Chapter 17: The Herbs

I looked in front of me for quite a bit of some time, as I was a little bit scared as to what I saw in the first place too. It was a vast world, that looked like I could see for ever through, which kind of scared me, as I had lived my life prior to this point, as a kitty pet, that was used to every thing being isolated and small.

I breathed in a heavy sigh at the exact same time too, as I was not quite sure as to what I should do, nor what it was that I was even doing in the first place as well. It kind of scared me, and I did not want to go out of the fence that we were in, as I knew that the two legs, as well as all of the other animals that lived here, kept us safe in side.

It was also early in the morning to, and it was still a bit dark, which scared me quite a bit, as I expected to hear the howl of a coyote all at once too. It made me feel quite a bit sick to have those thoughts go through my head at the exact same time too, but I felt as if I really could not stop them from barging through.

No matter how hard I tried to stop them as well, it felt like it did not matter, and it was they who had control over me, as sick as it made me feel, thinking that kind of way in the first place. I knew that it was simply not true at all, as I had made plenty of my own decisions over to past few days, but this felt to not be the case at all this time.

I wanted to stay in side the barn, such as Owl did, due to the fact that he did not want his son out here, as he was worried he would lose his son, and he had in fact said that it was in fact quite a bit dangerous out here in the night. The way the sky looked right now, it still looked to be night time, but I could clearly see a little bit of light down the other side of the horizon.

I breathed it heavily all at once, as I then looked over at Frank, as I saw that he had his eyes squinted at me at the exact same time too, as I could tell that he was waiting on me, so that I could join him out side of the fence. I still was debating on whether or not it was a good idea, as one side of me was telling me that I was being a coward, and the other side of me was telling me even harder, that it was dangerous out there, and that it was safer in side.

My normal part of me seemed to take over all at the same time too, as I was not sure as to what was going on with me right now. Was I really being this afraid over the fact that I had to go out side of a fence, and go and hunt? I still did not know how to fully hunt, as much as I wanted to tell my self that I did know how to.

There was still much I needed to learn, as I had found out by the fact that I had completely missed on the chance that I had, to get a nice juicy rabbit for me to eat yesterday. I was not going to lie, the mouse that I had ate, was in fact a delicious mouse, but I really just wanted to get the taste of a rabbit in my mouth.

I had never got to taste one before, and it was a bit disappointing. I was always grateful for when a friend would bring a mouse over to me, to eat at my old two leg place, but it was just about the only prey that I had ever eaten, and the thought of a big rabbit in my mouth, was very enticing, as I was not going to lie to my self at all.

I shook my head, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh at the same time too. I knew that it I did not learn how to hunt, than I would not have any chance at all, as to how it was that I was going to make it out side of the two leg nest that I used to live in. I wanted to live out here so badly, but for some odd reason or another, I was just too afraid.

What was I afraid of? Get attacked, and getting killed? I was going to die some day no matter how I looked at it, so it did not matter all that much to me at all. I might as well live the life that I had always dreamed of, rather than live in a two leg den, and be worried about getting thrown out at any day in the near future.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time, as I still wished that I had gone out to live in the wild with my friend. It was too late for all of that at this point, as I was sure that he was too far away in the endless world I had been told about. I was never going to find him at this point, as he was many moons ahead of me.

At this rate, the way I was going right now, I was never going to catch up to him either. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I got my eyes, and my focus back on Frank at the exact same time too. I saw that he still had his eyes squinted at me, as I could tell that he was waiting for me to follow him.

I knew that I was wasting a whole lot of time of the early day that we had just started, and I was sure that he wanted to come back home for his kit, so I did not blame him for being a little bit annoyed at me at all, as it was it fact my fault that we for some reason, had still not gotten this started.

I then nodded to Frank, to let him know that I was ready to follow him now, as he had already told me how it was that I was supposed to hunt a rabbit whilst we had still been in the barn. It was in fact a lot different than all of the other prey, as I was sure that Night either had been a little bit lazy, or she just did not know how to catch them either.

I would have to assume the 2nd part of that was true, as she seemed like a good cat, and she had in fact helped me quite a bit indeed. I did in fact remember as to the fact that she had said that she did not go out to the fields, which seemed to be where all of the rabbits were at, which did in fact make a bit more sense as well.

I shook off all of those thoughts, as I all of the sudden remembered I was going out side with Frank, so that he could teach me how to hunt a rabbit. I was still a bit lost as to why this cat was helping me in the first place any ways, as there was nothing special about me, and he could just throw my away, as he had more problems to worry about, as he had a young kit.

I shook my head, as I figured that I should not be too worried as to why that was the case at all, as I should just be grateful that he was in fact helping me. It had to be some thing with the dreams that I had, but I did not have all too much time to think on it at all at this very moment in time.

I got my focus on him all at the same time, as I heard him begin to speak to me all at once as well. I was still a little bit lost in my head for a few more moments, but as soon as I heard him speak a few words to me, I did in fact listen as to what it was that he had to say to me in the first place.

"Are you coming Kettle?" He said to me at first, as it was clear that he could tell that I was a bit lost in my head at the same time too. I could tell that the cat was a very smart cat, as there still felt some thing that was oddly special about the cat to me. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once too, how ever, as I knew that I needed to keep my focus on what was going on, and the fact that he had told me how to hunt for a rabbit, and that was what it was that we were about to do any ways. I was in fact excited for it, as I got my focus back on to that, and I then nodded to Frank, to let him know that I was listening. Frank rolled his eyes at me, as he let out a bit of a loud, but also soft sigh at the same time too, as he began to speak to me, and I listened as to what it was that he had to say to me in the very first place any ways as well. "We don't have to go if you don't want to..."

As he had said it to me, I then remembered all of the scary creatures that were out side, as I moved back a little bit, as I was quite a bit afraid to go out side right now. I felt like I should not be that way, as all of the night creatures had most likely gone in to their own hiding now, as I saw the sun was clearly slowly coming up in to the horizon right now.

I knew that I should not be afraid at this moment either, as I knew that if I never learned how to hunt out here, due to the fact that I was always so afraid, than it meant that I would never be able to live out side, in the wild, which was what I had always dreamed of doing in the first place.

I also knew that this cat knew what it was like out in the wild, a lot more than I did for sure, so if he thought that it was safe to go out side right now, than I felt like I should as well. I knew that I was going to find some sort of excuse to be afraid, and to hide out from it no matter once if I kept it up like this any ways.

I let out a bit of a sigh all at once, as I made sure to shake all of those thoughts from out of my head all at once, as I got my eyes back on Frank, as I saw that he was starting to get a little bit annoyed that I was not doing any thing, nor was a saying any thing back to him in any sort of response at all either. I did not blame him for it either, as I was not too sure what was going on with me at this very moment in time.

I then nodded to my self all at once, as I made sure that Frank had noticed me nod at the same time too, even if I had not meant it towards him at all, as I then smiled a bit to my self at the same time too, as I did in fact remember as to what was going on in the first place, as I began to get a little bit more excited now, and I began to speak up to Frank as well.

"Yes... Sorry... Let's go..." I said back over to him, to let him know that I was now awake, and I was paying attention to him at the exact same time too. Frank looked at me for a little while longer, as I saw him tilt his head a little bit at the exact same time too. After a little while longer how ever, he did in fact nod back to me.

Frank then all of the sudden turned his head away from me for some odd reason or another, as he then began to walk ahead, out in to the fields that were in front of me. I blinked a few times, as at first, I was starting to get a bit afraid, as to the fact that it seemed like he was leaving me behind.

I then remembered as to what it was that we were talking about in the first place, as I also remembered as to what it was that I had just said to him too. I realized what was going on now, and why he was leaving me behind, as I all of the sudden ran under the fence such as he had done not too long before now, and I began to follow him out side.

I was not going to lie at the same time as well, what I saw was quite a bit beautiful to me, as I saw a clear view of the stars in the sky, as well as the moon and the sun rising up in the horizon. It just felt like there was one thing that was missing from all of this. I had always had a bit of a fascination with water, unlike most other cats, as I loved to soak my self in to it.

Most cats hated to even get touched by it, and they hated when ever it rained on them, but I had always been the opposite of that, as I always felt a bit of a special connection to water, which I was never all too sure as to what it was that it could be in the first place. I let out quite a soft sigh all at once, as I shook off all of those thoughts.

I knew that they did not help me at all right now, as I knew that I needed to keep my focus on the fact as to what was going on at this very moment in time. Some day, I hoped to find a place to live that was near water, but for now, I felt like I just needed to keep my focus on the fact that I still needed to learn how to hunt, so that I could make it out in the wild first.

I let out quite a bit of a soft sigh, as I then continued to follow Frank at the same time too, as he seemed to be going to the top of the small hill that was in front of us, as it was clear that he was trying to get a good view of his surroundings. It confused me a bit at first, as I thought that he knew that you could just sniff out prey, rather than try to look for it with your eyes, as it was much easier.

I was fairly certain that he knew that, due to the fact that he had told me that he too had been trained a bit by Night, and she had told me that I needed to sniff out my prey. It was one thing that I had learned from her, that I knew would help me out a lot, as to the fact of course, the smells of all of the different types of prey.

I nodded to my self, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once at the exact same time too how ever, as I continued to follow Frank to the top of the hill, which I still was a little bit confused as to what he was doing, but I figured that I should not step in for him, as I did not know what the wild was like yet, and I was sure that he knew a lot more than I did.

There was some thing that he was trying to teach me for sure, though I was not quite sure as to what it could be just yet. I let out a bit of a soft sigh how ever, as I knew that this was the whole point in all of this in the very first place, as I knew that I should stop asking my self so many different questions all at once.

As we got to the top of the hill how ever, he suddenly stopped him self, as he stared up in to the sky for some odd reason or another, which did in fact confuse me quite a bit, as to what it was that was going on with him. I was quite a bit lost, as I let out a heavy sigh, as I just stood there beside him, and let him have his time to think, or what ever it was that he was doing.

I stared at him for just a little bit longer, as I all of the sudden looked up in to the sky, to see what it was that he could be looking at. From what I could see how ever, all it was, was simply stars, and I thought that it might be some sort of pattern at the exact same time too, but as I looked at it for a little while longer, I still could not see any thing.

I turned my head away from all of that at the exact same time too, and back over to Frank, to see as to what it was that he was doing now, as I saw that his eyes were no longer locked in to the sky at all, as he had his eyes in front of him, below the hill that we were on top of at this very moment in time.

As I looked around, such as he was doing at this very moment in time, I saw that there were no rabbits to be seen at all, which was to no surprise to me at all of course, as I had not expected there to be any sort of prey out this early in the morning, as I still was a bit lost as to why he had woke me up in the first place.

Perhaps he just had not been thinking at the time, as he simply had thought that he wanted to be back by the time his kit was to wake up. If that was the case, than I figured that he should have just not offered to take me out here at all, if we were simply just wasting our time, and there was no prey for me to catch out side of his home.

I could just try to catch another mouse, but at the exact same time too, I kind of felt like that would be a little bit boring for one thing, and I wanted a bit of a diversity on the food I ate. Plus I knew at the same time too, that I could not just simply hope to live out in the wild, if every meal I looked for, always had to be a mouse.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at the same time as well how ever, as I all of the sudden looked back over to Frank, as I saw him staring right at me, from the corner of my own eye. I was a bit lost at first, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that he was even doing at all, but I then saw him nod to me all of the sudden as well.

I blinked a few times, as I still was kind of a little bit lost at first, but I then nodded right back at him, as I was sure that he did not want to be wasting all too much time, as I knew that he wanted to get back home to his kit, even if his kit knew that his father was in fact going out side to help me learn how to hunt for rabbits.

I did not blame him for it either, as I knew that a mother, most of the time was over protective of their kit. But this kit did not have a mother at all in this case, so it had to be the father that had to step in for that role. If I was going to be honest as well, he did not seem to be all to strict on Owl.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then all of the sudden got my focus back on to him as well, as I all of the sudden heard him begin to speak up to me, as it was clear that he thought that I had my full attention on him. It was not the case at all how ever, but I did in fact listen as to what it was that he had to say to me in the first place any ways.

"Alright... Go ahead and sniff the air to get the scent of a rabbit, there should be plenty out right now..." He said to me, as it seemed to be the complete opposite of what it was that I had been thinking on a few moments ago, as I had been a bit worried that we had got up far too early, and that they were all asleep.

It was clear that I was wrong, and that he knew far more about what it was like out here than I did. I felt like I should just get my head to shut up at this point, as I knew that he knew so much more than I did out here, it was not even funny at all. I let out a bit of a soft sigh how ever, as it was clear that he was waiting for me to respond back to what it was that he had just said.

It then hit me what it was that he had said in the first place as well, too, as I then nodded to him, and I then lifted my head up in to the air, and began to sniff around, so that I could try to catch the scent of some rabbits. Just as I did so, it took no less than a few moments to catch a whiff of some, as to my surprise, I realized that he was in fact correct with what it was that he had just said to me in the first place.

I then looked back down to Frank at the same time too, as I was still a little bit lost all at the same time too, as I let out quite a bit of a soft sigh to my self as well. I always wanted to be the cat that was right in any situation, but I felt like I was making my self look like a fool at this very moment.

I was not making my self look to be a fool to him at all, as I was simply just making my self out to be an idiot to my self, as to the fact that I was thinking a lot of stupid thoughts at this very moment in time. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I blinked a few times too, and I got my focus back on to my self.

I remembered that Frank had in fact just spoke to me at the exact same time too, and I did in fact also remember as to what it was that he had just asked me to do as well. I had done as such too, so it was not like I had just all of the sudden up and forgot as to what it was that was going on right now any ways either.

I locked my eyes with him, as I saw that he had his eyes squinted at me, which I also did not blame him for at the same time either, as I seemed to be quite a bit off right now. I shook off all of the thoughts that I had seemed to be having all at once as well, how ever, as I then nodded to him, to let him know that I was about to speak to him.

He looked at me for a little while longer too, but he did in fact nod right back over to me in the end, I felt just a little bit more safe, as I then looked over to where I had smelt the closest rabbits at, as it did not take me that long to see them either, as the sun light was beginning to flash a bit. As I saw them, I looked back over to Frank as well, and I then began to speak up to him.

"There is some close over that way, do I go ahead and go after them?" I said to him, as for some odd reason or another, it almost seemed like I was hoping that he told me no, and that we should just go back to the barn. I felt like I really was going to make a big embarrassment of my self for some odd reason or another.

I was not so sure as to why, as I knew that Frank was just like me at one point in his life, as he had given me a little bit of his back story. I knew that he would not judge me if I hunted poorly, as it was almost like he was trying to teach a kit how to hunt, as this was in fact one of my first few days of trying.

I was quite a bit proud of my self, for the mouse that I had caught in the barn last night, but at the exact same time as well, I also knew that it was very easy to catch a mouse for one thing, but a mouse such as that one was even easier than most that I was to hunt after, when I was in the wild.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I then got my focus back on what was going on right now, at this very moment in time. I looked at Frank, as I saw him nod to me, which I was a bit lost as to why that might be so at first, until I remembered where we were at, and why we had even come to this place in the first place.

As I remembered all of that, I then gave Frank a quick nod, and I all of the sudden turned my head back over to where I had smelt the rabbits from, not too far away, just a few moments before all of this any ways. I squinted my eyes, as I then spotted them chewing on some grass, not all too far away.

I kind of felt a little bit bad as to the fact that I was going to have to end one of their lives not too long in to the future, but at the exact same time too, I also felt like I should not feel all too bad, even if they were simply just trying to get some food, such as I was. It was just like I was hunting after a mouse, as I remembered that they too were just trying to eat.

It seemed to relax me at the exact same time too, as I had all of those thoughts come through head all at once, as I then began to realize, that this was just a simple cycle of life. If I did not eat, than I would die, such as they would, if they did not eat. More rabbits would come in to the future, as I had been told how fast the repopulated.

I sighed a bit of a soft sigh to my self at the exact same time, as I then nodded to my self, as I shook off all of the other thoughts that were trying to get in to my head, and tell me that this was a bad idea. I was thinking like a kitty pet, and that was the worst type of thinking to me, as I hated being a kitty pet, as it had not been too long ago that I had in fact been one.

I then got my focus back on the rabbits that were not too far ahead off me at this very moment in time, I stared at them for a little while, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I was even thinking at this very moment, as I then remembered in fact that I had been trying to catch one of them.

I nodded to my self once again, as I kept on heading towards it, with my head a bit low, so that it was much harder for them to see me. I was not all too worried about stepping on any sticks, as we were out in the fields at this very moment in time. It was just the fact that I knew that the rabbits would only run, if they were to see you from far away from here.

I also knew that they had burrows all over the place as well, that they could easily run in to, and hide from me, so I had to catch them quick. It made sense as to why the rabbits had suddenly disappeared from my sight just yesterday, as I had not known that it had been the case, and I had thought that I had simply just been going crazy.

That was not the case at all how ever, as I did my best to try and shake all of those thoughts from my head all at once as well, as I kept my focus on the rabbits that were ahead of me, as I made sure to do just what it was that Frank had told me to do in the first place, when it came to the fact that I was trying to hunt rabbits.

I nodded to my self, as I kept on going over to it, seeing that I was getting closer and closer, I began to get more and more excited all at once, as I was nearly at the perfect distance to start to sprint at the rabbits, so that I could catch them. I still felt like I should try to get a little bit closer how ever, that way I would make sure that they would not be fast enough to hide in to a near by burrow either.

I stopped my self, as I did not want to risk going any further any more, as I felt like I was plenty close enough for me to go ahead and jump on to one of the rabbits, with out it even standing a chance. I breathed in heavily, as I did my best to focus my thoughts on the rabbit, as I could see from the corner of my eye at the same time too, that Frank was nodding to me, as it was clear that he was trying to tell me that I was doing great.

I could say for once as well, that I kind of agreed on that, as I did in fact kind of feel a bit proud of my self, that I had got this far, with out giving up, or doing some thing as stupid as me all of the sudden just running at the rabbit before I had got close enough to catch it any ways, which I felt I would have done if he had not told me how I actually should hunt a rabbit.

I then looked back at the rabbit all at once, as I took in a heavy sigh of relief, as I then lowered my self a bit further down, as I now was getting ready to go after the closest rabbit, that had its back turned to me at this very moment in time, as it was clear that it did not have a clue as to what it was that was right behind it right now.

It did not know that this was going to be it's last moments in its life. I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too, as I realized just what I was getting my self in to once again, which was of course, the fact that for some odd reason or another, I was starting to feel bad for the fact that I had to kill this rabbit.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, as I did my best to try and shake off all of those thoughts as well, as I knew that this was simply what I needed to do, if I did in fact want to make it out in the wild, such as I had always dreamed of living at. I then began to speak up to my self, a little bit quietly, so that the rabbits could not hear, even if they were not the best with their ears.

"Remember Kettle... This is just the normal cycle of life... Maybe some day, some other animal will prey on you..." I said to my self, as I shivered at all of those thoughts at the exact same time too, as some thing felt a bit off, and a bit scary with what it was that I had just said to my self as well.

I was not so sure as to what it was that it could be, but I shook away all of those thoughts at the same time too, as I knew that I needed to keep my focus on these rabbits, before one of them was to all of the sudden turn around and see me, then notify it's companion, so that they could run off before I could catch them.

I knew that even if they did see me, the odds were still in my favor of catching them, as they were just far too close to me for me not to catch them at this point in time. I shook those thoughts off as well how ever, as I knew that it did not mean that I should sit here and ponder over it for too long either, as it was simple, as to what it was that I needed to do now.

I then locked my eyes on to the rabbit for real this time, as I got any sort of back ground noise, and any thing that I saw from the corner of my eye, such as the fact that I saw that Frank was still staring at me, as he had his eyes squinted on the fact that I still had not gone after the rabbit, such as the reason that we had come here in the very first place any ways.

I knew that he wanted to get back home at the same time too, before his kit was to wake up, so his kit did not get too scared that his father still had not come back from a hunting trip, with a total stranger such as my self. I had to remind my self that I was in fact still a stranger to the both of them.

I then shook away those thoughts, and then I looked right on to the ears of the rabbit, that were a fair bit big, at least compared the the ears that I had on my own body, and the ears that were on the body of any other cat. Once I had my focus fully on the rabbit, that was when I began to make my move on it, as it all felt like it was going in such slow motion.

I knew that I was going fast how ever, as I then got insanely close to the rabbit at the same time too, just as I saw it turn it's head on me. It was too late for the rabbit how ever, as I put a bit of a slight grin on my face at the same time too, as I could not help but to brag to the rabbit, that I was going to be the reason that led to it's death.

I could tell that the rabbit was a bit afraid, as it should be, as I was just about ready to jump on it at this point now, so that I could put the finishing blow. That was of course, when suddenly, it seemed like some thing had stopped my from doing as to such a thing, as I was a little bit lost as to what it was that had done that at first.

That was, when I all of the sudden hit my face right in to the dirt that was beneath me, as it was quite a bit of a painful smash in to the ground, as I was not going to lie to my self. That was not the worst part it that how ever, as just as I was about to lift my self back up, before the rabbits had a chance to run away, I felt I swipe right on my left eye, which confused me a bit at first.

As I lifted my head up, and my body up all at once, I saw that the rabbits were getting a little bit further away, meaning that it was impossible for me to catch them now. I was a little bit lost how ever, as to the fact as why they were so hard for me to see, as for some odd reason or another, it seemed like they were very blurry, which was not normal at all to my self.

I let out a loud groan, as I was not too sure as to what had happened right there, as I looked beneath me, to see that there was a hole in the ground, that I had got my self to fall in to in the first place. I was about to curse my self out for it at the exact same time as well, when I all of the sudden began to hear loud foot steps.

I looked up right away, as I was a bit scared as to what it was that it could be at first, until I let out a bit of a sigh of relief, as I saw that it was simply just Frank. I dipped my head a bit low to the ground at the exact same time as well, how ever, as I still could not help but to be a little bit embarrassed as to the fact that I had failed miserably at the first actual chance that I had to catch a rabbit for my self.

Frank did not seem to be laughing at all how ever, as instead, I saw quite a bit of a worried, and a scared look on his face at the same time too, which confused my quite a bit, as I tilted my head at him at first, and I then began to squint my eyes at him at the same time too, as I was lost as to what it was that was going on with him.

Just as I tried to squint my eyes how ever, I felt a sharp pain in the left eye, which had me a bit lost at first, as I had as to not a clue as to what it could be, as I shook off all of the other thoughts all at the exact same time too, as I was trying to figure out why my left eye hurt so badly at this very moment.

I then closed my right eye, as I kept my left eye open. Or at least, I had thought that I had kept my left eye open, as I could just about barely see a thing at this point now, as it now was beginning to hit me, as to why the rabbits had been so blurry, when I had seen them run away from me, to hide themselves in a burrow.

It then hit me all at once, as to the fact that I had felt some thing scrape my left eye. It had to have been one of the rabbits that had done that to me, surely right?! I began to freak out, even more than I felt like I ever had in my life, as it seemed like I might have just lost my left eye.

I began to look all over the place for it, to see as to where it might be, as if I could put it back in. I was not so sure as to what it was that I should do, as I had not been told on the fact that prey could attack you back! If that was the case, than perhaps it was a bad idea to leave the safe place of my old two leg den that I had lived at.

I was about to cry at the same time too, as if I was a little kit, when I all of the sudden then heard Frank begin to speak to me. I was still a bit freaked out to pay any sort of attention as to what it was that he had to say to me, but I did listen as to what it was that he did have to say in fact, any ways.

"Oh gosh! I am going to have to take you back to the barn! That is really bad, holy cow, I am not sure what is going to happen to your eye!" He said to me, as at this point, it really did not surprise me as to the fact that he had in fact told me that some thing had happened to my eye, whilst the rabbit had for some reason fought back against me, in trying to hunt it down. I was still a bit freaked out either way, as I began to breath in heavily, as things seemed to be going so fast, just when they had seemed to be going a bit slow not all too long before now. I did my best to keep my self calm either way, as I did not want to freak out to much. It seemed like he was a bit worried about my eye how ever, which had me a bit worried, but at the very least, I knew that I had not lost my eye. I let out a soft sigh to my self, as I did my best to calm my self down a bit, as I then nodded to Frank all at the exact same time as well. Frank nodded back to me as well, after just a little while longer, as he then began to continue to speak to me, as I then listened as to what it was that he had to say to me in the first place any ways. "Just close your left eye, and follow my lead! We need to go fast, I am not sure how long we have left to save it!"

I wish that he had said some thing such as, 'things are going to be fine, there is nothing to be freaking out about'. That was not the case at all how ever, as at this very moment in time, I felt like I needed to be soothed a bit, as it was starting to hit me more and more by each moment, just how much it hurt me.

At the same time as well, in the end, I knew that would not help me at all, as I could tell that he was being truthful with what it was that he was saying to me, which I felt grateful for as well, as I did not want him to be soft on me, and for him to lie to me all at the exact same time too, as I just nodded a bit of response to Frank.

Frank nodded back over to me, as I then closed my left eye, just as he had told me to do. I saw him begin to start to head back to the barn, which thankfully was not all too far away, but I still could not help but to be worried as if it was too far away for him to be able to save my eye.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I knew that I needed to keep my mind on positive thoughts, or else it would drown me in a whole lot of fear, if that was the case. I sighed just a little bit to my self, as I gulped down a whole bunch of spit, and I began to run, a bit of a slower run after Frank.

At first I was a bit upset by it, due to the fact that I was worried that he might not be taking this all too serious, which started to make me wonder if he was over exxagarating about all of this. I shook off those thoughts at the exact same time as well how ever, as I knew that he was not doing as such, as it was clear to me that I could not see out of my left eye.

I knew that he was being serious, and as far as I could tell, he did not want me to hurt my self even more, or for me to crash in to any thing, or fall in to another hole like I had done so before. I kind of cursed my self at the same time too, as I had told my self that I did not need to worry on the fact that there were no sticks on the ground, but I had not thought about there being holes in the dirt.

It was my own fault, all of it, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too, as I kept my eyes, and my focus on the fact that I needed to be following Frank, as he was leading me back to the barn, where it was that he had said that he had stuff to try to help me with my eye.

I was not sure how much that would help me, but at the same time too, I also knew that it was a bad idea to just lose faith in my self, and all of the others that were around me as well. I then nodded to my self, I shook off all of the scary thoughts that I was having, on got my focus on the now current task that was in paw.

We got in to the barn, with a quite loud stumble at the same time too, as I nearly stumbled on one of the hay bales that he had told me they were called. I was not sure as to how, as they were big and tall, and just because I could not see out of one of my eyes, did not mean that I was completely blind for good, though I was starting to get a little bit worried that it might be the case.

I breathed in a heavy sigh, as I saw that Frank was starting to slow down his pace all at the same time as well, as I began to do the same thing as him, as I was a little bit lost as to what was going on right now. I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I saw that Frank then nodded to some thing that was in front of him.

I was a bit lost as to what it was that he was looking at right now, as I could not see a thing, even if I still did in fact have one of my eyes left. To be fair at the same time too, it seemed to be that the cat that Frank was looking at, at this very moment in time was on the left side of my vision, which meant that no matter what, I would not be able to see the cat.

Not that it mattered all that much any ways, as I knew that the cat that he was looking at right now, was his kit, Owl. I was starting to get a bit upset at the exact same time too how ever, as to the fact that we still had not got to the part where he was going to give me the stuff that would at least be able to some what heal my eye.

I shook my head a bit, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at the exact same time as well how ever, as I heard the kit begin to speak up to his father, as I let out quite a loud sigh all at the same time as well, as I then began to listen as to what it was that Owl had to say to him at the exact same time too.

"What's going on dad! Are you guys alright? What happened?" He asked his father. I could tell that the kit was a bit worried for not just his father, but also for me too, as I could tell that the kit did in fact kind of like me, as I had noticed that from the start. It was a little bit strange to me, as his father was a lot cooler of a cat than I was.

I shook off all of those thoughts all at the same time as well how ever, as I knew that those sort of thoughts did not help me at all right now, as I breathed in quite a heavy sigh, as I really was starting to get a little bit annoyed as to the fact that we had not got to the part where Frank was going to be able to save me from not having a missing eye for the rest of my life.

I was about to squint my eyes at them, but I remembered that it was a bad idea for me to do as to such a thing, as I did in fact remember as to what it was that had happened earlier, when I had tried to squint my eyes, as I knew that it had caused quite a bit of some pain, and I did not want to experience that again either.

I was about ready to step up, and get to the point, so that they would remember that I was the one that had a part of my eye that almost seemed to be missing right now. I let out a heavy sigh, as I turned my head, so that I could see the kit from out of my right eye, as I saw that he had noticed the spot right away, as it was clear to me that it was bad.

I did my best to not get too freaked out about all of it, as I breathed in a bit, so that I could try to relax all of my nerves, that seemed to be flowing in all different parts of my body right now. I saw the kit looked right back over to his father, as he did not want to look at the spot for all too long clearly.

I did not blame him for it at all either, as I was sure that it was very bad, just based off of the looks that they had both given me. I shook off all of those thoughts though, as finally, I heard Frank begin to speak back to his kit, which helped relax me a little bit, as I then listened as to what it was that he had to say back to Owl.

"He's hurt, it's a wound... Go get me the herbs!"