
Chapter Thirty-Three

The elven village was a quiet and cool place. To Atohmma, it seemed much brighter than her village. The sun rays shone through the tall trees, shedding light on the ground, and on every flower and plant along the way. Their homes were built of what seemed to be hardened clay mixed with straw, They were formed like tents, but they were well spaced. She saw strange creatures and some even scared her, but she maintained her composure. As she was walking and talking to the intruder, she asked, "Tell me about your leader. What type of person is she? Is she mean, kind, calm, serious all the time.." "Firstly, 'he' is not a she. Our Chief is masculine and short. One would expect him to be tall and well decked off in royal garments, but it's not that way here in our village. The Chief is like an heir. His father was a Chief and so on. They grow into the role, trained and more spiritual than political. Soon you will meet with him. I am Frisky by the way. Sorry about not properly introducing myself." said the intruder. Atohmma replied "Frisky, what a strange name, it's a pleasure to finally meet you Frisky," and they both giggled.

They were both approaching a very familiar spot, after making a strange turn. It seemed familiar to Atohmma, but her memory of that place was quite vague. There was a lake. To Atohmma it seemed to be smaller than the lake she knew but she also recognized this one, it was magical. "This is the crystal lake," said Frisky. "It is isn't it, I knew it seemed familiar. Years ago my dad brought me here; no I ran away to this place and almost got into trouble with my dad. But how is it in your village? I cannot remember passing this way." said Atohmma. "We passed through our village to get here, but it can also be accessed from where you live. Many villages have access but the routes will not be the same," explained Frisky. "Oh! I understand," said Atohmma as she marveled at the crystal glitters upon the water, while she compared it to the memory she had in her mind.

Atohmma marveled at the lake, standing there for a while. She observed the sparkles, the glitters upon the clear water, its circular shape, and it was not as deep as the lake on her side of the mountain. She could have seen the bottom, with all the stones and sand. The stones were like gems. No wonder they called it the 'crystal lake', this is amazing, she thought. "Are you alright?" asked Frisky. "Oh, yes, of course, I'm sorry, I was just taken aback by some memories, and I guess I got carried away by all this magnificent beauty for just a simple body of water. We should get going then!" replied Atohmma. "Yes, this way," said Frisky as he gestured toward his right. As they walked past some of the younger elves, Atohmma was greeted by a few friendly ones, that seemed quite interested in her scarf. Each one introduced himself to her, and she told them her name. Frisky looked on and after they had enough questions about the scarf, Atohmma smiled and they ran off. Frisky told her, she would be meeting quite a few as curious as they were. She didn't seem to mind. They walked on and she could see a structure ahead of them. It was arched and had two palm trees on either side of the entrance. Some rocks formed, what may have been a throne, some strange creatures running around within it, and a short dark figure, standing with a book in his hands. "Is this it, are we here?" she asked Frisky. "Yes, we are here at the home of the Chief elf. You do not need to worry about the greetings. He has been expecting you.

" Welcome my child, please come inside." said the voice of the short figure in the cloak. "Greetings and hello to you Sir," said Atohmma as she bowed before the Chief elf. "My sage, this is Atohmma, from the central village." said Frisky as he introduced her. "Atohmma! She is truly a petite one 'aaay!. Welcome, have a seat anywhere you like." said the chief. "Thank you my sage," answered Atohmma as she took a seat. "You learn quickly my dear child, I like you already." said the Chief whom the elves greet as sage. "I see you decided to visit us, but I am aware that you haven't been fully transformed. What brings you here tonight my child?" he asked her. "Well, I thought this will be a good place to be, while I am experiencing the stages of my transformation. I wasn't quite comfortable in the village when I had the first signs of my wings becoming larger, then my ears. I felt that, maybe, the other natives in my village, will not accept the changes they see, and the Shaman also advised that I take some time away. So that's when I decided to go to another village, where I'll be accepted. I also wanted to learn more about my heritage and the elf people, as I am becoming one of you, so...I, well, I'm here. I hope you don't mind." said Atohmma in one breath of courage. "Why, of course not. I don't mind and the elves won't mind either. I know you felt strange and unfamiliar, but you are one of us, they will get to know you and soon you will fit right in. Frisky will help you and show you around this place. I wish to meet with you at noon on the morrow." said the Chief sage as Atohmma nodded. He instructed Frisky to get her to her tent and to inform the others. "You will be fine dear child. You have use of your very own private tent and that will be your home here in our village." said the Chief to Atohmma. "Thank you very much my sage, it was quite nice meeting you," said Atohmma, as she bowed in reverence. Frisky did his parting greeting his usual elven way by touching the ground in front of the Chief sage's feet and they both turned to leave. Atohmma noticed this greeting gesture as well, so she placed it in her memory. As she and Frisky made their way out, she said to him, "Is it usual practice to touch the ground at his feet when leaving?" "Yes, actually it is done only for him as an elder. It can also be done when meeting with him," answered Frisky as he led her to her tent.