Chapter 15

How did things get to this point? How did she end up here? She came to Beacon to get away from her status, to have a fresh start with people, not…

Pyrrha's train of thought was derailed by Professor Arc's command. She couldn't see his face from under his desk, but she could imagine it. His toothy smirk. His bright eyes. His handsome face... "Worship my cock." Gruff and short, yet that was enough for Pyrrha to obey.

She pulled back, freeing the throbbing cock from her lips. She panted for a moment, catching her breath, before she leaned down and began to lick his erection from bottom to top. No, not just lick. Worship.

Her tongue moved along length of the shaft, starting at his balls. She took each of his balls into her mouth, lovingly sucking on them, coating them in kisses. She rubbed her nose against them, letting their strong musk fill her nostrils. She released each with a pop, and a gasp for air, before quickly resuming her mission.

Pyrrha Nikos, famed champion, began to rub her tongue along the base of the professor's cock, not caring if her tongue rubbed against his pubic hair. She took another deep whiff of his scent, mind melting at the aroma. He could feel the desire in her heavy breath as it wafted against him.

She slowly moved up from the base of his cock, to the long shaft. She pressed the top of her tongue to it, gradually climbing to the tip, before pulling back. Pyrrha went to the side of his cock, dragging her tongue against one side, before mirroring herself on the other. Her tongue was heavy with the salty taste, and she quivered as her pussy dampened from it.

Now there was only the tip. She opened her mouth and brought her succulent lips to the head, gently kissing it. Pyrrha moaned against his glans, shuddering at the texture. She parted her lips, and she caught half of his cock in her mouth. She sucked on it like he taught her, bobbing her head up and down on girthy erection.

That's when the door opened.

Pyrrha's eyes widened, and she froze on Arc's cock, her gasp muffled by the thick dick stuffed into her mouth. Her heart skipped a beat as Cardin's voice greeted Professor Arc.

"Professor Arc? Do you have a minute?"

"Of course, Mister Winchester. I have nothing on my hands at the moment. How can I help you?" Pyrrha couldn't help but admire her teacher's professional tone. Considering what she was doing, she imagined he must have had a will of iron.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about Pyrrha. I'm worried about her."

"Oh? I can assure you, Mister Winchester, Miss Nikos is quite alright. I've been practicing with her almost every night, helping her grow." His voice was even, completely and utterly calm.

Pyrrha had yet to move from her place. Some part of her told her to take the cock of her mouth, but she feared the pop it would make if she let it go. Pyrrha needed to hold on tight to the cock, she told herself. She had to keep it safe, firmly between her lips.

"Yeah, she's mentioned… Still, it's not like her to miss class. She didn't show up for Miss Goodwitch's class, or Professor Oobleck's yesterday. I tried to ask her about it, but…"

"Ah, that is my fault. I asked her for some help, and the project took much longer to finish than I thought it would." Pyrrha made a mental note that said 'project' was her first time taking his cock anally. It had taken some time, but the nirvana she felt afterwards…

That's when Pyrrha realized something. Her lips were on Professor Arc's cock, wrapped tightly around it, her tongue pressed against the naked tip, and… he was fine. He wasn't even out of breath.

What it because she wasn't a good cocksucker? She had been practicing for over a week now. Was she boring him? Was she a bad slave? Those thoughts became fuel for Pyrrha, feeding the depraved slut that Arc created.

She started with simple suction, pulling on his cock so she engulfed all of it. Her nose pressed into his crotch as she quietly sucked on it, feeling it stretch her throat.


"Huh? You say something, professor?"

"Nothing, Mister Winchester. Just some stomach pains," the older man explained. His hand reached under the desk and fell on Pyrrha's head, gently petting her scarlet locks. He didn't stop her, and Pyrrha took that as a sign to keep going. "It's nothing I can't handle."

Pyrrha took that as a challenge. She lifted up a hand, using her other to help support her as her knees laid on the ground. Pyrrha placed her slender fingers on Arc's balls, gently caressing one of them, squeezing it as she imagined the warm cum sloshing within.

The quiet moan grew louder, and Pyrrha savored the sound of her professor's deep breaths. Yet his hand was still gentle, lovingly stroking her hair. She loved it. She adored the contrast between innocence and depravity. She could feel her pussy's juices dripping onto the ground, forming a small puddle under her as she bobbed her head up and down his cock. She pushed her tongue out, slipping it between her lower lip and his shaft.

She tried her best to keep the wet, choking sounds to a minimum, but she could only do so much.

"I'm sure Miss Nikos is perfectly fine, Cardin." Arc's voice had a clear strain to it now. His voice trembled for a moment, before he coughed into his hand. He hid another moan in a low groan. "Now, if there's nothing else? I'm afraid my stomach pains might be worse than I thought."

"Oh, sure. Sorry, sir. I'll leave you alone. Do you need me to call a nurse for you or anything…? I get motion sickness and-"

Pyrrha slammed her head down on Arc's cock, feeling her throat stretch out again. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, a mix of pleasure, joy, and pain. The perfect mixture for her and her Master.

"That won't be necessary, Cardin…!" His legs shook, and his fingers dug into her hair. His voice rose, almost becoming a shout as Cardin left the two alone, closing the door behind him.

Pyrrha pulled back, gasping for air as the cock left her tight mouth. Bridges of saliva connected her lips with the delectable dick. Her hot breath pelted the saliva-covered tower as Arc's voice growled.

"My, my. To think you were once a pure, innocent virgin." Judging by his tone, he wasn't upset at her. If anything, he was impressed. There was approval in the animalistic growl he gave out. Shame filled Pyrrha, and her cheeks glow a bright red, yet despite it all, she smiled.

She felt proud, yet so ashamed of her own behavior. That was the effect Arc had on her. The pride in her chest quickly dissipated as he grabbed her head with both hands, digging into her crimson locks. He brought her down, jamming his cock back into her mouth.

Pyrrha let out a muffled scream, her voice choked by the girthy, veiny cock plunging down her throat. Her eyes widened, frozen in shock as he began to relentlessly fuck her face. Her entire head became merely a tool for his pleasure, and her arms fell limp as he took control of her. Her emerald eyes, once bright with confidence and purity, rolled back as he fucked her skull.

She didn't put up any kind of fight. She just opened her mouth to the brutal onslaught, enjoying the cocktail of pain and pleasure. She gave herself to the older man, reducing herself to his toy. The knowledge that all of her strength and skill meant nothing to the man was what brought out her true self. The slut that loved, and adored her Master.

Her pussy gushed with her juices, and she came with earthshaking force. Pyrrha's body twitched and writhed as orgasm after orgasm rocked her body. Every thrust was another orgasm, like her entire body was simply a nail to be hammered by his thick, powerful penis.

She experienced multiple orgasms in that moment, and the killing blow was Arc's own climax. He groaned, unleashing a geyser of cum down her tight throat. She accepted the meal, feeling it flow down her throat and fall into her stomach. She drank it without protest, savoring the strong taste and gooey texture as it rolled down her esophagus.

Arc soon pulled his cock out of her mouth, and it sprayed her face with his remaining seed. The thick liquid pelted her face, clinging to her nose, drowning her nostrils in the musky scent. Another shot hit her cheek, and yet another stung her eye, forcing her to close it.

Pyrrha lifted a hand to her mouth, struggling to keep all of the cum down. She swallowed it as best she could, feeling it fill her stomach. It hurt, but that's what she loved about it.

"You should leave, Pyrrha. Don't want to be late for your next class."

Shame hit her like a truck. Arc pulled out his seat and stood up, giving her the room she needed to stand up from under the desk. She avoided his knowing, bright eyes as she tried to fix her uniform. She wiped at her blushing face, before dashing out of the room, her eyes locked on her feet.

She couldn't see Arc's wide, toothy grin, nor hear his amused chuckle.

Pyrrha sprinted to Professor Port's room, entering the room just before the bell rang. She panted, quickly sitting by her team as the teacher opened up with one of his long-winded speeches. She let out a quiet sigh of relief, hopeful that her problems were behind her.

But it seemed her problems for today had only just begun.

"Pyrrha, you okay?" Cardin glanced at his teammate, lifting a brow as he stared at her.

Nora snorted, holding back a laugh as she poked her own cheek. "Pyr, you got a little something on your cheek."

"Huh?" Pyrrha blinked, ignorant of her appearance. She lifted her hands to touch her cheek, and she froze as her finger brushed against something sticky. "O-oh, uh…! T-this is just frosting," she lied. "S-sorry. I had some donuts this morning. That's all." She quickly wiped her cheek, and then wiped her hand against her skirt.

"Donuts? Letting yourself go there, P-money," Yang teased, standing behind Team JNPR with her own team. "Thought you would have avoided that stuff like Weiss-cream."

"Oh, well, Professor Arc had some extra from the teacher's lounge," she added. She cringed as she realized how her bangs clung to her sweaty skin. She tried to fix her hair as Yang laughed. Pyrrha was glad she couldn't see the blonde's smirk, because her burning cheeks would have no doubt given herself away.

"You seem to be hanging out with the new professor a lot lately. Cardin was telling us you get private lessons from him. Got any tips for the rest of us?"

"I-I don't, um, no. Sorry. His lessons were on my particular fighting style so-"

"Ahem." Professor Port glared at the small group of students, arms crossed. "I'm sorry, am I boring any of you?"

"No, sir," the students replied with varying levels of honesty.

Pyrrha melted into her seat, mortified as she realized she was a mess. There were dark stains on her collar, clear leftovers from today's 'private lesson,' and her skin was coated in a thin film of sweat, another reminder of this morning. Her hair was a mess, reduced to a wild tanglement of crimson thanks to Professor Arc's fingers. Not to mention her panties and thighs were still drenched in her own juices.

Every time she fidgeted in her seat, she felt her soaked panties rub against her pussy. It was a special kind of torture for her, leaving her hungry for something more.

"Pyrrha? You sure you're okay?" Cardin whispered.

"I'm fine," she replied, her face hot from embarrassment and something far worse.


She begged and pleaded for her body to stop, for some small amount of mercy, but her body gave her nothing but hungry thoughts. Pyrrha could still taste Arc's cock on her tongue, still feel the texture of his veiny, thick cock on her lips. She could still see his enthralling, blue eyes, silently commanding her to kneel under his deck.

The same eyes that led her down this path of depraved, carnal feelings. She wanted him to look at her like that again, and command her.

Pyrrha tried to fight these urges, putting her mind to work in the classroom, but it was pointless. She raced to answer problems given by Professor Port, and she succeeded in only embarrassing herself. Every answer she gave was stuttered, and incorrect. She was just too distracted by her fantasies of her Master.

Every failure brought her craving back to the forefront of her mind.

These cravings only got worse as she entered Arc's classroom, and took her seat in the front of the class. Her mind, once racing to give out any answer, was left in holy silence as she watched him walk around her. Every inch of her body craved him. She begged for his touch, and the sweet release he would give her.

Her eyes were locked on him, and those who knew her would take her stare for merely paying attention in class. They wouldn't notice how she licked her lips, or how her thighs would grind against one another as she stared at him. Pyrrha felt her breath become shallow as her heart raced, her eyes only tearing away from him to look at the clock.

Her mind was plagued with fantasies. She could already see herself pushed against the wall, his cock pounding away at her tight pussy. His lips would nip at her skin as she was reduced to a horny, quivering slut, hungry for her master's cock. God, just the thought was enough to wetten her panties again.

By the time class ended, Pyrrha was a mess. Her every breath was shallow, her heart was pounding, her knees were shaking, and her cunt quivered in hunger for his cock. She told her friends she needed to talk to Professor Arc, and they accepted her lie. Cardin and Yang were the last to leave the classroom, the former asking Pyrrha if she was okay again, and the latter grinning at Pyrrha with a strange glimmer in her eyes.

They left all the same, and the door fell shut behind them. Pyrrha rose up from her seat, one hand on her desk to help support her as her knees knocked against one another.

"P-Professor Arc?"

"Miss Nikos, how may I help you?" His voice was callously casual. He smirked at her, toying with his food.

A quiet whimper escaped from her lips as she stumbled over her words. "I-I need-" She swallowed spit down, and opened her mouth again. Surely Pyrrha didn't need… "I wanted to ask you if we could… talk somewhere privately?"

Profesor Arc stared at her, before nodding his head with a small smile on his lips. After this fun this morning, Pyrrha knew how easy it was for someone to simply walk into the classroom. The older man allowed her to lead them out of the room, his eyes on her swaying ass. She led him to a closet in an empty, secluded hall. She opened the door and led him inside, pleading for him to hurry as he slowly entered the room.

It was a walk-in closet, filled with basic supplies for cleaning and maintaining Beacon. It was also somewhere they wouldn't be intruded upon, or at least Pyrrha hoped.

She closed the door, before picking up a wet floor sign and propping it against the door to keep it closed. With their privacy assured, Pyrrha looked at Arc with scarlet cheeks and nervous, emerald eyes.

He clearly knew what she craved. He just wanted to hear her say it. He held his hand out to her, like some perfect gentleman, and her hand fell into his. His smirk made her knees buckle. The professor pulled her close, wrapping his other arm around her thin waist as he admired her.

Her large tits pressed against his chest, sandwiched between their bodies. She melted against his skin, letting herself fall into his embrace. He was the only thing keeping her standing as her arms wrapped around his neck. She told herself they simply had nowhere else to go, but both of them knew that was a lie.

"Beg," he commanded.

She wanted to reject the very idea, but she couldn't muster up the strength. How could she when his cock was rubbing against her body, just beneath his clothing? She could feel the bulge rub against her stomach, just above her soaking pussy. She whimpered in anguish, trying to stand on her tiptoes to rub their crotches together.

Arc laughed at her attempts, before freeing her hand and catching her chin between his fingers. He lifted up her face, and kissed her, stealing her breath away. She moaned into his lips, darting her tongue out to lick his sweet lips. Her tongue tried to pry them open, and he savored her desperation, before opening his mouth.

Their tongues rubbed against each other's, wrestling for dominance as he released her chin. Arc's victory in the duel was inevitable, yet it was the perfect distraction for his hand. He slipped his hand under her skirt. His fingers quickly reached her pussy, and she trembled in his grasp as his fingers rubbed expertly against her clit.

"Beg," he repeated.

Such a simple word, but to obey meant so much to Pyrrha. She knew what she had to do to satiate her burning, hungry body. She needed the next hit of her drug. For that, she was ready to drag her soul through the mud, and give herself to her most basal instincts. Her confidence, her level-headedness, all of that had to give way so that she could be the submissive slut her Master deserved.

"Please, fuck me," she uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. He raised his brow, but still pushed his middle finger into her pussy, feeling her tight pussy squeeze it.


She moaned the words, her body shuddering. "Please, fuck me!"

"More." She wasn't the only one with a hunger. She stared into his eyes, lost in the oceans of predatory desire.

Her green eyes sparked for a moment, before she released her true self, attacking Arc's neck and face with kisses as her body went wild. "Please, fuck me like a dirty slut! Like I'm your whore!" God, those words were like candies on her tongue. There were tiny, sweet explosions every time she uttered them. Her pussy gushed with arousal, and she licked her lips as she gazed upon her teacher, her eyes bright with adoration.

"Panties down. Move against the wall," he ordered.

She obeyed, lifting a leg to help pull off her underwear. Her white, lacy panties came down her leg, but she didn't bother pulling them off completely. She walked towards an empty wall, and faced it, her lips a foot away from the stone.

Pyrrha loved being fucked while standing up, and Arc knew it. Her pussy was always extra tight when he fucked her like that. She placed her hands on the wall, turning her face to look at her Master. Drool dripped from her lip, her eyes glazed over with want, she begged for her Master, shaking her ass side to side as he flipped her skirt, allowing her naked butt to be seen.

"Please, Master, fuck your little slut against the wall. Fill me with cum. Your cum! I want to feel your sperm dripping between my legs as I walk back to my room!" Arc grinned, proud of his work, and Pyrrha was proud to be his perfect little slut.

The professor unzipped his pants, and Pyrrha turned her head to face the wall. She closed her eyes, shivering with eager excitement. She felt him place both of his hands on her body, one on each side of her hips, before she felt that glorious cock rub against her pussy. He thrust into her in one quick motion, and she moaned in celebration.

He fucked her like a slut, pounding away at her. Arc dug his fingers into her body, squeezing her hips. She did her best to match every thrust, gyrating her body in sync with his thrusts. She wasn't some virgin girl any longer. She was a slut- a horny, dirty, cock-hungry slut. That title repeated again and again in her mind.

Slut. Slut. Slut! SLUT!

"I'm your slut!" She screamed. She pushed her body against his, crying out in ecstasy as his cock filled the depths of her pussy.

He released her hips, knowing he didn't need to hold her. He grabbed her ponytail, pulling on it like it was a leash. Her naked pussy dripped onto the floor, making a tiny, translucent puddle between her shaking legs. Arc's other hand smacked her ass, stinging her heart-shaped butt. She cried through sealed lips, before he tugged on her hair again, slamming his dick against the entrance to her womb.

God, Pyrrha loved being treated this way. She loved being used like a tool by her master. The powerful, skilled champion voiced her approval, her every word interrupted by a moan or shudder. "Oh, fuck! Y-yes! Master! I love, so good, I love your cock! Keep fucking me, oooh yes, like that, Master!" Her toes curled inside of her shoes as spit dripped from her open mouth.

"You're my slut, Pyrrha?" In contrast, he sounded so calm. She hated his tone, and she bounced against his body faster, harder, desperate to hear his own moans.

"Yes, yes, yes, oh, fuck yes!" she shouted. "I'll be your slut forever!"

"And if I told you to give up becoming a Huntress?" His voice trembled, and that was almost enough to make her cum.

There was no hesitation. "I'd do it! I don't need to be a Huntress! I just need you! I just need to be, ahhh!"

She came, the walls of her cunt tightening around his long, meaty shaft. The tight hold of her womanhood was enough to finally earn her the sweet sound of his moans. He came inside of her, filling her pussy and pumping his sperm into her hungry womb.

Her body quivered and quaked, before going limp. She would have fallen to the ground if his arms didn't catch her and lift her up, holding her against his strong, robust frame. She licked her lips and turned her head, opening her mouth to kiss him passionately. Their tongues tangled against each other's as they moaned in the aftershocks of passion.

Pyrrha was finally given sweet release, and her body melted against his for a long, peaceful moment.

Professor Arc made Pyrrha walk back to her room with him. She was no longer lost in a mist of lust, and she was mortified by the suggestion alone. Still, she obeyed her master. Disobeying him wasn't an option.

He walked by her side, a hand on her shoulder as the older man led her to her dorm room. She kept her legs as tightly pressed as she could, feeling the warm, thick jizz slowly falling down her naked thighs. Her panties were safely hidden in Arc's backpocket, a trophy of his conquest.

The two soon made it to Team JNPR's room, and Pyrrha thanked her lucky stars that it was empty. The dorm was divided into four parts. A main room, where the group could converse, the boys' bedroom, the girls' bedroom, and finally the bathroom.

Pyrrha thought this would be the end of it for today. Arc would release her, and she would drown in her embarrassment and shame.

She was wrong.

"What do you think? Nora's bed, or Cardin's?" Pyrrha's eyes widened at the question, looking at Arc for some sign that he was joking, but he was completely serious, a grin on his handsome face.

She opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out, like her body simply couldn't argue with her Master. Instead she swallowed down her fear, and her green eyes combed over the dorm room. She considered what to do, fearing her heart wasn't ready for either location.

It would be such a terrible betrayal to her friends, though her mind was quick to remind her of her first time, and how wonderful it felt to lie to Cardin over the phone.

"The table," she finally answered. Her eyes fell on the long, black table in the center of the living room.

He nodded his head, and without an ounce of hesitation, he commanded her to strip. Pyrrha was quick to obey, only to turn red in humiliation. She couldn't help but be eager. Her Master commanded her to strip, and so she would. Pyrrha just wish she didn't look so eager.

She unbuttoned her top, freeing her naked breasts. No point in wearing a bra when the professor tore them off of her most days. She tossed her top off, before pulling down her skirt. Her pussy was still filled with cum, and her inner thighs were soaked with the white semen. Her hourglass figure was his to drink in, and Pyrrha was ashamed of herself for not even trying to cover herself.

Arc stared at her, drinking in her perfectly toned body. He motioned to the table, and she obeyed, climbing onto it, shivering as the cold wood chilled her naked skin. She laid her body down, shuddering as her hard nipples rubbed against the surface of the table.

Pyrrha couldn't help but think how perfect the table was for this. She was at the perfect height to be fucked by her Master's cock, and anticipation burned in her skin. She wanted to be fucked. No matter how much she hated this, she wanted to be fucked by her Master.

Her guilt was quickly washed away by the force of her Master's cock. He slammed his cock into her pussy, impaling her semen-filled cunt. His hard shaft pounded away at her, making her ass jiggle as he pulled on her body. Her legs dangled off the side of the table as he fucked her like a piston, going faster and faster.

He slapped her bouncing ass, moaning at her tight womanhood. She loved the sound of his moans, and her own quickly joined him as she gave in to her carnal desires. Arc's hand reached down, grabbing her hair tie and pulling it out of her red locks. Her hair fell free, like a crimson waterfall, and she screamed in pleasure as he used her hair like a leash again.

The position was painful, and uncomfortable, but she didn't care. She just wanted to feel his girthy, veiny cock spread her apart. She stretched her legs apart, her hands grabbing the sides of the table. She kept herself stable as he pounded her pussy, fingers digging into the wood. Every thrust made her huge tits rub against the cold wood, sending more shocks of pleasure into her.

Drool fell from her mouth as juices gushed from her cunt. She made two large puddles on the table, shaking as the ecstacy attacked her mind. She came once, twice, and then came an amazing feeling. Every pounding thrust made her cum. Her mind and body was like a series of firecrackers, exploding again and again in pleasure as Arc silently fucked her.

Then he came, and she screamed as her body reached new levels of pleasure. Her level-headedness, her pride, everything about her just drowned under the sensation. Semen pumped into her, but Arc didn't stop fucking her.

Semen and pussy juices fell from her abused hole. Pyrrha's eyes rolled into her skull as her insides were coated with cum. Try as she might to deny it, there was no going back for her. Pyrrha was Arc's slave and slut, forever. Her body was stained with his white, hot semen, and she accepted it with overwhelming joy.

Her body bent back, her muscles spasming as she felt her biggest orgasm yet attack her body. The feeling was unlike anything Pyrrha had ever felt before. The perfect moment ended all too soon, and she fell onto the table.

Pyrrha's mind and body were fucked beyond all recognition. She'd no doubt try and deny her Master when she woke up again, but it didn't matter. This was her reality now. Her future was tied to her Master's, and her life was under his thumb. He owned her.

The realization made her tremble as another orgasm racked her body. The older man smiled down at her, callously flipping her over, before pulling on her hair again. She obeyed the silent order, sitting up to share a passionate kiss with her Master, melting into his strong embrace.

Pyrrha Nikos' fate was sealed.