Chapter 66

"What do you think, Yang?" Weiss asked.

"Huh? Oh, uh… I agree." Yang nodded, unaware of the conversation subject.

"See? I told you! He has a huge thing!" Ruby was glad to have her sister's support.

Weiss and Ruby chit-chatted while Yang was distracted. Her eyes focused solely on the other side of the room.

There, Blake lied on a lower bunk bed, reading a book, as gloomy as ever. 'She's looking so pretty today…'

Yang was a young woman with long, wavy blonde hair and purple eyes. Compared to the other girls of team RWBY, she was by far the one in better shape, sporting visible lean muscles and six-pack abs. Though she had a low percentage of body fat, her genetics still blessed her with large G-cup breasts, giving her a perfect hourglass figure when complemented by her squat-built bubble ass and narrow waist.

Meanwhile, Blake was a young Faunus woman with long, wavy white hair and amber eyes. Though not as athletically built as Yang, her body was even curvier and thicker, with just enough fat in her breasts, ass, and waist to give her a highly sexualized figure. As a Faunus, she had cat ears and a long cat tail on her lower back.

Usually, Blake behaved distantly from the team, isolating herself in her books. Her calm, gloomy demeanor brought a degree of conflict between her and the group, especially Yang, who was an energetic, fiery woman.

Exactly because of that, the current reality was ironic in Yang's mind.

She had fallen madly in love with Blake.

'Why can't I ever stop thinking about that day…?'


A long time ago…

Yang and Blake were by themselves in the dorm. "W-woah… H-how did we even get into this topic? Hahaha…" She scratched her hair nervously.

Blake barely looked at Yang, distracted by her scroll. "You asked if I was a virgin. I responded. Is it that complex?"

"N-no…" Yang mustered every bit of mental endurance to avoid blushing hard and dying of shame. "S-so… You've done it before…?"

"Yup. Many times."


Her reaction prompted a glance from Blake. "You're a virgin?"

Embarrassed, Yang nodded.

"Are you waiting for the right person or something like that?"


"That's awfully girly of you."

"Wha- And am I supposed to not be girly?"

"Well, no, especially with those big tits of yours."

The direct comment about her breast size shocked Yang – though she did not feel offended. "Very funny. Yours are big too."

"I know. Big tits are the best. They match up well with guys with big cocks."

"R-really…?" Having never spoken about such things with anyone, she saw a rare opportunity in Blake. "…I-is it true what they say?"

"You mean, about big dicks?"

"Y-yeah…" She blushed.

"What do they say?"

"You know… That bigger is better… And that whites have bigger ones… And that Faunuses have them even bigger…"

Blake smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know, huh?"

"What?! Don't play cheeky now!"

The Faunus girl chuckled. "It's true. All of the above. If you're not going to fuck with a big guy, don't even bother. It's a waste of time. I can say from personal experience. Plus, they need to be muscular. You're girly, right? There's nothing girlier than being smashed against the bed by a guy with ripped abs, big shoulders, and a huge cock. If you find yourself a Faunus alpha male, do whatever it takes to get on their rotation of sluts, especially if they're white. It's the best feeling."

"R-really…" Yang was mesmerized by Blake's assertiveness. 'Everyone says I'm tough, but… I kind of wish I was tough like her. Blake is kind of cool, isn't she…? She acts all cold but has tons of sex…'

"Hey, Yang, come to think of it… You have abs, don't you?"

"Huh? Y-yeah."

Blake stared at her for several seconds in silence. "Show me."

For some reason, Yang did not question her order, simply raising her shirt and showing her midriff to Blake.

Blake moved her fingers around her abs with an intense stare. "Very good… And your cleavage is amazing too… If you were a guy with a big cock, I'd be spreading my legs open right here."


"For sure. A girly woman with abs? It's a big turn-on. Plus, you're tall too…"

That was the end of their conversation. Blake continued to touch Yang's abs for a long time, looking at her with intent.

At the time, Yang did not fully understand what happened, but it changed something in her. Ever since, she spent nearly every single night fantasizing about Blake's stare and touch.

She barely even realized her own stare back at Blake had been the same: Filled with lust.

Over time, those feelings became increasingly stronger.


"Yang!" Ruby snapped a finger in front of her face. "Hello?"

"Huh, what?!"

"When is Jaune getting here? Didn't he tell you?"

"He didn't say. Just be patient."

"Oh, come on, you two are always talking. Why are we stuck with the floater student who's always late? Goddammit!" Weiss was pissed.

As if summoned by her words, the door opened: Jaune arrived.

He was a tan-skinned Faunus student who found himself with no fixed team. Due to poor luck, all three students who would belong to his team had left Beacon for one reason or another; As such, he became a floater teammate between JNPR and RWBY. For today, he would work with them.

The moment Jaune entered, he apologized for his delay, but Yang barely heard anything. She was too focused on one thing.

His muscles.

Though he was slightly shorter than Yang – a courtesy of her unusual height for a woman, standing at 6'5 – Jaune was still as masculine as one could look. He stood at 6'1 with short white hair and a lean, ripped physique. Often wearing tight, plain shirts and leggings, his upper and lower body muscles were easily visible through his clothing of choice. Yang particularly liked the bit of abs that were visible from the gap between his shirt and pants, as well as the veins on his forearms.

There was one more thing about Jaune: He was a Dragon Faunus, a rare breed that few people ever got to meet. Jaune sported dragon-like horns and a large, thick dragon tail extending from his lower back.

Ever since the day she fell in love with Blake, Yang also started developing feelings for Jaune. 'He's white… Strong… A Faunus… If I go by Blake's words… He must be amazing in bed…'

"He is, isn't he?" Ruby whispered to Weiss.

"Totally! I can see it right now! Holy crap, Nora and Pyrrha were right, I can't unsee it ever again!" Weiss whispered back.

Yang had no clue what they were talking about, busy eye-fucking Jaune.

"So, girls, what are we doing?" Jaune chimed in. "If you wanna gossip, I got a lot of stories about Nora and Ren!"

"A-ah! N-no, let's just go train!" Ruby stuttered.

"Let's go train!" Weiss reinforced. "Come on, Yang! Blake, drop the book and let's go!"

"Yeah, sure! Huh…?" Yang caught a very subtle glance between Blake and Jaune. 'What was that…?'

"I'll follow you all in a few. I just want to read a few more pages…" Blake focused on her book.

"Last time you said that, you never came!" Weiss complained.

"I definitely came." She chuckled without looking at Weiss. "I might take a while to come today too. There's a lot to decompress in this book today…"

Weiss rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's go, Ruby, Yang, Jaune."

"You girls go ahead without me. I'll stay and make sure Blake comes quick!"

Yang found the exchange weird, but ultimately left with Ruby and Weiss.

"Did you see, Weiss?!" Ruby whispered.

"Yes. I can't unsee it now! It's so big! Seriously!"

"I know! I feel like I'm traumatized for life or something!"

"I'll definitely have a hard time looking him in the face again, that's for sure!"

Yang felt left out of the conversation. "What are you two talking about?"

"Huh? What are YOU talking about, Yang?! We were just chatting about this! Were you zoned out or something?"


Her sister leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "Nora and Pyrrha told me earlier this week. Apparently, Jaune has a HUGE DICK! It's always bulging in his pants!"


Weiss leaned in as well. "We just saw it when he came in. I have no idea how I missed it before. It's thicker than my arm and goes all the way to his ankle! Can you believe that? It's not like he's short or anything! It's HUGE!"

"I could even see a vein through his pants!"

"That must be a crazy thick penis vein!"

While Weiss and Ruby went on whispering about Jaune's supposed awesome penis, Yang's mind froze.

Everything Blake told her that time flooded into her thoughts. 'Faunus… White… Muscles… Huge dick… And they're alone right now…? Could it be…?'

"Yang? Why did you stop moving?"

"I need to check something real quick. Start without me!"

Without even waiting for their answer, Yang ran back at full speed.

One part of her worried that the two people she crushed hard on secretly had a relationship. It made her heart ache.

The other part hoped it was the case…

…Because if so, she might witness something incredible right now.


Once she got close enough to the dorm room, Yang slowed down considerably. Her heart thumped violently against her chest. Because the dorm rooms were all naturally soundproof, she would only know the truth once she opened the door.

With anxiety so intense that all she could hear was her own racing heart, Yang opened the door very, very slowly.

Swiftly, the truth invaded her ears.

"Oh ♡! Oh ♡! Hoh ♡! Oh ♡! Hoh ♡! Nghh ♡!" Blake moaned loudly and continuously from deep within her gut. She was lying sideways on the bed with both her legs straight together, forming a 90º angle with her torso.

In front of her was Jaune, fully naked, pummeling her viciously. He had one hand on her neck, squeezing it gently, while the other one rested on her waist, kneading it constantly. 'His balls are huge! They hang so low! No way!' They hung low and bounced against Blake's bubble ass with each thrust, bruising it red.

Yang's jaw dropped hard. Having never seen either of them naked, the situation at hand was utterly shocking to her. 'W-Jaune's muscles…! They're even bigger than I thought! His back is so chiseled, woah… And his ass…' She licked her lips as her eyes devoured the beautiful, manly sight of his muscular glutes slamming against Blake. '…So strong…! He can thrust so hard…! They're really doing it…! They're really fucking whenever we're not around…!'

Then, her eyes traveled to Blake. The woman's face was contorted in an expression of physical strain and ecstasy. She had one arm on the bed, supporting herself, while the other touched Jaune's abs, taking delight in his athletic physique.

Despite the fact that they could not have been going at it for more than five minutes, both were already covered in sweat, with their point of sexual contact so covered in sex juices that the bed sheets were stained.

Even though Yang kept taking in every inch of the sexual, outwordly sight, what surprised her the most was Blake's voice.

"Oh ♡! Fuck ♡! Fuck… ♡! You were looking forward to it… ♡! Today… ♡! Weren't you ♡?! Fuck, you're too fucking thick… ♡!" She spoke with a sweet, raspy voice thanks to the pressure from Jaune's big, rough hand on her windpipe. There was no sign of her typical collected, chilly demeanor; Blake truly sounded like a completely different person.

One who loved getting hammered by big cocks.

"Big fucking lie! You're the one who gave me that 'fuck me' look! Bitch!" He smacked her ass and quickly took hold of her neck again. "You think you can just tease me and I'll do nothing?!"

"Hah…! Nghhh ♡! That's such a lie… ♡! You walked into the room… ♡! With a huge boner… ♡! Khhh… ♡! And now it's stirring me up… ♡! You just couldn't help yourself, could you… ♡?! So now you're venting all that lust… ♡! By breaking my womb… ♡! Guuuuh, it's seriously going to change shape this time… ♡! You're punching it so hard… ♡!"

The mention of the word 'womb' called Yang's attention. Distracted by Jaune's moving hips and Blake's face and moans of ecstasy, she had not yet noticed two things.

One was the enormous lump poking out of Blake's stomach. 'I-is that his dick?! H-how big and thick can it possibly be?! Is it really in her womb?! B-but…!' She touched her own midriff, tracing the distance it would have to travel to reach that far. 'I-isn't that painful…?!'

Yang looked at Blake's face again. Her teeth were now clenched, and her eyes rolled up. Drool oozed out of her mouth as she stopped talking and started groaning like a mindless animal.

The moment her body began to spasm, Yang understood: Blake was cumming her brains out.

It was the most enticing sight of her life. Seeing her mouth open while her face turned an intense shade of red made Yang's own pussy ooze juices of arousal.

This realization led her to the second important thing she had yet to observe: Jaune's dick.

Because of her limited view, she had trouble seeing it. 'I might get seen if I peek in more, but… Fuck, I need to know what it looks like!' Driven by horniness, she risked it all and opened the door a bit more.

It worked. She got to see Jaune's enormous length coming in and out of Blake.

It was gigantic; Veiny; Thick like an arm. Every time he pulled out to thrust back in, Yang could vividly hear the wet flesh of Blake's pussy walls squishing hard. Seeing its absurd length and girth allowed her to easily understand how the lump on her stomach was born: His cock pushed so far deep that her skin was forcibly pushed out.

It was absolutely longer than 20 inches; Even than 30 inches. Jaune possessed a stunning specimen of a male body. 'An alpha male…!' He pulled it nearly all the way out before thrusting back in each time.

That must have been why the gloomy, stoic girl so readily submitted to his powerful slamming. How could she not? With an ass so fat and tits so big, was her figure not evidently created to be bred by men with such powerful bodies?

Even Yang, a virgin, could effortlessly reach such a logical conclusion.

After over a minute of endless quaking, Blake seemed to have finally recovered from her orgasm, though that did not mean she was no longer drowning in orgasmic endorphins. "Fuck, you're taking it easy on me today, aren't you…? Even a white alpha like you can be merciful, then…?" She spoke past her panting with trouble.

"You're kidding me, right?" He slapped her face and grabbed her neck again. "You're the one who's a masochist addict! I'm only messing you up because you kept staring at me so desperately."

"Liar… ♡! You're the one who walked in already hard… ♡!"

"Because I knew you'd ask me to fuck you!"

"As if I have a choice… ♡! The moment you flaunt that nigger cock around me… ♡! I need it… ♡! Even the scent from your pants… ♡! Is too much… ♡! Nghhh… ♡!"

"Shit, you're extra nasty today, aren't you?!" He grabbed her upper leg and forced it straight in the air, pressing against his chiseled chest. Then, he moved his torso forward stretching her into an involuntary split. He let go of her neck and grabbed one of her breasts with a hand and the bed sheets with the other, leaning so far forward that Blake's expression turned into one of pain due to the stretching of her raised leg. "Let's see if you can keep saying that nasty shit if I pummel you like this!"

"Fuck… ♡! Are you trying to break my hips… ♡?! If you push a little more, it's dislocating… ♡! Ghh… ♡!"

"Try not to shake too much when you cum, then!" He smirked and started moving his hips, this time raising his body all the way up and falling against her pussy at full force. Each slam produced a loud clapping sound, accompanied by an intense, guttural moan from Blake. Though the speed of his fucking had slowed down, it was clear that she felt much more pleasure and physical stress from this technique, having to endure slow, extreme impacts that made her fat ass and legs ripple.

"Nghhh ♡! Uuungh ♡! Shit… ♡! You're just ruthless… ♡! You just can't help yourself… ♡! When you see my tits… ♡! Can you… ♡?! Ooooh, fuck, that was close… ♡! Just a bit more… ♡! Khhhh… ♡!"

"You're the one who wants to be treated like a piece of meat!"

"No way ♡! It's your fault ♡! When I see that big nigger bulge in your pants… ♡! I need it… ♡! It's your fault… ♡! For taking advantage… ♡! Of my feminine cravings… ♡! For big white cocks… ♡!" Blake's chest heaved up and down frantically. "So why don't you go ahead… ♡! And keep fucking me silly… ♡?!"

"Oh, yeah? So you don't mind if I fill you up with white cum, do you?!"

"What a stupid question… ♡! It must be because of all the blood… ♡! Your big white cock… ♡! Is stealing from your brain… ♡!"

"Answer it!" He smacked her heavy tits, making them swing against each other.

"Nghhh ♡! Of course I don't mind… ♡! Didn't you do that many times already… ♡?! My womb is basically your… ♡! Personal cum toilet… ♡! Use it to empty your balls… ♡! So they're not always heavy with sperm… ♡! Use my white pussy… ♡! As your personal… ♡! Breeding pocket… ♡! Nghhhhhhhhh… ♡!" Blake threw her head back and grunted extensively due to another orgasm. Her neck muscles and veins bulged against her skin while her abdominal muscles contracted aggressively. Even her pussy lips clamped hard on the monstrous cock tearing her insides apart.

'Already…?! She came just a moment ago…! Fuck, look at her legs split like that… Blake is so meaty… I wish I could touch her legs… And Jaune too…! Those muscles…! That absurdly masculine cock…! I could never take that, but I can sense the smell from here… I wanna lick his veins… I wanna suck those balls…!' Unwittingly, Yang slid a hand down her pants and began to touch herself while taking in the lecherous sight. 'Is he also…? No way, inside…?'

Jaune's body trembled, though it did not stop him from violently crushing Blake's pussy. Her slit was so visibly stretched to the limit that it looked like her insides might burst open at any moment; Thankfully, she oozed a steady supply of pussy juices, ensuring the cock had the necessary lubrication to continue obliterating her.

While Blake's body arched and convulsed frenziedly, Jaune's own cock pumped a massive volume of cum directly into her womb; Yang knew as much because her stomach was gradually expanding with the abundant volume.

Yang's tongue rolled out of her mouth as she continued to touch herself, now to the point of making low squishing sounds due to the pressure applied by her fingers. 'Look at all that cum…! It's leaking from her pussy while he's pounding her…! And he won't stop hammering! Amazing…! This is what sex is like…? No, that's not it…! This is what sex with a big white alpha cock is like!! And Blake can take every inch of it! She's the best…! To be able to please and handle such a mammoth cock…!'

She was so engrossed in mentally complimenting the woman she loved that she did not notice Blake had already recovered from the mind-numbing orgasm and was now looking her way.

It was too late to hide. Their eyes met.

And yet, Yang did not stop rubbing herself. She could not; The excitement was so strong that she would go crazy otherwise. 'She'll think I'm a perv, but I can't stop…! Ah, fuck, I'm rubbing myself while looking her straight in the eyes…! My life is ruined…!'

Blake gave her a naughty smile, still panting. Jaune did not provide her with a break, continuously pumping her with cum – He had not noticed Yang.

"Mating press me!" She shouted at him.

"Fuck, wait, I'm still releasing…!"

She scratched his abs with her nails. "Come on, mating press me! I'm about to cum again, I wanna feel your weight on me! And kiss my neck while you're at it! Mess my skin up with hickeys!"

"Khh, fine!" With trembling hips, Jaune moved her raised leg to the side, undoing the split. Now with one of her legs on each side, he supported her knees with his arms, slid both hands under her armpits, and grabbed her shoulders with his large hands, crushing her torso with his ripped upper body. "Is this what you wanted? With these huge tits crushed against my chest, I bet you can barely breathe!" Not even waiting for a response, he started sucking her neck while using his hold over her legs and shoulders as leverage to pound her even harder.

"Ooooh, fuck, that's it…! Good thing they already left…! And the bunk bed above is empty…! Ooooooh ♡!"

In response to her random comment, Jaune started ramming faster. He still had not stopped pumping cum, inflating her stomach further, but his hips gave Blake no rest. "So?! I haven't fucked you nearly enough yet for you to start turning stupid on me!"

"Noooo ♡! You have… ♡! My brain turned to mush a long time ago… ♡! I'm just a stupid white pocket pussy for your BBC… ♡! Guuuh… ♡! Keep churning me up with that fat nigger cock… ♡! Crush my body… ♡! Oooh, fuck, I'm so crunched up… ♡!"

Their eyes met again. Blake gave a quick glance toward the bunk bed above.

'She's inviting me to… H-hide up there…?!'

Yang would have loved confirmation, but such a thing was impossible: Blake threw her head back and howled through another body-quaking climax, hugging Jaune's back the best she could, though his muscles were too wide for her to properly close her embrace, so she dug her fingernails into him.

It did not stop him from thrusting like a single-minded savage. This show of manliness utterly impressed Yang. Blake was drawing blood from him due to her deep scratching, but he was unfazed, focused on mauling her pussy.

Sensing this was her best opportunity, Yang snuck in, closed the door, and started climbing the bunk bed.

Before she could do so, several drops of a sticky, smelly fluid hit her face and shirt, shocking her.

Blake was squirting. Her body thrashed so erratically that some jets of squirt missed Jaune and hit her.

Running on adrenaline and fear of being caught, she climbed to the bunk bed above despite the initial shock.

"Ooooooh ♡! Ooooh, fuck, I'm really losing it this time… ♡! I'm such a whiteed whore… ♡! I can't get off anymore unless it's with your big white cock, Jaune… ♡! I love how good it feels… ♡! Keep treating me like a white bimbo bitch… ♡! Stuff that nigger cock into my womb until it's either broken or pregnant… ♡! Hooooooooh ♡! Oh, the cum… ♡! I can feel you shooting more… ♡! That's it… ♡! Guuuuuuuh… ♡!" Her words turned into senseless slurring.

While they fucked on the bed below, Yang silently rubbed herself, scooping up the squirt on her face and sniffing it devotedly.

"Shoot the next one… Into my mouth ♡!"

"Didn't you want to carry a white baby?! I'm creaming your pussy, like it or not!"

"Khhhh ♡! Yes, daddy… ♡! I'm sorry… ♡!" From the way her voice turned raspy, she was being strangled again.

Yang, on the other hand, was not sorry for Blake's suffering.

If anything, she was envious.

She thought of that while biting her squirt-coated palm to avoid making sounds as she came.


"Hah… Hah… Hah… Hah…"

"Relax… Relax…" Jaune had been whispering sweet words into Blake's ears for a while, caressing her hair. "It's going to be okay…"

"Hah… Hah… So rough… C-cumming… Still cumming…!"

"Okay, uhm… I really want to stay here and give you that cuddling that you love, but I think I need to go tell the girls you're distracted or something…"

"Slap it… Give my pussy… Another smack… Just one more load… Just a bit more…"

"Definitely not. I'd love to fuck you more, but I don't think you can handle it right now."

"Keep going… Give me that nigger cock… Use me like a white cum-whore…"

"Sorry. "Jaune ignored Blake's cum-drunk pleas and left.

Several minutes passed before Blake said something coherent again. "Yang? You're up there, right…?"

"Nghhh ♡… Mnhh ♡…"

"I can hear you rubbing off… Get down there, you filthy perv."

"Heh?!" Yang had become so entranced in her masturbation that she lost awareness of her surroundings. "W-wait…"

"I don't care if you're soaked. Just get down here."

Ashamed, Yang did as requested.

Upon seeing Blake, her jaw dropped. After climbing the bunk bed, she had not peeked even once, so she had no idea just how Blake looked until that very moment.

'She's…' Only one adjective came to her mind. 'Ruined…!'

Blake's legs were spread open. Her inner thighs, underbutt, and crotch region were covered in cum, bruises, sweat, and pussy juice; Her breasts, midriff, and waist were also marked plenty. There were thin strangulation marks on her neck, and her face was dirty with drool and cum, not to speak of its odd expression of ecstasy.

Yang stood beside the bed for a long time, looking at Blake's face; The Faunus girl did the same, looking into her eyes with a dominant gaze. Yang did not know what to say. Her heart violently pounded against her chest.

After a few minutes, Blake opened her mouth with a smug smile and half-closed eyes, still breathing heavily. "He came four times in my pussy and once on my face. See how I have a small belly now?"


"It's because he's so virile, so he came a lot. You noticed his big balls, didn't you?"


"Did you get to see his huge cock hanging down his leg before he put his pants on?"


"Too bad. Hey, Yang…"


"You're actually super into me, aren't you…? Or perhaps into Jaune's fat white cock…?"

Yang said nothing, drooling.

"I think you're pretty hot too, you know…? Don't you want to clean my pussy up for me…?" She tapped it multiple times, as if calling Yang to come to it like a pet. "…It'd help me out a lot…"

"C-clean it… With…"

"Your mouth. And you can eat whatever you find on the way. What do you think…?"

The blonde woman responded by climbing the bed and diving straight for it, burying her face against it without hesitation. Within seconds, her face was covered in pussy juice and cum, but it was not a problem; Rather, it was a perk.

Having never eaten pussy before, Yang followed her instincts, sloppily lapping Blake up. She gulped down every ounce of sex juice that oozed out of the hole.

Blake caressed Yang's hair while whispering in a sweet, compassionate voice. "There's a lot to come out of my womb yet, okay…? Make sure to get everything out of there. I'm counting on you."

Yang nodded frantically while amping up her tongue movements, making Blake shudder.

"Good girl."


It was night. Weiss and Ruby were already asleep.

The only two people awake were Yang and Blake, each on their respective bunk beds. Blake was reading a book, and Yang was fucking her with her eyes.

'I'd kill to switch places with Weiss…!' She slept on the bunk above Blake.

Hours had passed, and she could still feel the flavor of pussy juice and semen in her mouth. 'So viscous… I wanna drink more…!'

Suddenly, Blake glanced at her and gestured for her to come over.

For a moment, Yang hesitated. 'What if someone sees…?'

Blake's expression, however, expressed no worry, inspiring Yang to toughen up and just go without shame.

She sat beside Blake. Both their backs were against the wall, with their legs stretched out and their sides touching together.

"Did it taste good?" Blake whispered in her ear without any warning.

Yang's eyes shot open. Though she obsessively thought about the events that transpired hours earlier, she absolutely believed they would never talk about it again. "I-I already told you that it did…"

"What did?"

"Y-you know…"

"Tell me." Blake rested a hand on her thigh, fondling it close to her crotch.

The stimulation made Yang breathe heavily. "Y-your… Pussy…"

"I've never tasted my own fluids, did you know?"


"Do you think you could help me with that?" Blake tilted her head, smiling confidently.

With a racing heart, Yang licked her lips. "How…?"

"Like this." Blake put a hand on the back of Yang's head and steered it toward her lips, French kissing her.

Caught completely off-guard, Yang submitted to the act. Though she lacked any experience, Blake did not leave things to fate, shoving her tongue into her mouth and guiding her along. Soon, they were making with their tongues hugging together outside of their lips.

Their oral embrace was so lewd that saliva dripped out of their lips, staining their clothes. "Yang…"


"Open your eyes."

Not having realized she shut her eyelids during their makeout session, Yang obeyed. Their tongues were still intertwined together, continuing to move and rub.

Blake stared at her with lust. "I want to fuck the shit out of you. Actually, I've been wanting to for a while already."

"R-really…? Mhhgh…"

"What about you? Do you want to fuck me and Jaune?"

The mention of Jaune called her attention. "Y-you mean…"

"A threesome, in which we'll both get our pussies destroyed by that monster cock of his."

Yang froze. Though the idea enticed her intensely, a virgin like her could only endure so much direct teasing. "I-I… I…"

"Yang, do you have feelings for me?"

That was an easier question to answer. "M-m-maybe… A-a bit… I-I think you're kind of… C-cool…" Yang blushed a concentrated shade of red.

"Awesome. I think you're hot as fuck." There was no change in Blake's expression. "Would you like to have sex with ME?"

Still with their tongues intertwined, Yang leaned forward and resumed making out. After several seconds of intimate connection, she found the guts to respond. "Yes…"

"Awesome. And…" Blake slid a hand between Yang's legs, stimulating her slit over her pants. "…I've always wanted to have a BBC friend. Do you want to be my BBC friend?"

"What… Would that mean…?"

Blake broke off their kiss and brought her lips to Yang's ear, nibbling on it with plenty of saliva. "It would mean we get to fuck all the time… And, sometimes, we include a big… White… Faunus cock in the middle… We work together to get it off as many times as we can… Doesn't that sound awesome…? You saw it earlier today, right? It's pretty hard dealing with it all by myself. Would you help me…?"

"Can… I… Eat you afterward…?"


Breathing heavily, Yang timidly nodded.

"But, if we're going to be BBC friends, we must get matching tattoos. What do you say…?"


"Yeah…" She whispered right into Yang's earhole. "…It'll mean we're connected for life… Based on our feelings for each other and love of big white cocks."

"But… I've never had sex with a white dick…"

"No, but you've already eaten the cum of one, didn't you? Don't you know you're already addicted?"

Yang licked her lips one last time, focusing on the leftover white spunk stuck between her teeth.

Blake was completely right.

Her mind was corrupted by secondhand BBC.


'How weird. Are Blake and Yang missing class today again?' Jaune sat in the back of the room, waiting for class to start. 'I hope I didn't do Blake too hard the other day… Nah, what am I thinking? She's such a tease, I could choke her unconscious and she'd ask for more.' His soft, knee-length penis throbbed, yearning for a boner. 'Oh, fuck. Control yourself…'

Once the classroom door opened, Jaune realized that attempting to keep his erection in check was futile.

Blake and Yang walked in together.

They were both wearing tube tops, leather mini-shorts, and knee-high white socks. Their ample breasts oozed out of their undersized tops, and their midriffs were eye candy for every guy in class; Especially Yang's, which sported an enviable six-pack; Similarly, Blake's plump underbutt jiggled out of her shorts, which were so low on her waistline that her pubic hairs would be visible if she had any.

Everyone in the class looked at them with open mouths. There was no way around it: They were dressed like promiscuous women; Bimbos. 'I almost expect something like that from Blake, but Yang?!'

Blake confidently walked up the stairs, aiming to sit by Jaune's right side, like usual.

Yang, on the other hand, walked up the stairs while trembling and blushing. She sat to his left side, which was completely new.

One more thing shocked him about their bodies: They had put on somewhat-matching tattoos.

Blake had covered her right leg in a complex series of extensive white vines crawling from her thick thighs to her ankles. Due to how high her shorts' hemline was, he could tell there was a deck symbol tattooed on her right cheek: a queen of spades. On her left cheek, there seemed to be some sort of writing, but he could only partially see it…

…Until Blake caught him looking and naughtily pulled the left side of her shorts slightly up.

'White-owned pussy' and 'white-owned ass', both with arrows pointing to the respective holes.

Just by reading it, Jaune felt his flaccid dick twitch, starting to grow into a full erection. 'Ah, fuck, not in class…! Hiding this is impossible…! And what is THAT?!' There seemed to also be a tattoo just below Blake's navel: a womb tattoo with a queen of spades symbol at its center; Or so he thought, from its partial exposure.

The weird part was how it glew brightly. Jaune was certain that no part of Blake was shining when she walked up the stairs.

"It glows when I'm horny and close to a white Faunus cock." She nonchalantly whispered without even looking at him. As always, Blake remained stoic and watched class.

"W-won't it glow every single time we're together then…?"

"Probably. You should take a long at Yang's."

"H-heh?" He was so distracted by Blake's lewd tattoos that he forgot to look at the blonde woman beside him.

She, too, had covered her body in tattoos. Yang's were far, far more conspicuous, covering her arm and chest.

On her right arm, she had the same complex style of vines climbing up from her toned, strong forearm to her shoulder. The real surprise, though, was her bust: Yang got tattoos on the upper area of each of her breasts: A queen of spades symbol, and a 'Whiteed' writing in a fancy font.

Not just that, she also had the glowing womb tattoo. "H-huh… Wait… You're horny… Yang…?"

Only now did Jaune look at her face: Yang was blushing comically hard, responding to his question with a simple nod. "Th-there's more on my back…"

"Huh…?" He leaned back slightly, aiming to see what was on her posterior side.

His jaw dropped in shock.

Yang covered her upper and lower back in whiteed-related quotes.

'White cum deposit lower.'

'Whiteed ass below.'

'White only; Whites stay away.'

'Please stuff with white cocks.'

'White-exclusive whore.'

And more.

There were likely more under her shorts, but Yang was not as bold to lower or raise it as Blake was.

…Or so he thought.

"W-Jaune…" Yang suddenly whispered. "Blake said… I should ask you…"

"Ask what…?"

"To help me…" She glanced at the erection growing in his pants.

Turned on, Jaune gulped nervously. "With… What…?"

"Well, I put these tattoos on to tell everyone that I'm a whiteed whore, but… The truth is… I haven't been whiteed yet. So… Could you… Fix that?"

Suddenly, a hand found itself on his legs, rubbing his bulge over his pants.

It was Blake. "Yeah, Jaune. Could you use your big nigger cock and help her out? And… You know…"

Fuck her in the process too.


"Oh, God, Ruby's going to think I lost it…!" Yang entered Jaune's dorm room, closely followed by him and Blake.

"Shut up and take your clothes off, babe…!" Blake playfully slapped her ass and teased her. "How else are we going to get you whiteed?" She nibbled on the blonde girl's ear, helping her remove her tube top.

Jaune closed the door and looked at both of them with drool leaking from his lips. "Is Yang sure about this…? I-I didn't you know she was into me…"

"Why are you speaking as if she's not here? Did all your brain blood go down to your cock?" Blake helped Yang remove her shorts and underwear, leaving her fully bare. She pointed to the glowing womb tattoo. "Is this not all you need to see? Or, perhaps…" She traced her fingers over the tattoos on Yang's breasts. "Or, maybe these…?" Blake turned Yang around and forced Jaune to once more read every piece of self-degrading interracial poetry tattooed to her back.

"Y-yeah, but…"

"Jaune." Yang suddenly cut in. "These are permanent. I made my decision." She walked over to him, feigning confidence, and rubbed his massive bulge over his pants while reaching in for a passionate tongue kiss. "I wanted to be a BBC whore. Please breed me white."

Blake joined them from the side, turning it into a triangle kiss. "By the way, I'm the one who taught her how to kiss. It might be hard to believe, but this girl is suuuuper into BBC. She drank all the spunk from my pussy the other day.

"Wh-wha…? Really…?"

"Yeah…! I seriously wanna get bred by you, Jaune…! So please shove…" Yang glanced at Blake and then back at him. "…That big nigger meat into my tight white pussy ♡."

Her choice of words was all he needed to be fully turned on. "Fine, then. If you want to become my little cock pocket, it's your call!" He grabbed her legs and carried her to the bed, mounting her. "You know I'm going to pound you without mercy, right?"

"Oh, God, please do… ♡! Fuck me into a white bimbo… ♡!"

"Let me help, let me help!" Blake joined them on the bed. "Move a bit… Here!" She undressed and had Jaune move to the side and buried her face in Yang's crotch. "I'll eat this sweet virgin pussy until it's all good to go, okay? Mnghhh…!" Without waiting for a response, she brought her long tongue out of her mouth and started lapping up Yang's slit.

"Oh… ♡! Oh, fuck… ♡! Getting your pussy eaten is awesome… ♡!" Her eyes shined with excitement at having her crush so devotedly giving her intense oral sex. "Nghhh… ♡! Shit, Blake… ♡! You're good at this… ♡!" In record time, Yang's legs found themselves tightly locking around Blake's head due to the strong pleasure.

"Fuck, you're a virgin, Yang? And you want to lose it to me?" Jaune stared at them with excitement. It was his first time in a threesome, and he never expected to have two of his colleagues so into being interracially fucked.

"Of course… ♡! Sex is the best… ♡! With big dicks and alpha males… ♡! Oooooh, Blake… ♡! Shit, right there... ♡! Shit, shit, shit… ♡!" Her heart pounded against her chest. 'Aaah, what am I doing here…?! Just a few days ago I was crushing on Blake and now here I am…! Getting my pussy eaten by her…! I inked my body up…! And in a few, I'll be getting stretched silly by Jaune's huge meat…!'

It was then that she realized one thing: Yang had yet to get a good, open look at Jaune's monstrous Faunus white cock.

Struggling amidst Blake's skillful tongue, she turned her head to the side to see it.

She froze up, drooling.

It was absolutely enormous, way beyond her imagination; One that had already been fed partial imagery when she witnessed their fucking a few days ago.

Yang stopped shaking, intensely immersed in the sight of the gorgeous, juicy sight. All she could think about was how it would fit in her. The sentiment was so strong that her brain blocked out all pleasure signals coming from her drenched, lapped-up pussy, too focused on mentally worshipping the monster cock to care.

Consequently, when an explosive, orgasmic wave of ecstasy washed over her, Yang was caught completely off-guard; So off-guard that her face did not accompany her body movements, detached from the spasmic euphoria quaking all over her body.

"Heh…?" Was all she could say as several loads of pussy juice shot out of her pussy with violence, splattering all over Blake's face. She watched in paralyzed, orgasmic silence as her body entered an aggressive seizure, melting under the precise touches of Blake's nimble tongue.

Only after it was all over did she find the strength to let out the guttural moan that had become bottlenecked in her sucked-in gut. "NghoooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH ♡♡!!" Instead of arching, her body crunched forward, squeezing even harder, bulging her trained, veiny abs out. "FuuuuuuUUUUUUuuuuuuck ♡♡!!"

Her brain went haywire, having never achieved a squirting orgasm before; Even more so, she could barely withstand the added euphoria of cumming with the two people for whom she had burning feelings for, one of which would soon break her pussy open with his enormous cock.

She panted heavily, completely breathless. Yang readied her mind to soon be penetrated and broken open.

To her surprise, Jaune did not insert in her; Instead, he was ramming Blake in a doggystyle position. "Nghhhoooh ♡! Fuck… ♡! You just couldn't help it, could you… ♡? You've got cum for brains… ♡! Just smelling my wet pussy made you go full horndog mode for me… ♡! Keep messing it up since you can't help yourself… ♡!"

Blake was taking the cock that was meant to be currently taking her virginity.

It pissed her off.


"Ah… ♡! Hang on, Yang… ♡! I'm just gonna have him nut in me a couple of times… ♡! And then you can have a run, okay… ♡?! Nghhhhh… ♡!"

"No way! I want it now…!" Yang thrust her hips in the air and ruthlessly locked Blake's head between her legs. "You've already gotten pounded by him a ton! Either let go or I'm choking you out…!"

Blake did not expect such a show of defiance by Yang. She tried to remain strong and have herself released by eating Yang's pussy and making her cum again.

It did not work. Though her technique was superb and made Yang's eyes shoot all over the place due to overwhelming ecstasy, it was still not enough to have her undo the leg hold.

In fact, it just made the situation worse. A new orgasm coursed over her body, prompting every inch of her muscles to flex, making the hold even more unbearable for Blake, depriving her of oxygen.

Finally, adding insult to injury, Blake started having an orgasm of her own, adding yet more stress to her breathing.

With the combination of all three factors – Yang's muscular legs, her own climax, and Jaune's violent, gut-wrenching pounding – Blake was forced to tap repeatedly on Yang's legs, begging for release, which she granted.

"Hah ♡… Hah ♡… Wow ♡… You get a girl a big fat cock to wreck her ♡… And she starts thinking she's your boss ♡… Hahaha ♡… Total powerbottom ♡… And a bit of a jerk, aren't you…?" She looked back at Jaune, "Nghhh ♡… Daddy, why don't we switch up? Make her an official whiteed bitch with your magnificent nigger cock, okay?"

"Geez, you're just the filthiest, aren't you, Blake?" He moved her to the side, letting her take a much-needed breather. Jaune adjusted himself in front of Yang, gazing at her eyes with determination and lack of mercy. "Yang, after I start, I'm not stopping. I'll cum in you a bunch."

"Okay ♡! Do it… ♡! Make me an official BBC cum dumpster…!"

"I wasn't asking for permission." He grabbed her neck, pinning her against the bed while choking her slightly, and thrust in without hesitation.

Less than a fifth made its way in before being stopped by a wall of narrow flesh. "Gghhhhh… ♡!" Her eyes rolled back due to the intense duress. Though her pussy was soapy and elastic enough due to Blake's fervent licking, she was still a virgin – or was until a moment ago, feeling her hymen tearing apart in real-time. Taking a monster dick that was thicker and longer than her forearm during her first time was quite a challenge.

Thankfully, it was a challenge she was eager to face. Like all things in life, Yang did not feel intimidated by the struggle. In fact, she cherished it. "Go… ♡! Thrust like you want to kill me… ♡! Don't hold anything back… ♡!" She spoke with a strained voice, with veins swelling up on her neck and her face turning red from Jaune's big hand strangling her. "Pound the fuck out of my tiny pussy…!"

Jaune did not care for her permission but did appreciate her dedication. Though her wet folds did their best to clamp down hard and jam his cock into her pussy, it was a pointless endeavor. With his muscular body and oversized cock, no pussy would ever best him.

He started moving his hips back and forth at a fast pace. His intent was not to thrust in and out of her pussy in a loving way; Rather, he mentally envisioned himself hammering away at a stubborn nail that kept refusing to go in, just like when he fucked Blake for the first time.

"Ghhhh ♡… Khhhh ♡… Nghhhh ♡…!" Yang held onto the forearm that was strangling her neck like her life depended on it. Though Jaune barely choked her, the added strain of having her insides harshly pried open by a humongous cock killed her ability to breathe properly. Her lower body and core muscles squeezed desperately to keep her stable.

"Fuck! You're way harder to slam open than Blake!" Jaune was having difficulty making room at a good pace.

"That's because I'm strong… ♡! But… ♡! Let me help… ♡!" Restless to contribute, Yang started moving her hips in unison with Jaune's thrusts. Each time he slammed forward, she did the same, matching his movement.

For him, it was helpful assistance.

For her, it was masochistic hell. Yang's brain was bathed in pain and pleasure each time, making it hard to avoid losing her mind. Still, determined to be a good fuck for the BBC whom she loved, Yang continued to thrust her hips against his, harming her own pussy's integrity.

Now with her voluntary, masochistic contribution, Jaune found himself quickly digging deeper into her. "That's it! Fucking nice! You're a crazy white slut, aren't you, Yang? I've always loved eyeing up this thick body of yours…! I'm going to brand it white…!"

"Do it… ♡! Fuck me white… ♡! I want to lose all interest… ♡! In white men… ♡! Make me a Faunus cock whore… ♡! Ghhhhhh… ♡! Fuck, cumming… ♡! Cumming… ♡!" Suddenly, two white hands appeared and pinched her sensitive, erect nipples, stretching them away from her breasts. "Nghooooooooh ♡! My tiiiiits… ♡!"

"Ah, I love hearing that ♡!" Blake surged again, finally recovered. "But this position is no good. I can't help her get fucked like this, daddy… ♡!"

"Hang on! Fuck, she's crushing me!"

Yang's orgasm was long and intense. Her hips were stuck in the air, shaking in a frantic seizure, shooting pussy juices all over Jaune's ripped abs.

"Oh, shit! I'm going to nut…! She's squeezing the cum out of my dick…! Khhhhh…!" Veins bulged all over his body as his muscles contracted hard to pump out the cum in his bloated, low-hanging balls. Jaune grunted savagely, digging his fingers into Yang's waist to keep her steady. Her frenzied twitching overstimulated his sensitive glans, making the ejaculation harder to endure.

Eventually, Yang stopped squirting, finished with her mindbreaking climax. "Hah… Hah… Hah…"

And yet, she kept her hips in the air, very slightly rocking them back and forth.

"Yang… What are you doing…?" Blake looked with parted lips, not understanding at first. When her eyes met with Jaune's, she realized what was going on. "Wait… Is he…"

"I'm making him nut again with my tight pussy… ♡! Hah… ♡! Come on, keep shooting into me, you glorious white stud ♡! Fuck, I love getting my insides burned with hot white milk!"

"Stop…! Oh, shit, I'm going to cum twice?! I've never done that! Ghhhhh!" Jaune clenched his teeth, smacking Yang's ass repeatedly in an attempt to get her to stop.

It was fruitless. Soon he was shooting a third load… A fourth load… And, finally, a fifth load into her, all in quick succession.

Meanwhile, Yang's body was being ravaged by dozens of orgasms of her own, some of which were intense enough to prompt more squirting out of her swollen, puffy pussy.

"How are you doing this, Yang?" Blake was in awe. Despite her best efforts, she had never extracted so much cum so fast. Jaune always dominated her with ease.

"I'm just squeezing… ♡! My abs… ♡! And pelvic muscles… ♡! To milk him… ♡!"

"Shit…! Can't you just…! Relax and…! Let me pound your womb broken?!"

"No way… ♡! It's more fun… ♡! If you have to work for it… ♡! Oh, fuuuuuck ♡! What are you doing ♡?! Khhhhh ♡!" To shut Yang up, Jaune clenched the hand that was on her neck.

"I was holding back because I thought your head might get messed up if I make you squirt too much…! But if you're going to be such a fucking tease…!" He mustered all the strength in his lower body muscles, to the point where his glutes became clad in veins. "I'll use all the cum you've wrung out of me as lube!"

With a single, powerful, merciless thrust, Jaune pushed all the way into her cervix, beating it hard.

And then many, many more times, all at an incredibly fast speed and without regard for Yang's well-being.

It worked wonderfully. Less than a dozen thrusts in, and Yang's eyes had become unfocused, melting completely under the excessive pain and ecstasy flowing throughout her body. Her pelvic and abdominal squeezes slowed down and would soon fade, giving Jaune full control of her pussy.

Until a tongue touched his taint. "Wha-!"

"Go on, daddy! Fuck her really hard!" Blake shouted, devotedly licking his ass and balls up from behind, covering them in sticky saliva. "Or go Yang! I don't know who I'm helping, but I just want to be part of the action…!" She grabbed his muscular asscheeks, sinking her fingernails into his skin, and ate his ass up with delight. It took mere seconds for his rear and balls to be dripping with spit.

Stimulated by Blake's tongue, Jaune thrust even faster. "Fuck! This is the hardest cervix I've met yet! But it's prying open! Get ready, Yang! I'm coming in! And my next nut will be in your womb, got it?! I'm giving you a white baby!"

"Do it… ♡!" His words woke her up from her oxygen-deprived daze. "Bust that nut in me…! Breed me white…! Nghhh, I feel it…! It's going in…! Ooooh… ♡! I'm breaking apart… ♡! So thick… ♡! Use all that spunk I milked out of you… ♡! To slide right in… ♡! Enter your rightful… ♡! Cum… ♡! Dumpster… ♡! NGH ♡♡!!"

Yang's mind cracked along with her cervix.

Jaune thrust all the way in, punching the back of her womb so harshly that it stretched out into a tight-fitting flesh condom for his monstrous, veiny, bumpy cock.

A huge bulge popped out of her stomach, despite her abs compressing explosively to suppress it out of her body.

It was all to no avail.

Soon, her mind went blank. Yang turned into a mindless, cumming machine.

One stuffed with oozing cum.

"Oooooooooooooh ♡♡!!!!"


Yang's eyes opened several minutes later. She was immediately hit by adrenaline due to the animalistic sounds playing out right beside her.

"Nghoooh ♡! Aaaaah, God, you're slamming harder than usual… ♡! Why are you so mean to me ♡?! Yang was the one who took charge of your dick, not me! Nghhh ♡! Not my tail… ♡! Khhh! Not my hair either… ♡! Oh, God, cumming, cumming… ♡!"

Blake was drenched in sweat, getting proneboned right beside her. Looking at her own midriff, there was a bucketload of sperm leaking out of her puffy pink pussy. After passing out, Jaune still rammed her hard enough to bruise her inner thighs and pour down a couple more loads. "I feel stuffed…! Shit…!"

"Hah… ♡? Daddy… ♡! Yang is up… ♡!"

"Who cares, bitch?!" He dug his fingers into her waist and pulled her hair until her back arched acutely. "You were asking me to even out the cumshots, right? I've still got a bunch more to go in you!" He bottomed out hard and stayed there for a few seconds to punish Blake, who wailed from the excessive girth stretching her out.

"D-daddy!" Yang suddenly shouted. "Give Blake a break and come for me…!" She turned around and raised her ass up in the air, wiggling it enticingly. "My pussy can take a ton more cum… ♡!" Yang sweetened her voice in an effort to get the thick cock back into her.

Contrary to her expectations, Blake supported her. "See, daddy ♡? It's her time… ♡! So why don't you give my cum pocket pussy a break… ♡?! Aaaaah, fuck, cumming again, no, no, my legs hurt already… ♡! Yang, you provoked him too much… ♡! He's destroying me like a real alpha now, it's soooo goooood… ♡!" She dug her face into the pillow and bit down to suppress the mind-numbing moans of pleasure.

It was pointless. Jaune immediately forced her face up by pulling on her hair again. "Thank your friend!" He ordered her.

"Thanks, Yang… ♡! For trying to help me… ♡! Handle the burden of this guy's… ♡! Huge nigger cock… ♡! Nghhhhh ♡!" She entered another seizure, cumming intensely. "Aaaah, I can't shtop moaning like a dumb whooore… ♡! I sound so shtupid… ♡!"

Not knowing what to do, Yang brought her lips toward Blake and started kissing her, aiming to help.

Without giving it much thought, Blake responded to her lips with passion, sharing loads of spit as they made out erotically, embracing each other's tongue outside of their mouths.

Yang got so into making out with her crush that she failed to notice the grand moment when Jaune pulled out of Blake…

"NGHHHH ♡! Nghooooooh…!" …And inserted into her.

Unlike Blake, though, Yang had the full intention to fight every step of the way. She continued to kiss Blake while pushing her ass back with each thrust, matching the rhythm of Jaune's thrusts.

The sounds of their muscles colliding together were music to her ears, prompting her pussy to burn in even more pleasure. "Fuck ♡! Nghhh ♡! I'm such a… ♡! Whiteed whore… ♡!"

When Blake stopped making out with her, Yang did not think much of it, assuming the Faunus girl needed a rest; Unlike her, she did not have an overly athletic physique, so handling the brunt of Jaune's bottomless pit of lust was always a challenge.

She was caught by surprise when Blake inserted herself under Yang and hugged her, making out with her once more. Their ample breasts were now squished together, making their erect nipples rub together as Yang's body jerked back and forth due to Jaune's constant pussy-railing and hair-tugging.

'It's pointless…! No matter how much I slam back…! This guy's just got too much power…! My holes are totally his until he's done…! I'm already losing strength in my legs…! Aaaaah, it's so good…! Sex with big cocks is so fun…! I'm in love…!'

Accidentally, her eyes connected with Blake's.

The Faunus girl was looking at her with more than just lust; It felt like they were emotionally connected.

Was it because of the BBC burden they were sharing? Yang had no idea but felt deeply bonded with Blake.

It made her heart ache in joy; Similarly, her pussy ached in unabated euphoria.

Yang gave herself to the moment and stopped fighting with Jaune for dominance. She relaxed her body, readied herself to be fucked until his balls were empty, and leaned toward Blake, kissing her romantically.

Soon, Jaune switched from Yang's pussy to Blake's… And then back after a few cumshots… And then again…

For hours, they remained kissing like that, cumming…

…And getting bred white.


"I'm totally pregnant…" Blake whispered into Yang's ear while caressing her hair.

"Fuck… Me too… I can't believe I went ahead and did it at such a young age…" Yang was limp on the bed with her butt facing up, sweaty and exhausted.

"Tell me about it. I've probably been pregnant for a couple of months now, since we dropped the condoms…"

Their bodies were covered in ass bruises and semen. Massive amounts of semen streamed out of their pussies, with their bellies looking horribly distended from the enormous volumes poured into their wombs.

"It was worth it, though, wasn't it?" Blake whispered.

"Fuck yeah… Are you kidding me…? Jaune is the best… I love him… I want so much more… The semen is awesome too… I refuse to use a condom… I'm a white bitch for life… Queen of spades and all that stuff… These tats ain't leaving…"

"Nice. Let's have tons of sex and bond over Jaune's BBC regularly from now on then." Blake kissed Yang, who reciprocated.

"Don't talk about him like that… Ah, but I do love his white meat…"

"I'm just teasing, he knows it."

"You two know I'm right here, right?" Jaune chuckled. They had been whispering and flirting with each other while hugging his body all this time.

"Pfft. As if you haven't referred to me as just a 'white piece of ass' before." Blake retorted.

"Hey, let's think of baby names later…" Yang suggested.

"Let's do it after really making sure you're preggo. What do you say, Jaune?"

"I-I don't know if I can go another round yet…"

"Huh?" Blake looked toward his crotch. "Holy fuck! It's the first time I see you go soft!"

"I mean… He did shoot, like, a 100 loads or something…"

Suddenly, his penis started twitching.

"Oh, no."

Their pussies burned, ready to continue bonding.