
Chapter Thirty-Four

Atohmma didnt know what to expect when Frisky took her to her tent. She was surprised that it was not the same as the others. In her mind, she assumed that someone else had used that tent or that it was built especially for someone of higher rank. It was more spacious than her cave back in her village, it was bigger than the other tents in the elven village and also had a garden at the front. She couldn't resist asking Frisky if someone else had occupied that tent, or if it was built for guests. Frisky mentioned that it was built for the leader, the queen person or king person known as the 'chosen one'. Atohmma asked him why was it built for the chosen one here, in the elven village, and he told her, that there was a connection to the chosen one actually being of elven lineage, therefore it was constructed years ago, according to the legend. Frisky said the elves strongly believed the legends. He said it was what they lived by, and that everything they did, was sacred and traditional. Frisky showed her around the garden, took her to the back of the tent although it was night-time. It was brightly lit with traditional standing lanterns that lit for hours. Then, he took her into the tent. There was a huge cot covered with soft and plush material, a large tub with water for her baths, a section for preparing her meals with all amenities, a table with chairs, wall-mounted lanterns, a lounging seat in the corner by the window, and a fireside for warmth. Frisky also told her that she would be visited in the morning, by an elder lady elf, who will help her to understand a little bit more about their ways and traditions, especially where the female elves were concerned. "You should be okay for the night. Just make yourself comfortable and get some rest." said Frisky to Atohmma as she held out her hand to thank him for his welcome; she also said, "have a goodnight Frisky, thanks again, for everything." He bowed to her saying, "See you in the morning, my lady," then he left.

"Well, I better get to unpacking some stuff and fix myself something to eat," said Atohmma to herself, as she placed her bag in the bedroom section, sat on the cozy cot and noticed a basket-like place for putting her clothes away. It was well constructed, very creative and unique, but convenient for hanging her new dresses. She quickly unpacked, then she hung the dresses carefully. She took her other items out of the bag and placed them where they belonged. She took her snacks, cookies and drinks to the kitchen area, placed them on the table and checked the cupboard to see what was available to make a meal. To her surprise, the cupboard in the kitchen area was filled with vegetables and fruit. She checked the refrigerator and there was a variety of other foodstuffs she was accustomed to, as well as some other items that elves used for making their meals. "Ok then, so I shall have fruit and oats. It will be light enough for the night and healthy." After having her dinner, she jumped on the cozy cot and looked around without any particular goal, thought about the garden outside, and then fell asleep.

Atohmma woke up early the next morning, prepared herself to meet with the elder lady and also with Frisky. She kept in mind, that she had to meet with the Chief sage at noon. She walked outside into the garden, which to her was irresistible, and while strolling admired the flowers and plants. There were pink flowers, yellow ones, blue striped ones, red flowers, white flowers, white and yellow flowers, dotted flowers, bluebells, all the different colored roses, chrysanthemums, hibiscus and cactus. She pulled at the leaves, smelt the roses, poked at the cactus and strolled around back, to see the trees. There was a bench out back and while waiting, she thought about everyone back at her village. She thought about Nucamma and what he must have been doing today. She knew somewhere behind or in front of that forest behind her, would have been a mountain that led to where she grew up and thinking about the crystal lake, which was now so close to her, she didn't need to run away to get to it. There was much mystery to that lake, which she yet had to learn. She knew Frisky or the Chief sage would soon tell her all about the mysteries of that lake.

She could hear Frisky calling out to her out front, so she got up from the bench and straightened her dress. He was walking toward her by the garden, and as they met, he said "I thought you might be around back." "Hi, good morning, how are you?" asked Atohmma. "I'm fine, and you?" he replied. "I slept well and came out here to admire the place. So where is the elder lady? I thought she might have been coming along with you." "No, I came alone. I wanted to be here when she arrived," said Frisky. "Yes, I agree, I am glad you did. That way, I would have no reason to feel awkward about meeting her. Would you like some tea, perhaps something to eat?" suggested Atohmma. "No and thank you, but I already ate," said Frisky. "Well, in that case, tell me! What did you have for breakfast? Or better yet, what do elves have for breakfast." Atohmma asked as they both laughed. "Nice way to ask a question about our tradition my lady?" said Frisky. "Yes, I accept the opportunity," replied Atohmma. "Well, I had a blueberry muffin and mushroom sauce." he said. "ooooh! that sounds delicious!" said Atohmma. "What about you, what did you have?" he asked her. "I had a fruit salad and a sandwich. It's usually what I would have," said Atohmma. "Nice, that's also delicious, "said Frisky. "What do the other elves usually have for breakfast?" asked Atohmma to quench her curiosity. "The traditional menu of an elf breakfast is usually bananas with nuts and crunchy oat. It is said to give us the energy we need for the day. It is usually delicious." he replied. "I guess it is. I will try it sometime," said Atohmma. They continued speaking about many other types of breakfast they may have from time to time and he told her about the way the elders alter their meals as they aged. Atohmma was happy with that information. She kept it in mind. Although she wanted to know more about their lunch meals and dinner meals, she couldn't get the opportunity to ask, because the elder lady was approaching and Frisky had already begun walking toward her to greet her. "Welcome my lady," he said as he bent forward for his hands to touch the ground at her feet. "Good morning Frisky, how are you my son?" she asked him. "Doing well my lady, this is our guest Atohmma from the central village." replied Frisky as he extended his hand in Atohmma's direction. Atohmma walked closer, and did the same gesture by bending forward and touching the ground at her feet. "Pleased to meet you my lady," she said. "Likewise Atohmma, how did you sleep?" asked the elder lady. "I slept well, thank you for asking my lady. I made myself right at home." replied Atohmma. "Good, I am happy to hear that." said the lady. "We should begin because at noon, she has to meet with the sage." the elder lady continued and they all went into the tent.