
She tried shaking Theo but he kept his head in his arms and she was pretty sure that he was really hurt but didn't want to show it to her face .. after seeing that he was not going to raise up his head any moment she let go and went into her own embrace and started crying her eyes out .. although Theo was treating it all as if it was like the teachers hated him he couldn't just blame them for everything because most of the things were literally in his own fault .. he heard Madison's low cry .. and not only him but the learners as well .. "See what you did you bully"

"You're nothing but a coward who goes around bullying other people without reason .. what do you think Theo's made of huh? stone? that he might be able to survive after he leaves this school behind ? he might not be our average person .. he has a friend too .. and that friend is Madison ... eventually he will transfer to another school .. what will be your excuse once he leaves ...

are you going to say .. 'He was a bit weird so I thought I should give him a beating and a little rewarding expulsion .. you should be ashamed of yourself" the girl in the corner said with a frown on her face .. even though he felt no regret in doing what he did .. he still couldn't shake off the feeling that everyone was going to hate him .. and everyone will eventually treat him like he once treated Theo .. "I should be ashamed of myself huh? I know I'm at fault but don't put everything on me .. you guys were also in this as well ... you're trying to act holy with me .. Susanne .. you're the one who's supposed to be ashamed of herself .. out of all people I didn't think you were the one that was going to run her mouth like a snorting pig .. I don't care if you all hate me ..

but I know that I won't blame myself .. and only myself for this ... you're all in this .. all of you so don't you dare try to act like a person who's not a bully with me ..."

The learners sat in their seats quite after listening to Leo and when looking in the corner the girl had suddenly carried an apologetic smile .. and she was fidgeting .. and though Leo was a bully he wasn't the only one who bullied Theo .. the other kids in the class did so even if it wasn't physically .. words hurt too ..

Now that everyone calmed down except for Theo and Madison they finally quietened down and started acting like there was a teacher inside the class .. as much as they hated to admit it .. they were part of Theo's expulsion as well .. because sometimes they did things that they knew they would blame on Theo .. knowing that the other teachers wouldn't do a thing about it .. now everyone was feeling guilty .. even if they hated Leo afterwards it'd still wouldn't bring any good for them .. so they will just have to live with their regrets .. after a while Madison raised her head a bit with her red eyes .. and tears flowing down her cheeks .. she turned and looked at Theo again .. she tried wiling the tears but alas they kept coming .. she took Theo's hand into hers "Theo .." finally he responded but with a rather tired voice without raising his head up ... after realising that Theo had been asleep all this time she giggled a bit but it didn't last long until she burst out crying but only for her and Theo to hear "I'm sorry .." he said in a low voice causing Madison's heart to skip a beat.

"I'm really really sorry .." his voice became shaky grasping tightly on Madison's hand .. she then wiped her tears off and laid her head beside Theo's "Don't worry this isn't like we're never going to see each other .. at least not everyday though" she sighed with an apologetic expression .. but Theo shook his head in his arms "You don't understand .. they already know now .. and they're going to take me away .. so I won't be here when you need me .. and it might last until I die .. and more so .. until you die" she raised her head an shook him again but this time harshly .. "What are you saying .." she frowned at him grabbing him by his hood "I'm saying that I'm going to leave this town once they know of my expulsion and they might take me away for how long .. who knows" he tried to explain the situation to her but alas he knew it'd sound very stupid and very childish for an excuse .. "Who's going to take you ..?" she asked him as she let go of his hood and lifted him by squeezing her hands in his arms .. holding his face gently .. "I don't want to talk .. about it" he said in a low voice as a tear fell down his cheek .. "I get it .. can I please spend time with you before you leave .." she wiped the year on his cheek .. he nodded afterwards .. "I am very fortunate to have someone like you .. you know" she said..

After that she averted her gaze away from him and this time it was her who was being shy "Hey are you blushing ..?" he suddenly asked with a smirk on his face .. "No I'm not ..." she pouted looking in another direction "Stop looking .." she placed her hand infront of his eyes .. "I didn't know that someone like you can really act so shy .. or are you trying to be me before I leave" he chuckled nervously .. she turned her head and gave him hard nudge on his shoulder "Don't say that .." she smiled ..