An Impossible Wish

YUKI did not know where she should begin her story. Should she start from her childhood history? Or she must tell them where she came? And how did she escape from murderers and ended up in the Underworld Realm? How did she avoid a nightmare to a fleeing hell? God! Where should she start the chapter of her saga? They fixated their eyes on her. And it was suffocating. The head knight wanted the honest answer, and Grace wanted her to tell a white lie. And a pair of charismatic blue eyes were glaring at her with fury. His eyes seemed like they could talk, and they divulged Yuki should not be there right now. His eyes were saying this was not where she belongs.

Yuki recalled her memory. The maids suddenly brought her to the study of their young master. Once Yuki took a step into that room, she could feel the intense killing aura covering the entire area. No one said a word. They just stared at her, and finally, the head knight told Yuki to have a seat.

"I don't think we have introduced ourselves properly." Grace was the first to speak after a long silence. However, her voice was trembling. "This is my brother, Damien. And his head knight, Sir Ryan." Grace took a glance at her brother. "And brother, this is Sister Yuki. My savior."

Yuki was frightened. The aura of this man was intimidating and petrifying. Damien looked at Yuki and observed her. His face was stern and full of thoughts, and then he looked back at his little sister. "So, a human?" Damien interlocked his hands and gave this meaningful smile. His smile shouted, 'What have you done, Grace?!' and Grace avoided his eyes.

"So, Miss Yuki. Can you explain how you end up here?" asked Ryan.

Then Damien butt in the conversation. "You have thirty minutes to give me reasons why I should not kill you right now." He was a sadist!

Yuki was not sure where to begin. Her life was on the line! After a brief moment of thinking, she started to speak. Yuki explained her home in the Human Realm, her family got murdered, and the killer ran after her. And she fell into a lake, and she arrived at a beach. Then, she blacked out and awoke in the cell of the slave house and met Grace. However, Yuki never mentioned her power in her explanation. She and Grace were the only one that knew about that and kept it as a secret.

"To conclude, miss. You fell into a lake behind your manor, and you woke up in the Underworld Realm?" Ryan tried to make sure. It sounded impossible. Like it was a fiction or made-up story to cover her real identity.

No human ever crossed the line between these two realms. Humans only could descend to the Underworld Realm after they became a ghost. In short, a human could only come here when they were dead!

Yuki nodded desperately. Both men standing in front of her seemed unconvinced by her story. "Yes. That is pretty much everything."

"But you did not explain how you saved Grace back there." Damien was sharp, as always. He did not miss that minor detail. Damien might look like he was not interested in Yuki's story, but he gave complete attention to listen to her.

Yuki and Grace were shocked. They were hoping to avoid that question.

Yuki looked at Grace, expecting help.

"Let me continue, brother," said Grace. "When we were in the slave house, the trader tried to beat me with a whip." As Grace hesitated to continue her lie, Damien abruptly interrupt!

"He tried WHAT?!" His voice suddenly became loud. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you did not give me a chance to speak, brother!" Grace sighed heavily before continuing, "But, Sister Yuki was there. She protected me with her body. She hugged me and won't let me go. And the trader gave up because he could not hit Sister Yuki."

"What did you do for him wanted to beat you, milady?" asked Ryan in worries.

"I tried to escape. And I ran to the black market because it was the furthest I could go. But the traders found me back. They were so angry and..." Grace could not bring herself to carry on with her story. She began to cry. Recalling those nightmares was great torture.

"Those sons of BITCHES!" Damien cursed! "And why they would not hit this human?" It displeased Damien.

Grace wanted to finish her story, but she could not. She hesitated, and her cries made her weak.

"I believe because they considered Miss Yuki as a rare item in the slave house. They thought she was a vampire. And an adult vampire is precious, especially if they sell her to prostitution. They can get a lot by selling an adult female vampire, milord." Ryan deduced it. And he was right once again.

"But this human might be a thorn in our side soon!" shouted Damien. He expressed his deepest fear at the moment.

No one dared to speak after that.

Damien closed his eyes and laid on the couch. This was too much information for a day. It was freaking tiring. He already had a lot in his hands, and now what? He had a human inside the manor too?!

Damien tried to work out his brain and think. This human was the savior of his sister. And he must repay her benevolence. But… what if this human becomes his weakness in the future? What if Bridget knew about her existence?

His seat for the throne could be at stake!

"So what exactly you want? How should we repay you?" Damien opened his eyes and asked. However, he did not look at Yuki.

"I want to return to my home. To my family," replied Yuki.

Damien chuckled. That is?

Damien stood up and walked around the study, looking for something. He saw his old Katana sword inside the glass box. Unlike a normal sword, the Katana is shorter and lighter, but it has a stronger cutting edge. It was perfect for slaying a neck.

Damien pulled out his Katana from its scabbard, and swing it towards Yuki. He almost went for her neck!



Both Grace and Ryan spooked out! Whoa! This is too much! And Yuki shut her eyes in terror! She could hear the sound and feel the tip of the Katana right at her neck. Damien just about to slaughter her!

"You said that you want to go back to your family. I am pretty sure they are murdered. So how about I send you to Heaven instead?" Damien smiled uncannily.

Yuki froze. She was too afraid that she forgot how to breathe.

"Brother! This is nonsense! Sister Yuki wants to go back to the Human Realm. Not dying!" Grace pulled her brother's hand in extreme anxiety. Damien just gave Yuki a preview of her death.

"No! I won't help her! That is impossible and you know it, Grace! I can offer this human a room to stay in and anything she wants, but that wish is difficult to grant!" Damien looked at his sister. "Unless if she wants to go to Heaven. Tell me anytime, and I will gladly send her off!"

"Brother! You are unbelievably horrible!" Grace gave up.