Grand Canyon not in Arizona

Theo woke up with a happy feeling inside of him ...

If he was not mistaken he only had a few days to spare before departing from this town he had longed to leave after the countless years of getting bullied and laughed at .....

He could finally have peace and happiness even if he wasn't the brightest person ....

His heart screamed in joy receiving the light rays from the sun shining through the window ... his inner smile shone the brightest whilst he was as solemn as ever on the outside but still somewhat happy and in joy .....

He had mixed emotions this morning with his head going through all the things that had happened so far in his school ...

He already knew he would get kicked out but not this soon but however even if it unexpected and expected at the same time he was a little bit overjoyed that they didn't even give him at least a month to stay in the school before he leaves ....

One could say he was naughty or a troublesome boy but when looking at his appearance and understanding his normalcy ... one would laugh out his or her lungs out as someone so isolated like Theo would be a troublesome one ...

But unbeknownst to every person in the school and most people in the area he lived in they didn't know that Theo was a silly one he was only a wolf in sheep's clothing ....

Its not only that but Theo was the one who had caught the attention of many even though he was most likely to be a misanthrope ..

He was like a robot with no feelings but at least was able to understand a few hardships in his life ...

Never would he have thought that he would share a kiss with Madison ... although it was fated he only thought it would be in the future or maybe just before the day he leaves ....

Madison just acted like every girl who was inlove whilst Theo acted like a guy who was a robot not even paying attention to his follower ....

He couldn't say it out loud but ever since he met Madison he kind of connected and felt at ease when she asked to be friends with him ...

He was only dumbstruck but held long to his feelings for her as he rejected the offer with a nonchalant expression ....

However Madison didn't give up on her first try she would try to convince him many times to become her friend or even become more than friends ....

He felt happy the first time he met her when they were still 6 with him being the most abnormal out of his class ...

His day care would repeatedly curse at the people who brought him to stay here ... but at the same time they were overjoyed by the fact that not only were the people mysterious but we're filthy rich as well ....

Most kids always went up to Theo to catch a conversation to become friends with him but Madison would chase them away telling them Theo was currently busy which was not entirely true but still true ....

He didn't have no one to begin with when suddenly a girl who didn't even care about his background or his normalcy but cared for him and whatever was inside his chest ...

He couldn't help but feel relieved that he had found a friend after a long time ... it was truly a magnificent thing to obtain .....

Although he rejected her offer he was glad she still kept close to him even though it seemed like he had given up on her ... this proved to him that Madison was a true friend unlike the fakes he had come across in his life ....

Years passed with Madison still trying to convince him to become her friend she even gave him a clue of the benefits he would receive if he became friends with her ...

he wasn't a fool so he was interested but immediately declined the offer again ...

he went on his daily life with Madison tagging along everywhere he went and sometimes he couldn't even hang out in the canteen because of her clinging onto him like glue .....

He was happy that he had someone like that and was grateful he had come across her .....

He reminisced about that first day when he was ten .. when she gave him her first kiss .. which he got away from since he was mostly surprised and confused ....

He didn't think their relationship would go overboard but he had to say he had some feelings for her since they were kids ... but he couldn't express them just because of a certain reason which he couldn't blurt out to her to ensure her safety ....

His mind filled with the past few days when he shared another kiss only this time he didn't back away and just gave in ... the passionate kiss was longer and nicer ...

His first time getting a passionate kiss whilst he was still not in a relationship so intimate with her ... well only in her case she thought Theo was intimately close to her ....

He felt great .... he got to kiss the most gorgeous girl in the whole school ...

No only was Madison a top beauty but had nice body features going along with her cute face .....

He thought he was truly blessed and at the same time cursed because of something lingering at the back of his head wondering about his future .....

But what he couldn't forget was that he got to kiss her and he was sure that's as enough to show to her that he loved her even if he refused any kind of relationship he still had it for her ....

if only he could just die and reincarnate again as the same person ....

'I wonder if they already know about my relationship with her ....' his shoulders shuddered at the thought of 'them' knowing ....

he quickly dismissed the thought and went back to reminiscing about his so called happy times of his life ....

He couldn't help but sigh deeply as he stared at the white ceiling with his eyes glistening with anticipation ....

"Why does my life have to be so hard ..." he released a deep sight before getting up and doing his daily routine but only this time he wasn't going to school he was going somewhere else ...

He locked up his house and walked down the streets with his baggy hoodie on whilst his head lowering down avoiding eye contact and people saying things about him ....

"Pheww ... I don't think I could've held on much longer anyways ... just their cold glares at me I feel like I'm about to explode ..." he murmured to himself as he crossed a few streets and heading for a large spinning wheel with people screaming and running around with ice creams and pink fluffy candy ....

He went over to get something spicy and hot ...

He stopped infront of one of the markets close by ... only this one made his interest grow because of the things they were selling ....

"Hmm ... I would say this is a space hotdog ..." Theo said with anticipation shining in his eyes ....

He looked at the hotdog that was 3 times larger than the normal one ... and he got interested in it because of the few things they stuffed into it ....

He then went over to the person selling them ...

"Greetings ma'am ... can I have three of those ..." he said with a nervous expression wondering if the lady would say something like ...

'Are you a bear or something ... are you going into hibernation .... "

The lady behind the counter hastily got up and gave him four ...

"I'm sorry ma'am buy I said three ..." Theo said trying to sound polite and calm .... the lady waved his arms at him with a beaming smile ..

"No ... it's just that you're the first customer and not only that but you have your big order and I just had to give you at least one on the house ... but mostly because I couldn't resist looking at how cute you are ..." she chuckled covering her ... mouth

"Eh..? cute ..??" he touched his face only to feel smoothness and nothing more ...

'Wait he doesn't think he can feel his cuteness right ..?' she thought looking at the confused Theo ...

"Hmm ... I didn't know I was this soft ..." he started caressing his skin more and more ...

'Pheww I thought he was crazy or one of those MC who don't even know how to react to such compliments ...'

Theo looked at her again with no smile only narrowed eyes ... "Thank you ... and you're beautiful .... you exceed the top beauties at your age if I had to say ..." he said as the lady blushed her grip tightening on her apron ....

"Thanks .... the name's Lidia ...." she held out her oily hand that had a few scrums of the buns ...

before she could pull it away avoiding to dirty him Theo took her hand hastily with a surprised look on his face but mostly that the lady was more softer than he was .... "Hmm you're not only beautiful but soft as well ...."

Lidia gulped at his compliment but couldn't help but feel guilty ... "My hand is covered in oil ..." she pulled her hand back quickly averting he gaze away from his ...

"Oh it doesn't matter ... it's not like you're gonna dirty me all over .. it's just my hand ..." he then ate a single a hotdog with the hand covered in oil ...

The lady was shocked and somewhat happy that Theo wasn't like on of those people who would scream at her being so dirty ... 'I didn't go to the loo today ..? right ..?' she thought as Theo gulped down his first bite with joy in his eyes ...

"Hey sister Lidia ... since you don't have any customers can you come sit with me .... it's not everytime I get to talk much less start a conversation even with the most gorgeous girls ..." Theo said still halfway his hotdog he just started eating a few minutes ago ....

'He sure eats slow ...' she said as she remembered how the other kids didn't hesitate to gulp the whole hotdog down hastily as if someone was going to steal it ....

She walked out from her van with a few stains of oil and mustard on her apron ....

Theo sat on the other side as she sat the opposite side ... 'Is he scared of girls ...?!?' she thought laughing inwardly before looking at him wondering if he had read her mind ..

He pushed the tray with hotdogs towards Lidia ... "Thanks ..." she licked up the large hotdog and bit on it little by little ...

'I guess I'm no better than him .. look at how I'm eating slowly ... I'm sure it could take a month to make me finish eating this ... by the way how come did I not notice how large the hotdogs are ...!!!?' she exclaimed inwardly looking at the bulging pink viena that stuck out to her like 'eat me' ....

"So how old are you ..?" she broke the silence as she tried to keep her calm and not look at the magnificent hotdog ... "15 ..." he replied nonchalantly without turnbacks ....

"Only 15 ...!?!?" she exclaimed startling him a bit as the mustard fell on his black jersey ....

"Sorry ..." she said before Theo wiped the mustard off with his finger throwing it on the ground ...

"Why'd you exclaim ..??" without averting his gaze on the nearly finished hotdog with pity as his stomach grumbled angrily at him for pushing in an overload into it .....

'I never thought I would break down .... this is just only a single hotdog .. and I'm not even close to finishing it ... what happened to the large appetite I had earlier .... ??' he rubbed his flat stomach with a tired face ...

.Seeing this Lidia couldn't help but wonder how weird Theo was ... first he ordered three large hotdogs ... secondly he ignored the fact that she put her oily hand in his hand ... thirdly he couldn't even fit half of the hotdog in his stomach ...

'How small is his stomach ... I'm sure he eats a single grain of rice before going to bed ...' she laughed so hard in her mind that tears started gathering in the corner of her eyes ....

"I'm also 15 but seeing you .. I thought you were like 14 or 13 .... although you're most likely at the same height as me ... your baby face clearly proved to me that you might've been a little one ..." she felt her face reddening with hotness covering her body ....

"Oh ... I didn't take that to mind ... I only thought I had a smooth face that's all ..."

Lidia and Theo talked to each other until the night covered the sky .... with only a few people still riding on the things in the area ....

"Hmm seems like it's already nighttime ... I gotta go ..." he said standing up feeling the need of stuffing at least a tiny bit of the hotdog inside this stomach ...

He looked at the hotdog apologetically before gulping down his saliva turning the other way walking towards the exit ...

"Hey wait ... are you going somewhere close to the big school ...??" he nodded in response before Lidia packed everything up leaving the van just in the middle of the other vans ...

"Can I walk with you ..??" he started walking forward without replying to her with a nod appearing after a while ...

Lidia ran up to him and caught up to his pace with a rosy face ...