The scroll fell haphazardly to the floor, the outlines of fingers pressed into the sides from where she had instinctively clenched her fist.
How? How?!
How had anyone managed to get footage of that night?
Junior wasn't a bad guy, and while he might not be fond of her the one thing he wasn't was a snitch. There was no way he would report to any authorities. And last time she saw him he was a bit ticked off, but other than that he seemed none too upset with her for trashing his club, once they had all put down their guns that is.
So how had someone managed to get their hands on footage of her destroying the place all those months ago?
It didn't matter. What mattered now was getting her hands on it, and destroying it.
She might not have killed anyone there, but she had destroyed enough private property that she would almost certainly be kicked out of Beacon. And once that happened none of the other Academies would even consider letting her join, and without an official huntress license she would never be able to find work. She would have to go back to her old part time job, the one she did to be able to afford Bumblebee. And while she might have enjoyed her work as a camgirl (THEblondeBombshell was one of the biggest cam stars there were before she quit, a feat Yang was still proud of) it was just a bit of fun and not what she wanted to do with her life. As much as she liked getting herself off, she couldn't exactly punch people through buildings without being a huntress, not unless she wanted to become a criminal that is.
She needed to get that footage. She NEEDED to.
But in order to do that, she needed to figure out who it was that had it. The message had been vague to say the least, and no id had appeared on her screen.
Which meant she needed to play along until whoever was fucking with her revealed themselves, then she could show them what she did to blackmailers.
If it's a guy she'll rip his dick off, if it's a girl, she'll do the same to her tits. So long as it's not Weiss, it should be doable.
With that plan in mind, Yang picked up her damaged scroll before walking back towards the dorm. Apprehensive and reluctantly excited about the first demand her blackmailer had made.
Oddly enough, it was already something she had done numerous times in the past several months, although only Blake knew about it.
Tomorrow morning, Yang was to go the whole day without panties.
The clock was mere moments away from signaling the end of her last class for the day, and still Yang had not seen a single person that she might think was behind this. She didn't even know if they had confirmed that she had followed their directions. Sure, she had taken off her panties and pinned them to the message board where she had been told to while on her way to her first class, but she oddly hadn't heard anyone talking about it. Blake had only raised an eyebrow before continuing the walk to class. Yang was simply glad Ruby and Weiss hadn't watched her as well, the pair already around the corner as they walked ahead of them.
And since then, nothing. A bit of arousal from her own exhibitionist tendencies but that was it. No comments, nobody trying to catch a peak, nobody reaching out to cop a feel, nothing that would make her think they were the one behind this.
The day was almost over when her scroll dinged again, and Yang darted out for it with speed that Oobleck would envy.
The first message was a picture of the yellow thong she had discarded, no longer pinned to the board but sitting on one of the tables in the cafeteria.
Yang had to bite down the sudden pulse of arousal at seeing her underwear in the most public place on campus, an easy enough task given her rage at being taunted by the perv manipulating her. When she found them she was going to-
It would seem she was going to get the chance sooner rather than later. They wanted to meet her to 'make sure she hadn't put on a different pair to try and get out it'. Yang kicked herself for not even thinking of that, but she could beat herself up for that later. Right now, she had an ass to kick.
1 hour, outside of Goodwitch's class.
The timing was odd, as it was when classes were still going on in the part of the building, but Yang could think on that later, after she had saved her ass.
"Me." Jaune had the nerve to smirk at her from where he reclined against the wall, not making any attempt to hide his leering gaze as he looks her up and down. His eyes naturally falling down to her chest as he spoke. "And before you do anything stupid, no, I don't have the footage with me. Yes, I have copies, and yes, I'm not the only one who has it."
Yang felt her heart drop at the words. She had expected whoever behind this to blackmail to make copies, but she hadn't expected them to give it to other people. Was someone else going to start blackmailing her?
Nobody was, but how was she supposed to know that the Jaune's accomplice was her friend the world renowned Pyrrha Nikos? The redheaded gladiator with a chest to rival Yang's would do anything for her master, so when he had demanded her assistance in keeping an eye on his newest conquest, she had done so without hesitation. She would be keeping a very close eye on Yang in the coming weeks.
"So, what do you want?" Yang crosses her hands over her chest, feeling that she already knew, given what he had been staring at for the past several minutes as well as what he had had her do. He wanted the same thing pretty much everyone wanted from her, and she could feel her eyes begin to turn red in anticipation of his next demand.
Turns out he was just as predictable as she had expected.
"What do you think bimbo? Get your hands out of the way, and open your shirt, I want to see those tits everyone is always obsessing over."
Yang wants to punch him through the wall. To break his legs. To rip off his dick and shove it down his throat, but she can't. If she does, she'll be expelled and ruined. And worse of all, Ruby would be all on her own. Yang couldn't allow that to happen. She couldn't.
Reluctantly, Yang does as she is told, making no effort to hide her disdain for this scumbag as she begins undoing the buttons of her school uniform. Pulling the white fabric apart just enough to reveal her bright yellow bra, emblazoned with her symbol on both cups, it was her favorite and had worn it to help try and make herself a little more at ease throughout the day, looks like that was coming to bite her in the ass, and not in the way she liked.
Naturally, Jaune was not content with simply looking at her girls in their bra. A raised eyebrow and outstretched hand letting Yang know exactly what he wanted. With a roll of her eyes, Yang reaches back into her shirt and behind her, undoing the clasp before pulling her arms back into her sleeves as she struggles to remove the garment, if the yellow fabric wasn't in the way he would have been getting the show of a lifetime.
Unfortunately, she couldn't stall forever, and eventually Yang pulls the bra away, exposing her bare chest to the perv who was standing in front of her, hand still outstretched. "Want the whole set to jerk yourself off with creep?" Yang mocks him, but hands it over, already missing her favorite bra as she resists the urge to cover herself.
Jaune licks his lips as he finally gets to see Yang's bare breasts, easily the largest at Beacon, with only Pyrrha and Glynda coming close. Large DD's that sat high and perky on her chest and topped with tiny pink nipples, Yang's chest was the stuff of wet dreams for every boy and girl in Beacon (he had no doubts that even her own sister got herself off thinking about those globes) and now they were all his, and just as great as he had imagined.
Yang could feel her anger grow with every passing second, watching Jaune stuff her favorite bra into his pocket only making her more furious, but she didn't dare cover herself up or knock his teeth down his throat, not until she found out who, if anyone, was his accomplice and not until she had gotten any and all copies of the footage he had managed to get his hands on.
If she had expected him to be content with looking she was sorely mistaken.
"Alright, lift up your skirt and then get on your knees." Jaune had begun to unbuckle his own pants, leaving no doubt as to what he was expecting from her.
A flash of red engulfed her eyes for a second, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU EXPECT ME TO-"
"Unless you want everyone in these classrooms to see you whoring yourself to me then I suggest you shut up and start following orders." Stepping into her personal space, Yang felt her anger get replaced by resigned acceptance, a shameful pang of arousal settling between her legs as she looks up at him to meet his gaze. Of all the times for her kinks to make themselves known…
With a defeated sigh, Yang steps back before lifting up her skirt, showing off her thin slit with a tuft of blonde hair covering it. The wolf whistle that accompanies the movement almost enough to get Yang to say 'fuck it' and begin throwing punches, almost.
And still she can feel her own arousal building as she exposes herself in the middle of the hallway. Yang lets her skirt fall before Jaune can see any moisture form over her lips, the last thing she wanted was for this piece of shit to see her aroused, it was bad enough as is.
Hands at her sides, Yang reluctantly falls to her knees in front of Jaune, coming face first with what she was now noticing was a VERY prominent bulge. If he wasn't such a bastard she might have willingly got down on her knees for him.
As it stands though, she only hoped he didn't notice how much all of this was turning her on. Being exposed in a public hall, with several classes going on just a few feet away, about to give a blowjob, Yang hated herself for how much it was turning her on. Even the fact that she wasn't being given a choice was working against her, blackmail and rape fantasies had been almost as common as public exposure and fucking were in her masturbation sessions and porn searches. And now all of that was working against her at the worst time possible, gods she hoped she didn't end up dripping onto the floor.
A fear that seemed more likely to become reality when Jaune pulls his cock out of her pant, letting the PILLAR of cockmeat to fall onto her face with a meaty 'SLAP', that had Yang's pussy quivering in excitement.
This… this wasn't fair.
He shouldn't be allowed to be this horrible and this hung!
That wasn't fair!
He wasn't allowed to have a cock that big!
Unfortunately for Yang, what was fair and wasn't had no impact on reality. And the reality was that regardless of how unfair it might be, Jaune was going to be shoving every single inch of his cock down this blonde bimbo's throat.
Yang didn't even realize she was panting as she looked up in shock at the heavy cock resting on her face, she could feel his balls resting against her chin, shock overwhelming her as she attempted to rationalize what was happening.
Which gave Jaune the perfect opportunity to shove his cock into her new sluts' mouth.
Yang gasped as Jaune quickly pulled his hips back, his cock sliding down her face until his cockhead fell between her lips. A snap of the hips had him pushing his cock into her mouth, muffling her stunned protest to the sudden and wanted penetration. The first snap of hips had him pressing at the entrance to her throat, she would have bit him if his sheer girth didn't have her jaw pried as wide as it possibly could, the second had him pushing past it. Jaune letting out a sigh of pleasure as his cock enters the tight confines of her throat, even as Yang squealed and writhed in protest.
It was easily a match for the largest dildos she had ever swallowed, and far larger than any of the real cocks she had sucked. So while she had some experience in swallowing rods of comparable size, she was months out of practice and woefully unprepared for just how rough Jaune was going to be with her.
After getting fed up with her struggling, Jaune took her head in his hands and walked forward, forcing her onto her ass with her legs spread out between his, and head pinned against the wall behind her.
She was stuck between a cock and a hard place.
"I suggest you get to work. I'm not letting you go until I get off; I don't care who sees you sucking my dick. The whole school can watch you swallow my cum for all I care, even your bitch of a sister."
Yang feels her growing arousal dimmed for a moment as he mentions Ruby, especially in such a disrespectful manner, but her anger doesn't last as Jaune steps forward once more, hilting his massive cock in her throat.
Yang feels her eyes watering, tears falling unbidden and causing her mascara to run, dark streaks trailing down her cheeks as she looks up with conflicted anger as the bastard choking her on his dick.
She wanted to believe he was bluffing. That there was no way he would let Goodwitch catch him, practically assaulting another student, but one look at his face told her otherwise.
He most certainly would.
Desperate to avoid having her reputation ruined (there were already far too many rumors about her as is) Yang does the one thing she never thought she would do. She begins to actively suck Jaune's dick.
She can't bob her head or form massage his length with her lips as she would normally do, in fact the only thing she can do is move her tongue a little, so she does that as much as she possibly can. Licking at the underside of his dick like it's the worlds tastiest lollipop, even as she feels her body cough and choke around the length plugging her throat.
She coughs and sputters around his length, spit flying out past her lips, adding to the mess Jaune was making of her front. The bastard not even actually fucking her face, simply content to let her choke on his length, using her as his own personal cock warmer.
The only thing hotter than Jaune's dick in that moment is her pussy, and Yang hates herself for it. Why did all of her kinks have to perfectly coincide with this bastards abuse? Exhibitionism, submission, tall men, confidence, dubcon, even her oral fixation (her favorite act in bed was oral worship, whether it was a dick, a pair of balls, a set of tits, an asshole or a pussy, if she could wrap her lips around it and lick it she loved it) were all being used against her in the cruelest way she could imagine. Which only made her enjoy it even more.
Fuck my life. And fuck my life, hard.
That was the thought that went through her mind before darkness began to overtake her vision. Only weak coughs escaping her as she began to lose consciousness, still pinned against the wall as Jaune's personal big titted cock pocket. Yang almost welcomed it, as it meant she wouldn't be forced to deal with the reality that all of this was turning her on more than she had been in months.
She should have known Jaune wasn't going to give her an out.
Pulling back with a wet 'schlurk' and a tide of wetness Jaune finally allowed Yang to inhale. Unable to double over, Yang merely presses her head against Jaune's waist as she desperately struggles to get as much air into her lungs as possible, not even caring that his now soaked cock was rubbing against her hair or that her shirt was now ruined with all the drool and spit.
Jaune was only too happy to rub his victory in. "I would hurry up if I were you, class gets out in less than ten minutes," The look of panic as her head darts up to meet his gaze was hilarious, a drop of precum falling from his cock and landing in her mouth, causing her to break into coughs once more. "Remember what I said, you don't leave until I cum, so get to work whore."
Yang could hear her heartbeat in her ears as panic and excitement struggle for dominance in her exhausted frame. Jaune might not be the biggest phallus she had taken in her throat (he was damn close though) but he was easily one of the roughest partners she had ever had. The only person who came close was a woman she collabed with during her cam girl days, she never did learn her real name but the things DUMPTRUCKKITTYMILF did to her had her walking stiffly and sounding like a lifelong smoker whenever she talked for almost a month. Having the two combined in one situation had her struggling to remember that she wanted to kill Jaune, and resisting the urge to shove her fingers into her aching cunt.
But she didn't have time for any of that. She needed to finish here and get the hell away before anyone can see her. And unfortunately (or fortunately, she wasn't sure at this point) that meant she had to get Jaune off first.
Taking Jaunes' cock in hand, Yang aims the tip towards her mouth before immediately pushing her head forward, taking him back into her throat as she began to use all of her skill to give this tall, muscular, prime rib hunk of a- BASTARD, the best blowjob of his life.
Bobbing her head rapidly up and down his length, Yang pays no attention to how much spit was getting everywhere. Her appearance was ruined anyway, and if there was one thing men all liked, other than her huge breasts, it was seeing her absolutely ruined after they had finished with her.
She was actually grateful she had chosen to wear makeup that morning, she almost hadn't bothered. But as she felt it run down her face in dark streams, Yang knew she made the right choice, Jaune was probably loving the view.
With one hand wrapped around the base of his cock, Yang desperately bobbed her head. Her jaw aching as she swallowed the delicious pillar over and over, her other hand reaching down to fondle his balls, big and just a little hairy and undoubtedly churning with delicious cum for her to swallow. She could almost taste it already, so thick and hot…
Yang had to give herself a mental slap across the face to get her back on track. To remember why she was doing this. And while she might have fantasized about being blackmailed or coerced into sex there was a difference between fantasy and reality. And that she really was being blackmailed into sucking the big, fat, delicious dick of the biggest dick in school. Unfortunately, most her the blood was significantly farther south than she would have liked, and her brain had little control over her in that moment. Not for the first time in her life, Yang found herself a slave to her pussy's whims, and her pussy wanted her to suck this cock and take the reward she was earning, a big fat load of piping hot cum.
Yang was genuinely surprised Jaune hadn't cum already. He had the hottest piece of ass enthusiastically sucking his cock with her fat tits out and he wasn't blowing his load into her hot and wet mouth-
Nobody could last long when being given access to her girls!
Pulling back as much as she can, Yang tries desperately to get enough room to push her chest up. Jaune, unsure what she was doing but curious, took a step back, giving Yang just enough room to get onto her knees and a height where she can wrap her tits around the massive cock that had ruined her face.
She does so without hesitation, taking her girls into her hands and wrapping them around the wet and hot cock before beginning to furiously jerk him off with them. She didn't have time to waste, she needed to get him to cum now!
Jaune would have if he didn't have the one girl on campus who might be hotter than Yang Xiao Long sucking his cock on a daily basis. Pyrrha Nikos was his own personal whore, when he called she came and did whatever her master demanded of her, several times a day. Each time just as enthusiastic as the last, after all, there was no greater purpose to her now than pleasing her master in any and every way he demanded.
In fact, she was watching Yang being turned into her masters own personal whore from around the corner, her using her semblance to pin a scroll to the wall above them, which was in the middle of a video call with hers. One hand kept the scroll in her view while the other worked between her legs, the well trained slut getting off on her master's pleasure and domination, even if it wasn't her he was using as his cum dump. A good whore wasn't jealous and shared, he had told her so himself, so it must have been true.
Yang kept her mouth wrapped tightly around the swollen head, her tongue lashing at the leaking slit, trying desperately to get the cum she had earned and needed. To get the hell out of here that is, that's all. It's not as if she was enjoying being put in her place like she had dreamed of, being used as a cum dump by an asshole who saw her as nothing but a pair of fantastic tits and holes to cum in. Definitely not, nope, not at all.
Yang ignored the burning in her arms as she jerked her large breasts up and down, blinking away tears as she looked up at the smirking face of Jaune, the expression on his face, the dominance, the entitlement, the feeling of objectification it gave her, gods she was wet.
When Jaune finally does cum, it catches her off guard, the first spurt of cum falling out of her mouth as she gasped in shock. She was batter prepared for the next few, as she immediately swallowed her treat, spurt after spurt of hot cum filling her mouth for her to taste and swallow.
Only for more and more to flood in, far too much for Yang to deal with, especially with an abused throat. Not that that stopped her from trying her best, doing everything she could to swallow every drop of the thick and bitter seed, but every ounce she manages to swallow is matched by another she can't. Cum exploding out her nostril and making her cheeks billow out like a squirrels before pushing past the tight seal of her lips and down her face onto her breasts, only adding to the mess Jaune had made of her.
And most importantly of all, Yang doesn't stop moving her breasts through it all. Doing her part to extend and empower Jaune's orgasm as much as she possibly can, using her soft globes to draw more and more thick cum from his balls and into her stuffed mouth.
Even as she begins to choke on the seemingly endless tide of cum, Yang doesn't stop jerking Jaune off with her tits.
Eventually Jaune does finish however, pulling away as Yang gasps and chokes, coughing up large amounts of cum that had accidently gone down the wrong pipe. Bending over as her lungs try to expel the foreign liquid, Yang doesn't notice the sharp tug on her scalp as Jaune uses her golden locks to clean himself off. An offense she would have killed him for just a few minutes ago. Now though? If she had been aware of it, that small act of dominance and ownership over her probably would have been enough to break her already strained willpower and get her to furiously jill herself off to a screaming and explosive orgasm.
As it was, all Yang did was make plans to spend a long time in her dorms showers, she didn't even care who saw or heard her this time (sorry Ruby), Her pussy was on fire and it NEEDED immediate attention.
"Woo, not bad slut. And you even managed to get me off before half the school saw you." Yang could hear the smugness dripping off of him, just like his cum was off of her.
Ignoring the way her pussy clenches as he talks down to her, Yang tries to salvage what little dignity she has left. "Fuck you," It's not the cleverest of comebacks, but she had just been face and titfucked by a massive python, cut her some slack.
"Later tits." Jaune was already fully dressed, as Yang tried to recover some semblance of control of her own body. "so here's how things are going to go from now on. I tell you to do something, you do it. I tell you to send me a nude, you do it. I tell you to strip, you do it. I tell you to find me on the other side of campus and suck my dick? You do it. I don't care if you're sick in bed, on a mission, in the middle of class or fisting your sister. I call, you answer. You even hesitate and I will personally see to it you're ruined for life, understand me whore?"
Yang looked up with what she hoped was defiance, rather than the desperate arousal she felt. Every word he said made her pussy ache and drip, the way he demanded her obedience and forced her to submit to his will, she hated how much it turned her on.
"Well? Do you understand me tits?"
Yang couldn't meet his gaze, looking down at his crotch. Shielding her eyes from his gaze, and unconsciously licking her lips as she does so. She will never look at Jaune the same, now that she knew the genuine bitch breaker he was packing.
She was still going to kill him later, though. Probably.
"Yes," The word is whispered so low that Jaune barely hears it. Not good enough. And he lets her know that by smacking her across the face, knocking her to the side as she instinctively reaches up to cup her burning cheek. Indignation, fury, and arousal all fighting for dominance, with arousal winning out as she gawks up at the bastard who had just hit her.
"First of all, you address me as 'sir' or 'master' at all times. And second, I can't hear you tits. Speak up!"
Yang looks up at him for a moment longer before her eyes fall to the ground, stopping to look for a bulge on the way, before she gives Jaune what he wants, once more. "Yes, sir."
Yang would never admit to anyone that her pussy clenched in arousal as the words left her, not even to herself.
Satisfied for the moment, Jaune nods to himself before turning and walking off, leaving Yang on the floor and covered in spit and cum, her breasts still shining in the afternoon light from where they peaked out through her open shirt. "Until next time," he waves at her over his shoulder, not bothering to get another look of the face fucked bombshell.
Yang simply looks at him as he walks away, unsure of what exactly she wants to do. It's not until she hears a bell go off over the intercom, signaling the end of the afternoon class that Yang remembers where she is and how she looks.
Uniform pulled apart to reveal her bare breasts, which along with her face were dripping with drool and cum. Lips swollen and red, hair sticking out in places and drenched in cum in others, and streaks of clear fluid coating her thighs, and dripping onto the floor beneath her. Anyone who saw her would immediately know what she had been doing, or more accurately what had been done to her.
Adrenaline flooding her system, Yang immediately gets to her feet and breaks into a sprint, turning around the same corner Jaune had disappeared around to just before the first student entered the hall she had just vacated.
It's a minor miracle that she makes it back to her dorm without being spotted, and it's a major miracle that it was empty when she gets there. Ruby might know about her sisters sexcapades but the last thing she needed was to show her baby sister looked like after getting her face fucked.
Yang doesn't even bother stripping out of her uniform before she is running into the shower, ignoring the cold water the comes out at first before shoving three fingers into her aching cunt, followed quickly by a fourth as she works herself towards the orgasm she needed more than anything in that moment.
It doesn't take long for her to cum, unfortunately for her Weiss had taken that moment to enter the shared bathroom. Eyes wide as she listens to Yang scream at the tops of her lungs as clear fluid positively explodes out past the fist she was quickly working into her cunt, even past the spray of the shower, Weiss could clearly see the fluid Yang was squirting out.
Yang doesn't even notice her as she starts building herself once over, not even noticing that her first orgasm had its own audience.
Simply turning back into the room, Weiss decides she can wait until Yang is done before she climbs onto her own bed, very aware of her suddenly ruined panties.
Her moans as she begins to… give herself some love are drowned out by the screams of Yang just a few feet away.
At least nobody was walking in on HER.
"I'm telling you, up to my elbow in her…" Yang was eagerly listening to the story Coco was telling about her many sexual exploits to her growing audience. A blushing Velvet trying to hide behind her ears telling Yang that the story was about her, even if Coco didn't name anyone specific. It's not until her phone suddenly goes off that Yang has to pull her attention away from the engrossing story, a frown appearing on her face even as she feels moisture begin to pool between her legs, of course he would message her at the least opportune time.
The message was simple. 'Outside, now'. Reluctantly, but not as much as she would have liked, Yang stands up and leaves from the bragging fashionista, her spot quickly taken by Nora, the sugar addicted redhead practically had hearts in her eyes as she listened to the older student talk about her conquests. The entire group so enthralled by the tale that nobody noticed Yang leave, the only person who noticed was the one person not listening to Coco, the invisible girl herself. Not that Yang noticed, she was too busy hesitantly (maybe) heading off to meet her 'master'.
Heading to the area outside the cafeteria, Yang finds Jaune leaning against a tree some ways away, conveniently behind a bunch of waist high hedges. She didn't know what he wanted but she had a feeling, he had already fucked her face and tits and forced her to hand over all of her bras and underwear, forcing her to go commando all the time. And while freeing and exhilarating most of the time, she would have preferred if it were on her own terms.
Yang tried to ignore the moisture beginning to leak down her thighs as she walks up to Jaune, hoping against hope that nobody saw her talking to him. "What do you want, now?"
The insufferable smirk she was faced with really was something she shouldn't have been turned on by. "Now now, that's no way to address me. Now do it right."
Bristling with anger and arousal Yang hesitates for a second, there are dozens of other students nearby, was she really going to risk having them overhear her? She didn't really have much of a choice though, unfortunately. Looking down, like a child chastised by their parent, Yang mutters, "What do you want now, sir?"
Jaune could clearly see the arousal leaking down her legs under her skirt, and it brought him more joy than having her submit to him. The only thing better than having a fat titted bimbo who sucked dick like a pornstar submit herself to you, was having her genuinely be aroused by it. Pleasure was the surest way to keep them coming back after all, and Yang was learning that first hand. Jaune hadn't even given her any direct pleasure and she already no longer wanted to kill him, almost all of her anger towards him dissipated, and she actually found herself looking forward to whatever sick and depraved demand he was going to make of her.
"That's more like it. Now be a good whore and get those tits out."
Yang blushed but slowly did as commanded, after looking around to make sure nobody was watching her, undoing the buttons of her uniform shirt to expose her breasts once more. Her shame and arousal growing with every second, by the time her shirt was opened enough to expose all of her large DD's in all their perky teenage glory, Yang was on the verge of having her knees give out she was so turned on.
Jaune just continued to smile as he watched his new whore expose herself to him, letting her embarrassment grow with every second. Nobody could see what she was doing from where she was, but that didn't stop the fact that she was baring her tits to a guy who was widely accepted as the biggest asshole on campus.
After a long while he finally spoke, not for her sake but because he was so hard it almost hurt, and having this whore expose her fat tits to him on command was only making the matter worse for him. "Alright tits, on your back and spread your legs. It's time I took what's mine."
Yang's eyes widened in both arousal and fear, being told that Jaune was going to fuck her, right here? Right now?
Of course he was. And there was no doubt in her mind that he would hold her down and taken her by force if need be, and given how turned on she was she didn't think she would be able to stop him. She didn't even know if she would try.
Before Yang can get onto the grass herself, a smack that echoes around area and throws her to the ground, Jaune climbing on top of her and disappearing behind the hedges right as the first head turns to see the source of the noise, only to find him gone.
Yang only has time to roll onto her back before Jaune is climbing on top of her, she might have hated the bastard (possibly, maybe) but even she could admit that he was fit. Like everyone else at Beacon his entire body was covered in muscle, although while most were lithe and thin, purpose over pride and all that, Jaune went further and actively developed even more muscle, even if it served no practical purpose. Making him one of the few people around with arms twice as thick as anyone else's. It might not have served any practical purpose, purely for show, but damn if it wasn't working for her. She placed on hand on one of his forearms to try and brace herself, and when she realized she couldn't wrap her hand even halfway around it she practically came right then and there.
Looking up at the smug, punchable face of Jaune Arc, Yang tried desperately to keep quiet as she felt him begin to undo his own pants, anxious to feel the bitch breaker he was packing somewhere a little more sensitive than her mouth, even if she wasn't willing to admit it, not even to herself.
Jaune wasn't fooled. The bimbo had practically creamed herself when he forced her to swallow his load, and then again when he slapped her in the face. Yang was a worthless slut who gets off on being used like the worthless cock socket she was, her only use in this world as a cum dump for whomever had the balls to take her and put her in her place. Just like Pyrrha, just like her sister. And just like every other cunt on legs there was. And soon Yang was going to admit it, and just like his redheaded whore, she would do anything for him, so long as he gave her purpose in worshiping his cock.
Yang had to stuff her own hand into her mouth to stop the scream that was threatening to burst free from her lips, as Jaune began to push his length past her outer vulva. He hadn't even penetrated her and she was almost screaming her tits off in pleasure.
Yang bit hard on her hand to keep from alerting the entire campus that she was about to be fucked in half right in the middle of it, her mind might be hazy with lust but she still had enough brain cells to remember that that was a bad idea. Even if she didn't remember or know anything else, other than she was about to get fucked and it was going to be fantastic. Even if Jaune sucked in bed, his sheer size would be more than enough to make sure Yang would be feeling this all day, and likely for the next several days to come.
Or the next week.
Yang's aura was the only thing that stopped her from drawing blood as Jaune shoved his cock into her with just as much force as he had taken her throat.
Pushing his hip down, Jaune forces his way past the tight ring of muscle around her entrance, shoving several inches of piping hot cock into her cunt all at once. Only for him to shove the rest inside a second later, forcing Yang to spasm and writhe beneath him as liquid squirted out of her stuffed pussy. He could feel the fluid hitting his stomach and legs, ruining his clothes. He would need to get her back for that, maybe he would return the favor.
Jaune was beginning to notice a pattern, the same one Yang's viewers also learned and adored her for. Even more so than her long blonde hair, large and perky breasts, round tight ass, shaven and tight cunt, flat stomach, muscled thighs, open sexuality, willingness to do just about anything anywhere, her love of oral and anal, maybe even more so than vaginal, or her… okay there was a lot they loved about her. But the one Jaune was learning about was that when Yang came, she came like a fucking champagne bottle, even the weakest of orgasms forcing her to squirt like a fucking fire hose. It was great when playing with herself for the camera, less so when she was trying to discreetly rub one out in the middle of the night when surrounded by sleeping roommates.
And even less so when trying to remain unnoticed when being plowed into the ground in the middle of a very populated school by a bastard who was hung like a fucking horse.
Not that Jaune cared. Let the whole world see this bimbo being made into his whore, so long as she remained hot and did her job he couldn't' care less about anything. Let alone something as meaningless as her dignity or image, she's a bitch, and now the only thing that matters is how often she drains his balls.
And she was doing a hell of a good job right now. He had always known that this fat titted whore was a slut, and how well she ahd sucked his dick only confirmed that for him. But damn, he never expected her to be so, tight!
Her pussy was sopping wet, every thrust into her making a wet 'SQUELCH' that nothing was going to be able to hide. But pulling out was far harder than he expected, her inner muscles refusing to let him go as he tried to fuck this bitch into submission. She was even tighter than Pyrrha was, somehow, and she had been a virgin when Jaune took her.
Not that that was going to stop him. Brow furrowed and covered in sweat, Jaune took Yang's outstretched legs before pulling them up and over his shoulder, folding her in half as she looked up at him with half lidded eyes, teeth still biting into her hand to try and muffle her screams of pleasure. She had already cum once, and that was just from the initial penetration, and this new position let Jaune get even deeper into her needy hole.
If her mind wasn't still hazy with the fog of lust she might have realized just how utterly fucked she was.
Not that she would have cared.
Jaune arched his neck down to sink his teeth into a large tit before beginning to truly fuck Yang into submission. Her eyes nearly bugging out of her head in pleasure as she feels those teeth bite painfully into her tit, when added with the sensation of a massive dick jack hammering her with the intention of breaking into her cervix, it was all she could do to remember to keep her hand in her mouth. And even that was a struggle, her body instinctively trying to reach out around her for something, anything, to ground her to her body as her mind was fucked out of her.
Yang could do nothing but bite hard on her hand and try to hold onto what little remained of her sanity. Her inner muscles being stretched as far as they could around Jaune's massive fucking horse cock, the feeling causing the same burning soreness she got when working out, a feeling she loved but had never expected to feel from being shoved onto the floor and humped, at least not without being far more creative with the positioning.
And those teeth… Yang's breasts had always been sensitive as well as amazing, and feeling Jaune nibble and chew on the large globes had her clenching around him wildly. The sensation calling to something primal within her, like she was nothing more than a bitch being claimed by her mate, one who was going to do whatever the fuck he wanted to her regardless of how she felt. Which, coincidentally, was exactly what this was. Where she saw a bastard just looking to get some free pussy through blackmail, Jaune saw a bitch in need of taming, and from the way her eyes glazed over whenever he gave her an order he knew, she was already broken. All that was needed was to put the last nail in the coffin, and then this slut would know her place, and she would never forget it.
He was half certain that they had already gathered an audience, but he wasn't going to look up to check. He was too busy leaving bite marks and bruises over the best pair of tits in a hundred-mile radius, his hips pistoning back and forth as he forced Yang's inner muscles to part in order to accommodate him. Forcing her vice like cunt apart as he used her for his pleasure, leaving her to quake and quiver as she was thoroughly dominated.
The slapping of his hips slapping against her ass could be heard along with the wet squelching of Yang's gushing cunt, even her muffled screams and Jaune's grunts of exertion were audible to the ear around them. And their audience was loving it.
Mind turned to mush and bones turned to jelly, the only thing keeping Yang grounded to earth was the cock rearranging her guts. Her first orgasm had quickly turned into two when Jaune had folded her in half, rearranging her into a neat little cum receptacle for him to take his pleasure from. A third quickly followed when he began to truly fuck her in earnest, using all the strength in his large, chiseled body to plow her into submission, and she hadn't stopped cumming since. Her pussy had gushed so much that Jaune's entire front was drenched, he looked like he had been tossed into a fountain rather than plowed the supposed 'biggest slut' on campus. Whether what she felt afterwards was even more mind blowing orgasms or just extensions of her previous one she had no fucking idea, all she knew was that she felt so fucking fantastic and that she never wanted it to end. She wanted to spend the rest of her life feeling this great, folded over like an object and fucked into the ground.
To hell with being a huntress. To hell with finding her mom. To hell with being around to protect Ruby. To hell with finally managing to seduce her partner and burying her face in that dumptruck bellabooty.
Okay, maybe not that last one. But the point still stands. Other than the bellabooty, there is nothing else she wants but to be a brainless cum dump for this horse cocked scumbag who had oh so kindly taught her her place. And even then the bellabooty was a very distant second, everything was second to the pure bliss she felt in this glorious moment.
And then she notices it. A quick throbbing along the length of the cock that had become her god, a hiss of teeth as its owner tried desperately to try and hold back.
Why would he want to do that? Why would he ever do anything other than succumb the to bliss that her body provides him? She didn't know his reasoning and it wasn't her place to question it, but she could do what she could to try and help him see how beautiful it was to give in and let his body do what it wants, so long as he doesn't tell her otherwise, that is.
Doing the one thing she is capable of in that moment, Yang clenches her pussy, making her already vice like cunt tighten up even more so around her new god.
That proves too much for Jaune, who with a final thrust, bottoms out inside his newest whore before blowing his load. Filling her already stuffed cunt with spurt after spurt of piping hot seed. His own orgasm triggers her own, making her cunt spasm uncontrollably around him as her hand finally falls out of her mouth, her mouth hanging open in a silent scream as she lets the pure sensation of being filled, of serving her true purpose in life, overwhelm her.
It was the single greatest moment in her life.
The sight of her legs sticking up in the air, shaking in uncontrollable pleasure was a gorgeous sight for their audience, even if they wished they could get a closer look. The only thing better than seeing her quiver as she is filled to bursting with cum, would be to see the cum leaking out of her undoubtedly swollen and red pussy.
Making a few shallow thrusts to ensure that he truly was finished, Jaune began to slowly pull away, a smile appearing on his face as he listens to Yang hiss in response. Whether it's from pleasure or pain as her overly sensitive and used cunt was forced to endure even more, he didn't know nor care. He had blown his load and was finished, Yang had done her job and done it well. And watching those fat tits of hers, covered in bruises from where he bit them, rise and fall as she gasped for air was a sight he would never forget, nor that of her gaping pussy leaking with seed. Seeing his cum leak out of the swollen and abused lips of some uppity cunt's hole was easily the greatest sight in the world.
Yang doesn't even realize she is speaking until she hears the words 'thank you' leave her, as if it was being said from someone else. But the smile on Jaune's face as he stands over her, cock still out and glistening with her juices making her lick her lips and pussy clench painfully let's her know that it was her.
He doesn't bother tucking himself back in, merely using his hand to call someone over, and Yang is too far gone to care, even if she is surprised to see none other than Pyrrha Nikos skip (actually skip!) over before dropping to her knees without a word. Moaning as she takes Jaune's cock into her mouth, cleaning him of Yang's juices before tucking him back into his pants, without saying a word.
"Whore, this is Tits. Tits, whore. From now on, you both belong to me."
Pyrrha smiles sunnily at the proclamation, if she had a tail it would undoubtedly be wagging. If her master wanted a new whore, then that was fine. So long as the new skank knew her place and served their master well, Pyrrha was more than happy to share. Besides, it would be nice to have another girl she could talk to about all the things she felt. About how great master was, how thankful she was for him showing her her true place in the world, how much she longed to of use to him whenever he wasn't inside her.
It's a smile Yang just knows is mirrored on her own face, albeit a more tired version.
"Whore, get Tits' cleaned up and ready. We're going to spend a long time breaking her in." the smile on his face was as lusty as it was cruel, and Yang loved it. "and use your tongue, and make sure to record it. I want a record of your first time together, it will be far from the last, I assure you."
Even as Pyrrha places her scroll against a tree before kneeling between Yang's legs, Yang doesn't look at her. Not even when she feels the familiar sensation of a tongue licking up her sensitive inner thighs does Yang look down, her eyes glued to the spot where Jaune had disappeared. Her master…
She missed him already.
Yang screamed to high heaven as she did her best to throw her ass back against Jaune. The man who had conquered her and made her his bitch. The man she thought about at all hours of the day, just waiting to him to call upon her to please him once more.
He was standing behind her with his hands on her hips as her plundered her gushing cunt, still as tight as a virgins, even tighter remarkably.
He had told his other slut that, who was currently on the bed, head dangling over the edge where she was sucking on her fellow whore's breasts, fingers hard at work between her own thighs, just to see how she would react. All Pyrrha had done was say that she was happy he had found someone who's pussy pleased him more than hers, and then asked if she could please him with one of her other holes.
It had been nearly a month since Jaune had broken Yang, a month since she had succumbed to his cock and become his eager fat titted blonde bimbo, ready and willing to do anything and everything he demanded of her.
Which is why she was in her teams dorm, bent over her partners bed, being plowed like a cheap hooker, while a friend of theirs, completely naked as well, fingered herself into a frenzy while sucking on Yang's dangling tits, guzzling all of the milk Yang could provide.
That was something she hadn't even known she could do. But after ordering Pyrrha to suck on her sister-sluts tits they had all discovered it together. And Pyrrha in particular had become addicted to it, never hesitating to drink down all of it whenever and wherever she got the chance. Pyrrha had become almost as obsessed with Yang's milk as she was with their masters cum, almost.
She was still in the training faze, and Jaune was working on getting Yang to hold back her orgasms until he granted her permission. Sluts followed orders after all, especially when they regard her body. So as she was assaulted from both end with pleasure, not to mention the sight of Pyrrha, naked and spread out in front of her furiously masturbating, Yang was struggling to keep from doing the one thing she needed to do in that moment. But her need to obey her Sir was more important than her need to cum, so she would do everything she could to hold it back until she is told she can.
Just like a good whore would. And she was a VERY good whore for her master.
And she had never been happier about anything in her life.
Just like the once great Pyrrha Nikos.
Jaune was in heaven. The only question was, which slut was he going to conquer next?