Today Annabelle felt a little comforted because she didn't have to lie in bed anymore. Her sprained leg can be used properly. She was able to walk without assistive devices.

In her silk dress that made Annabelle look so elegant, she walked to the library. Annabelle sat in the place where she often spent time with Albert. His fingers traced the marble table where Albert always did all his work.

Annabelle closed her eyes and slowly inhaled the air around her. She was remembering and feeling Albert's scent mixed with every old parchment and book in the library.

"My Lady, I'm sorry to interrupt your time. I have something to show you," Gerard's voice made Annabelle's eyes open.

"What is it Gerard?" Annabelle asked.

"Could you come with me? I've found the poison that killed Queen Anne and Lord James Louis."

Annabelle got up from her chair without waiting long and followed Gerard to where explanations he often spent n his research.