Sly's parting gift

Landon came to visit Alek and Malark at their palaces. The three supreme's had not left the in between and there palaces stood close to one another.

It made it easier to see all of them without having to go a long distance. He walked the halls of the palace searching for any sign of them.

As he looked around, he caught sight of what looked like Malark's robe disappearing to one of thr halls to his right. Owing an overdue apology to the man he ran to go and apologise.

He was very energetic, for thr first time in forever, he was feeling like himself again. He had once vowed to the king that he would give him a heart and force him to spread goodness around the world.

And today the both of them had the honour of doing just that. They had the power and thr right to help make the world a better place. He got the strength to fight for what he believed in and what was his.