Pyrrha wiped her mouth as she walked out of Professor Arc's office. She glanced at the time, before quickly walking to her next class, stopping just short of a run. Pyrrha= didn't want to be late, but she couldn't have forgo giving Master Arc his morning blowjob, and she absolutely refused to miss her morning serving of cum.
She still tasted her Master's semen in her mouth, and the sweet and salty flavor eased her mind. The champion licked her lower lip, knowing she had wiped it clean, but suddenly desperate for more of the white delicacy. Pyrrha shook her head and kept moving, telling herself that she'd take care of it later. She was already late for her next class…
Pyrrha kept moving down the corridor at a brisk pace. If the teacher caught her walking in, she'd use the note Arc had given her to explain her tardiness. It was basically her 'get out of trouble card,' and it had already saved her multiple times. She was lucky the rest of Beacon's staff hadn't investigated Professor Arc, and that her own friends weren't digging too deep into her excuses…
"Hey, Pyrrha." Yang was standing just a few feet down the hall, arms crossed, and a toothy smirk on her face. If Pyrrha didn't know better, she would have thought that Yang had been waiting for her, but that would have been ridiculous, she reasoned.
"Yang? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"
"Told Oobleck I forgot something in my room. What's your excuse?" Yang replied goodnaturedly, Winchesterhing her brow.
Yang watched Pyrrha, but if the blonde expected Pyrrha to blush and panic, she was wrong. Pyrrha wasn't the same innocent, naive girl she was when she entered Beacon. The redhead stood up straight and maintained a polite smile.
"Arc needed help in his office. He gave me a note explaining my absence, and apologizing for detaining me."
"Must have been hard work. You're a bit of a mess, Pyr."
The redhead blinked at the comment, before lifting her hand to fix her hair. Only now did she realize her normally kept bangs were hanging down her face, clinging to her forehead. She glanced down, noticing her wrinkled and ruffled clothes, but she didn't seemed annoyed. The woman calmly began to press the wrinkles down. Pyrrha didn't lose her cool composure, smiling at Yang.
"Yes, it was, but nothing we couldn't handle together."
"Looks like you lost your ribbon while you were working." Pyrrha was surprised by the blonde's observation, or maybe she was just disappointed in herself for missing that obvious error. Pyrrha's hand gently touched where the ribbon was meant to be, and found nothing but the air. "Not to worry! Your old pal Yang's got you covered."
She reached into her pocket, and produced a long, scarlet ribbon. Pyrrha smiled and thanked her the other girl, and Yang stepped forward to help tie the ribbon around Pyrrha's collar.
"So, what's it like?" Pyrrha raised her brow and tilted her head. "Sleeping with a professor… I mean, is Arc any good under the sheets?" The words shocked Pyrrha to her core, and she felt her heart stop. Yang's lilac eyes rose to meet the other girl's, and the blonde smirked. The champion looked like a child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "He must be, cause I know you're not sleeping with him for a good grade."
Pyrrha didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to say. Part of her wanted to scream for her Master to help her. Part of her wondered if she could make a run for it. Her emerald eyes fell from Yang's eyes to the untied ribbon around her neck.
It felt decidedly like a noose all of a sudden.
The scarlet-haired student felt her heart pounding like a drum as her mind raced to answer the question. Pyrrha closed her eyes for a single moment, and licked the inside of her mouth for traces of Arc's cum. She found some of the sweet nectar, and it eased her mind for just a moment.
It also helped her think, and when she opened her eyes again, she had an answer for Yang. The shock in her jade eyes was gone as she smiled peacefully at Yang. The blonde raised her brow, clearly not expecting the sudden tranquility. "Three weeks. I've been seeing him for three weeks, sleeping with him for almost every single day, and I don't intend on stopping. You can make of that what you will."
Beyond slightly red cheeks, Pyrrha was completely calm answering the question. Yang was momentarily surprised with the blunt answer, leaving her open for Pyrrha to strike again. "If you know about us, Yang, you clearly haven't gone to anyone about us. Why even bother asking me?"
Yang's confidence returned in less than a second, and she smiled at Pyrrha. "Well, Pyrrha, I have to admit, I'm pretty curious. I know he isn't forcing you to do anything you don't want, and I have to ask myself. How good is this guy if he's banging the Pyrrha Nikos? You know, if he's really is as good as you're making him sound, I just might find myself joining in."
"Joining in?" Pyrrha quietly swallowed spit down her throat. "For training?" Her voice was even and calm, even as her cheeks turned warm and her thighs rubbed against each other. The images that formed in her mind made her pussy tremble, yet she still kept her composure.
"Yeah. For training." Yang smirked at Pyrrha, winking at the redhead, before walking past the crimsonette. Pyrrha felt a shiver run down her spine as Yang's breasts grazed her own. "See ya, Pyrrha."
Yang left Pyrrha alone in the empty hallway, and the famed warrior finally allowed her shoulders to fall. She relaxed, feeling her warm cheeks as reality set in for her. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She turned her head, but Yang was already turning a corner, leaving her sight.
The thought of chasing after the blonde crossed her mind, but Pyrrha shook her head. She needed to talk to Professor Arc. They needed to discuss their options. If Yang knew about their relationship, then she had
The very real possibility of Arc being arrested bubbled into Pyrrha's mind, and she shuddered. The thought alone made her hands tighten into fists, and her stomach churn. She couldn't bare the idea of him being taken away from her, and thrown in jail for something she wanted…
Pyrrha met with Arc in his office as soon as she could. He wasn't surprised by her sudden intrusion, but he immediately noticed something was off with her. She looked scared, and he quietly listened as she explained what had happened after leaving his office.
Her cool demeanor cracked as she explained that Yang had been waiting for her. Pyrrha's voice trembled, and Arc could see the spark of terror in her eyes. Arc understood why she was scared, of course. If they were found out, both of their reputations would be ruined forever, not to mention the jail time he would be punished with.
Arc's normally confident demeanor was replaced with quiet contemplation. Pyrrha stood on the other side of his desk, her chest rising and falling as she waited for him to answer. She swallowed spit down, trying to calm down her nerves as the white-haired teacher's eyes combed the room.
He stared at the door to his office, before slowly drifting to the other side of the room, not even sparing a glance at the terrified student he had seduced. His eyes fell on the window, and she wondered if he was looking for an exit.
The thought of him abandoning her cracked Pyrrha's heart, but she tried to shake the thought off of her. Her Master wouldn't do that to her.
The silence had slowly become more and more unbearable, until she had to break it. "Master…?" she quietly called out.
"What do you think we should do, my dear?" He didn't look at her, his eyes on the window, staring into the bright, blue sky.
"Oh, um..." Pyrrha blinked, and contemplated the question. The honest truth was that she didn't know what to suggest. She pondered the question for a few moments, before realizing the only option she could think of. "I… Whatever happens, I want to stay with you."
As pathetic as it was, Pyrrha just wanted to remind Arc of her devotion. She loved him. She worshipped him. She needed him, and she prayed he remembered that.
"Oh?" He Winchesterhed his brow, and she nodded her head quickly.
"Yes. I… I don't want to stop. I don't want you to leave." The words were damning, but she didn't care. For Pyrrha, leaving her Master would be like breaking the most sacred of oaths. She only wished he saw it the same way with her. "Whatever happens, I will follow you, Master Arc."
Arc smiled at that, and Pyrrha stood up straighter, jutting out her tits as she beamed with pride and admiration. "You really mean that, don't you?" he asked. Before she could answer, he continued. "So if I were to let Miss Xiao Long into our training, you would be fine with that?"
Pyrrha briefly wondered if she had heard her Master correctly, but all hesitation left her as she nodded her head. It was almost instinctive to nod, to allow the older man free reign over her fate. Arc stared curiously at her, his left brow raised, before falling back into place.
"And what if I were to break her?" Arc's smile took a sinister turn as he flashed his white teeth at the young woman. Her eyes widened as he painted a very vivid picture in her mind. "What if I were to bend her onto this desk and fuck her in the pussy? Again and again for hours, until her little mind snapped and she became another sex slave for my enjoyment? Would you let that happen to one of your friends?"
Some part of her truly wished she could argue against the idea. Pyrrha wished she could have said that Yang was too powerful to tame, or that another slave would be too hard to hide from everyone. The idea that betraying her friends was the truly sinful part didn't even cross her mind.
In fact, the images in her mind made her knees buckle and her heart race. She imagined Yang on her knees with Pyrrha, both of them dripping cum onto the floor as they sucked and kissed Arc's cock together. He's spray his seed onto them, and they would kiss each other, putting on a show so he'd give them both another load...
Pyrrha returned herself back to reality, and nodded her head to the question. Her face was getting warmer and warmer.
"What about if we just stopped?" Arc's face didn't move. It really looked like he was being serious, and the very thought made her eyes widen. "We return things to the way they should have been all along. You're a student, I'm a teacher, and that's it."
The idea made sense. It was probably their safest option, yet the idea of seeing it through made her stomach lurch. Pyrrha would have to return to the life she had before, a life devoid of the love and sin she had become addicted to.
Pyrrha hated it. She couldn't even nod her head, paralyzed by the suggestion. She turned her eyes away from Arc's bright gaze. She glared at the floor. She felt a wave of shame wash over her.
The sound of Arc sighing made her lift her eyes up, and he stared at her with a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry. I went too far. I didn't mean to upset you," he apologized. He motioned Pyrrha to him, gently patting his legs. Her mood immediately brightened and she sauntered forward, swaying her hips just how he liked it.
Pyrrha walked around the desk between them, when suddenly his hands caught hers and he pulled her down into his embrace. She gasped, but it was more out of amused surprise than shock. She fell onto him, her legs slipping between his as her arms fell on his chest. He was a surprisingly soft cushion.
"You poor, foolish girl," Arc muttered. "What monster I must be to have corrupted you so...."
"You're not a monster. You brought out the woman that was always there," Pyrrha replied, her fingers stroking his smooth cheeks. She smiled at him, green eyes meeting blue. Then she leaned forward and kissed him, moaning as her soft lips pushed against his.
He moaned back, and they both fell into place with ease. Pyrrha moved on Arc's body, adjusting slightly as she took a better position to be fucked. Soon she was straddling him, one leg on each side of his body as Arc sat in his seat.
Her hands tugged on his collar, pulling him deeper into the kiss as her tongue slipped out to meet his in the middle. The two tongues touched, and Pyrrha moaned again. Arc's hands stroked her back, slowly moving down to grope and squeeze her heart-shaped ass. He swung a hand down and she jumped at the slap, before he caught her tongue between his lips and gently suckled on it.
Pyrrha moned once more. He freed her tongue, giving her the chance to counterattack. She placed her hands on his white, long-sleeved shirt, and slipped her fingers between the buttons.She felt his chest as she peppered her face with kisses. For an added bonus, she began to grind her body against his, gyrating her ass up and down and side to side. She didn't have much knowledge about giving a lap dance, but she was a quick study.
She knew exactly how to grind her soaking pussy against him, or bounce her firm ass for his entertainment. Pyrrha moaned, rubbing her yearning pissy against his leg. She soon felt exactly what she had been waiting for.
Arc was hardening under his pants, and she could see the bulge it was making. "Did I do that?" she teased, feeling a rush of adrenaline.
The man answered with a nod, smiling at her as he licked his lips. "What are you going to do about it?"
Pyrrha smiled at him, her green eyes practically shimmering with lustful desire. She returned to kissing her master, gently sucking on his bottom lip as her hands began to blindly scratch and tug at his clothing. Arc chuckled against her sweet lips, and helped his slave pulls at his clothing.
The professor led her hands to his pants, and she quickly unzipped and unbuttoned them, feeling his girthy cock pop out, and rub against her hands. She moaned into the kiss, licking at his lips as her slender fingers caressed the hard shaft.
Arc didn't always let Pyrrha take the lead, but every time he did he received a rush of excitement. There was something so wonderfully erotic about seeing the redhead take control.
He moaned as the palm of her hands gently rubbed against the bell-shaped tip of his cock. They continued to kiss, their tongues rubbing against one another. They only pulled apart for air, and never for long.
Pyrrha's eyes were shut, but Arc opened an eye to glance at the door. He saw a familiar sight there, a shadow hidden behind the door, peeking in through the small crack. He caught lilac eyes hidden in the dark, but he wasn't surprised. No, he had noticed her long ago, but seeing her there now meant that he was right...
"Ah!" Pyrrha broke their kiss as his dick pushed her pussy apart. Arc moaned at the familiar sensation, taking a deep breath of Pyrrha's sweet arom. His fingers dug into her ass, squeezing the firm flesh as she began to bounce.
With his cock pounding her wet cunt, Pyrrha's fingers moved to her top. She pulled at the clothes, tearing her uniform open and dropping a couple of buttons onto the ground. Her naked tits bounced. She hadn't bothered wearing a bra. They just got in the way most nights.
Pyrrha wrapped her arms around Arc's head, kissing him again. Their lips smacked against one another, and she sucked on his tongue as her naked tits pushed against his thin shirt. Her hard nipples pressed against his chest.
Arc spanked and smacked Pyrrha's big ass again and again, loving how she tightened up each time.She had truly become addicted to the pain, and the knowledge of how far the champion had fallen brought a wave of sadistic ecstacy onto him.
He came inside of her, and Pyrrha came with him. She moaned loudly against his lips, her eyes closed tight as she quivered. Her muscles spasmed, before she went limp in his arms. Arc held her against his chest, and she felt safe there.
Their lips parted, and she rested her head on his shoulders. There was a content smile on her lips as struggled to catch her breath. He kissed her exposed neck, before whispering into her ear.
"I love you."
"L-love… you," she repeated, a warmth filling her heart.
With great care, Arc pulled Pyrrha off of his still hard cock. Their cum dripped onto the floor as he placed her on his desk. The desk was big enough for her to curl up into a small ball, and his gentle fingers stroked her crimson locks. She smiled at him as her eyes felt heavy suddenly.
"Rest, my love. When you wake up, things will be even better."
She trusted him, of course. She didn't know how he was going to fix everything, but that didn't matter. The professor had her heart, her mind, and her body. He owned Pyrrha's life, and that loss of freedom was oddly comforting.
Her eyes fell shut as his fingers stroked her head. She melted on his desk, quickly falling into a deep slumber.
Arc admired the fallen champion's beauty. Asleep and filled with cum, yet she was still so very beautiful. He gently stroked her cheek one more time, before leaving her there. He walks to the door of his office, and the peeping tom only had time to gasp as he pulled the door open.
The man stared down at Yang Xiao Long, and he savored the sight of her. He wanted to remember this for years to come.
Pyrrha's jaw would have no doubt dropped if she could see her friend now. Yang was on her knees, her white, school uniform pulled open like Pyrrha's own top. Her large breasts spilled out, and one of Yang's hands was on her tit, covering the nipple with her fingers. Yang's other hand was buried under her skirt and panties, clearly in the middle of masturbating. The blond was paralyzed, frozen as she gawked at Arc.
Yang had been watching them, and most damning of all, she had been touching herself to the show. Judging by her scarlet cheeks, she knew exactly what she had been caught doing.
"Hello, Miss Xiao Long. Please, come inside."
"P-Professor, I-"
"Shh." His hand fell on her head, gently stroking her lush, blonde locks. Her eyes glazed over as she nuzzled his hand, mimicking Pyrrha without even realizing it. "Inside. Now. Before someone sees you."
The reality that she was in a school hallway, masturbating, made Yang's eyes widen and she quickly stumbled inside, almost tripping. Her body was sluggish and slow, no doubt from maintaining that position for so long. Arc chuckled as he closed and locked the door.
"I-I-" Yang's characteristic bravado was gone. In its place was a scared, shamed young woman, confused by the feelings bubbling inside of her.
"Do you know what a titjob is, Miss Xiao Long?"
Arc smirked at her, and her eyes fell to the ground, a huge mistake as her bright eyes were caught by his massive cock. This was probably the closest she had ever been to an erect dick, and Arc was proud to be her first.
"I asked you a question, Yang."
"Y-yeah. I-I know what-"
"Good. Show me." Her eyes tore away from his dick, and she stared at him. "Now, Yang. Right here."
A whimper slipped from her lips, the only sound of defiance she could muster. Arc repeated himself, and the sheer force in his voice made her knees give way. "Now, you little whore." She fell to her knees, shocked by her own weakness as she stared up at him.
Arc moved closer and he admired the beautiful woman for a moment. She was certainly something. Yang was easily one of the most beautiful girls of her year, probably out of the entire school. A bombshell, with wide hips and luxurious blonde hair. Shimmering, bright eyes, and flawless skin… And, of course, her breasts. Healthy, firm, and even bigger than Pyrrha's; they jiggled slightly with every deep breath Yang took.
"You know what to do. Take what you've been craving." And Yang didn't fight back. That was the most damning thing for her. How eager she was. How little fight there was. How her eyes took in the image of his cock, and how her mouth hung open in awe.
Yang placed her hands on her breasts, and she lifted them up to wrap around his thick cock. The dick was warm against her skin, and she gasped as droplets of precum fell down on her, falling onto her large tits. Rather than intimidate her, she sucks out her tongue and licked some off of her bosom, moaning at the salty taste.
"I know you've been watching us, Yang. I've fucked Pyrrha plenty of times just for you. So you could sit outside my office, touching yourself like a dirty whore. I was almost worried you'd tell on us at first, but I should have known better. You're a good, little slut, aren't you?"
She moaned in response, before opening her mouth and taking the tip of his cock into her mouth, gently massaging it with her lips. Arc moaned again, before grinning widely.
"Good. Keep going. Show me you know how to treat your Master's cock."
Yang didn't react to the statement. She just kept sucking on the tip, her tongue slowly rising to rub against it within her mouth. All the while, her hands pushed her breasts together, sandwiching the thick penis, smothering it in her boobflesh.
The curvaceous blonde had seen a few pornos in her life, after all, she wasn't nearly as innocent as her sister. She tried to mimic what she had seen, sucking on Arc's head as her boobs stroked the shaft. She closed her mouth, straining to push her head lower. Yang told herself it was because Arc's hand was on her head, but he didn't apply any force. She was the one in control of her body, and she pushed her head down until the entire top half of his cock was pushed down her throat.
An admirable feat for a virgin.
Arc, still sensitive from fucking Pyrrha, took in a deep breath. He gave Yang no warning as his cock throbbed, and semen began to spill out into her mouth. Her eyes shot open at the sensation, and he allowed her to pull back. Yang coughed and gasped for air, the taste of his cum lodged in her throat for a moment as he sprayed more of his cum onto her face.
The cum fell on her nose, filling her sense of scent with the strong odor, and it fell on her lips, making her taste it just by licking her lips. Some of the cum even fell on her precious hair, littering her bangs with white cum. If she noticed or cared, she didn't show it, only staring at his cock in awe as cum dripped from her face.
"Good," Arc moaned, taking a slow breath. "Now then, let's continue." With the kind of strength a professional Huntsman would have, Arc grabbed Yang's arm and pulled her up onto her feet. "Strip."
Yang obeyed, peeling her school uniform off of her body as quickly as she could. Her shirt and coat fell into the corner, followed by her bra, skirt, socks, and shoes. The only thing left were her panties, and she didn't even have time to take it off completely. She pulled it down her legs, and lifted one leg out before Arc pushed her towards the office window. The panties clung around her foot as she stumbled, staring out the window to the courtyard full of students below them.
"W-wait-" Some amount of clarity still existed in Yang's mind. She felt Arc's hands on her hips as her own hands tried to push her away from the window. "Wait, n-not here! I-" Then, with one damning thrust, Arc fucked Yang's pussy and shattered her mind. "Ahhh!"
He pushed the entire length of his cock into her pussy, spreading her apart and filling her. The sensation was overloading for Yang, and her attempts to argue died in her throat.
Yang's hymen had broken long ago from her intense workout routine. That just made it easier for Arc to fuck her, pistoning in and out of her tight, virgin womanhood. It slipped in and out so easily, yet it was held so tightly inside of her. Arc's fingers dug into her skin as he moaned in pleasure. He put more of his weight into his thrusts, savoring the beautiful cries of pleasure Yang gave.
"S-someone-Ah! Might… Ahh! Fuck! See us!" She whimpered, staring out the window. Another thrust, and her arms gave way, her breasts pushing against the cold glass. It didn't hurt. In fact, it made her even more sensitive to the overwhelming pleasure Arc was giving her.
The thought of being seen went through Yang's mind. It should have struck fear down her spine. After all, she was the one against the window. There was a very good chance she would be the only one seen. Yet that same idea made her pussy tremble, making it even easier for Arc's thick member to fuck her brains out.
The utter humiliation… The loss of power… It all felt so damn good. Her tongue hang out of her mouth as he plowed into her, pulling on her precious hair like it was a leash. She tried to tell him to stop pulling on her hair, but all that came out were guttural moans of joy.
"What's wrong? Suddenly you're scared of being seen? You were outside my door, masturbating to your teacher fucking one of your fellow students! How many nights did you spend watching us?!" he chuckled, spanking her ass.
Yang shuddered, trembling as she came on his cock. He grinned at that response, slamming into her so hard that her legs gave way. He was kind to her though, catching her in his arms as he pressed her entire body against the window.
Her entire chest, and her face, pressed against the glass surface of the window. He took his arms off of her hips and caught her bosom with them, squeezing the large orbs of soft flesh. His hands were rougher than her own, bigger too, and she loved how hot they felt compared to the cold window.
He fondled her tits, squeezing her breasts like they were his toys. His balls slapped against her, the wet slaps of their bodies connecting filling the room. Arc's face was buried in her neck, taking in the sweet aroma of her hair as he thrust into her, lifting her feet off of the ground.
Yang's cheek pressed against the glass, her tongue hanging out as she saw all of the students of Beacon walk around the school, oblivious that she was being fucked by a teacher. That his amazing, girthy cock was breaking her mind. All any of them had to do was look up....
The young woman had touched herself before. She knew what an orgasm was, and how sex worked, and all those details a girl her age would understand. Yet none of those applied to what she felt on Arc's cock, pressed against the window.
She howled in pleasure, tongue, tits, and cheek pressed against the window as he pushed into her one last time. His cock throbbed within her, before unleashing ropes of cum straight into her womb. Her pussy squeezed tightly on him, as Yang's open mouth turned into a wide, uncontrollable grin.
The joy she felt from being filled was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her vision blurred as the intense orgasm made her body shake. Her muscles spasmed wildly as she cried out in pleasure. Arc pressed against her, keeping his cock firmly pressed against her womb.
He slowly began to pull out, and she experienced one more orgasm as her panties finally dropped off of her foot and onto the ground. Drips of cum fell down near it, making a small puddle that inevitably stained it.
Arc pulled out of Yang, but held her lovingly in his arms. Her legs dangled below her, almost touching the ground. She moaned, her body shaking from orgasmic aftershocks.
"You are mine now, Yang Xiao Long. My woman."
She moaned in response, her smile never leaving her face as her eyes drifted shut. Yang didn't argue. She didn't resist. All she did was press her hips against his still hard cock, her toned ass rubbing against his wet dick.
"More," she whimpered.