The night showers with lights

The two walked down the streets with Lilia chatting throughout the night with Theo saying a few words here and there ....

"Hey ... you say you were ... expelled ... right ... why is that?? .." she asked with their voices and the streetlights clittering with low faint clattering ...

Theo rubbed his head nervously trying to come up with something to say .. or at least a lie ... if it was possible though ...

"I got into a fight with one of the school bullies .... and I guess things changed from then on ..." he then slowed down his pace with his eyes darting around the street ...

Lilia just chuckled awkwardly before looking at him weirdly as if questioning him .. 'Is that true?'

"I didn't know they could be that unreasonable ... " she then covered her mouth with her hand as she chuckled away ...

"Well ... it's the truth ... at least part of it ... *sigh* I was always getting bullied by those guys ... and it wasn't their first time bullying me .. okay .. maybe bullying isn't the word ... torture is ... I guess ...

hehe ... I have spent my time trying to shake them off my damn life ... sometimes it felt like hell sharing a class with those guys ... not to mention that they always mistreat me even in our hometown ...

well .. I signed off my name for another school away from here ... from all 'this' ... sure there were some people not acting so bad towards me but it didn't help the fact that they sat back and watched ...

Eventually I came back after two years joining in the school of horrors ..." he said raising his hands up high with a low deep sigh ...

he lowered his head ... "The other teachers as well ... they didn't want me in their school ... and of course I'm not Cinderella to stay where people bully me .. I tried to get the head of school to expel me ... at least i was deserving of such a title ... right ...

and the teacher who hated me the most made sure all the blame went on me despite the fact that the other blames were not even of my own fault but other kids ... so to get back at the guy I annoyed him to his last breath until he could no longer handle me ...

of course it wouldn't be that easy to get rid of me .. so they say .. because I was hailed as the most smartest kids in the school ... so they had to take the risk ... but you know what I never disrespected their decisions nor their thoughts regarding my case because I made sure that they succeed into expelling me from my darkest place ...

and then the guy ... when me and her went into the canteen he hurt her so I couldn't let that slide ... I retaliated .. at least that's what I thought ... they then ganged up on me ... so I had to go a little overboard ... plus I had to repay them for those fists they dug into my stomach .. it was all fair ...


the head of school sent a teacher to stop our conflict ... and as they know I just ignored the teacher and held her hand walking away ... ... and everything from then on went haywire ... she cried as she tried to tell the principal how all of that wasn't any of my fault ... and all of those things led me here ... expulsion ..." Lilia couldn't help but blink a couple of times as she digested the story she'd just heard ...

whether it was sad or neutral it didn't matter because the person she was walking with never seemed to have a problem with what was happening to him ...

"Oh sorry I didn't know ..." she chuckled awkwardly turning her head the other way ...

"No need to be sorry ... I actually wished for all of it right .." silence swallowed the whole flickering of lights and the footsteps of the two whilst walking in the night ..

"I wonder what your parents will do once they hear of this ...?" with that Theo's pace slowed down as he stopped in his tracks ...

"Yeah ..." he responded before walking again ....

with no stop to their feet ... they kept walking as if like they didn't even have a location or destination in mind ...

just then ... just then ... in the horizon ... right up in the sky ...

lights of different colours devoured the skies with their rainbow like colors with green taking the part in every color ...

"Wow ..." Lilia stopped in her tracks as her eyes locked onto the beautiful phenomenon ...

"Northern Lights ..." he muttered before removing his hands from behind his head .. letting them fall on his sides ....

"Yeah aren't they beautiful ..." she said with a low voice as her eyes stared intently into the colors and the mesmerizing beauty swallowing the sky ...

"First time ...??" she then put on a confused expression on her face but without her eyes averting their gaze from the lights ...

"First time seeing the Northern Lights ...?" she then nodded nudging him on his shoulder ...

"You ..??" Theo shook his head and sighed closing his eyes ... "No ... I've seen the Northern Lights a lot in my life ... I could recall all the times ... but my memories aren't that fun ... even if the Northern Lights are painted in my head ..." he then opened his eyes taking one last look at them walking closer to the edge of the cliff they were currently on ..

"But even so ... I can't help but mesmerize the light's beauty no matter how much ... I hate my memories intertwined with them ..." they stood on the cliff for quite sometime without the lights going away ...

Lilia on the other side felt like the heavens we're opening up for her as her mind wandered deep into the colors as if they were calling for her ...

even with the countless lights Lilia was in her world where only she resided in ...

completely unaware of her surroundings and the person on her right side ..

it's like Theo never existed ... and Theo couldn't judge her because he himself knew what those lights could do to fragile minds and to those who are experiencing them for the first time ...

and the word for the lights was just GLORIOUS ... the first time he looked at them he too felt like Lilia .. but as time went by ... he began to feel like the lights weren't anything glorious instead they were like his biggest fear ...

the biggest fear he couldn't just let loose by testing his limits ... it was the fear which was impossible to crack nor forget ...

"Hey ... you said this ain't your first time I right ... is this how you felt the first time you saw them ... feeling like you were in heaven ..??" he looked into her direction before averting his gaze to the lights ...

"Yeah heaven ... even if it felt like hell ... it wouldn't make a difference .. at the end of the day .. all that we're feeling are just feelings nothing important ..." when she heard this she couldn't help but try to comprehend his words but .. even after trying for a couple times she couldn't even comprehend a single sentence ...

"Just feelings huh ..?? ... you should be grateful you know ... your parents brought you to see this sight ... mine well ... let's just say they're always too busy ... ... " she giggled lightly ...

he then turned his head and looked in her direction ..."Don't fall for the sight ... it might be beautiful .. but always know that something beautiful always turns out to be a monster ... maybe ... " he said shrugging his shoulders lowly ...

"Did they bring you to see it on a special occasion or something ..??" she asked after a moment of silence ...

Theo rested his elbows on the bricks wall on the edge whilst enjoying the view .... or was her really enjoying it ..

"No ... they just brought me there and showed me it's beauty ... I never even found the meaning ... behind those colors or something that makes it amiss .." he waved his hands around sighing ...

"Whatever it is that's bugging you .. I don't want to have it ... it makes you anti social .. whatever .. " she shook her head slowly not wanting to buy single speck of elemental surprise ...

Theo sighed and returned his gaze back to the Northern lights as the memories resurfaced once more ... but instead of flinching he stood there trying to be calm and collected ....

"The beautiful lights will always disappear next time you need them just like the people you love ... the night showers us with light yet it doesn't even know what it means ..." he whispered in a low voice for him only to hear ...