
A boy of age 17 was running blindly. It seems like he wanted to reach somewhere urgently. People standing around the corner of the street were watching this boy.

Feroz was his name, a boy of 17 years of age, who was running after stealing food from a shop and was trying to reach his home or what he thought was his home.

Feroz while running was so afraid of being caught up by shop keeper that he didn't even realize that he injured himself while running. Somehow he managed to escape and reached home to eat what he stole.

Life had been so unfair with him that sometimes he thought of quitting this life but somehow he knew that what life did to him was unfair and he will not give up on fighting against challenges life will come up with. He will not end the story of his life as a failure.

Feroz after reaching his shack, started eating food as he was hungry for 3 days. While eating he didn't even realize that his foot was bleeding and after eating he slept. With a bleeding foot he still was sleeping comfortably as pain from which he was suffering for almost 17 years was much more than the pain his bleeding foot was causing.