Friends with Benefits

"Okay .. I guess I'm gonna have to leave this town and go live somewhere far again .. ? ah what a drag .." she looked at him after he mumbled and showed an apologetic smile .. "Yeah .. to be honest I had already thought about this happening .. you know .. you going and leaving me here .. I always knew you had that thing you were hiding inside of you .. but alas I had never anticipated it to be this soon" before she could release a sigh Theo took her hand into his .. "This is not a movie .. Madison wake up .. and snap out of your daze and focus on reality .." she smiled at him and held tightly on his hand ..

And since there was no teacher the learners started playing around in the class forgetting all that has happened today and eased their minds with playing .. "Hey Theo what are you ping after school ..?" he hastily jumped out of her chair and jumped back on it .. turning in his direction .. "Well .. I just play video games everytime after school .." she dropped her head sideways looking at him weirdly "Seriously that's what you do everyday after school .. you're so boring .. I will come over after school .. and I'll teach you a few things about fun .." she licked her lips in a seductive way causing Theo to gulp and his heart skip a beat .. "If you're going to be like that .. don't you dare come to my place .." he closed his eyes looking at her with a stern and serious look on his face .. "See you're even boring in class .. Theo you know they know right ..?" he looked at her with a gawking expression "Eh? what do they know ..?" she slammed on his table startling him .. "They know that you and me are together .. " she lifted his chin twiddling her finger around it "What .. me and you? .. no no no .. you got it all wrong .."she didn't let him do anything hastily and grabbed him by the collar with both of her hands .. "Then how do you explain that kiss .. you telling me you were thinking about me .. holding my hand without my permission .." he narrowed his eyes at her nervously .. "Eh ..? I was in need of a friend .. yea we are friends with benefits .." she loosed her grip on his collar and looked at him with a pale expression with her eyeballs trying to pop out .. "F.. Friends with Benefits ..? eh? that's a good joke Theo .. I almost fell for your joke .. you're so funny .. I'm telling you .. you're the best boyfriend I've ever had .. " she smooched him on his lips .. "You know you can't keep kissing me whenever you feel like it .." he wiped his lips with his thumb .. Madison took this time and looked at him and was wondering if this guy had any morals ..

"What should we do now that the teacher's gone .. I mean I know you don't have a topic but I do .." he listened to her because he didn't have anything on his mind anyway .. "Oh you want to be a doctor ..? I wish you the best in the future .. and may you be the best doctor in the world .." he looked at her and told her his own goals .. "Well Uhm .. I .. Uhm .. I don't really have goals .. and well as for dreams I don't think there's any slot for any dream inside my mind .. much less think about my future with children of my own .. and my wife .. haha .. it's crazy" 'Well I want to marry you when I grow up but .. it's not that simple .. my life may seem nice with its solitude but to be honest I too have my own demons and sometimes those demons really hurt people you're close to ..' he thought looking at her with a solemn expression as if he never thought about that ..

"No dreams and no goals .. hehe.. wow you're so odd .. but although you think that's how it ends in your mind .. you can change yourself in reality .. make your own goals .. by achieving something for the first time .." he closed his eyes 'Its easy for you to say .. my goal is impossible to achieve much less try achieving it ..' he sighed inwardly .. seeing his sulking face Madison took his hand and kissed it gently like a prince would do to a 'princess' .. "You're going to be fine .. besides you have me .. right" she put her fists on her hips and her view suddenly turned into a superhero one .. "Eh ..? okay superwoman .. ... " she giggled with a blush .. "Stop it .. I'm tryi g to cheer you up but here you are making fun of me . " they then began to talk as they chuckled from time to time with Madison cracking most of the jokes .


The bell rang loudly startling a boy in the corner who was throwing a paper ball inside the bin .. "Hmm .. look at that school's out .. get some popcorn ready .. and please add butter in them .. we're going to have fun tonight .."

'Eh? she's refering to a movie right ...' he thought as she stood up and picked him up by his torso .. "You're so skinny .. wanna pick me up" she tightened her arms round her breasts making them more revealing .. with her mouth slightly pushed forward .. "Eh no .. let's just go home .. I'm pretty sure popcorn with butter is better than picking you up" they left the classroom and went on the road ..

"So what kind of movies do you like .. action , horror, slice of life , romance .. huh? huh?" she then jumped on his back and tightened her grip around Theo's torso with her legs tightened on his hips .. "Damn you're heavy .. what kind of food do you eat .. or are you one of those people who eat because food is delicious .." she bit him on his neck .. "Ouch .. sorry .. you body weight is perfect .. there's literally no fat in you .." she wiped her saliva from his neck .. "Hmph .. once I get down .. I want you to kiss me passionately as an apology" Theo then straightened his back and walked forward .. Madison pressed her face on his left cheeks .. smooching him on his bright red cheek .. "Can you stop doing that .. if it's not you kissing me .. it's your breathing .. can you keep it under control .. It feels like a werewolf is breathing heavily in my ear .. " she then frowned hitting him on his back .. and just then Theo fell of balance and dropped her on her butt .. "Ouch .." he extended his hand lifting her up .. "What's wrong with you dude .. you bit me .. and now you're hitting my back .. what have I done to you ..?"

"My kiss .." she didn't even let him take a step back and pounced on him kissing him passionately on the lips .. catching Theo by surprise .. "Bye .. see you just now .." she left him hanging afterwards ..