
Legacy doesn’t utter a word about the whole situation. Quade remains curious about the whole situation and Galaxy keeps her mouth shut along with her friends.

On their way home, Quade sits beside her on the bus. “Galaxy, my dad will be picking us up from the Dray train station so we can start some lessons,”Quade says softly. Galaxy sighs and looks for Legacy. “Where’s Legacy?”Galaxy asks and her eyes fill with panic. Quade gets up and looks for her, “Won’t she just be in another bus?” “We have bus assignments,”Galaxy says with fear in her eyes, “you can’t just go to any bus.”

Quade grabs her, “Calm down. We will look for her.” “It’s too weird,”Galaxy mutters with fear in her voice, “not after what happened today.” “What exactly happened today?”Quade asks curiously. “She got in trouble,”Galaxy says with a distant look, “she said it had to do with graduation.” “Oh,”Quade says with worry filling his eyes, “can you just tell me what happened?” “Not here,”Galaxy says seriously and looks at a camera.

“I am going to call her,”Galaxy says as she gets off the bus, “she always answers my calls since she got her phone.” Galaxy dials her sisters number and puts it to her ear. Quade sighs and continues dragging her along while she calls. All hope leaves Galaxy’s eyes as she hears a different voice answer her call.

“Where is she?”Galaxy asks with anger. “Some things get complicated when you see things,”a voice says to her, “we didn’t realize she figured out things so quickly.” “What do you mean?”Galaxy asks and Quade steps closer. “She didn’t tell you some things,”the voice says, “she told her friends and her friends are loyal to the leaders.” Galaxy sighs deeply, “Where?” “You are coming to where she is,”the man says, “just enter the train, take the car and you will be closer than you are now.”

Galaxy sighs but makes her way towards the train with speed. Quade is being dragged along with her now.

The train finally arrives and the car is waiting for them. Galaxy runs towards the car and drags Quade along with her hurriedly. The car takes off and they arrive at the home of the leader in record time. Quade is dragged out of the car with Galaxy taking the lead. Galaxy rushes into the home and comes face-to-face with Aldrich, the leader.

“I am guessing you know why you’re here?”Aldrich asks as he sees her flushed face from the running and nerves she has built up inside her, “your sister saw something at the graduation.” He motions for her to sit down and she does. “Where is she?”Galaxy asks with concern washing over her face. “I have called your parents,”Aldrich says seriously, “they don’t seem to have any idea what goes on in your lives. I wonder why they wanted children?” Galaxy sighs and looks at him with anger, “I want my sister.”

Quade sits silently and watches the conversation.

“You will see her when your parents come after work,”Aldrich says, “for now, tell me what you know.” Galaxy remains silent. “You are to be a part of this family,”Aldrich says patiently, “anyone else who knows this sensitive information is in as much trouble as the deliverer.” “Who was the deliverer?”Galaxy asks Aldrich with a look of hate. “Your sister,”Aldrich says with confidence. “You’re wrong,”Galaxy says and Quade gives her a warning look, “it was me.” Quade sighs deeply and Aldrich looks at her with annoyance.

“You didn’t see the event take place,”Aldrich says as he lays back on his chair, “you aren’t the deliverer.” “Then?”Galaxy asks impatiently. “You aren’t in trouble as long as you didn’t pass it to anyone else,”Aldrich says with a look of warning, “did you?” “No, I didn’t,”Galaxy says knowing her friends will be in trouble if she reveals this information. “Did Legacy tell anyone but you and her loyal classmates?”Aldrich asks seriously. “No,”Galaxy says seriously, her loyalty placed elsewhere.

Quade sighs and looks at her expression of frustration. “Legacy will be punished for spreading this information,”Aldrich says seriously, not leaving any room for question, “she will not be punished for spreading it to you since you are going to be taking the place of leader.” Galaxy nods and says, “What’s the punishment going to be?” Galaxy looks up nervously and her eyes meet Quade’s not his father’s.

Everyone falls silent as Galaxy comes to understand the gravity of the situation.

“We haven’t decided yet,”Aldrich says honestly, “it won’t be good since this is considered one of the worst crimes. I will try and be considerate of the circumstances. Now I understand why she almost failed.” Galaxy sighs and turns her eyes to him. “Tell me the punishment please,”Galaxy says, knowing they know.

“It won’t just be one thing,”Aldrich says seriously, “she already isn’t allowed to go to school for a few days and she will spend those days in juvenile detention. She isn’t allowed to have any other friends except the ones we know are loyal to us. She will be under strict watch until she starts behaving appropriately.” Galaxy nods knowing it could be worse.

Galaxy’s parents walk into the room. The sparrows are resting on their respective owners’ shoulder.

Galaxy begins to wonder where the leaders’ animals are but doesn’t question it since her sister’s life is in their hands. Even with the power she almost has, she can’t do anything.

“Welcome,”Aldrich says politely. “Thank you sir,”her father says politely and doesn’t make any eye contact. Galaxy’s heart clenches at the sight. “We have called you here to discuss some matters with you,”Aldrich says as Mazarine and her mother make their way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Galaxy and Quade are sitting side-by-side with his father opposite them. Her parents are near Galaxy but opposite the leader.

Quade shifts closer to Galaxy and her parents look up at her with worry.

“If our daughter has caused trouble…,”her father begins but Aldrich cuts them off. “No,”Aldrich says, “Galaxy has been invited to join our family as my son’s wife.” Galaxy’s parents look to her with confusion and she puts her head down in shame. “Oh,”Galaxy’s father says with nervousness, “we had no idea.”

Aldrich nods, “This much has come to my attention.” Her parents are fidgeting nervously and Galaxy’s heart is pounding in her chest for their predicament, so much so that she is squishing the life out of Quade’s hands. “We decided to call you here so we can enlighten you on this detail as well as another,”Aldrich says and her parents sigh nervously, “your other daughter has caused damage that could’ve caused her death if loyal students didn’t stop her ideas and report her. Galaxy also didn’t spread these ideas and, so she is guilt-free but your daughter will be punished for what she has done thus far.”

Galaxy’s parents nod with tears rolling down their cheeks. Her parents are excused and their sparrows fly along with them.

“I know it has been an eventful day,”Quade says, “but my father will not allow us to hold-off on leadership studies.” Galaxy nods and he leads her to the library.

Galaxy sits down with a dazed look. Quade sighs and says, “Maybe we can do something simple.” “I have a question,”Galaxy says and he looks at her with a questioning look but nods, “where are your parents’ animals?”

Quade laughs at her words. “They are outside most of the day,”Quade says seriously, “I will show you them now.” Quade gets up and drags her along to the yard outside. “We grew up with them,”Quade says with a distant look, “they are always given to you young and so they knew us our whole lives.” Galaxy smiles at the thought of a lion as a pet.

Quade sighs, “One day I will have that as my pet and so will Mazarine.” Galaxy smiles and nods, “What about your mother?” Quade smiles and says, “The lion ate it.” Galaxy’s eyes go big and she looks at him. He laughs as they walk closer to the lion. “Nah,”Quade says with a smile, “the eagle stays with my mother in the house.” “Athlete,”Galaxy says and Quade nods.

“Here is the beast,”Quade says as he pets the lion gently. Galaxy smiles and watches the interaction.

The two then walk hand-in-hand back into the house. Galaxy sighs, “I wish she never told anyone.” Quade sighs and looks at her, “Sadly, we can’t make exceptions for anyone. If you spread it, we would’ve had to punish you and those who listened without reporting.” Galaxy smiles and nods but her heart sinks with overwhelming dread.

Weeks of school and training go by and Legacy is finally back in school under strict watch. The friend group is happy to have the young couple sitting in their friend group but the normal chats about the government have died to almost non-existent.

Quade wakes up early in the morning. He puts on his sky blue pants and shirt so he can leave the house at 6 A.M. Mazarine looks at him and chuckles. “I am glad I don’t have to go to school like that.” “Mazarine,”Quade says and walks sinisterly towards her, she chuckles and he starts laughing as well, “I am glad we are still young.” Mazarine nods and motions for him to start running.

Quade runs out of the house with speed and is waiting at Galaxy’s doorstep as soon as she steps out the door with Legacy trailing behind. Legacy has changed since imprisonment like something heavy is weighing her down. She can’t, even, talk about it even if she wanted to since her every move is being watched carefully. Quade sees the constant frown placed on her lips and the look of hurt on Galaxy’s face that disappears when she faces anything but her sister.

“Hey,”Quade says enthusiastically. Legacy doesn’t even acknowledge him. “Hey,”Galaxy says happily and then frowns at Legacy, “ready for the test?” Quade nods and walks by Galaxy’s side while Legacy holds onto Galaxy for dear life.

“Wait up!”Falcon shouts as he approaches them with speed, “I am so late.” “You look very alive to me,”Galaxy jokes and Falcon chuckles lightheartedly until he sees Legacy’s terrified face. “Still terrified?”Falcon asks Legacy with sincerity. “How would you feel if you were in jail?”Legacy mutters and Galaxy’s eyes widen. Galaxy motions the boys to go ahead while she scolds Legacy.

Quade walks far enough but stands while he waits for Galaxy to catch up. An emotional Legacy runs past him and into the Dray train without turning back.

Quade’s phone starts ringing, “Yes father, we are at the train station.” Galaxy stops and motions for Falcon to go on without her.

Galaxy looks at him questioningly when he puts down the phone. “We have an event we have to attend on the twelfth day,”Quade says honestly, “they might make it earlier.” Galaxy nods but rushes to catch the train along with Quade.

Everyone is silent on the train. Usually the train is, quite, lively. Galaxy whispers,”Exams.” Quade nods and breathes a sigh of relief knowing he isn’t causing the tension.

Everyone gets off the train and boards their designated bus.

As soon as they enter school, they notice the crowding in the hallways.

“Please go to your designated classrooms for your four-hour exam,”the announcement plays repeatedly.

Quade and Galaxy open their phones to find their classes flashing on their screens. They both rush to their class and take their seats.

The exam ensues at the exact time class starts. No one has the ability to cheat.

After the four-hour exam, everyone makes their way to take lunch and then they will continue their classes for the day.

“Hey guys,”everyone says as Quade and Galaxy take their seats on the grassy ground. “How did you guys do?”Stone asks politely. “Terrible,”Quade and Galaxy say at the same time. Everyone laughs at them. The two turn red. “You guys?”Quade asks as he notices Galaxy eating hurriedly. “We are more sporty than smart,”Falcon says with a chuckle. “Speak for yourself,”Major says and Icterine nods in agreement.

Galaxy sighs and says, “They are the smart ones in the group.” Everyone nods. “Stone, Galaxy and Falcon are more sporty,”Icterine says and Major nods at her accuracy. “Same,”Quade says honestly and everyone looks at him causing him to feel uncomfortable. “I am more of the in-between one,”6 says and everyone laughs, some murmuring yesses.

Soon, it is time to go back to regular classes and everyone is so unmotivated when a loud BANG ensues.

Galaxy’s eyes widen and Quade looks at her with confusion. “EVERYBODY DOWN!!!” teachers and students scream as they scurry into classrooms. “Do you know where the pups are?”Quade asks seriously while loud bangs continue and screams erupt every time. Galaxy nods and says, “It’s too far away.” Her voice is barely above a whisper as they are standing in the hallway with students rushing about.

Tears are in her eyes and fear fills his.

“Let’s go,”Quade says and starts towards the exit. “No,”Galaxy says and pulls him away, “that’s where the shooter wants you to go.” Quade nods and Galaxy can see he has no idea what he is doing.

Galaxy runs away from the sounds of the bullets and towards a closet.

“No one will help us,”Galaxy says seriously and tears continue to fall violently as she muffles her sobs, “no one will save us.” Quade sighs and says, “They will. He can’t…” Galaxy puts a hand over his mouth and he looks at her with fear. His eyes start filling with tears. Galaxy removes her hand and puts her finger on her lips as her tears continue to flow.

Sirens start to blare and Galaxy sighs but with worry in her eyes.

“He got into the pup section,”Galaxy says with tears still flowing in her distant eyes, “that’s why the police are here.” Quade sighs and comes towards her. “Don’t say it isn’t true,”Galaxy says with anger as she grabs him by his shirt, “you know it’s true.” “I honestly don’t know what you are saying,”Quade says and his eyes are unfocused. “Survival of the fittest,”Galaxy says as he attempts to wipe her unstoppable tears, “no one gives a damn if we die. No one cares if you die since there is a replacement waiting for you. If there wasn’t one, it might be a different story.”

Quade sighs and looks at her with sadness. Galaxy tries to get up with his help but winces in pain and falls to the ground. “Let me carry you,”Quade says as he attempts to do so. “No,”Galaxy says with worry in her eyes, “I don’t think I should move.” Quade nods and ventures out of the closet to find a warzone.

Quade sighs in defeat and walks towards a doctor, “I need help over here. She can’t move.” “Sorry, we save those in the least danger first,”the doctor says honestly, “your father’s rules.” The doctor mutters the last part.

Quade sighs in frustration and quickly runs back to Galaxy’s side. Galaxy grabs his hand and says, “Make sure Legacy and my friends are ok.” He sighs but nods, hurriedly running towards the divide between the wounded and the uninjured.

Quade spots the triplets, “Hey Icterine, 6 and Major. How’s everyone else?” “We don’t know. We aren’t in the same classes,”Icterine says with anger raging to become her primary emotion. “We are fine and the twins have one bullet wound each,”Major says politely, “we are waiting for them to be transferred here.” “How’s Galaxy?”6 asks with worry shining through. Quade goes silent and tears threaten to fall, “She’ holding on. They refuse to help her since she’s high risk.”

“Welcome to the Republic of Herculean Misava,”Major says sarcastically and everyone looks at him with a glare. He shrugs his shoulders. Quade sighs and looks troubled by the friends’ thoughts about the country that cares for them.

“I have to go look for the others,”Quade says and everyone nods knowing it was Galaxy’s idea.

Quade runs off towards the pups’ section since he recalls Galaxy mentioning it. When he arrives, he immediately spots a portion of the other friends.

“Stone,”Quade says and notices the tears in his eyes. “Clover was caught in the crossfire,”Stone says with a shiver in his voice, “and I don’t know who’s dead and who’s alive.” Quade sighs in frustration, “The twins and the triplets are fine.” “And?”Stone asks knowing he is leaving information out. “Galaxy isn’t doing so great,”Quade says and Stone nods with understanding. “I have to tend to Clover and the orphans,”Stone says honestly but with a sad smile covering the pain.

Quade runs out of the pup section and into the main area for the squirrels. He rushes into classrooms and finds dead bodies as well as people bleeding out. Quade gags at the sight but runs further on.

“Quade!”someone shouts out and Quade turns around to find Falcon running towards him. “Where is Galaxy?”Falcon asks with worry evident in his red eyes. “She is in a closet,”Quade says seriously, “she wanted me to find you guys and then come back to her.” Falcon sighs deeply and asks, “Where?” Quade motions towards the nearby closet and walks along with him towards a pale Galaxy.

Falcon sighs deeply, “How did this happen?” “It’s like everyone’s out to get her,”Quade says seriously. Quade wonders if his mother went through something similar. “I have one request, if I die,”Galaxy says and Falcon shakes his head along with Quade, “don’t let them say that I wasn’t fit enough to survive.” Quade and Falcon sigh and she smiles at the controversy.

Falcon wants to stop the bleeding and save Galaxy but he isn’t allowed to. Quade sighs as a similar thought takes over his mind. “Is everyone ok?”Galaxy asks as she winces in pain, her breathes barely there. “Everyone is ok,”Quade says honestly, “I haven’t found Legacy yet.” Falcon looks at Galaxy’s worry and motions for Quade to go find the young girl. Quade sighs at being forced to leave her but goes to find Galaxy’s beloved sister.

Quade stumbles about looking for Legacy but never finds her.

Quade rushes back to the closet and finds it empty. He rushes outside to look for Galaxy but comes short. Falcon is standing outside and staring at the blue sky above.

“Where’s Galaxy?”Quade asks a startled Falcon. “They took her to the hospital,”Falcon says with tears in his eyes, “where’s Legacy?” “I haven’t found her,”Quade says with a sorrowful expression.

Falcon sighs and sits on the pavement. Quade accompanies him on the hard ground.

“How was she when she left?”Quade asks as he plays with his hands in his lap as he looks at them. “She was the last to be treated,”Falcon says downheartedly, “she was barely holding on.” Quade sighs and tears are threatening to fall.

All the students aren’t allowed to go home like Quade would’ve expected instead they are escorted back into the school and forced into their classes until the end of the day arrives.

Quade sighs at the end of the day. His father’s car is waiting for him outside the school.

“Quade,”his father says comfortingly, “she’s ok. Her sister is fine too.” Quade sighs in relief, “Were they the ones with the most damage?” “No,”his father says, “some people died so we will have to attend the funerals’ tomorrow.” Quade sighs, “What about Galaxy?” “She will come if she is able to,”Aldrich says kindly as he hugs his son comfortingly.

Quade sighs and the words of Galaxy come back. All the things that have ever been said and done. Everything he has ever been taught. All of these things come back to mind as the puzzles are finally pieced together.

There are things that have been hidden from him that only his father knows till this day.