
Life is a race and we all are horses running in that race. If we being horses stop running, we will eventually fail and that failure will never let us live with the peace that's how life is and the only way to survive is to keep running.

But in this life, every one of us has a different race which will eventually end at the same finishing line, the difference is the route we take to reach that finishing line. Some horses being ordinary ones, choose the path majority of horses choose but some horses are different from others. They choose a path which no one else had ever chosen before.

Same was a story of a boy who dreamt like everyone else but had chosen a route different from the rest of the people around him to achieve his goals.

"It was a night, sky covered with clouds, raining heavily. A man was driving a car. His heart was beating fast. All he wanted was to reach the hospital as soon as possible. His wife was pregnant and was in severe pain.

He somehow managed to reach the hospital but maybe it was too late. Doctors quickly took his wife to the operation theatre to begin the operation as his wife was about to give birth. After hours of waiting, the doctor came out of the operation theatre, with news of loss and hope.

He, the man named, Qadir Khan, was blessed with a boy but lost his wife. While holding his son, he was trying hard not to cry but he couldn't help. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, all he was looking at, as a hope to live life, was his son.

A boy born on 27 June 1990, at 3:30 am was bringing with him such stories which nobody had ever witnessed before or had heard. A beginning of a never-ending race.

Qadir Khan named his son 'Feroz Khan'.