Learning The Ways of The World

Stone wakes up early in the orphanage to go and help the staff with breakfast for the younger members of the society. After helping, he rushes to wake up the children one by one by 6 A.M. Afterwards, he eats and rushes to school with his siblings. His older siblings, Faris and Flute, are graduating next year. Siren will follow them soon after.

“Stone,”Siren calls out as Clover enters their room with her uniform on. “I am almost changed,”Stone shouts and then stumbles out of the bathroom, “Clover. Hi.” “Sepia,”Clover says innocently. “I told you to call me Stone,”Stone says sternly to Clover and she frowns. Faris and Flute then walk in. “We are leaving early. We have to be at school to catch the bus with the other juniors so we can get our confirmation test done,”Flute says and Faris nods silently in agreement.

“Good luck,”Siren and Stone shout to them as they run to catch the Dray train. Clover sighs, “I still have to pass the 5th class test.” “You’re too smart to fail,”Stone says comfortingly. “Violetear wasn’t smart enough?”Clover asks with tears in her eyes. “No, honey,”Stone says, “it’s complicated. I don’t even understand it.”

Stone, Siren and Clover make their way to school with that thought hanging over them.

“Children!”Tambourine shouts to her children as she dresses in her black skirt and shirt, “eat breakfast!” “You can leave mother,”6 says, “we will be fine.” Tambourine nods and runs off after ironing her children’s clothes. 6 hurriedly dresses in his sky blue pants and shirt, his wavy light brown hair swaying and his amber eyes dazed from lack of sleep. Icterine stumbles down the stairs with a heavy weight on her shoulders and her lavender skirt and shirt cover her worries. Her wavy red hair covers her face painted with worry and her blue eyes are dull. Major comes after her with a ton of energy. His green eyes sparkling while his straight dark brown hair flops about messily on his head.

The triplets rush out of their home and the twins meet up with them soon after but match Major’s energy.

Falcon trudges out of his home and spots Galaxy coming out of her home. He runs towards her. She smiles at him.

“Hey,”Galaxy says. “Hey,”Falcon says, “aren’t you coming to school?” “Today, I am,”Galaxy says, “I don’t know about the other days.” “You get to go normally?”Falcon asks. Galaxy nods, “As far as I know, yeah.” He nods and they start walking.

“So, what’s next?”Falcon asks with curiosity. Galaxy shrugs her shoulders, “I am not sure. We just got to know each other yesterday.” Galaxy kicks the stones on the gravel floor. Falcon nods and smiles. “Don’t be awkward please,”Galaxy pleads. Falcon nods and smiles sadly.

At the school, Galaxy is met with flashing cameras and questions.

“Have you learnt anything new?”one man asks. “Can you reveal anything we don’t know?”a woman asks. All of them are shoving mics and cameras into her face.

“Sorry, I don’t know anything,”Galaxy says seriously and walks past them.

Galaxy attends her first class and dreads the next class. The entire day seems even more dreadful.

“Leader class,”the teacher says, “we will learn information on what they do and who they are as we have been doing over the years.” Everyone turns to look at Galaxy and Galaxy sighs as this is the class she never bothered about before.

“Leaders help to give order, create the rules and put them into effect,”the teacher says, “they have all C’s.” Everyone nods at her words. “Does anyone know what this means?”the teacher asks the students. A student raises her hand readily. “Yes,”the teacher says. “They have no strengths and no personality,”the young girl says and everyone murmurs in response. “That’s true. Do you come from that family?”the teacher asks and she nods. “Anything else?”the teacher asks. Galaxy raises her hand and the whole class stirs. “Yes,”the teacher says but with worry etched on her face. “They all look the same,”Galaxy says and everyone laughs, “so it is easy to tell who will be a leader and who won’t.” Galaxy looks at the young girl who answered and she puts her head down in shame.

“Settle down class,”the teacher says, “that’s true. So what does a typical leader member look like, Galaxy?” “Wavy dark brown hair with black eyes,”Galaxy says and everyone looks at her with a smile. The young girl walks out of the class with tears in her eyes. The teacher walks out after her and forces her to enter the class again.

Galaxy never meant for the girl to feel targeted but that is the way everyone feels when she talks.

The eighth period finally comes and the young girl isn’t very happy with Galaxy. Galaxy aces this physical education class every year. She knew this was her path in life and it was taken from her forcefully.

The young girl walks up to her, her straight light brown hair swaying as she walks and her hazel eyes holding a look of determination.

“How dare you call me out infront of everyone?”the young girl known as Ivy complains, “just because you got chosen means nothing. There are no ranks in school.” “To make myself clear, I wasn’t targeting anyone,”Galaxy says seriously and Galaxy tries to walk away. Ivy grabs her and punches her hard on her face. Galaxy is in shock and her personality kicks in but she tries to calm herself down by reeling her hand away from the girl and walking off.

Galaxy rushes to the field to meet up with her friends. Spotting them, she rushes over to sit down. “Hey guys,”she smiles and says. They all look at her with a questioning look. “What?”Galaxy asks as she looks at all her friends. “Ivy is telling everyone that you are a bully. The whole country isn’t happy right now,”Icterine says as she looks at Galaxy, “what happened?” “I answered a question in class,”Galaxy says, “and then she targeted me in P.E. and punched me. I’m so sorry that I am a bully.” Everyone stares at her in disbelief.

“Ivy is telling a whole different story,”Stone says and looks at her with concern. “How does this gossip concern me?”Galaxy says with annoyance. “You were chosen, Galaxy,”Major says, “and they are going to question you about what happened.” Galaxy sighs and looks at them with all seriousness, “It’s not my fault I was chosen.” “But you don’t know the consequences for this,”Falcon says with concern washing over all his features, “it could range from anything to death when it comes to your station.” “If they don’t believe me then that’s their problem,”Galaxy says with frustration. “Tell that to them,”Flute says as she comes towards the group, “the principle sent for me to come get you Galaxy.”

Galaxy sighs, gets up and walks towards the office.

Flute knocks on the door of the office. “I have come with Galaxy,”Flute announces. “Take her outside to the leader,”the man says and Flute walks away with Galaxy behind her.

A black vehicle, called a car, comes into view. Aldrich is waiting with a very annoyed look. “In,”he says in anger and Galaxy obeys. When he sits beside her, she says, “You know you should really listen to my side first before jumping to conclusions.” He looks at her and says, “It’s not my decision to make.” Galaxy sighs in frustration.

The two park in an underground garage and enter the house without any cameras in their face. Aldrich sighs as he looks at her and Galaxy gets angrier by the second. “Quade! Get down here now!”Aldrich shouts and Galaxy flinches.

A few seconds later, Quade is rushing down the stairs and slows down when he sees Galaxy. “Why is she here father?”Quade asks politely. “We have an issue with her that we must address,”Aldrich says seriously and Galaxy continues to hide her face as she knows the punch mark hasn’t faded. The bruise it has left will be seen and she doesn’t want them to see it for justification.

Quade sighs and sits down with the whole family in the living room. Quade sits close to Galaxy while his parents sit with their daughter across from them.

“So, the issue here is Ivy, my friend’s daughter, has complained about you continuously bullying her,”Aldrich says, “and I want everyone’s opinion on what happens next.” “A mild punishment father,”Mazarine says as she looks at Galaxy with pity. “Yes, I agree,”their mother says as she holds her cold stare. Galaxy doesn’t even look up but knows Quade is looking at her. “Why is she bringing this up now?”Quade asks curiously. “She said she was afraid before because of how brutal Galaxy has been towards her,”Aldrich says and Mazarine gasps.

“Evidence?”Galaxy says. Everyone stares at her in shock. “We don’t need evidence, Galaxy,”Aldrich says with anger. “I have never seen Ivy before today,”Galaxy says honestly and everyone looks at her. Quade sighs and looks at his father. “She punched me and not the other way around,”Galaxy says, “do you believe me? Or will you believe her?” “No one has evidence of either event occurring father,”Mazarine says in Galaxy’s defense. “Yes, father. I agree with Mazarine,”Quade says and holds Galaxy’s hand, “we have no evidence.”

“Do you guys not understand the gravity of this situation?”Aldrich says, “her father works in the government like me.” “Kids have no ranks,”Galaxy says. “Galaxy, you have no evidence either. Why should I believe you?”Aldrich says and asks in anger. “I have evidence,”Galaxy says as she looks up at him and the whole family gasps. Quade kneels down beside her and touches her bruised face. Galaxy flinches and Quade sighs deeply.

“Oh my,”Aldrich says, “how dare she do this to the future leader of her country?” Galaxy sighs as she looks at him. Quade gets up and drags Galaxy along with him into his room.

Galaxy’s tears fall. Quade sighs and looks at her with sadness.

“You know why they made that rule that children don’t have ranks?”Galaxy asks him. “Yeah,”Quade says as he looks for the first-aid kit, “so no kids had an advantage over the other based on their parents.”

“Do you, even, know my parents’ rank?”Galaxy asks seriously as she wipes her tears and he attempts to put alcohol on her bruise. “I told my dad not to tell me,”Quade says honestly. Galaxy grabs his hand to stop him, “Capistrano.” He sighs and smiles at her. “Ice,”Galaxy says, “not alcohol.” She laughs at his facial expression of pure confusion.

“I’m not done with school yet,”Quade says as he grabs ice from his fridge and puts it into a cloth, “I can come with you to school, but I do have a rank since I’m next to be leader and so do you.” Galaxy sighs and smiles, “I don’t mind if your father agrees.” “I’m sure he won’t mind,”Quade says with a smile. “You can meet all my friends then,”Galaxy says happily, he smiles and says, “I have never had a group of friends.” Galaxy frowns at the thought.

Hours later, Quade’s father agrees to let him go to school and be in all Galaxy’s classes. Aldrich has work to do so Quade takes Galaxy home in the car.

“Do you sometimes feel burdened by the things you know?”Galaxy asks as they start driving to the Capistrano community. “Yeah,”Quade says and smiles, “that’s why I need someone to share it with.” Galaxy smiles at his words and they sit in silence the whole way to her home hand-in-hand.

Galaxy gets off and Quade follows her out of the car. Galaxy spots Falcon walking home.

“Falcon!”Galaxy shouts and Falcon runs towards her. He hugs her so tightly while her hand is intertwined with Quade’s. “I thought you weren’t going to come back for a long time,”Falcon says seriously. “You need to work on making your visionary personality more positive,”Galaxy says and he lets go of her. He nods and says, “I have a curfew so I gotta go home.” Galaxy nods and waves goodbye.

Galaxy turns to look at Quade with a smile and finds a frown on his face. “You okay?”Galaxy asks with worry. “I wish I got to have friends like that,”he says with a sad smile. “Is that the only reason your face is so gloomy?”Galaxy asks and looks at his black eyes swirling with emotion.

He sighs, “I guess not.” Galaxy smiles, “So you’re the jealous type?” He chuckles and says, “I have nothing to be worried about right?” “No,”Galaxy says, “we were close friends when I came to the Capistrano community after being in the orphanage for so long.” A look of confusion enters his face. “A story for another day,”Galaxy says and removes her hand from his, walks to her house, waves goodbye and enters her home.

The next day, Galaxy wakes up and gets dressed alongside Legacy. “Is everything ok?”Galaxy asks curiously. “I got into trouble at school but no one could come to talk to the principle since mum and dad are working. Can you come today?”Legacy says and asks nervously. “Yeah,”Galaxy says, “but what happened?” Legacy sighs and looks at Galaxy, “The principle wants to tell whoever it is personally.” Galaxy nods and sighs deeply.

Galaxy and Legacy step outside to find Quade and Falcon talking. “Hey guys,”Galaxy says cautiously. The boys stop talking and look at them. “Hey,”they both say simultaneously. Legacy laughs and says, “Who’s this?” “This is Quade,”Galaxy says and he smiles at her sister, “Quade, this is Legacy.” Legacy shakes his hand, “So you are the one who is taking my sister away from me.” Falcon laughs wholeheartedly and then checks the time. “Oh no,”Falcon says, “run!” Everyone starts sprinting as the train station with a train on it comes into view.

They make it to the train and Legacy goes to her designated spot and so does Galaxy along with her friends.

Falcon is already calm while Quade is trying to still catch his breath. “I am going to wake up earlier from now on,”Quade says and Galaxy laughs at his antics. Falcon looks at her with a smile causing her to stop laughing.

The train comes to a stop and they run off to get to the bus. Quade sits with Galaxy. He squishes her into the window. She laughs at him and he smiles. Falcon watches from a distance with a smile. Quade holds Galaxy’s hand as they walk off the bus and everyone stares at the gesture.

Galaxy waves to Falcon and shouts, “See you at lunch!” He nods and waves.

Quade and Galaxy make their way to class. Galaxy then remembers that she needs to talk to the principle. Four hours later, Galaxy starts walking to the office with Quade trailing behind. Galaxy knocks and finds Legacy already sitting there with bruises all over her. Galaxy rushes towards her with tears in her eyes. “What happened?”Galaxy asks her and looks to the principle for a reply.

“I have to talk to your parents about her behavior,”the man says with anger. “They are working twenty-four-seven,”Galaxy says, “they are never coming.” The man looks at her and sighs, “She is misbehaving in every class and acting irrationally every-time someone comes near her.” Galaxy hears alarms blaring in her head. “Do you know what that’s a sign of?”Galaxy asks the man before her with anger. He shakes his head and says, “Disobedience.” “No,”Galaxy says with angry tears falling from her eyes, “Legacy, tell me right now. Who is hurting you? Who? A name please.”

Legacy stares into empty space and says, “Graduation.” “Wha..?”Galaxy says with confusion and Legacy’s tears fall. She grabs Galaxy tightly and sobs. The man says, “Fix this and then bring her back to school. I’m not suspending her but she isn’t allowed back here for the next week after today.” Galaxy nods and grabs Legacy causing her to flinch.

Legacy gets up and follows Galaxy out of the office. “Just last today. Ok?”Galaxy says, “we will talk at home.” Legacy nods and heads to the field. Quade sighs, “Is school always this dramatic?” “No,”Galaxy says seriously, “let’s go to lunch.”

The two walk to lunch. Galaxy is distracted so she hits into someone, “Oh I’m sorry.” When she looks up, it clicks. The person walks past her without a word. Quade sees the realization hit. He grabs her hand and makes her walk to the field. Quade spots Falcon and walks towards the group he is in.

Everyone looks at their hands and notices Galaxy’s face.

“What happened?”Icterine asks with concern. Quade stays silent and looks at her. “You guys remember the graduation ceremony and what happened to Legacy?”Galaxy says and everyone nods. “Oh no,”Falcon says, “they were listening.” Galaxy nods, “Legacy’s in trouble with the government.” Quade looks at them with confusion, “Can someone, please, explain?”

Everyone goes silent and Galaxy doesn’t utter a word. Quade sighs, “I guess I am not supposed to know whatever it is you know.” “You probably already know,”Galaxy says as she looks at him and smiles. Quade looks at her with confusion. “Sepia!”Clover shouts as she runs in his direction. “Sepia?”Quade says with confusion. “It’s a nickname she has for me,”Stone says and laughs nervously. Stone grabs the child and scolds her. Everyone stays silent.

Quade says, “You guys know a lot more then you’re letting off. You keep going silent every-time something needs an explanation.” Everyone sighs and glares at Galaxy. She rolls her eyes and says, “How’s this my fault?”

The bell rings and Quade grabs her by the hand. He drags her to a corner in the hallway.

“How much did you figure out and tell your little friend group?”Quade asks and looks at her but she isn’t looking at him. “Look at me,”he says with frustration. She looks at him, “Enough.” “Why would you tell them everything you know?”Quade says, “that’s not the smartest thing to do.” Galaxy says, “Then I shouldn’t add any more people to the list.” She tries to walk away but he grabs her and pulls her back to the spot. She glares at him. “Why are you putting yourself into unnecessary danger?”Quade says as he shakes his head, “I care about you and want to protect you, but you have already thrown yourself under the bus by trusting about five plus people with sensitive information.”

“We have a class to go to,”Galaxy says seriously and he lets her go. “You won’t have a life to take to those classes of yours if you are so naïve,”Quade says seriously and she looks back at him with anger.