I stopped my self, as I stretched at the exact same time as well. For some reason I felt to be extremely worn out. I had been going at it all day, but it was only about half way through my day at this point. Besides, I had it a lot harder the last few days, so this should be easy work for me, right?
The answer to that question was a hard no, as I had said before, I was in fact quite a bit tired, and I just wanted to lay down and fall to sleep. I knew that was a bad idea how ever, as I knew that it was not safe out at all, when it came to the night time, as many cats had told me as such, such as Ben and Night.
I had to trust what they had said as well too, as there was no reason for them to lie to me, and I had also heard the howling last night of what ever that might be out in the wild. I kind of shivered at that thought, of the fact that one day a wolf, or perhaps a coyote might sneak up on where I was hiding in the night, and take me down.
If you were in the wild though, surely you hid in a safe place every night though, right? I shook my head at the same time how ever, as I very much could see my self hiding on a branch, or on top of a tree for that matter as well. I did not even want to think of what a big bird, such as an Owl, could do to me in the night.
I let out a bit of a sigh, as I shook my head, knowing that I needed to lay my focus on the task that was ahead of me, and the task that I had been trying so hard to get to, practically all day at this point. Sure, I had taken a few stops to get a little bit of water, but I did not really count those as a full stop.
This was a full stop how ever, as there had been no reason for me to stop in the first place, due to the fact that there was no water near by me, for me to drink out of. I was stopping for what reason again? It then came back to me, as I did in fact remember as to what it was that I had been planning on doing all day in the first place.
That was right! I had forgot about the fact that I was looking for that place that had been in my dreams. So far I had no such luck, as all that I could see around me was a bunch of trees. I was so lost, as I had tried to follow the direction of the smell of where me and Night had gone yesterday, but that smell had gone sniff, as there had been a little bit of rain last night, taking away any of the scent that might have been left there in the first place.
It was not due to the fact that I wanted to get in to the prairie, as because I was afraid to be out in the woods, which of course, I kind of was. There was a point for me where the trees were nice and all, but this many trees was a little bit too much for me to handle, and I wanted to at least get a little bit of open ground, so I could see the way I was trying to go.
I looked around me, as even though it was bright out side, in the woods, it kind of looked dim, bleak, and dark, and I was not going to lie, that kind of scared me. I had been told that most of the wild was in fact woods, but if I was going to go and live some where out there, it would be some where other than the woods.
I felt like living out in the open, it would be too hard to catch live prey, besides rabbits, as most animals did not like to be out in the open, as they knew that other animals would be in search for them. I had always dreamed of living near water, so perhaps a place in the woods would be a good idea.
I had always thought that it would be amazing to try and catch a fish. I bet that it would taste amazing, since they lived in the water, and the water in a river or a lake. I loved water, and I feel like I could splash in it all day, as it cooled me off, on a hot day, much unlike this one, as today was kind of chilly.
I was more thinking back when I lived in the two leg nest, and they used to give me, what they were called baths. That water was typically kind of warm as well how ever, but the water out here was not at all. I smiled a bit, as I then shook my head at the same time too, as I shook off all of those thoughts, as I knew that they did not help me at all at this current moment.
It was some thing that I did need to think about at some point in the near future, as I could feel my stomach grumbling quite a bit. As knew as to why as well, as I knew that I had not ate all that much yesterday, as I had let Night have most of the squirrel. I knew as to the reason as to why I had not ate all that much too.
I had been so lost in my thoughts, and I had been so excited as to what the future had in store for me, as I had finally gone out to see what the wild looked like. It did not disappoint for sure, as it was even better than I had first thought it to be. That was mainly due to the fact that I had lived in a nasty two leg place for all of my life before now.
I sighed a bit to my self, as I shook my head at the same time too. I felt like I should try to catch some prey some time soon, due to the fact that I was in fact quite a bit hungry. I lifted my head up a bit high in to the air, just as Night had told me to do, as I then began to sniff in the sky at the same time as well, to smell what could be near by.
I had smelt a fair amount of smells the day before, as it was a lot of creatures that I had never heard about in the first place, ever before in my entire life. It was quite a shock to me, that there were so many animals that lived out in the wild, yet I, as a cat, one of the more superior species, had never gone out in to the wild in my life, before just yesterday.
I sighed a little bit, as I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts at the exact same time too, as I knew that I needed to keep my focus on the task that I had in front of me, as I knew that I needed to get some food before I ran out of time in the day. I was nearly half way through the day, if I had to assume, as I could not see through the trees and the branches that were above me.
I felt like it was, as the day had been amazing so far, but I also knew at the same time too, that I really had not been out all that much during this day, as it had not been all that long ago that I had said one last good bye to the cat that had taught me all of how to hunt, and do many other things whilst I had been out in the wild.
It also saddened me at the same time as well, that I had not gotten to at least say one final good bye to my best friend, Ben, as it felt like it had gone so fast in that exact moment, and it was a bit of a disappointment the way that things had ended for us. I say disappointment as well, as I was not so sure if I was ever going to see my friend again.
I shook my head once again, as I knew that I was losing focus on what really mattered at this moment, which was of course, the fact that I needed to get some prey, so that I was no longer hungry at all. If I really wanted to be thinking those types of thoughts, which of course, at the exact same time too, I kind of felt like I did not want to, than I could wait til I found a safe place for me to stay the night.
That was another thing that kind of worried me, and had me a bit bothered as well, as to the fact that I was not so sure as to where it was that I was going to be staying the night at. Perhaps I could go back to Nights place, if I followed the scent that led back there, but I shook off those thoughts at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I would only be back tracking, and I would have to start from ground 0 again.
I also felt like, if I went back at the same time as well, I could try to talk my self out of the fact that I wanted to go and live out in the wild. That was one thing that I did not want to risk either. Perhaps I could go and climb a tree, as I remember that my old friend, that had ended going to live out in the wild, had taught me how to do so.
I shivered a bit, as I was a little bit worried for him at the exact same time as well. I did not really expect him to come back over to me at any point, and tell me how living out in the wild was doing for him, as I knew that he had been a bit hurt by the fact that I had said no, when he had asked if I wanted to go with him.
I really regretted it at this point, as I felt like we could have learned a lot together, as well as the fact that it was just good to have a cat by my side whilst I was going out there. It was a lot of the reason that I had so much hope that Ben would have said that he wanted to go with me in living out in the wild.
Sadly he had said no, and it was more than likely some thing that I really just needed to get over. Cats always had a different purpose in life, and I knew that he was perfectly happy, and content with the life that he was living at this very moment.
There was no reason for him to follow me out in to a scary big world, where we really did not have as to a clue as to where it was that we were going if I was going to be honest. I had been following the trail that I had gone on with Night, just the day before, but it had gone stiff once I got further in to the woods.
Now I was at a section that I did not remember at all, as I was fairly certain that I had gone further than she had taken me last night. I shivered a little bit at the same time too, as I was kind of scared, as I was not going to lie, but I also had to tell my self that things were going to be fine, and if worse came to worse, than it meant that I would have to spend the night in a tree.
It was not comfortable by any means at all, but it also was not the end of the world at the exact same time too, if that were in fact to be the case. I shook my head, as I let out quite a soft sigh to my self, as I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts at the same time too, as I then all of the sudden got my mind back on what it was that I had been doing in the first place.
Which of course, was the fact that I had been searching for prey, as I felt my stomach rumble at the exact same time as well, as it was clearly telling me that I needed to eat, if I was to make it any further through out this day. I blinked a few times, as I did my best to get my focus on all of the scents that were all around me at the exact same time too.
Once I cleared my mind from all of those thoughts, I then began to smell plenty of animals in the air, all around me at the exact same time too. I nodded a little bit to my self, as I smiled a bit at the same time as well, as I focused on where some of the smells were coming from in the very first place too, as I squinted my eyes closed trying to focus on each one of them, just like Night had taught me yesterday.
She had said it was going to be quite a bit hard for me at first, at the same time too, as it was a lot of the reason that I had actually thought that perhaps staying a few more days at her place, might not actually be a bad idea, but at the same time too, I also knew that I had to get my focus on the fact that I was trying to live out in the wild.
Now, I needed to get my focus on the fact that I needed to weed out the scents that were all around me at the same time too, as I remembered just how it was that Night had explained the smell of all of them to me. I opened my eyes, and I blinked a few times, as I caught the smell of a few mice, not too far away from me.
I aimed my eyes in the general direction that they were pointed to. They were a bit different than the smell of the ones that had been in Nights two leg nest, but it made sense as to why that was the case in the first place, as they ate, and they lived in a different place than the ones that lived out in the wild did.
I stared at it for a few moments, as my focus was on catching one of those at first, as it was the first thing that Night had tried to teach me in the first place, whilst we had been in the two leg nest. It was also perhaps the easiest one for me to catch as well. I stood there for a few moments, as I then shook my head at the exact same time too.
I had to at least try to catch some thing else, before I was simply to resort to some thing that I already had caught in the first place. Perhaps I could try a squirrel, as Night had shown me how to catch one of those, and I had seen her actually catch one as well. I knew that I needed to start out a little bit smaller at the same time as well too.
I sniffed the air for a bit of some time, as unfortunately, I could not sniff out any scent of squirrel at all, as the wind was blowing quite a bit hard, as I could hear through the woods. As I then realized that at the same time as well, I also realized that I could no long catch the scent of the mice any where any more either.
I dipped my head all at once, as I was quite a bit disappointed, as I could tell that the wind was blowing quite a bit hard at the moment, and it was going to make it nearly impossible for me to catch any thing, unless I was to see it with my own eyes. I blew my opportunity, and it was quite a bit of a disappointment if I was not going to lie to my self.
I sighed a bit, as I lifted my head up to the air once again, still hearing the wind blowing around me, as for some reason I felt like I still might have a chance to catch the smell of an animal, and be able to go after it. To my surprise as well, I actually did catch the scent of an animal. It was one animal in specific at the same time too.
It was a rabbit, which confused me a bit at the same time too, as I could catch the scent of not just one, but perhaps a pack of them from the other way that I was going right now. I blinked a few times, as I tried to figure out why my brain was trying to tell me that this was so important in the first place as well.
It then hit me as to why, as I remembered that I had been trying to go back to the prairie, and the open fields, so that I would be able to see the sun in the sky, and no as to where it was that I was trying to go. I squinted mt eyes for quite a bit of some time as well, as I was also trying to remember as to why I had wanted to go and see the sun in the first place.
It then hit me, as I felt the voice almost whisper right in to my ear 'follow the sun trail'. I blinked a few times, as I knew that rabbits were also in fields, as it was another prey that Night had tried to teach me about just the day before. I could get 2 birds with 1 claw if I was to see the sun, and also at the same time too, catch a rabbit for me to eat.
I smiled a bit, as I shook my head at the same time as well, as I was not so sure as to why I was still standing in this one spot still, as I knew what it was that I had to be doing, and I knew that I may as well get started and getting it done, as I turned my eyes over to where I could smell the rabbits at, and also as to where I could hear the wind blowing at, at the same time as well.
I nodded to my self, as I then began to go after what I knew needed to be done in the first place. I had to go see as to where I needed to follow the sun, as well as the fact that I needed to catch some food before I felt like I was going to die from starvation. I sighed a bit as I began to head that way.
The wind began to blow, what seemed to be harder, and louder than before, which I was not sure if that were due to the fact that I was getting closer to it, or if it were due to the fact that the wind just so happened to be blowing quite a bit hard today. Either way, it did not matter all that much to me, as I just needed to know that I was going in the right direction.
Of course, which was the open fields, so that I could look up at the sun, so that I could see where it was that the strange cat had told me to go in my dreams in the first place. I once again cracked a smile on my face, as I could not help but to be excited as to what my future had in store for me.
Perhaps, I might not be able to catch any prey, and I might just die out there. I knew that was a negative sort of thinking how ever, as I was sure that I was going to be fine, and I just needed to find out where it was that I needed to go. I felt like I had some thing on my side, and some thing that was going to help me on the path that I needed to be on, from that cat in my dreams.
I kept on thinking on that for just a little bit longer, until I all of the sudden, felt the wind that I had heard blowing all around me earlier, blowing right on to my fur, as it felt quite a bit chilly if I was not going to lie. It was kind of a cold day for one, but also the fact that it was the fact that I was kind of scared of my future.
I was going after some thing that I had seen in a dream, and even if Ben had told me that I should chase what it was that I had seen in my dream, I still could not help but to get a bit scared as to the fact that it might to have been a real cat that I had seen in my dream at all, and that it might have just been a figment of my imagination.
I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, as I then shook my head. How long would I even have to go once I was to get to that place that the cat had told me I needed to go to in my dream? He had just told me that I needed to follow the sun, but I felt like if I did as such, as I could spend an entire life time, chasing after some thing that I was never going to find.
How long would that cat be in my dreams as well? How long was I going to be chasing some thing, until I just decided that I was going to give up. I had been told that the world out there was end less, and that it was scary due to that, because you might not ever find your way back home.
I sighed a bit, as I then once again shook my head, as I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I needed to just keep on going, and that some day, at some point, I would find as to what it was that I had been looking for, for who knows how long.
I felt my stomach grumble at the exact same time too, as it then hit me, just as to how hungry I was right now in the very first place. I lifted my head up to the sky, as I was not sure if it was going to be easier for me to smell out in the open, or if it was going to be harder for me to smell any thing, due to the smell potentially blowing away in the wind in front of me.
I sniffed for just a few moments, as the thing that I had hoped to not be true, all came back to me, as it was in fact true, as it was hard for me to smell any thing, due to the fact that the wind was blowing so heavily, and the scent was just blowing away with it. I blinked a few times, as at first, I was about to freak out, until I saw just what it was that was in front of me.
It was in fact, a rabbit... I was so shocked at first, due to the fact that I had some how seen it before I had smelt it, which was the opposite of what it was that I had been told it was going to be like once I was in the wild. At the same time too though, I felt like I could not blame Night for thinking that might be the case.
She had told me not to go out there, as to where I was at, at this current moment in time, as she had said that I was going to get lost out there, and she had said she never went out there as well. It made sense as to why she would think that hunting was like that in the wild.
It was like that in the woods at the very least, which she had not lied about at all either, as we had spent our entire time in the woods in the first place. It was not like that in the fields how ever, as I shook my head, not so sure as to why I still had the fact of Night in my head at this very moment any ways.
I shook off all of those thoughts, as I then stared at the rabbits that were in front of me, as I did my best to try to remember as to what it was that she had told me about catching rabbits in the first place. I blinked a few times, as it kind of felt like yesterday was a blur to me, as I had been staring at the sky and the trees most of the day.
I did remember how ever, that she had told me that a lot of hunting techniques were the same, and I just needed to be low, and I needed to be quiet, so that they could not hear me, and so that I was not caught. I nodded to my self, as I grinned quite a bit at the exact same time as well, as I was excited to what it was that a rabbit might taste like.
I hunched my self low to the ground, and I treaded a bit quietly, as I stared the rabbit right in to its eyes, as I saw it chewing at the grass that was in the ground beneath it. I had my self hunched down quite a bit, as I was about ready to run at the rabbit at any moment now.
I stared at it for just a bit more time, as I was nearly ready to run at it as fast as I could, which I had come to find out, was that I could actually go pretty fast, and that it was not just Night being some kind of different creature. She was good at hunting with out a doubt, but she was old with out a doubt as well.
I shook off those thoughts, as I got my legs ready to sprint faster than I ever had before, and for sure faster than I had ever gone whilst I had been in a two leg nest. As I looked at it for a bit longer, to make sure that it had not noticed me, that was when I made my move, as I then ran at it, as fast as I had ever gone before.
I could feel it, as the wind was blowing against me, as it was the most amazing thing that I had ever felt before, for one thing, and for another, it also was the fastest that I had ever moved in my life, as I felt a 2nd nature seem to take over me all at once, as I felt the chains and the shackles break free from me at the same time too.
I had a big smile on my face, as I went right after the rabbit, and his little pal that was standing right behind him. I was not going after his pal at all, as I felt like I would be lucky if I even caught one of them for one thing. I just needed to keep my focus on the one that was in front of me, and if the other one was still there before it had noticed me, than perhaps I could catch that one as well.
What would I do with 2 rabbits though? I felt like I could not eat one by its self, so there was no reason for me to get the both of them, as that would simply just be hurting the environment. I let out a bit of a sigh, which I sucked in at the same time, as I could feel the wind blowing against me at the exact same time as well.
All of the sudden, that is when every thing seemed to go wrong how ever, as I saw that the rabbit that I was headed right over to, all of the sudden lift its head up at me, as it began to freak out at the exact same time too. I grinned at it, as it knew what was coming for it, which of course was the inevitable death, and the normal cycle of nature at the same time too.
To my surprise how ever, I saw the rabbit did not hesitate to all of the sudden turn it self away from me, as the other one behind it noticed me at the same time too, as I heard them make weird noises, as it seemed like they were speaking to one another. I did not care how ever, as I was only going after the closer one.
Both of the rabbits then began to sprint in the opposite direction from me, which I did not mind at all, as it was clear to me that I was much faster than the both of them, as I could see my self closing the gap on the both of them, quite a bit fast at the exact same time as well, as I kept that same grin on my face whilst I was doing so.
That was when, all of the sudden, in the blink of an eye, they were gone. I kept on running for just a few moments, as I was a bit lost as to where they had just went off to. It was a very open area, besides a tree and a few bushes that were further away, but I was going way faster than them, so there surely could have been no way that the both of them had got to that yet, right?
I stopped my self, as I began to look around me all at once, at the exact same time as well, as I was so lost as to what had just happened in front of me. There had just disappeared in a flash, but where was it that they had even gone to in the very first place? I blinked, as I did my best to sniff the air, but just like earlier, there were no rabbits in the air at all.
I looked down back down, as I was so lost, as I had not a clue as to where it was that they might have disappeared to in the first place. I could not smell them any where, which was to be expected of course, but at the same time too, they had some how managed to disappear right in front of my eyes all at once.
I was so lost, as I continued to look all around me, as if they might have just stopped near by, and gone back to what it was that they had been doing before now, which was of course eating a bunch of the grass that had been on the ground beneath the both of them, as it told me that was what rabbits used for their source of food.
That was not what I was thinking about at this moment how ever, as I was just more upset on the fact that I had some how lost the both of them in a wide open field. I felt like I was going crazy, as I wondered if I had even seen the both of them in the very first place, as I continued to turn my head all over the place, in some sort of hope that I might some how find them.
I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I laid my head a little bit down to the ground at the same time too, as it felt kind of a bit hopeless to me at this point, as I stared down the hill that was in front of me at the same time too, as I continued to ask my self, just what the point was in all of this any ways?
As I stared down the hill for just a few moments too, I then heard some thing come from that direction at the same time too. A strange and familiar sound if I might say so my self. I blinked a few times, as my eyes then focused on what it was that I was looking at. I then saw it at the same time as well, as my jaw dropped in shock.
It surely could not be real right? What I was looking at, at this exact moment in time... I shook my head, as I continued to stare at it, only to see that it was still there, and it had not moved at all, nor had it disappeared like the rabbits had. I then began to speak to my self quite a bit loud, not caring if any thing was to hear me.
"That's the place from my dreams!"