Life at school

When the teacher walked in the learner quickly got back on their seats "Good afternoon class , how was your summer break?" the learners started recalling their moments and times whilst they were on their summer break , the teacher gave each and one of them a chance to tell their experiences eventually calling Theo's name to recall his summer break experience "Mr Thompson can you tell us about your experience in your summer break from the time you left the school two years ago until to your previous summer break" Theo kept his head in his arms "I did nothing but watch TV" the learners started laughing making the teacher frown at him "Mr Thompson this class is for creative people , if you're just gonna sit there cover your head with your arms like a coward and mumble stupid jokes I'm gonna ask you to leave" after a while Theo mumbled again this time his voice seemed irritated "When I left the school two years ago I went to my orphanage home where I used to live at first before I was recruited by this school .. I ended up joining another elementary school in the area .. I never got to do anything so I just watched TV until my recess ended and the same goes for my previous recess last year until now" his resolute yet angry voice sounded like a lie in the teacher's ears and the learner's so the teacher stood up from his table "Mr Thompson who are your parents I'd like to have a meeting with them , it seems like your recess has gotten the better of your mind don't you think?" Theo gritted his teeth and raised his head looking at the teacher "Sir I don't mean to be disrespectful but don't mention my parents when you're talking to me" the teacher looked at him before he trembled in fury "You're getting detention , you're just a disgraceful brat"

Theo didn't say anything afterwards and listened to the teacher and the other teachers who were coming into the class and when school was almost out Madison threw a paper at the female teacher who was currently teaching them , and of course when the teacher saw who did it she gave her detention right away with any hesitation.

Eventually the school was out but two learners stayed behind whilst the last teacher who did the last teaching called in someone to look over the two kids , the teacher then locked the door leaving them alone while she went around to ask somebody to assist her with some 'bothering' kids , she eventually reached the teacher's break room "What is it?" a younger female teacher asked brushing a strand of hair behind her ear "I need someone to watch over the kids in detention" the teachers started chuckling but the cute young one wasn't instead she just kept drinking her soda.

When a middle aged male teacher heard this he had a guess "It's Thompson isn't it?" he sipped his tea as the female teacher gave him a nod "That brat is nothing but trouble , I'm surprised why the dean hasn't kicked him out yet" the teachers continued laughing leaving the other younger teacher with a frown "Mrs Kingsley I will assist you with these kids in detention" Mrs Kingsley handed over the keys.


The young teacher approached the door to the class where the kids were 'isolated' , when she opened the door she saw a boy wearing black and a girl infront of her with a pondering expression .. she sat on the teachers chair and took out her phone to check the time "So what did you guys do to end up being in here?" Madison went first and explained everything to her but when the young teacher asked Theo he just kept quite not saying anything , after a while he raised his head "Mr Bernard asked me about my experiences in my recesses in the past two years and last year until now , I told him but he thought I was joking so he had me go into detention , I didn't do anything so I just went to sleep and ignored him .. after pondering for a few moments the lady giggled and asked him "So what did you do on your recesses" Theo could see the anticipation in her eyes and 'say no more' he told her "Well , I went to visit my orphanage home where I used to live in , I ended up joining the elementary school there .. for my recess I spent most of my time in the house and combined with all the activities I did .. I only watched TV and played some video games and stayed indoors" when the lady heard this she chuckled "I can't say he's wrong because your recess sounds ridiculous it's like you're giving an excuse" Theo flushed with redness and mumbled "Well I'm not".

The lady kept asking the two questions trying to get to know them to pass the time and she found the two really interesting , she immediately turned her head to look at Theo "You said you did nothing but watch TV through the whole recesses right? where were your parents ? are they business people who usually don't have time for holidays and stuff?" Theo raised his head quickly again "I don't have any parents" when the lady heard this she raised an eyebrow "I'm talking about your adoptive parents" he frowned this time but calmed down for a while before explaining "What I meant is , my biological parents ditched me .. but as far as I remember I didn't have any foster parents I lived by my orphanage caretaker's salary .. furthermore I'm just a parentless kid" Madison almost shed some tears "I'm sorry to hear that ... I apologize if I have offended you" the lady said in a worried and sad face but Theo assured her that it was fine because not everyone knew about it anyway .. they continued talking with each other , the lady told them her name "Abigail" Madison's eyes glistened "That's a beautiful name it even goes with your looks" the compliment made the lady blush .. with all of their conversations ending she began going over some paperwork.

An hour had already passed and Madison was bored but she kept thinking about what Theo had just revealed to them about his parents ad now she felt like she wasn't sure she was the friend she thought she was .. Theo raised his head from the table before taking off his large black jersey that had a hood and an unzipped middle .. he covered himself before he closed his eyes.

He bent his neck sleeping and squeezing in his corner .. there was more than enough space for 5 people to sit on the long wooden bench .. Madison bit her bottom lip before approaching Theo , she sat just beside him but when Theo felt her presence he nearly freaked out on her .. Hey can I get in the jersey as well?" she made her puppy eyes but Theo was not convinced so he went back to sleep .. but Madison kept nagging her until she said with a resolute expression "You know that I'm going to nag you until you get me in that jersey right?" he sighed because he himself saw no point in avoiding or neglecting her because it was an impossible mission for him "Fine" he opened his jersey and let her in .. instead of sitting still she leaned over to Theo's neck laying her head on his shoulder "And now what are you doing?" she giggled before replying with a tired voice "Isn't this what husband and wife do?" Theo nearly broke out laughing before saying "But we're not husband and wife" she nodded and backfired "We're just practising being husband and wife .. for now we're still in a romantic teenage relationship" he snorted at her coldly but she didn't even move 'What am I gonna do with you?' he smiled inwardly before squeezing his body tightly with her warm body .. she felt his movements and smiled inwardly as well before wrapping herself with his arm and holding it tightly inside the jersey.

When Abigail saw this she smiled and said "Kids" she shook her head .. after sometime the door unlocked and in came two people one who is male and one female .. they seemed to be married "Good evening ma'am and sir" Abigail yawned as the parents asked her about their daughter .. she pointed in the corner where the two slept comfortably together "Hmph" the man said before walking over to Theo and Madison .. when his shadow hovered over their little figures Madison woke up and when she saw her father she jumped in his arms "Daddy!" she shouted startling Theo who was peacefully sleeping.

The parents then signed over a paper where they were supposed to confirm that they fetched their daughter .. but when Madison saw this she asked them to sign over for Theo but they just grabbed her wrist and went for the door .. she looked at Theo with a sad face and mouthed 'I love you , goodnight' when he saw this he chose to avert his gaze away .. Abigail then walked over to him after the parents went home with their daughter "Hey let me take you home" she insisted with a beautiful smile .. and Theo stood up putting on his jersey before going out the door waiting for Abigail finish signing her name beside his name , she then drove Theo home and of course by asking him where he lived .. and when they arrived Theo thanked her and opened the doors of his house and went straight to bed ..