I laid in the bed that I had slept in for quite a few days at this point, as I felt so miserable, as to the fact that I had not got to go out and do any thing at all. I felt so lost, on the fact that I was certain for a while that I was going to lose my eye, but after I had not lost it, which I was in fact grateful for Frank, for being able to save it, I still knew that I was not going to be able to see out of that eye all too well for the rest of my life.
That was not the fact that made me miserable at all how ever, as the thing that made me miserable, was the fact that I had expected to see the wild, and see a new and beautiful place every day that I was out here. That was not the case at all so far how ever, as instead, for the last few days, I had to sit in side of this barn, and listen to the kit tell me all different types of stories.
Most of the stories I had heard at one point, but even the stories that he told me, that I had never heard, really was not all that entertaining to me at all, as unlike him, I was not a kit any more, and I wanted to see the world for my self, rather than be told stories about all of what it was like.
Sadly that was not the case at all for me right how ever, as I knew that Frank had told me to stay in side, and let my eye rest for a few days, before I did any thing else. It had been more than just a few days at this point how ever, and every time I asked him, his response would always be the same to me, 'just a little bit longer'.
It was as if he was treating me like the way that he treated his kit. Which did not make all that much sense at all to me, as I was not a kit for one thing, nor did I have any sort of relation to him. I was sure that he was simply just worried about me, and I also felt like he was taking a lot of the blame for the accident that had happened to me.
I let out a bit of a soft sigh at the same time too, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once as well, as I then turned my head over to the kit, who I saw was just looking in to the field, just as he always did most days. For some reason as well, though it all just looked the same to me, it still entertained him, to look at the two legs taking care of the big animals.
It was almost as if the animals were kitty pets, which almost made me laugh to think as to such a thing, as I knew that they were a lot bigger than a cat was. I felt a bit bad for them, but at the same time too, I also knew that they could go out side of the fence any time they wanted to, but for some odd reason or another, they simply chose not to do so.
I rolled my eye, at the same time too, as I still did not want to do any thing at all with my other eye, as I knew that it was still in the process of healing. I was still a bit jealous, not of the kit at all, though he did have a great father, and I had in fact used to dream about having parents that could have raised me whilst I was growing up.
Sadly that was not the case at all how ever, and it was about time that I got over all of that at this point, as I had grown up at this point, and I did not need a parent to guide me any more, as I was making my own decisions, such as the one that I had made to go live out in the wild.
At first I had thought that it was a bad idea, and I was really wishing that I could just go back home. But I knew that this was just one bad occurrence as I was still a bit lost as to why I had been told to come here in the first place. The more that I thought on it how ever, I knew that there had to have been a reason, as he had still helped my to hunt prey a lot better than Night had.
To be fair as well too, Night did not really live out in the wild, and she was also a lot older of a cat, so she was not too sure as to what was even going on around her if I had to guess. She was still a great cat, and I was grateful for her leading me down this road in the first place, as I was sure that I still would not have died, even if I had not ever met Frank.
It was the path that I was destined on how ever, such as that cat that went by the name of 'Stoneteller' had said to me in the first place. I sighed a bit to my self at the exact same time as well how ever, as I shook off all of those thoughts that were going through my head all at once too, and I looked back at Owl, still seeing him stare out in to the field.
He was a good kit, and he was a lot better than I had, when I had been his age for sure, as I knew that his father was doing a great job of raising him for sure. I let out a bit of a smile at him, though I knew that he was paying me no sort of attention, and had not seen it at all.
I shook off those thoughts how ever, as I got my eyes on what it was that he was looking at. I was not sure as to what it was that was so exciting about the lives that these animals lived to him. Maybe he was thinking about what it would be like to be that big. I was not too sure, as I had not bothered to ask him what it was that he thought about them.
I looked away from that how ever, as I then looked up in to the sky, to see that the sun was about mid way in to the sky at this very moment in time. I had a bit of a vivid recollection as to the fact that I had to follow the sun, such as the old cat that went by the name of Stoneteller had told me to do in the first place.
I had not heard from him in quite a while how ever, and I wondered if he had might have changed his mind, due to the fact that he had seen that I was happy with where it was that I was at right now. I still had not asked Frank if I might be able to live with them, as I was a bit afraid to do so, for one thing, but also for the other, I still could not wipe off the thoughts that I needed to follow the sun trail.
I shook my head, as I sighed a bit to my self, and began to close my eyes at the exact same time too. It was as if I was trying to get my self to fall asleep, even though I was not tired at all, which I knew would not work for me, and would not help me all too much, as I began to roll around a bit on the hay bale, as if I was the kit, and not Owl.
I heard Owl begin to laugh, which I was sure was meant towards me, as I was fairly certain that he had seen as to what it was that I was doing. I was not all too bothered by it how ever, as I some times often wished that I could go back to the days that I grew up as a kit.
I shook off those thoughts at the same time too, as I also remembered that it would mean that I would have to go back home to the two leg nest. Perhaps that was not all too had how ever, as it meant that I would not be having a missing eye, and the younger two leg did in fact used to treat me quite a bit nice, until she sat on her weird glowy thing all night, and paid me no sort of attention.
I had been tempted to scratch the thing up more than once, but I chose not to, as I was not a bad, nor was I a bit of a destructive cat either, as I knew that she was fond of that thing, and I did not want to hurt her for no reason what so ever, besides the fact that I let my own jealousy take over me.
Plus, it had led me down to the path that I was on right now, which I felt like I was a lot more happy about than I would be if I was still living in a two leg nest. I grinned a bit to my self, as even if I had it bad for me so far, it was simply a learning point for me, as I knew that in the end, it would lead me down a much better road.
I nodded just a little bit to my self, as I then began to quit rolling around on the hay bale at the exact same time as well, as I all of the sudden heard a bit of a deep voice begin to speak up to me, from not all too far behind me all at once. I lifted my self up, and I blinked at the same time as well, as I turned my head over, so that I was able to see as to who it was in the first place as well.
To no surprise at all, as I was not so sure as to who else I would have thought that it could be, I saw that it was Frank, as he had quite a bit of a slight grin on his face, as it seemed to be that he was enjoying all of this all at once as well, as I heard him begin to start laughing at me.
Owl turned his head around at the same time too, as it was clear that he was a little bit confused as to what it was that was going on, and what it was that he might have missed in the first place, but when he saw that his father was looking right at me, he then began to laugh with him, as to what it was that I had just been doing.
I was fairly embarrassed about it as well, as I dipped my head a little bit low to the ground. I still had a bit of some immature behavior that I felt like I needed to grow up on at some point. It was a bit hard for me to do as such a thing how ever, due to the fact that I had not really had any one to teach me how to do so in the first place, besides that times Ben went to my home.
I knew that I looked like a bit of an idiot too, as I should expected that Frank would be back soon, as he had gone to get a rabbit for me, so that I would be able to taste the prey that had nearly cut my eye out of my socket. If I was going to be honest with my self at the same time as well, I was a little bit afraid to taste the rabbit, as it might have a bit of the flavor of my eye ball at the same time as well.
I shook my head how ever, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self at the exact same time as well, as I shook off all of those thoughts, and I stared at Frank, to see that he had a rabbit beneath him right now, as it was clear to me that he had dropped it off, in the hopes that we would be paying attention, and that we would be able to eat it right away.
I was not going to lie, I was not so sure as to how 1 cat could eat such a thing, as the one that he had caught was a lot bigger than most that I had ever seen for sure, though at the same time too, I also knew that I had not seen all too many in the first place any ways, as I was not sure what I was thinking.
Either way, I felt like it did not matter all too much any ways, as I knew that I should be grateful to the fact that he had in fact gone to get me a rabbit, as I had a big smile on my face, as I then hopped down from the hay bale that I was laying on right now, as I had a big smile on my face all the way through.
I could tell that Frank could not help but to smile right back at me, as he saw that both me and Owl were heading over to the rabbit that he had on the ground beneath him right now. I looked at Owl at the same time too, as he had a big smile on his own face, just like I did, as I wondered if this was his first time too, to ever taste a rabbit.
Either way, I figured that it did not matter all that much, as we were in this together for sure. I looked at Frank for a little while longer, before I got any closer to the rabbit. Frank winked at me at the same time too, which confused me a little bit, as shortly after that as well, he then all of the sudden nodded to me.
Just like I had done so earlier, when I blinked, I only blinked with my right eye, as I made sure that I did not want to mess up the cob webs that he had put on my left eye either, as I just had my left eye completely shut over the last few days, due to me having that on there as well.
I shook off all of those thoughts how ever, as I knew that they did not help me all that much, at this very moment in time as I then all of the sudden, decided to nod right back over to Frank as well. Once Frank had seen me do as such, he all of the sudden then began to speak to me. I listened as to what it was that he had to say at the exact same time too.
"You 2 go ahead and share that rabbit... I am not the biggest fan of those... Besides, I already ate some thing earlier this morning..." He said to me, as he looked back over to his kit at the exact same time as well. I looked at him for a few moments, as I figured that he really did not have to add on that last part, as neither of us cared all too much right now, as the only reason a cat would not want to eat, was either due to the fact that they were depressed, or that it was because they had already eaten. It was clear that by no means, Frank was not depressed at all, so it meant that the prior to that would only make sense. I shook off all of those thoughts at the same time too, as I then began to bite in to the rabbit, just as Owl did the same as me. As I began to taste it, I was a bit confused by the taste, as well as the fact that it was a bit hard to bite in to. The more that I bit in to it, the more I began to realize that it was not my type. It was for sure, a lot better than dry food, but if I had to, I would shy away from that in the future. I ate a little bit more in to it, but once I felt like my stomach was good enough, I then moved my self back from it. I could tell that it did not surprise Frank all too much, as he did not seem to be a big fan of it all that much either. How ever, it seemed like Owl was going to town on it, which was quite a surprise to me. I tilted my head, as I saw him chewing on it like crazy, as I did my best to try not to laugh. I rolled my one eye once again, as I then looked over to Frank, as I saw him all of the sudden nod to me. I was bit lost as to why, but I did in fact nod right back to him, as I waited for him to speak to me. After a little while longer, he did in fact do as such a thing, as I then once again, listened as to what it was that he had to say to me. "I am going to take you to some place out side later... If you want to come with me..."
I looked at him for a few moments, as I was a little bit shocked by it at first, but in the end, I did in fact nod back to him, as I was excited for the fact that he was going to take me out side of the fence, in the first time since I had the accident with the rabbit. I was about to jump up like a kit, with how excited I was, but I held it in, as I felt like I had already made a bit of an embarrassment of my self, as it was already.
I just could not help but to be a bit over the top, as if I was some kind of kit, that was getting some sort of present. I was about to jump around all excited, but I held my self in, as I knew that I was past that stage in my life at this point, as I then just breathed in heavily, and did my best to keep my self calm.
I nodded gratefully to Frank, as I had been waiting for this moment for quite a bit of some time. Perhaps he could be trying to show me the place that I had seen in my dreams, for all that I knew, as that could be the reason that Stoneteller had made me come to this place in the first place.
I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh, which I hoped did not bother him all too much, as I knew that I did not need to get my self lost in my head right now. It was just a bit hard for me, due to the fact that this was what I had always dreamed of doing, and it was now coming to life for me.
I breathed in a little bit, to try to relax my nerves all at the same time as well, as I just kept a smile on my face, as I looked back at Frank, just to make sure that he had in fact noticed that I had just nod to him at the exact same time too. Frank looked at me for just a bit of some time, but he did in fact nod to me, as I saw him then all of the sudden look over to Owl.
I then remembered that Owl was in fact here with us in the first place as well, as I had forgotten all about that some how, event though he had basically been all around me for the last few days. I then began to feel a bit bad for him, as I did realize that his father had been spending a lot more time around me rather than him over the last few days too.
I was sure that he was jealous of it for sure, and I was also sure that he wanted to go out side too, and he wanted to see what the world was like out side, such as I always had. Owl seemed to be a lot like me, except he was a lot more chill than I was for sure, and it was very hard to upset the young kit.
I did not want to test him either, as he was too good of a kit to be messing around with like that. I knew that Frank was also a great cat as well, as I was sure that there was a reason I had been taken here, but I just was not all too sure as to what it could be just yet, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self at the same time too.
I then got my focus on Owl, who I did in fact expect to be a bit upset over the fact that his father was going to take me out, with out him. As I saw the look on his face how ever, it did not seem to be a look of anger, jealousy, nor did it seem to a blank look either, as if he was trying to hide all of his emotions deep down in side of him.
Instead, he seemed to have a bit of a happy look on his face, which had me quite a bit shocked all at the same time as well. I looked at him for a little bit more time too, as all of the sudden, he nodded back to his father, as it was clear that he was a smart cat, and he knew what it was that his father was getting at.
Frank looked at him for a little bit longer, with a bit of a sad look on his face for some odd reason or another, which confused me a little bit, as he then all of the sudden nodded right back over to his son. Owl let out a bit of a heavy sigh at the same time too, as he then all of the sudden, began to speak up to his father, and I listened as to what it was that he had to say to him at the exact same time too, even though I knew that it was not directed to me by any means at all.
"You guys have fun out there... I will be in the nest, if you guys don't get back until the night..." He said to my father, but also to me, as I saw him turn his head over to me just a bit, just to make sure that I had heard what it was that he had just said to the both of us at the exact same time as well.
I blinked a few times, as I was still at a bit of a loss for words, as to the fact that the kit could be so smart in the first place, but I shook off all of those thoughts at the exact same time too, as I then began to breath in heavily, as I felt a lot more safe, now that I knew the kit was going to be safe for the night.
For some reason, I felt a bit of a strong connection to the kit, though I was not all too sure as to what it could be. I did feel a bit of that same connection to his father too, which I tried to shake off at the same time as well, as it did not make all too much sense to me, as to why Stoneteller would want be to go on the sun trail, if I was perfectly happy just living here.
I was still heavily debating that fact at the exact same time as well, as I was not all too sure if I did want to go to the sun trail at this point, as I was happy at this place. If Frank offered me to live with them, than I was fairly certain at this point, that I could not turn it down as I was happy living here.
It was safe here as well, so there was nothing at all to complain about with the barn that I had been living in for the past few days, whilst I had been healing. Perhaps that is what I needed at the same time too as well, as I knew that I was getting closer and closer to Frank and Owl, as each day passed along.
I let out a bit of a soft sigh at the same time as well, as I did my best to try and shake off all of those thoughts all at once too. Perhaps I needed to just stop thinking on it so much, and just let it all come to fruition for me, as I knew that it was only stressing me out the more and more that I thought in to it.
I got my focus back on the present, and all that was going on right at this very moment in time, as I saw that Owl was beginning to walk away, which confused my quite a bit, as I had not a clue as to what was going on, nor if I might have missed some thing that might have been a bit important, whilst I had been trapped in my head.
That did not seem to be the case at all how ever, as I saw that Owl was walking away, and he had quite the normal look that he always had on his face, as he kept on going right over to the hay bales that we had been laying on just about all day, over the past few days at this point in time.
As I watched him hop up on to the top, I then looked back over to Frank as well, as I saw him nod to me. I tilted my head, as I was a little bit lost by it, as I was not all too sure as to what was going on at this very moment in time. I breathed in heavily how ever, as I then did in fact nod back to him, though I was not all too sure as to what it was that he was going to do, besides the fact that he might speak, which was not what I was concerned about at all.
I then looked at him for just a bit more time, as I saw him all of the sudden let out quite the heavy sigh him self, as I could tell that he had some thing in his head, and that there was a reason that he was taking me some where at this very moment, as it was clear that he had to vent some thing out to me.
I viewed him as a friend for sure, though he was a bit older than me. But so was Ben of course, so I could not say any thing about that. I was sure that he might view me as a friend at this point to, as I knew that he really did not have any one else to talk to at this point, besides me, and his kit.
But he could not vent out to his kit, no matter how smart the kit was, I was sure that he wanted to keep the kit a little bit innocent, at least for the time being, until he began to teach him as to what the world was really like out side of the safe little fences that they got to hide behind.
A part of me was a bit jealous of Owl, as he had such a safe home, but at the same time too, he also got to go where ever he pleased, with out having to get all too worried, and he also got to eat good food every single night. I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, as I knew that I should not be thinking those type of thoughts right now, as I hated it when ever I got jealous of some other cats life.
If I wanted to live that way, that I could do so my self at this point. I blinked a few times at the same time too how ever, as I then shook off all of those thoughts from my head all at once, as I then began to hear Frank begin to step up and speak to me, as I knew that I had to get my attention on him, to hear what it was that he had to say.
I then nodded to my self, all at once, as I made sure that I had my focus on him, and also to let him know at the exact same time as well, that I was listening as to what it was that he had to say to me in the first place too. Frank nodded to me back, as I then began to listen as to what it was that he had to say to me in the very first place as well.
"Alright Kettle... Follow me..." He said to me, as I stared at him for just a bit of some time, as if I had not actually heard as to a word that he had just said to me in the first place either. I had heard what he had said how ever, and I just was not quite all too sure as to what was going on with me right now, as I knew I had to get my self out of my head.
I should not be in my head at all at this very moment in time, nor should I be worried as to what it was that he had to me either. I would soon find out as to what it was that he had to say to me, and where it was that he was taking me as well. I then shook off all of those thoughts, as I nodded to my self, as I saw him walking away, out the line of fences.
I stood there for a bit longer, as now that I had cleared out all of my thoughts, it seemed like I had no thoughts going in my head at all, and I had not a clue as to what he was doing, nor where he was going, as it was clear that he was trying to get my to follow him all at the same time too.
I stared for some time, as I knew that I had to get the in between line, where I was not stressed out over thoughts that I was having in my head, but also not be making it to where I had no train of thought at all either, as I knew that it would get me no where at all, as I let out another soft sigh to my self, for not the first time in the last few moments.
I blinked a few times, as I all of the sudden began to run a little bit, just to get my legs back in to all of that at the same time too, as it had been a few days since the last time that I had been able to run, as when he had told me that I needed to heal, it was as if I had taken that far too literally, and I had just become completely lazy, and dependent on him.
As I got up closer to him, he turned his head, and he then nodded to me all at the same time as well, as it made me feel quite a bit more safe, to see that he seemed to be happy for some odd reason or another, and where ever it was that he was taking me to talk about some thing, it might not be him talking to me about any thing bad.
Perhaps he actually might be inviting me to live at the barn with him and his kit, which I was fairly certain at this point in time, that there was no such way that I could turn that down. I was a bit excited about all of it, as once again I stopped my self from hopping up and down like a little kit, as I followed him through the fence.
We had been walking for quite a while, and I was starting to get a bit worried that we might not ever get to this place, as it was nearly about time for the sun to set in the horizon. The barn was not even able to see in the distance at this point, as we had gone a bit deep in to the woods.
I wondered as to where it was that he was trying to take me, as I knew that if we were in the woods this late at night, at the exact same time too, than it meant that the creatures could get to us, and that they might be able to do some thing to us at the exact same time as well, as I shivered as to the fact that I even let those thoughts in to my head.
I had to know at the very least, that where it was that we were going, we had to stay some where close by for the night, as there was no way that we could get back to the barn, even at a full sprint all the way there, by the time that there was even the slightest pinch of light left out in the sky.
I shook my head, as I really was not all too sure as to what the point in all of this was in the first place. He had told me that he wanted to speak to him about some thing, but I was not so sure as to why he had to take me all the way out here, for him to tell me some thing important, as I was fairly certain that Owl would not come up on us, and listen as to what it was that he had to tell me in the first place.
I was starting to get a little bit worried for my self, as I had been told that a lot of rogues often tricked cats, and then they killed them after that. I got a bit scared, as the cat that was in front of me was fully grown, much unlike me, and he was for sure a lot stronger and faster than me, as I knew that he would easily be able to kill me if he tried.
I shook off all of those thoughts as best as I could at the exact same time too, as I was a bit afraid as to all of it, as I knew that it could very well be a possibility, but at the same time too, it just did not make all that much sense why he would give me a place to stay, for a few days, only to kill me out in the woods.
He could have simply just asked me to leave their home. Plus as far as I had learned from both him at the kit so far, they were both real, and good cats, so I felt like there really was not all too much that I really should be worried about at this very moment, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh of relief to my self.
Just as I did that how ever, I suddenly stopped my self right in my path, as I saw that Frank had stopped him self, and he was staring right back at me. For just a few moments, I got a bit afraid that he was about to jump at me, but based off of the look that I saw on his face, it was clear that he had no sort of intent in doing a thing such as that any ways.
I nodded to my self just a bit, as I then tilted my head to him at the exact same time too, as I was a bit confused as to why he had taken me to this place out in the woods. What was so special about a pond and a river? I was tempted to jump in to it, and go in to the water, but that would only make me look like a kit, and a fool, as much as I did in fact love the water.
I shook off all of those thoughts all at once as well, as I then heard him begin to speak to me finally, at the exact same time too, which was a bit of some relief to me, as I had a lot of dark thoughts going on through my head all at the same time as well. I blinked a few times, as I then did in fact listen as to what it was that he had to say to me in the first place as well.
"I brought you here for a reason tonight Kettle... There is some thing I must tell you..."