient."

Pearce saw how the lying princess’ face turned red but he doesn’t know if it’s due to her illness or other reasons?

"If I knew your highness..." Jethro added. "…I would have hurried to get here so you could have eaten right away," he said sincerely.

Yani was surprised and immediately avoided looking at him.

“You should not have bothered. Isn’t it you can’t stay long here because of the heat?” Yani asked him.

Jethro smiled again. “For the duration of my stay here in this nation your majesty, I assure you that I am used to it so don’t worry about me. What you have to worry about right now is your condition, your majesty.”

Yani didn’t say a word after it and tilted her head away from him.

"Can you eat on your own, your majesty or do you want me to feed you?" Jethro asked.

Yani sat up on the couch immediately in no time.

“I can do it Jethro. It’s just a fever," Yani answered while placing the tray on her lap as she also immediately took the spoon and fork.

She was about to eat the food when she noticed that the two were watching her so she immediately lowered the spoon.

"I'm sorry. Are you hungry too? Do you want something to eat?” Yani asked. "I'll call someone—"

"Ah no, your majesty," Jethro stopped her. "We were just watching you because your hands are shaking so just let me feed you."

Yani was slightly surprised.

“Ah n-no need. You’re just imagining things Jethro—“

"He wasn’t imagining," Pearce cut her off so they looked at him. "Your hands are really shaking so just let him feed you."

Yani was also surprised at what he said.

"And don’t worry your majesty," and smiled at her again. "I will not let your tongue and mouth burn."

Yani was completely surprised and could not speak so she just let Jethro feed her.

Pearce watched the two and if we look at it, he was the only one who noticed the redness on the princess' face after Jethro said that. She may be blushing red because of the illness she is feeling but Pearce clearly knows that there’s another reason.

He doesn't really understand the two every time they are together but now, he seems to notice… that there is 'something' between them. Maybe it's also the fact that he found that out because of the ice princess earlier.

Knock, knock.

The three of them looked at the door and even though Yani had not said anything, it opened and a princess appeared.

"Princess Yani—" she looked at the three of them when she saw that she was not in her seat and was surprised.

"Uuhhh... uhm... I... I'm sorry to—"

"Ah Elesa it’s okay," Yani entered. "You’re not bothering us."

"Uhm are you okay Yani?" Elesa asked.

"Ah yes—"

"She has a high fever and she’s ill," Pearce interrupted so they looked at him.

"Is that so. Alright uuhh I’ll get back to you tomorrow. Get well, Princess Yani," Elesa said and went away when suddenly Pearce stood up, which made Elesa stop from her tracks.

"You can take care of her, can you?" Pearce questioned while looking at Jethro.

Jethro was slightly surprised and smiled at him.

"You have my word," Jethro responded.

Pearce just gave him a look and walked away.

"Wait Pearce—" Yani said so Pearce stopped.

"Get better, princess," Pearce interrupted.

"But what about our agreement—"

"We can continue that tomorrow..." as he turned his head to Yani. "…can’t we?"

Yani paused for a moment before she smiled.

"Of course," she replied with a smile.

He also immediately turned his gaze back to the door and Elesa came out first while he followed and when they came out, Pearce stopped in front of the door.

"Is it okay to leave them there?" Elesa suddenly asked so Pearce looked at her.

"Why not?" he asked back.

Elesa was slightly surprised.

“Ah oh uhh nothing. Hehe,” Elesa nervously chuckled. "Uhm so, I’ll be heading out first," as she walked away.

Pearce watched her go and not too long after he decided to walk as well.

As they walked, Elesa stopped.

"Why are you following me again?" she asked as she faced Pearce who was tailing her.

Pearce didn't say a word and just avoided looking at her.

“I am on my way to my cabin. Aren't you going back to your room? We have already passed by it,” Elesa said.

Pearce was slightly surprised to hear that as he looked back and there, Elesa knew the answer to her question.

"Tell me, you don’t remember how to get back to your room again?”

Pearce glimpsed at Elesa and immediately turned his gaze to the other direction. Elesa let out a sigh.

"You know Pearce, it’s easy to ask if you want me to lead you back to your room. And don't be shy even though I’m a princess.”

Pearce just looked at her while Elesa immediately turned around and started walking away.

"And if that's not the case and you have nothing to say, can you please not follow—"

"Please come with me," Pearce immediately said, which stopped Elesa.

"What's that again?" Elesa asked.

"Can you please come with me?"

Silence passed before Elesa turned around.

"And why should I go with you?" Elesa asked seriously.

Pearce looked the other way.

"I'm lost," he replied.

A smile immediately replaced Elesa's lips.

"See? That was easy," Elesa smiled and walked past Pearce.

Pearce watches her go when a smile on his lips precipitated before he decided to follow her... but they were already halfway through the path when Elesa stopped at her tracks and shock was written all over her face as she looked at the road.


Pearce was also surprised when he heard that and immediately ran to where Elesa was looking and was completely surprised to see the princess lying on the floor. He no longer hesitated to go to the princess and pick her up.

“Follow me Pearce. The clinic for ice people like them is right this way," Elesa said as Pearce followed her.

After they arrived at the clinic, the temperature of the room suddenly became chilly and everything was made of ice. Immediately, Pearce laid Callie down the bed, with a cushion and blanket made of snow.

“Please watch her first Pearce. I'll call an ice doctor," Elesa said before she left.

Pearce took a chair and put it beside Callie's bed.


Pearce was slightly surprised when he heard Callie moaning. Gradually, Callie opened her eyes and looked to her left and saw Pearce.

"Where am I?" gently, Callie asked.

"In your clinic," Pearce responded.

Callie paused and tried to look at who she was talking to. "What happened?"

"We just saw you lying on the floor so we brought you here."

Callie wondered. "We?"

“I am with the electric princess. She is gone for now because she called a doctor.”

Callie didn’t say another word and closed her eyes.

"What happened?" this time, Pearce asked.

Callie didn’t say a word.

“Why are you here without a flurry? Aren't these the times you are not allowed in the Main Cabin?”

He heard her click her teeth.

"Are you really that observant?" Callie's irritated response.

Pearce didn’t speak.

"Why am I always caught?"

Silence passed before Pearce spoke.

"Why then do you have to say that you are okay even though you are not?"

Callie was speechless and covered her eyes with her arm. There was silence again in the clinic and it only broke when Elesa came with the Ice doctor and immediately looked at Callie.

After which, the ice doctor faced Pearce and Elesa.

“Looks like she's having a high fever but slowly it's starting to go back to normal because of her surroundings so I suggest that she rest in this clinic first and whenever she can stand by her feet, she must go back to the Ice Cabin as soon as possible. And your highness…” she turned to Callie at the same time. “…please stay in the Ice Cabin until the summer ends. As much as possible, please don't come here in the Main Cabin first.”

Callie didn’t speak back.

“Well that's all I have to say, your highness. If you may, I will now take my leave,” said the doctor.

"Thank you, doctor," Elesa said.

She bowed in front of them before she left. Elesa looked at the lying Callie.

There was silence in the room and it just broke when…

"Do you want me to call Fuego?" Elesa asked.

Pearce looked immediately to Callie but she’s still not replying back so they assumed she was already resting.

"Pearce, sorry but please watch her again and I will just look for him—"

"Don’t," Callie said so the two of them looked at her. "Do not call him."

Elesa paused. "But—"

"We had a fight earlier," she added. "He misunderstood the situation when he saw me and Pearce together earlier. If you call him now, it might just end up worse.”

Elesa looked at Pearce who was just staring at the floor.

"I don't even know what happened but whatever it is, why don't you explain what happened—"

"I tried," and she interrupted her again. “But my head was hurting during those hours and that’s when he noticed that I was not feeling well. He just wanted to help but I stopped him and I said I was okay. He insisted and my headache continued so… I said something unpleasant…”

"So you came here to talk to him even in this hot weather?" Pearce said concluding what Callie has to say.

Callie averted her eyes from them.

"I just don’t want him to worry," Callie said. "I know what type of person the fire prince is... more particularly when he worries. He is a prince while I am a princess so I understand how busy he is. I don’t want to add another burden to him.”

Silence passed by again not when it was broken by...

"Did he say that you were a bother to him?" Pearce asked coldly.

Callie was speechless and surprised.

“Do you really think that if you are a bother to him, would he wait in front of the gate of your cabin even though it’s too cold for him?"

Callie was still speechless.

"Yes you are busy with your responsibilities and you just don’t want to add to each other’s burdens but if you are really important to each other, don’t be cold because he will naturally worry about you."

"Wouldn't you be more worried if he is not worrying about you anymore?"

Not one spoke after Pearce said that. Callie also didn’t say a word.

"Looks like she fell asleep," Elesa said to break the silence.

Pearce just gave a straight face while looking at the lying Callie.

"But don’t worry Pearce. I'm sure she heard everything you said," Elesa said with a smile.

Pearce ignored her but they were surprised when Callie slowly sat up on the bed.

“Woah that was fast. Can you go back to the Ice Cabin now, Callie?” Elesa asked.

She didn’t speak so Pearce just stood up.

"Give me your hand and I will support you—"

Pearce wasn’t able to finish what he had to say because he was suddenly grabbed by Callie's embrace that shocked him.

“Thank you Pearce. That was a big help," Callie whispered.

Pearce didn’t say a word and they remained in that position.


That’s the only time she separated from the hug when she heard her name so the two of them looked at who it was and out of all the people that could have seen them like that...


…why him? Fuego's face was full of shock and it was immediately replaced by a poisonous one.

"Fuego, it's not what you think—"

Callie wasn’t able to finish what she had to say because immediately, Fuego pinned Pearce on the ice wall with his left hand holding the collar of his shirt. Both Elesa and Callie were surprised at what is going on and they can’t move in their places because of all the people that you have to get on their nerves... not the electric people... and especially those like Fuego that is a fire person.

"What the hell is this Pearce?" glaring, Fuego asked angrily. “After telling me to hear her out first before I jump to conclusions and now you two are hugging? Some advice!”

"Fuego, let me explain—"

“So tell me Pearce…” Fuego glared at him. "Are you flirting with my girl?"

Pearce didn’t speak but how could he in his situation right now?

Callie looked at Elesa. "I told you not to call him!"

"I didn’t," Elesa replied. “He suddenly came and I don't know how he knew about this.”

"Oh you don’t have to tell me anything else Callie..." Fuego said so Callie looked at him now, while he’s staring back at her. “I went back to our meeting place to check up on you but you were not there. I was about to contact you when I came across an Ice doctor and asked to come with me to take a look at you but she already told me that you're already here so I came rushing here…”

And he looked back at Pearce. “…and this is what I will get to see?”

Pearce is struggling with what Fuego is doing and blinded by anger, Fuego makes a fireball on his other hand and is ready to attack.

"Fuego stop—"


Fuego was electrocuted that made him fall down on his knees and let go of Pearce as he sat on the floor. Fuego turned his head with his face full of anger looking at the person on his back.

"The f*ck is wrong with you?" Fuego cursed at Elesa. "Electrocuting me—"

"Shut your bull crap, Fuego," Elesa replied, silencing Fuego.

“If you haven’t realized it yet, your girlfriend is sick, that is why she’s here. But because of your jealousy and anger, you are releasing a large amount of heat causing the temperature of the room to decrease. You think you're helping but you're not.”

Fuego was speechless as he looked around the room and saw the ice melting.

“So if you want Callie to get better, please get out of this clinic first right now, understand?" Elesa angrily said to Fuego.

Fuego was speechless and seemed scared of what Elesa did but Elesa immediately calmed down.

"I understand that you're just worried about her," said Elesa. "So please just wait outside of this clinic and I will tell you all the things you need to know and why she's—"

"No," Callie interrupted so they all looked at her with her back facing them. “Go back to your cabin and do your duties as the prince. Stop wasting your time coming around here because I won't be coming back here. As much as possible, we shouldn't see each other first.”

Everyone was surprised while Fuego bowed his head.

“So what's this Callie? You're telling me again that… you don't need me… anymore?” They heard his voice crack after he said that.

There was silence in the room and they didn't know what Callie's appearance was right now.

"You're only making the situation… worse."

Almost everyone was surprised and even if we say sometimes Fuego is stupid but now, he knows Callie's point.

“F*CK THIS SH*T!” Fuego shouted out of frustration and stomped out of the room.

Pearce and Elesa couldn’t speak and move in their places after they saw that. The silence was there again before it broke again when Callie spoke.

"Don’t worry because I will talk to him so if possible, please leave me alone first."

Elesa looked at Pearce, who immediately walked towards the door.

"Uhm I’ll call ice nurses to assist you back to the Ice Cabin and fix your clinic," Elesa said.

"Thank you Elesa," Callie replied.

Elesa immediately went out and saw Pearce leaning on the wall with his head bowed down.

There was an awkward silence between them because Elesa was not sure what to say first.

"Uhm so uuhh can you go back to your room or I'll take you there?"

Pearce didn’t say a word but he raised his head which surprised Elesa.

“Wait Pearce, you seem to have a—“

Elesa wasn’t able to finish what she had to say because Pearce’s body was getting weak so he slowly fell, but was immediately supported by Elesa on his arm.

"Even you?" Elesa asked while sustaining him.

Because he’s tired, he cannot speak back and his eyes are slowly drifting to close.

“Don't go to sleep first because I can't carry you. Just hang in there a little bit because your room is close enough from here," Elesa begged.

Pearce did what she said.

When they arrived at Pearce's room, Elesa immediately laid Pearce on his bed and Elesa was telling him something but because his whole body wanted to sleep, he didn’t understand a word she said and he didn’t even realize that he had completely fallen asleep.

Elesa viewed the thermometer placed in Pearce’s mouth and saw how high the temperature of his body is. She let out a sigh and laid the thermometer on top of the cabinet. She put on gloves and took some water from the CR (comfort room) and squeezed a towel and put it on Pearce's head. She prepared food and medicine for him to eat and drink in case he wakes up.

We cannot say that it is really normal in their nation that many get sick during the summer. First Yani, then Callie and now Pearce but Elesa understands his situation because of the dynamic increase and decrease of the temperature of Pearce's surroundings because he was touring around the Ice Cabin a while ago and suddenly he entered the clinic of the Ice People.


She heard Pearce moan so she looked at him immediately and removed her gloves.



Elesa stopped when she heard that. Did she hear that right? Gradually, Pearce opened his eyes while looking at Elesa.


After he said that, Elesa just returned to the truth.

“Ah huh? Uhm are you hungry?” Elesa asked.

Pearce nodded his head so Elesa immediately fed him. After eating up his food,

“Your cooking was delicious. Thank you," Pearce said while...

Elesa was completely surprised because... Pearce said that while he’s SMILING!

Elesa couldn’t speak and she didn’t know why but she felt the warmth on her cheeks but she just ignored it immediately and took the glass of water and medicine and gave it to him but then after he drank it…

"Thank you," he said once again with a smile.

Instead of being surprised by what he is showing now, she just wondered and thought about it. She felt something was wrong… as if Pearce was not the one lying in bed right now. Yes, she knows he has a high fever but maybe because it’s so high that is why he is acting like this right now.

Elesa just arranged the things in the cabinet while still thinking and when she realized earlier what she heard… she turned to Pearce who was lying on the bed and when Pearce noticed she’s looking at him, he smiled again which surprised Elesa.

What if the reason that he changed is because of how high his fever is that is why he is smiling, instead…

Elesa gave him back a smile and returned to what he was doing.

...maybe because he is looking at someone else in her right now?

After Elesa took care of his meal, she leaned over to Pearce.

"How are you feeling?" Elesa asked.

He smiled again. "Getting better thanks to you."

Elesa stopped slightly before she removed the towel from his forehead to look at his condition but she could not quite figure it out because she, too, can feel the warmth on her cheeks not only because of his smiles, but what he is saying… but she knew that it was meant for someone.

"It seems you’re getting better," Elesa just said and washed the towel again before putting it up on his forehead. After which, she stood up.

“Just a little rest and I think you will go back to normal. It won't take long that I need to leave so I'll just wait for you—“

Elesa was stopped because she felt... how tight Pearce is holding her hand.

"Don’t..." Pearce said while Elesa is looking back at him full of shock. "Don’t leave me."

Elesa couldn’t speak back because of what he was saying. She felt the warmth on her cheeks again but… she remembered what she thought before.

"Pearce, who do you think I am?" Elesa questioned.

Pearce didn’t say a word and just looked at her, which made Elesa bow her head.

"I don't even know what is happening to you right now and what you are thinking and seeing in me but…" she raised her head. “I am Elesa. Just tell me if I’m wrong but I am not your mother who took care of you and left you—“

Elesa just stopped when she felt how Pearce released her hand and closed his eyes. She wondered and thought,

Did he hear what she just said?

But never mind that. What’s important now is that he’s asleep. Elesa walked to the door and opened it but she also stopped and turned around thinking about everything that had happened.

What if that is really what happened? Does that mean he was dreaming and he is seeing her as a completely different person?

Elesa watched the sleeping man on the bed... before she decided to turn off the lights and close the door.

"Pearce…" said a voice. “I will just leave for a while. I'll be right back okay? That’s a promise.”

Gradually, Pearce opened his eyes and got up.

Again, he dreamed of that but up until now, he knew that was full of…

Pearce found something that surprised him.


Even though it's already night, because of the light coming out of his window, he saw her bright blonde hair as her head was lying on her arms while she rested on top of his cabinet, asleep.

"Elesa," he whispered when he figured out who and even though it was not that loud, it was able to wake up the princess.

She got up and scratched her eyes and when she saw Pearce already sitting on his bed, she immediately stood up.

“Pearce! You’re awake. How long was it when you wake up? Are you okay? Do you still feel sick? Do you need to go to the CR?” Elesa asked a series of questions full of concern.

Pearce gave her a look.

"I am no longer a child for you to treat me like that," he replied.

Elesa was surprised at his answer and instead of getting irritated by it... she smiled.

"It's good you went back to normal," Elesa said.

Pearce just looked at her coldly and looked at the top of his cabinet.

"What are the foods and medicines for?" Pearce questioned.

"For you in case you are hungry again but you just ate earlier so I'm sure you're not hungry yet so you can just keep the food," Elesa answered.

Pearce gave Elesa a look of astonishment.

"What are you saying? I haven't even woken up to take medicine, have I?”

Elesa was surprised at his question. She also could not speak but she later on smiled at him.

"I'm sorry. What am I even talking about earlier? Just forget that,” Elesa said with a smile.

Pearce didn’t reply back at what she said.

"Why are you sleeping there?" Pearce asked coldly.

"I was waiting for you to wake up to drink your medicine," Elesa responded. "I called a doctor to check your condition and this is what he told me but you can just take the medicine tomorrow morning after you have breakfast."

She was given a serious look by Pearce and smirked at her.

"You should not have bothered and waited because who am I to be taken care of, right princess?"

Elesa was slightly surprised by what he said and just looked back at him seriously. The silence passed and they just stared at each other before it was broken when Elesa turned around and walked towards the door… but she also stopped immediately.

"The truth is, there was no doctor that checked up on you," Elesa said, which surprised Pearce. “I’m the one who did the check up and took care of you. You woke up earlier and I think you didn't even realize it so I was able to feed you and give you medicine… and I was also worried about you.”

Pearce was completely surprised by the last thing she said so he looked at Elesa who was now looking at him.

"Sorry that I lied to you and I know it’s hard to understand what the heck I am even talking about right now but whether you believe or not to what I am saying right now what’s important is..." Elesa smiled at him. "…I know you are okay now."

Pearce was stunned back at her.

"So since that’s the case, it's up to you whether you eat your food or not but you still need to take the medicine tomorrow after you—“

Elesa wasn’t able to finish what she had to say because of the face of the person she is talking to right now.

It was as if she was dreaming because she could not believe what she was seeing.

If a while ago, she understood the situation and she knew he was not in the state to do that, now… he is smiling… a smile full of sincerity.

“Thank You… Elesa.”

When he said that, Elesa fell silent and she really felt the warmth on her cheeks. She cannot determine what she has to say anymore, if she has to finish what she was saying a few minutes ago or just say “You’re welcome” and leave?

"So uhh uhm the medicine after uhh… breakfast okay?" she stuttered. "So uhh goodnight and sleep tight…'' she immediately turned the door knob. "…and get well… then uhh you’re welcome," and she finally left the room.

She was still standing in front of the door of his room and was leaning back because she could not control the warmth of her face and her body seemed to be weakening.

One after another, everyone around her is getting sick… this time, is it her turn?