"So, here's how things are going to work. When I say jump, you say 'how high?'. If I tell you to come over, you will immediately. I don't care if you're in the middle of class or on a mission or even sucking your blonde boy toys dick. When I tell you to do something, you do it. Not later, not when you get a chance, right then and there. Or the scrawny little blonde idiot will be out of here faster than you can say 'I love you'. Understand?"
Staring across the empty classroom to the despicable human being that was Jaune Arc, it took everything she had not to run over there and beat the living crap out of him, again. But she couldn't. Not now.
Somehow, she didn't know how, he had learned that Joan had faked his transcripts. His entry into Beacon falsified. If word got out he had faked his way in he would be expelled and possibly even arrested. Forging fraudulent copies of official documents was a crime after all. And the fact that it was Beacon only made it more likely, by pretending he had skills and knowledge he didn't he put anyone around him at risk, in training and especially on missions.
And Jaune used that information in a way that was so typically Jaune (meaning needlessly cruel and malicious), blackmailing the invincible girl who just so happened to be crushing on the blonde twig in what was Beacons worst kept secret. And even if she hadn't been harboring feelings for him her own kind and caring nature wouldn't have allowed her to knowingly do that to someone who risked everything to come to Beacon, to learn and try to make something of themselves. And so, resigned and fuming the top ranked student at Beacon clenched her fists and dropped her gaze, not sure if she would be able to control herself if she saw that smug smirk on his face. "Yes, sir."
She can feel his smile regardless. The bully unbelievably pleased with himself as he got the strongest woman on campus under his thumb, it was a dream come true. "Good, now give me your scroll."
He makes no sign of walking over to her, forcing her to make the short walk across the room, reaffirming the power dynamic that they had just created. She was Jaune's now, at least until she got ahold of the evidence Jaune had.
Handing over her scroll she looks past him at the wall, listening to him type something into it. She didn't want to think about what horrible things he could be sending to her friends, all while pretending to be her.
Although he returned it after less than a minute, far sooner than she had expected. "I've added myself to your contacts. I call, you come. Understood?"
She grits her teeth as her anger threatens to overwhelm, a very unusual feeling for the tall and muscular redhead. "Yes."
"Yes, SIR."
She had never wanted to hit someone so much in her life. She had heard people refer to faces as 'punchable' but had never understood it until right now. The self-satisfied and cruel smile on this despicable mans' face was the very definition of punchable as far as she was concerned.
"Good. Now get the hell out of here and wait for my call."
Not needing to be told twice, Pyrrha turns on her heel, hoping to make a quick exit but stopping and letting out a very uncharacteristic squeak as she feels a hand come down hard on her ass. Looking over her shoulder she stares bloody murder at Jaune, who remained completely unaffected by the heated gaze, if he needed any confirmation that she wouldn't strike him that was it. If spanking her didn't get her to throw a punch, nothing would.
Furious and now humiliated at the bold move, she had heard Ren and Nora (Nora especially) late at night or in the bathroom whenever they thought they were alone, but Pyrrha herself was a virgin. In fact, she still hadn't had her first kiss. Sure, she heard comments and read some things on her scroll, but nobody had ever dared to approach her with anything remotely resembling romantic or even lustful intentions. That is, until Jaune decided to smack her on the ass in that classroom, if there was any doubt in her mind what Jaune was expecting from her with his blackmail it was gone now.
She really needed to find that evidence.
"Alright, I'm here. Now what?" It the middle of the night, not another soul in sight, and the only sounds were from a few nocturnal birds and the running water from the fountain behind her.
She had received a message from Jaune ten minutes earlier, telling her to head to the fountain in one of the courtyards around Beacon. Not bothering to completely change out of her pajamas she threw on a simple white short sleeved shirt and her shoes before heading out the door. She wasn't surprised when Jaune had messaged her just a few hours after delivering his ultimatum but she had hoped he would wait a few days before making good on his promises.
She had been simply standing there for a few minutes when her scroll rang, a call this time. The voice on the other end unfortunately familiar. "Strip. Everything off."
"WHAT?!" Screaming into the scroll, Pyrrha immediately shrinks in on herself. The last thing she wanted was to wake anyone, or worse, draw someone else who was already up and around over to her. She hadn't noticed anyone so far, but that didn't mean that she was alone.
"You heard me. Take off all your clothes, or puke boy goes bye-bye."
Shaking in rage and humiliation Pyrrha takes a deep breath to try and calm herself before reaching up to undo the buttons of her blouse. One by one she hurries, she was certain Jaune was watching from somewhere, he wouldn't try to humiliate her if he couldn't watch and enjoy it, and just because she was doing what he said didn't mean she had to put on a show for him.
The blouse comes off, folded and placed on the edge of the fountain before she kneels to undo her shoes. Removing both of them before pulling down her pants. Quick, practical and without and showmanship for the asshole who was blackmailing her, leaving her to blush and shiver as she stood out in the cool night wearing nothing but her bra and panties. Her hands are already reaching to undo the clasp behind her back when she hears her scroll let out a "and the rest".
Breathing a sigh of relief as her bra comes undone Pyrrha immediately hates herself for finding any pleasure in this, no matter how small or mundane. Her breasts fall down into place, her nipples already hard from the cold air, standing high and firm on her chest, not even a single hint of sag in them. And while not the biggest pair around they were still large, the redhead needing to wear tight bindings, bra's, and corsets in order to keep her 32 DD's contained when she fought. The large mounds constantly threatening to throw her off balance as she moved and fought, and it was always a relief when she got the chance to simply let her girls' breath freely. She had no idea how Yang could let hers bounce all over the place and still be as effective as she was, and hers were even bigger. Yang and Glynda being the only women around with larger breasts than her own, maybe she should ask them for advice.
Taking one more deep breath Pyrrha steels her nerves before bending down to pull down her panties, quickly stepping out of them and standing back up before covering herself with her hands. Or at least as much as she could, her breasts were spilling out past the arm she was using to cover them and while covering her vagina she left her butt completely bare, and without knowing where Jaune was she might unintentionally be giving him the best view of her exposed body.
Skin red with shame, anger, humiliation, Pyrrha stood stock still, not willing to drop one of her hands to pick up her scroll.
Luckily, or perhaps unfortunately, she didn't have to. Jaune taking that moment to make his appearance, stepping out from behind the nearest pillar and walking leisurely towards the naked woman. Taking this time to let her humiliation really set in as he perused her form with unashamed lust, the reason she was naked meant nothing to him. All that mattered was that he had a beautiful naked woman in front of him, and she was going to do whatever he wanted her to.
Pyrrha can't bring herself to look at him, knowing that he was staring at her bare body was more humiliating than the fact that she was naked in public. She would have preferred being completely bare in front of the entire school than in front of this bully.
"Hands down. Let me inspect the goods."
Bristling with shame she reluctantly dropped her hands. The whistle Jaune lets out only further driving the shame and humiliation through her.
"This won't do." He exclaimed as he tapped his finger against her pelvis, right above her virgin core, disapproval evident as he took in the tuft of crimson hair covering her. "As much as I like that the carpet matches the drapes, I don't won't to have to deal with all this hair. Shave it off."
"Yes, sir." Her face was nearly as red as her hair, the color trailing down her body along her neck and even her chest. She wasn't sure if it was anger or shame, probably both.
Continuing his appraisal of her body he reaches up to grab her breasts, Pyrrha fights to keep her hands at her sides as he molests her. His inexperienced fingers pressing into the soft flesh too hard and too erratic to be pleasurable for her, although she doubted he cared. Jaune struck her as the selfish lover type, who couldn't care less what his partner felt so long as he finished. The fact that he was blackmailing her into letting him molest her had all but confirmed that.
The bastard continues to grope his fill. Even going so far as to as to pinch and pull on her nipples, drawing a keening whine from her as her sensitive flesh was pulled taut. Something he seemed to enjoy as he did it over and over again, the ass probably enjoying drawing out the unwilling sounds from the 'invincible girl'. A surprised gasp escaping both of them as a bit of fluid squirted out from her hard nipples. More continuing to fall over Jaunes fingers before he shoved them in her open mouth. Getting the liquid on her tongue before she can think to stop it.
Milk? But how could I-? I'm not pregnant! I've never been pregnant! How could I be producing milk?!
It was a question for later, the more immediate concern was the blackmailer molesting her body, rough and calloused fingers treating her poor breasts like loafs of dough.
Eventually though his tugging turned to slapping, open pals coming down and striking her breasts over and over, the cold only making them sting even more, now they were red for multiple reasons. And through it all she stands stock still, staring past him and refusing to even acknowledge his presence, let alone his abuse of her chest.
Eventually he got bored, probably of her muted reactions rather than playing with her chest, and circled around behind her, grabbing two handfuls of her behind as he does so. His fingers sinking in and testing the flesh in much the same way as he did her chest, and much to her chagrin, she squeaked once again as he did so. She had been expecting it this time and still she let out that pathetic sound. And just like her chest he begins raining blows on her bubbly rear in between his gropes, intermingling his molestation with hard smacks, he was nothing if not predictable, in that way cruel idiots were. Although he did manage to surprise her when she heard a commanding 'flex' while his hands were still full of her ass.
Not daring to disobey she does as she is told, flexing her ass cheeks and hating the whistle he lets out as he feels her ass become hard as iron. She had figured he would hate it, that he wanted soft and pliant women (so long as they were still thin and beautiful that is) so having him enjoy feeling her muscles only made her hate him more. Was there nothing she could do to get some small victory in this horrid situation?
With a final smack to her behind Jaune reaches down between her thighs, his rough fingers pushing through her hair covered folds for the first time and Pyrrha can't bring herself to not tense at the unwanted sensation. He was too rough and too sloppy to get the reaction he obviously wanted, the bastard wanting her to be wet for him, to humiliate her even more rather than a desire to bring her pleasure she suspected, but he was disappointed. Her folds were as dry now as they had been all day, although that didn't stop him from enjoying how much she wasn't enjoying this. Even when he lost he won, and when she won she still lost. For the first time in her life, she was truly in an unwinnable situation. And to make things worse for her, her adversary was as cruel and vindictive as he was petty and pathetically horny.
"Anyone else ever touch you here, invincible girl? The truth now."
Of course he wants to know. What is it with men and their obsession with being first?
"Just- Just the O.B.G.Y.N." As much as she hated giving him the satisfaction she knew it was no use lying. Sure her hymen was broken years ago but her virgin status was as Nora put it, 'painfully obvious', and as dumb as Jaune was she didn't think he was that dumb.
She could practically hear the smug grin on his face as he pulls his hand away, although he makes sure to trail a finger up between her rear cheeks, making sure to put just the tiniest amount of pressure on her back door. Drawing yet another girlish squeak from her as fear threatened to overwhelm her. She had known some people used their butts for sex but she never thought she would, and she certainly never experimented there on her own. The fear that he might decide to penetrate her there had her on the verge of a panic attack.
She lets out a sigh of relief when his finger moves on, although the fear remains when he promises her that he would 'get to that later'.
Pyrrha had felt anger, shame, and humiliation when dealing with Jaune. But now, and only now, was she genuinely afraid of what he was going to do to her.
Reaching up he pulls on her ponytail, forcing her to Winchesterh her neck back painfully, Jaune looking over her shoulder and down her body as she stands ramrod straight, chest rising and falling as her breathing increases. She refuses to believe it's out of fear, it's just anger, or adrenaline.
"On your knees." He lets her go and shoves her forward as he gives her the order.
Turning to face him a shiver runs down her spine at the cruel smile on his face, her eyes falling down to the floor. Or at least that was what she intended, her eyes instead get stuck on the bulge in the front of his pants. Surely he couldn't really be that big? Could he?
Heart racing and legs shaking Pyrrha falls to her knees in front of Jaune, already knowing what was going to happen. Her lips are quivering as she comes face to crotch with what must be some sort of fake. A juvenile prank meant to get a reaction out of her. To make her more afraid. That must be it.
"Undo my zipper and pull me out. You should be able to figure out the rest."
Hands shaking Pyrhha reaches for his pants, undoing the button in front before pulling down the zipper. Trepidation overwhelming her as she slowly reaches into the hole in the front of his boxers. Stunned shock filling her as she wrapped her hand around the hard length inside. Looking up at Jaune in disbelief Pyrrha does absolutely nothing as he smirks down at her, knowing damn well what was going through her mind. "What are you waiting for slut?"
Her hands still shaking she pulls his cock out through the hole in his boxers, and actually winces as it springs forward, smacking her in the face with the same amount of force his hands did to the rest of her body. So hot. So thick. So heavy. There was no doubt in her mind that this was real.
And she was expected to put it in her mouth.
Looking up with wide eyes she does the one thing she never expected she would do. She begged. "please, please no. Don't make me-"
"Suck it, or its going up your ass. Dry." Staring directly into her panicked green eyes he makes sure she knows that he will make good on his threat.
Pyrrha opens her mouth as wide as she can before moving it towards the head, swollen and purple and already leaking precum. Her nerves are getting the better of her as she hovers over it, hot breath washing over his length. She couldn't believe that she was being forced to suck someone's cock, let alone one this big. And for her first time? This was all just too much for her. Too much for her to handle. Surely Jaune would give her a chance to get some semblance of control over herself before she started, right?
Wrong. Burying a hand in her crimson locks Pyrrha barely had the time to look away from the threatening cock head to the impatient look on Jaune's face before he is forcing her forward. Several inches of cock entering her mouth all at once and pressing at the back of her throat, making her gag and sputter to the unpleasant feeling.
"I feel any teeth, any at all, and I'll use one of your other holes. How many virginities do you want to lose tonight?"
She knew better than to test him. Fear of the consequences made her try her best to please Jaune even as he forced more and more of his length down her throat, making her choke and sputter around the unnatural size of him. The coughing and choking only making her throat contract and spasm around him, making him want to force even more of his length down her gullet. Which he does, using his grip on her head to force her face closer and closer to his pelvis, even as she kicked and slapped his thighs, begging him to be gentler with her.
Tears fell freely from her eyes as spittle exploded out past her lips and nostrils, her breasts and the lower half of her face were shining in the low light as she was forced to throat what might be the biggest cock in Beacon, it was certainly bigger than she thought possible, for a human anyway.
Somehow, after what felt like hours but was only a few minutes, Pyrrha is pulled flush against Jaune's pelvis. The tall gladiator hugged tightly in place with his cock buried in her throat, her lungs burning and jaw aching, and all her struggling and discomfort only serving to make Jaune enjoy it more. The power he had over this powerful woman was as arousing as her own physical beauty, and Pyrrha was a beauty who stood out in a school filled with hundreds of beautiful women. Having her choke on his dick was pure bliss.
Her vision starts to fade when Jaune finally let her pull back. Even forcing her off his cock as she took two great lungful's of air- and then he forced his way back down her throat. Grabbing her ponytail for leverage he swung her around, taking her off her knees and knocking her onto her ass as he forced her back against the fountain, Jaune going out of his way to knock her clothes into the water even if Pyrrha can't hear it over her own choking.
Done with the foreplay Jaune begins to truly fuck her throat, pinning her in place as his hips snap back and forth. Slamming his cock down her throat over and over, long strands of spit connecting her mouth to his cock whenever he pulls out, the strands breaking and falling all over her lap and breasts, mixing with the milk still leaking from her breasts as it headed towards her lap. Her hands are on his thighs, trying to get him to slow down, all to no avail. Jaune fucking her face with all the ferocity and roughness he could muster, her gluteal gagging as she struggled to deal with the violation of her face music to his ears. If there was a sound more perfect than an uppity slut choking on dick he didn't know what it was.
Unfortunately, he had his limits. And given the beauty he had choking and slobbering all over his dick it was a miracle he lasted as long as he did. So with one last final thrust he buries himself in her throat, a groan escaping him he blows his load directly into her stomach. His scroll already out and recording as her eyes widen and realization set in, her hands slapping and legs kicking as she struggles to escape, but she is pinned, no options other than to try and swallow the copious amounts of cum he was forcing into her body.
She has no hope of doing so. She had never sucked dick before, let alone one so big, and after having her face and throat so thoroughly abused she wouldn't have been able to swallow anything, let alone the tide he was emptying into her.
Cum explodes out her nostrils and past her swollen lips, adding a new layer of humiliation and torment to her already nightmarish experience. The salty taste of the thick fluid making her want to retch just as much as the bitter sweaty cock she was forced to swallow did. And despite her torment, or because of it, Jaune seemed to be having the time of his life. His cock throbbing as he emptied his balls into the strongest person at Beacon.
Pulling out suddenly, Jaune steps away, letting her double over as she coughs and sputters, finally getting air into her lungs. She doesn't even notice him cleaning his cock off in her hair.
She collapses onto her stomach, the concrete beneath her feeling like sandpaper on her skin, but she doesn't have the strength to hold herself up now. Her mouth simply staying open as she drooled spit and cum onto the floor.
Jaune kicks her legs apart, taking pictures of her noticeable wet and swollen pussy, the fact that she did get aroused during that not lost on him, even if it was on her. After getting a few pictures of her holes and freshly fucked face he tucks himself back into his pants, walking away without a word, leaving her there on the floor, naked, tired, exhausted, and violated in ways she had never imagined.
She would end up having to walk back to the dorm naked, her clothes soaking wet and her scroll ruined. Her dreams filled with memories of the violation she experienced the night before. And when she woke with wet thighs and a painfully swollen clit, that was just because of the scent of sex coming off Nora. The bubbly girl not having taken a shower that morning after her romp with Ren. That was it, her bodies instinctual reaction to the heady scent. That's all it was. Nothing else.
Showing restraint and patience she didn't know he had, Jaune waits a week after his first trisk with Pyrrha before summoning her again. A whole week of Pyrrha going over the events of that night over and over again. Of her dreams being haunted by the memory of how his cock felt in her throat, how she choked around it, how he tried to drown her with his cum. How his hands felt as they molested her, smacking her ass, rubbing her folds, mauling her breasts with the skill and tenderness of a beowolf. How his eyes felt on her body, taking her in, appraising her, lusting after her, promising horribly wicked things that she couldn't even imagine.
Every morning she woke up with wet thighs and a swollen clit. And every day she simply wiped herself up and got dressed, her arousal torturing her until it naturally abated, hours later.
And if her heart started racing when she saw the message Jaune sent her, it was just trepidation and worry about what horrendous torment he would inflict on her next. It was natural to be a bit afraid walking into a place where you know you're about to be molested and sexually abused by a blackmailer, after all. That was all there was to it. She was simply worried and yes, even a bit afraid, of how he would violate her this time. Was he going to rape her? Take her virginity once and for all? Would he try out her back door? He seemed fascinated and interested earlier? Maybe he would simply take her mouth again, choke her on his cock until she was a mess of spit and cum, not even able to stand after being choked on a massive slab of manmeat.
And she certainly was NOT wet as she thought about all the possibilities. This was to protect Joan, just until she could get her hands on that evidence.
It was the same classroom he had originally confronter her in. Where Glynda taught her afternoon classes. Although it was empty at the moment, and likely would be for the foreseeable future, Ms. Goodwitch having gone on vacation the day before.
Still in her school uniform Pyrrha stood in the middle of the classroom, wetness leaking down her thighs, panties stuffed in her bag since Jaune had told her not to wear them. He had also told her to remove her bra, but there was no way she could do that without stalling and making Jaune wait, either way she would be pissing him off. It was best she get here sooner and get this over with. That's was her reasoning, it had nothing to do with her actually wanting to be treated like a walking cum receptacle. No, of course not.
He was leaning on the desk waiting for her. The smirking bastard walking to meet her in the middle of the room before his hand darts below her skirt. Cupping her vagina as his smirk widens at the feel of her hairless folds, as well as her wetness now coating his hand.
Pyrrha represses a shiver as she feels his fingers move through her wet folds, closing her eyes and trying to replace Jaune with anyone else in her mind as he continues to stoke the fire between her thighs. And then as suddenly as they were there, they were gone. Jaune pulling his hand away as Pyrrha lets out a pathetically disappointed whine.
"So you can follow directions, good. Now strip. Everything off."
Unlike last time where Pyrrha removed her clothes methodically and sensibly now she practically tore her clothes as she hurried to be naked. Jaune frowning when he saw her still wearing a bra, a small wet patch inside the cups from where her milk had leaked. She still wasn't sure why she was doing that, but it had been happening periodically since Jaune had first made her squirt the fluid out.
Soon she was standing completely naked in the middle of the empty classroom, her outer labia pussy and swollen and her breasts leaking small amounts of milk below her, although she didn't pay attention to either. It wasn't important. The only thing that mattered was getting this over with, to protect Joan.
The excuse rang hollow even to her ears, but it was all she had to hold onto. In this sea of insanity, it was her only lifeline. And she feared for her sanity if she ever dared let it slip from her grasp. So she clung to it, as hard as she was able.
Following the same pattern as last time Jaune started with her breasts. Groping, and mauling the large and soft mound, her milk continuing to leak out all over his hands. And when he shoved his wet fingers into her mouth she was ready and waiting, barely suppressing her moan as the taste hits her tongue. And if her tongue just so happened to start licking at the digits invading her mouth, well that was just pure coincidence and not something she did intentionally while dreaming about doing the same to his cock.
Rather than move on to her ass as she had expected him to he grabbed her by her high ponytail and half dragged her over to the large desk at the front of the room. Bending her over it as she moaned out loud at how rough he was being with her, her arousal overwhelming any reservations she had or desire to hide it. She was too far gone now, her mind focused on one thing and one thing only.
Getting the orgasm she had been denied last time, and that her body had been craving for the past week. She needed it. More than food or air. She needed to cum.
And Jaune was going to tear it from her as she screamed and begged for more. Damn the blackmail, she was here because she needed to be here. Once she had been objectified and treated like a piece of meat by someone with the balls to do more than talk about it, it was all she could think about. Her body addicted to it and craving more constantly.
Suddenly he was shoving a finger inside her, although it was not where she was expecting when she started shaking her hips, hoping the sight of her ass waiting for him would drive him to take her pussy and her virginity right then and there. Unfortunately, rather than an orgasmic scream as her pussy was taken, she was letting out a pained hiss as her asshole was forced to accommodate on of his fingers. The feeling foreign, unexpected, and altogether unpleasant. But even that only made her drip more.
"You weren't supposed to wear a bra. Consider this your punishment." He pulled back only to push further inside, adding a second finger as tears stung at her eyes. A week ago the prospect of him touching her asshole was terrifying, now all it did was make her wetter than she already was and remind her that when Jaune said something, she did it. It was not a mistake she would make again. Or it would be her ass, and more than a couple fingers she suspected.
He pulls out before leaning over her and once again forcing his fingers into her mouth. Pyrrha, begins sucking without hesitation, the bitter taste of her own ass curiously pleasant, the fact that it was her own ass making her pussy clench painfully around nothing.
Her breasts leak more, pinned under the weight of both of them and staining the wood with her milk, the idea that Glynda will see the evidence of this debauchery only making her hotter. Gods, to think that only a week ago she would have hit anyone for taking liberties with her and now she was bent over her teacher's desk, tasting her own ass, all while silently begging a man she hated to take her virginity. What had happened to her?
The answer was Jaune. The bastard himself, getting lucky in over hearing a conversation and being in a position to awaken overwhelming desires in Pyrrha that she never knew she had. The bastard far luckier than he had any right to be, especially with what he was packing in his pants.
And was about to pack into her.
His other hand firmly wrapped around his cock her forced the bulbous head past her outer labia, Pyrrha breathing heavily as he presses against the tight ring of muscle, her teeth involuntarily biting down on his fingers as he forces her body to yield around him, Jaune applying constant pressure until the tight ring of muscle around her entrance gives, and he successfully takes the 'invincible girls' virginity.
Pyrrha was panting around his fingers. He was barely past the entrance and already she felt stuffed, her muscles stretched further than ever before, a dull ache setting in as Jaune hissed behind her, finding the tightness her virgin pussy provided almost painful. Not that that was going to stop him from breaking her. Once and for all. One way or another, Pyrrha was not leaving this room with her mind intact.
Jaune pushed forward with unyielding pressure, forcing more and more of his oversized cock into her pussy. Stretching her open, knocking the air out of her with every inch forced into her. The stretch in her muscles unlike anything she had ever experienced, as if she had eaten too much while getting punched in the gut while also being more turned on than she ever had before. It was confusing and seemingly impossible but all she wanted was more. Even the pain she was feeling was appealing and addictive in ways she couldn't hope to comprehend. But she didn't need to. She didn't have to understand anything. All she had to so was feel.
And feel she did. Every single inch. Every vein along the foreign length invading her body. The weight keeping her pinned down, giving her nowhere to go as she was slowly used as a cock warmer. When Jaune finally bottoms out, his hips meeting her ass, Pyrrha couldn't even gasp. She was stuffed to capacity, not even room for her lungs to expand as she breathed.
And when he pulled out, it felt like her he was taking his vagina with her. Her muscles clamped so tightly around him, desperate not to let him go, even if she knows that having him slam forward would only make her feel even better. Something she knows will happen even if she couldn't imagine anything surpassing this feeling of pure bliss, bent over and stuffed full of cock with a sore asshole. Nothing in life could ever surpass this perfection. Could it?
She had never been so happy to be proven wrong. Jaune, slams back in, and she sees fireworks behind her eyes. She can hear the slap of flesh against flesh and the wet squelch that accompanied him moving in and out of her of wet folds but all of it is muffled, as if she were underwater.
Her mouth hangs open as she silently screams her pleasure, legs quivering uncontrollably and ever muscle in her body going crazy, a stream of her quim explodes out of her overstuffed pussy, staining the floor just as her milk was staining the desk.
Jaune pays no attention to her, standing up to his full height (still a few inches shorter than Pyrrha herself) and takes her hips in his hands, fingers leaving bruises in her flawless skin. If Pyrrha had been capable of thinking about… anything, she would have known that that signaled he was about to begin truly fucking her, he was going to take her pussy just like he had her mouth.
The pace he set was brutal. If his size was too much for the virgin Pyrrha, the speed and roughness of his thrusts was overkill. Overwhelming whatever was left of the Amazonian redhead as she finally found her voice, as she squealed and begged for more.
Words she had only heard in her singular foray in hardcore porn (she was still a woman with needs, although she had quickly closed the video as soon as it's true nature was revealed) were now spewing from her mouth. A woman who had never cursed a day in her life was swearing like a sailor as she was fucked into submission by a man she hated. Or at least, whom she used to hate.
Jaune couldn't have smiled wider if he tried. Listening to Pyrrha Nikos scream for his cock while he fucked her so hard the heavy desk she was bent over was scraping against the floor. The virginal and pure guardian and celebrity now reduced to nothing more than a desperate nympho, and all he had to do was treat her like the pathetic slut he saw her as. Nothing more than a pair of fat tits and a set of holes, her only purpose to drain his balls and for him to take his pleasure from. And now, she knew it to.
She continued to scream as long as she could. Using words, she had only heard and had no genuine idea what they meant. Going so far as to ask Jaune to "Donkey punch her so hard she squirts out her ass". The fact that she was actually squirting completely lost on her, since she had no idea what that even was. But she screamed and begged all she could, a difficult task given every thrust felt like a punch to the gut, knocking the air from her lungs and eventually she collapsed onto her front. No less enthusiastic about her situation but merely less vocal.
Everything was bliss. Pure unadulterated pleasure coursing through her body with every thrust. Even the painful stretch was pleasure in some weird way she couldn't hope to understand, but she loved it all the same. She even loved the burning pain from having her asshole penetrated completely dry, the stinging in her ass from the force of Jaune's thrusts, the fact that she couldn't catch her breath from the cock rearranging her guts. She loved it all. And would do anything to feel this way again. And again. And again. For the rest of her life.
Listening to her pant after that tirade of half nonsensible dirty talk, combined with the otherworldly lightness of her pussy and the visual of her ass bouncing as he fucked her, COMBINED with the fact that he was fucking PYRRHA FUCKING NIKOS, had Jaune at his limit. He tried to hold on as long as he could, but everything was getting the better of him. There was one last thing he needed to do before he creampied his whore for the first time.
Grabbing her ponytail, he pulls her limp body off the desk, her back Winchesterhing as she was pulled back against him, moaning as she was manhandled like the whore she was and now desired to be.
Bringing her head up next to his he demands directly into her ear. "Beg me. Beg me you pathetic, whore. Beg me to cum in you. To give you a brat as pathetic and useless as you. Beg me to impregnate you! YOU! PATHETIC! STUPID! SLUT!" His thrusts had slowed as he struggled to hold off until he got what he wanted from her. The tradeoff however was that his thrusts got even more powerful, those punches to her gut turned to strikes from Jaune's mace.
But none of that was going to stop her from obeying the demand of the word of the man who had introduced her to this beautiful world of sensation and feeling she had denied herself for so long. How could she ever deny someone who could give her this much anything? How could she do anything other than give him everything he demanded of her. Whether it be her pussy, her breasts, her mouth, her ass, her body, her mind and soul, or even her child. Compared to all that, a few sweet words she would readily give him anyway was nothing. So she did as he demanded. She begged. She begged for Jaune to cum in her. To fill her virile body with his potent seed. To ruin her slutty whore body with a baby. She begged her blackmailer to impregnate her.
And he does.
Slamming his hips forward one last time, Jaune bottoms out, blowing his load directly into her womb. The same torrent she had swallowed a week prior now being pumped into her unprotected pussy. Beacon provided birth control, putting hundreds of attractive young people in a tense and hormone filled environment and not expecting them to fuck was just plain stupid. And while she knew some people who took advantage of it (Ren and Nora were like rabbits after all) Pyrrha never had. Why would she? After all, she was only interested in one person, and he was as oblivious as he was stupid and awkward. So while some girls took birth control daily, and some men carried condoms with them everywhere, Pyrrha was completely unprotected. And upon feeling the piping hot seed filling her womb, she knew that was not going to change. Ever.
Her master had made his wishes known after all. She was to be his slut. His whore. His broodmare. He wanted her to have his child. She didn't know why, nor did she care. Jaune had demanded something of her and she would do it. She would be his personal whore. His baby mama. His maid. His cook. His wife if he demanded it. She would be his slave, gladly.
She would be his. From now, until the end of time. She belonged to the man who humiliated and broke her with his dick. And for that she would be forever grateful. Even now, with milk falling from her breasts and cum leaking from her abused pussy, she could feel even more of his seed fertilizing her eggs. She would give him the child he demanded.
And she couldn't be happier about any of this.