Chapter 66

"Man, I'm so jealous that you have a dorm room all to yourself." Cardin complained yet again.

"That's all you ever say, Cardin. Get over it." Ren calmly complained about Cardin's complaining.

"Aaaaah, I wish I wasn't single right now… Well, being single is kind of okay, so maybe that's cool." Sun complained – maybe – on the side.

"All you guys ever do is complain!!" Jaune complained about everyone's complaining. They were all sitting on the floor of Jaune's bedroom, playing cards.

"Cardin started it." Ren added.

"Cardin did start it." Sun contributed.

"I did start it." Cardin nodded without shame.

"Okay, then don't start it anymore!"

"How am I supposed to not complain?! You have a dorm room to bang Yang and Blake whenever you want! I am sooooo jealous…! Yang is so hot… Blake too…"

"Aren't you dating Ruby and Weiss in some sort of weird trouple or whatever?"

"What do you mean by weird?! So are you!"

"Yeah, but I'm a Dragon Faunus. It's normal to have small harems for the males of my people."

"That's just convenient." Ren said. "Jaune has a dorm room for himself AND can technically date multiple women as a normal thing. Who made these rules up…?"

"I know, right?!" Cardin and Ren affirmed each other.

"Managing a harem sounds exhausting…" Sun sullied on the corner.

They continued playing…

"You know, it's not a sex thing. I really like Blake and Yang as people, you know?"

"What do you like about them?" Ren said while putting his cards down.

"They have very strong personalities. I think that's nice in a girl. They go after what they want."

"Right. It has nothing to do with them being good in bed." Ren snarked.

"Well, they ARE good in bed. Also, Yang has abs, which is hot. Oh, but Blake has that tail, which is hot too."

"Well, *I* like that Ruby and Weiss are very fun to talk to." Cardin got competitive. "Plus, they're very cute. Even Weiss when she's going out of her way to be mean."

"Maybe that makes her cuter." Sun added while putting his cards down.


"It sounds to me like you are lazy, so you like that they talk all by themselves because they're good friends, meaning you don't have to work that hard to keep them entertained." Ren always found an angle to poke.

"That's not true!"

"I mean… Is it even real sex if your dick isn't 30-inches-long?" Jaune added his own opinion.

"That's ridiculous! Why are you all ganging up on me?! Nobody said anything when Jaune was talking."

"Actually, Ren did."

"Yes, I did."

"Fine, it's your turn then!" Cardin pouted.

"What is this, a game? Are we competing now?"

Everyone nodded.

"Oh. …I like that Nora is a free spirit, always coming up with creative ideas for our dates."

"Pfft, and he calls ME lazy." Cardin stifled laughter while exchanging knowing glances with Sun and Jaune.

"I don't get it."

"You like Nora being energetic because you're too boring to come up with a date idea. I bet she puts in all the work in bed too. Wasn't she the one who asked you out in the first place?"


"My point is proven."

"I'll have you know, I'm not boring in bed-"

"Your turn, Sun, your turn!" Jaune cut in and pointed to his fellow Faunus colleague. "What do you like about… Uh… Being single?"

"…The freedom…?"

"This guy is down bad." Ren nodded.

"Yup. Needing help ASAP." Jaune nodded while putting his cards down.

"I can sense the desperation from here." Cardin nodded while putting his cards down.

They all turned their cards.

"Joke's on you. I win." Sun collected their small pot made of fake money. "By the way…"


"Do you think the girls also talk about this sort of stuff?"

"Like… About us…?"


"Hm… Probably, but much more delicately, right?"

"Yeah, they're not pigs like us."

"Yup. They probably focus a lot on feelings."


"Just like this! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!" Yang frenziedly slammed her fists into the pillow, using so much force and speed that her arms were covered in veins. "BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!" Feathers flew all over her as the pillow ruptured due to the violent strikes.

Blake expressionlessly clapped from the corner, putting her book down for a moment. "That's exactly how it is. Very accurate. Jaune is a sex beast."

"And he doesn't get tired! He just keeps going…! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! And then Blake and I just… Woosh! Woosh…!" She shoved her hands into the pillow and threw more feathers out. "…Start squirting like crazy! We always try to hold on, but Jaune is so fit and hung that we lose every time…! And then just when you think there's no way your holes can take more… BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!" The pillow continued to be the target of Yang's dramatic antics. "And don't get me started about when the cum-pumping starts! I just feel packed…! I have no idea how Blake handled him by herself for so long!"

"It was hard. Oh, not just his dick. I mean lasting long enough to feel like I wasn't useless. He's just so virile… Things got a lot better after Yang joined me as his cocksleeve, but even she can't match his energy."

"S-scary…!" Ruby hugged Weiss, shivering.

"I'm traumatized just thinking about it…!" Weiss hugged Ruby, trembling.

They were all in team RWBY's dorm room, spread out across the room while chit-chatting about their love lives.

"That's it! No more lovey-dovey romantic seeeeex!" Nora grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor. "I'll tell Ren to pummel the shit out of me from now on too! WAAAAAAAAAHHH!" She crouched and started beating the pillow, imitating Yang's representation of supposed sex with Jaune.

…They all stared at Nora like the freak that she was.

"That aside… We took a really good look at his bulge that one time…" Weiss continued.

"I can't imagine putting that thing in me… But… Maybe I wouldn't mind if Cardin was that rough…" Ruby added.

"Don't say that!" Weiss patted Ruby on the head, silencing her. "You know, Yang, Cardin is great in bed too!"

"I didn't say anything bad about Cardin. Also, Blake and I like Jaune for his personality too-"

"He's great at eating pussy!" Weiss got competitive. "And with his fingers! And-"

"Hey, hey, forget that for now." Pyrrha, who had been silently listening all this time, cut in, making Weiss' face burn red in shame for being interrupted in her attempt at bravado. "I want to talk more about Jaune…" Pyrrha sported a lewd facial expression that was wildly unusual for her, leaving everyone too surprised to react.

Except for the unassailable Blake. "What about him…?"

"Come to think of it, you and Nora were the ones who told us about Jaune's big dong, right…?" Recalled how she found out about it.

"Are you interested in him, Pyrrha…?" Yang was curious.

"Something like that." Pyrrha raised her shirt, exposing her midsection.

It was difficult to ascertain what surprised everyone the most.

Her ripped, bulging abs…

…Or the presence of a QOS womb tattoo popping from her lower body. She lowered her pants enough to expose the full tattoo, since a sizable chunk of it was on her pelvis.

"Pyrrha… You're into white cocks too…?" Blake took the lead since the other girls were too baffled.

"Most guys are too romantic or gentle… I don't dislike kind guys, but I need someone who's willing to use me like a worthless cum rag. White guys are the only ones who are willing to give me the animalistic fucking that keeps me calm. And… You know…" She looked at her own arms and legs, flexing them to the point of making veins pop out. "…Whoever I choose to let fuck me needs to have the fitness to keep up with me. White guys are strong, have tons of stamina, and have cum-packed balls that can shoot a lot of times. So I got this tattoo to flash whenever I find a good BWC."

"Wow… Pyrrha, you're so focused on training that I thought you might even be a virgin…" Yang was the most shocked of all.

Pyrrha chuckled. "Impossible. I love sex. The only reason I can be so focused on working hard is that I take the edge off with hardcore sex. I can't focus if I don't have my body regularly mauled by BWCs."

"Still, to think you're a whiteed girl… I didn't see that coming."

"I tried a white guy once, just to see what it was like. Hah…" She paused, took a deep breath, and continued with a smile. "It changed me forever. Sex with BWCs is always very, very animalistic and intense. After I experienced it once, I couldn't go back. White guys just don't do it for me… if I'm not a meathole getting brutally churned out by a huge white cock, I can't get off. It's quite a problem, honestly."

"P-Pyrrha is hardcore…" Ruby mumbled, hugging Weiss.

"Y-yeah…" Weiss uttered, hugging Ruby.

"Awesome!" Nora was psyched out for no particular reason.

"You girls have other tattoos, don't you?" Pyrrha continued. "No one gets JUST the QOS womb tattoo."

Yang looked to the side, blushing.

"Yeah, we both got tons of interracial-themed degrading tats. It's hot that you have them too."

"I actually only have this one. I prefer to let my moans and fucking show my whiteedness."

"I see…" Blake was the only person in the room maintaining her collectedness in front of Pyrrha's lewd confessions. "Yang."

Yang looked at Blake, still blushing, and then they nodded at each other.

Blake returned her gaze to Pyrrha. "Jaune mentioned multiple times about how he'd love to fuck you."

"Really?!" Pyrrha got unusually bubbly.

"Wait, he did?!" Yang, apparently, was unaware.

"That's before you joined us, Yang. He knows you're competitive, so he's nervous to say that sort of stuff around you."

"I'm not competitive…!"

"Everyone here is competitive except for me and Blake." Pyrrha confirmed Blake. "Well, I'm competitive too, depending on the context…"

"I AM NOT competitive!" Weiss shot to her feet and asserted it stronger than everyone.


"Anyway…" Blake continued. "…He's been wanting to bang you for a while, but he thought you might be with Cardin, so…"

"Me? Cardin? That's just impossible!" Pyrrha laughed for a moment but paused after looking at Weiss and Ruby. "N-not that there's anything wrong with him. It's just that, for me… It must be big and white." Inadvertently, she licked her lips. "…I've been looking for a new BWC to sexually devote myself to, and he's even a Faunus… I've never been mauled by a Faunus. It sounds exciting."

"Maybe with you, we can finally tire Jaune out. Right, Yang?"

"I guess… I mean…" Yang touched her own belly. "We're pregnant, so it's extra hard to keep up with him…"


"Ah… What a dream…" Pyrrha drooled at the prospect of being knocked up.

"We'll set up a date." Blake nodded.

"I'm getting wet just thinking about it…!" Pyrrha's tattoo started shining from under her shirt, despite the lack of a white male Faunus presence nearby, showing just how incredibly horny she was. She took a pillow, positioned it on the wall in front of her, pulled a hand all the way back… And launched it forward at full force.

The pillow exploded, with feathers flying all over the room.

"Hah ♡… Hah ♡… Hah ♡… I can't wait… it'll be just like this… ♡!"

Pyrrha was in a whole other league of hardcore whiteedness.


Glynda Goodwitch was in quite a good mood. Yesterday, during an uneventful walk through the dorm hallways, she accidentally overheard a very interesting conversation. 'To think we have students embracing that sort of lifestyle, hm…? Well, it's not like I don't get it…' She touched her crotch from over her pants, feeling her own tattoo. 'I'm burning up…'

She never expected to meet other whiteed women in the school, nor did she expect to discover the presence of a BWC that she could enjoy. 'I knew Jaune was a White Faunus. I guess I just ignored him because he's a student, but… It's been too long since I got a good pounding.' Exactly because of that, Glynda headed to intercept Pyrrha before she made it to Jaune's bedroom.

She intended to join her.

"Wh-what…? Professor Goodwitch, you want to… Get bred white took…?" Even the serious Pyrrha was caught off-guard by her sudden request. "Uhm…"

"It's not complicated, Ms. Nikos." Glynda barely batted an eye at talking about such a vulgar subject. "You'll get it if I do just this, right?" She raised her blouse. "See…?"

Much like Pyrrha, Glynda also had a QOS womb tattoo sticking out from her pelvis and invading part of her flat stomach.

"Wow… I guess I shouldn't be surprised… With a body like that…" Pyrrha eyed her up and down.

"Let's face it: We both have bodies built to be bred by strong, dominant white cocks. That's why we waste no time with other men, right? We're alpha females, so we seek alpha males to mate with."

It was true that both women had unbelievably sexual bodies, but in different ways.

Pyrrha was a tall woman – standing at 6'8 – with an unbeatable Amazonian physique, sporting enough muscle definition to be used as a model for an anatomy class if needed. Despite her incredible leanness, though, her breasts were enormous, surpassing even Yang's. Even her abs were unusually strong, exposing a rigid, bulging 8-pack instead of the common 6-pack for lean athletes. Complementing her beauty, she had long red hair – almost always kept in a high ponytail – and green eyes.

Anyone would describe Pyrrha as indescribably thick and made to breed hard.

Yet, the same description worked for Glynda, despite having a different type of body.

Glynda stood at 5'8 and did not have a particularly athletic physique; However, she was surreally curvy, with an ass and breasts so plump that they bounced and clapped with each step regardless of how skin-fitting her outfit was. Her breasts, in particular, easily bordered the N-cups. Wearing tight clothes did little more than expose the sexuality of her body, often walking around with a substantial portion of her cleavage revealed by lack of choice, not to speak of her skirt constantly stuffing itself between her gigantic asscheeks. Despite her thickness, she was still lean where it counted, enhancing her hourglass figure even more. To top off her looks, she had very light blonde hair – often kept in a bun with a curl hanging down the side of her head – and green eyes behind glasses.

"Jaune's only expecting me, though… Shouldn't I ask him first…?" Pyrrha had reservations.

"What, you think a guy with a 36-inch white cock will feel uncomfortable with two nymphos coming to gobble down his dick?"

"I do like sucking dick… The longest and thickest, the best ♡." Pyrrha licked her lips. "But still… You're kind of a hard-ass, Professor Goodwitch. Maybe he'll get nervous."

"What a ridiculous idea. Do you know why I always wear long skirts and long sleeves, even during Summer?" Glynda pulled her sleeves back and raised her skirt's hemline, revealing part of her arms and legs.

"Wow… You're more hardcore than I thought…" Pyrrha could not contain her surprise.

Glynda had degrading, whiteed tattoos all over her body.

'BWC-owned pussy in this direction.'

'Arm made to tug white cock.'

'Dump white cum here for free.'

'Body fueled by white cocks.'

'BWC slut.'

'Nigger slave.'

'Abuse at will if white.'

'Attention: Make sure not to hold back.'

'If BWC, have no mercy on this slut.'

'White cum needed.'

In addition to the self-degrading messages, she had QOS and BWC white spades tattoos spread all over as well. No student ever knew about them because she never showed any skin from below her cleavage line – which she only revealed due to a lack of choice caused by how ample and heavy her boobs were.

"Here's the cold, hard truth, Ms. Nikos. There are multiple students engaging in promiscuous, unsafe sexual relationships with our only White Faunus student. That is improper and I should do something about it."


"But I'm an absolute braindead whore for big white cocks and will thus ignore that. In exchange, I want to be thoroughly used as his cum pocket alongside you. I will not take no for an answer, nor do I think you should take him on alone. From what I've seen of his physical performance in class, taking him on solo seems downright insane."

"…You look like you enjoy taking charge."

"What? Are you nervous?" Glynda grabbed Pyrrha's chin and inserted a thumb into her lips, locking eyes with her while smirking – an unexpected power move, considering Pyrrha towered far above her in all physical senses. "Don't worry. You like being a submissive little cockhole, don't you? I won't get in your way. Just be a good little slut and accept that there will be a second whore to help you handle that monster white cock, okay?"

Pyrrha sucked Glynda's finger with no change in her relaxed expression. "I don't mind that. I just follow the flow. I'm thinking from Jaune's perspective, though…" She skillfully twirled her tongue around her thumb.

"Hah. Don't worry…" Glynda pulled her hand back and slapped her own ass hard, sending ripples across her meaty hips. "…Hung white men love it when assertive sluts come at them. He'll turn into pudding with this fat ass." Glynda's tattoo started glowing, expressing her horniness.

"Hm…" Pyrrha's tattoo started glowing as well. "…Well, as long as I get my fill, I don't mind…"

"One more thing. I refuse to go be his cumrag in these clothes. We will change into gym clothes." They were both wearing their usual student and professor attires. "A cock with a strong guy like that is akin to a workout, isn't it? We should dress adequately." Glynda grabbed Pyrrha's hand and pulled her along.

"Professor Goodwitch…" Pyrrha forced her to stop by applying a tiny bit of strength to her grip.

"Huh?" She pulled Professor Goodwitch with enough strength to make her tumble all the way back to Pyrrha's side. "Hey…!"

"…I don't mind it if you like being a bossy cockhole to Jaune, but don't take charge of me. When it comes to sex, I only obey strong, hung white men." She used her superior height to look down on her and slapped the same spot that she slapped a moment ago.

The reaction was much different. The ripples were absurdly wilder, to the point of making Glynda almost lose balance while her flesh quaked… If not for Pyrrha supporting her with a hand on her waist, saving her from the same collapse that she had induced with a mere ass smack.

Glynda said nothing but the change in her dominant demeanor communicated that she understood Pyrrha's message.

…It also communicated that she did not like it.

"Let's go get changed." Pyrrha grabbed Glynda's hand again and waited, giving her permission to lead.

"Yes… Let us." Glynda pulled Pyrrha along, as permitted.

Jaune was in for a ride.


'Well, this is funny…' Pyrrha observed the scene with crossed arms and a calm face while leaning against the wall.

"…That is why you better use that perverted nigger cock of yours to REALLY fuck me silly, do you get it, Mr. Obsidianhorn?" Glynda was up on Jaune's face, standing on her tiptoes while pointing at him with a mean look. With her other hand, she shamelessly groped the bulge on his pants, which traveled down far, far below his knee. "As a teacher in Beacon, I cannot defend the vulgar behavior of a nigger Faunus unless you REALLY fuck me into forgetting about it! If you hold back whatsoever, I will denounce you to the faculty and you will be expelled! Believe me, I can take QUITE the pounding!"

"I-I-I get it…! I'll d-do my best…!" The gigantic, muscular Faunus had his hands up in a retracted body language, clearly intimidated by his teacher's aggressive…

'…Flirting…? IS that flirting…?' Pyrrha titled her head, captivated by the way Glynda opted to instigate Jaune into fucking her hard.

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for, huh? What, are these huge tits not big enough for you? Shouldn't you be mauling them and fucking my face like a vile rapist by now?!" Glynda sounded angrier and angrier the longer she spoke, intimidating Jaune more and more.

It only affected his mind; His body remained eager to go, as was easily represented by the throbbing erection in his pants.

'Well, that's not that hard to believe, considering the way we're dressed…' Pyrrha studied their outfit choice. Both of them were wearing obscenely undersized white sports bras and leggings with 'WHITEED', 'BWC,' and 'QOS' logos around the white hemlines. Between Glynda's abundantly meaty breasts – and tattoos – and Pyrrha's curvy, strong body, there was plenty of eye candy for a man of Jaune's virility - especially their thick, puffy, wet cameltoes. It was incontrovertible that they desired to be violently nailed by him. 'Either way, this isn't good… Let me give him a hand- Oh?' Just as she intended to act, Jaune impressed her.

He got tired of Glynda's attitude and forcefully turned her around, flattening her curvy, thick, moldable ass against his crotch.

In what must have been the biggest and fastest change in facial expression that Pyrrha had ever seen, Glynda's eyes rolled up right away and her tongue shot out while her body trembled aggressively. "Uuuuuuuungh ♡!! You perverted nigger… ♡! Taking advantage of your own teacher… ♡!"

"You're the one asking me to fuck you hard!"

"Nghhhhhhhh… ♡! That still means you're a pervert… ♡! How dare you touch my body this way… ♡?! White cocks have no respect for breedable white women… ♡! All you think about is breeding white pussy… ♡! And turning innocent white girls white with your superior cocks… ♡! I order you to stop this right now… ♡! And beg for forgiveness on your knees… ♡! Mnghoooooooooooh ♡♡!!" Glynda was instantly shut up by Jaune forcing a hand into her leggings and shoving his fingers into her pussy.

"What are you even asking for, you dumb teacher?! You think you can just insult me like that, tell me to fuck you, and then backtrack out of nowhere?! Look at you! You're soaked!" Without giving her any time to breathe, Jaune started pumping his fingers in and out of her slit at heartless pace, tearing the hemline of her undersized leggings due to his big hand and forearm.

"Hoh ♡! Oh ♡! Ngh ♡! Ungh ♡! No, no stoop… ♡! Nigger… ♡! Evil asshole… ♡! Rapist… ♡! You monster… ♡! You can't treat your teacher this way… ♡! I don't want this… ♡! Nghhhoooh… ♡!" Glynda continued to spew out random insults, ignoring the reality that she was already cumming hard enough to nearly lose her balance and fall forward if not for Jaune's muscular arm embracing her right under the chest line, making her smashed boobs pop out even more. "I'll make you pay for this… ♡! Nghhuuuuuuugh… ♡! Even if you make me… ♡! Cum… ♡! Nigger… ♡! Rapist… ♡!"

"Seriously…?! Pick your lane…!" He slowed his fingering, worried about the words coming out of her mouth.

"Don't stop it." Pyrrha moved toward them, leaning over enough to bring her eyes level with Glynda and offer Jaune a generous cleavage peek. "I see what sort of woman our teacher is now." She could not help but smirk.


"Let go… ♡! You retarded savage- Khh!" Glynda was forced shut by Pyrrha's hand on her neck, squeezing her windpipe.

"Just finger her like crazy." Pyrrha chuckled. "Ignore the bullshit she's saying. She's just a stupid powerbottom – the dumb and provoking kind. She's trying to get a rise out of you, Jaune… No idea whether she's doing it on purpose, though."

"You're saying our teacher is a brat?"

"Yes. A whiteed brat." With her free hand, Pyrrha tore off Glynda's sports bra, making her oversized N-cups burst out. "Oh? Inverted nipples…?" She tilted her head, intrigued. "Oh, no… Just take a look." It only took a few pokes for her large, thick nipples to pop out. "You're THAT aroused, huh, Teacher…?' She grabbed both nipples with one hand and pulled them back as far as she could, stretching her fat tits like a rubber band. "Look at her. If I pull a little harder, I bet I could rip these slutty nipples off her. Yet…"

"Mnghhhhhh ♡! Nhghhhhhhh ♡! Ghhhhhhnnnn ♡!" Glynda spasmed and grunted mindlessly, losing her balance to the point of turning into mush on Pyrrha's and Jaune's holds – due to their inverted nature, she was unused to having her nipples directly played with. Her eyes rolled back, and drool leaked fast and indecently from her mouth. The only thing keeping her from spewing new insults or moaning hard were Pyrrha's cruel fingers dug into her neck.

"See? Not only is she a whiteed brat, but she's a glass cannon. Look how much she's cumming from just a bit of tit abuse. What's the point of having these big mommy knockers if you can barely take it? To think our professional-looking teacher would be such a whore… Well… Maybe you like stupid sluts like her, right, Jaune? I won't judge you if you do… In fact…" Pyrrha let go of Glynda's nipples, making her enormous breasts shoot back like springs, resulting in new, fierce spasms. Then, she gently grabbed Jaune's hand in Glynda's leggings and moved it back and forth at a slow pace to reignite his fingerbanging. "…It's a huge turn-on for me if you really manhandle the shit out of this bimbo. She's a little cock-hungry slut, and you're a tall, strong man…"

Jaune followed her lead and resumed the aggressive fingerbanging, pummeling Glynda's puffy, wet lips with his girthy fingers.

"Mnghhhhhhh… ♡! Uuuuuuungh ♡!" As professed by Pyrrha, Glynda was indeed overly sensitive, quaking under the pressure of having her pussy destroyed by his digits.

The redhead released Glynda's neck and circled around to Jaune's back. "Very good… I love those sounds… You're really ruining her…" She hugged Jaune from behind, grabbing and torturing Glynda's nipples again – a feat that was possible due to Pyrrha being the tallest person in the room. "You're so manly and dominant… I always knew just by looking at you…" Pyrrha whispered in Jaune's ear in a sweet voice. "Strong, hung men have every right to destroy braindead cumholes like her… Or me."

"Pyrrha, you're sounding like much more of a slut than I expected you to be." Jaune looked her dead in the eyes while continuing to bully Glynda's drenched hole.

"Ghhhhhhh ♡! Oooooooh… ♡!"

"I'm only a slut for white kings like you… Niggers with huuung cocks and dominant attitudes…" She licked Jaune's ear while giving him a lewd stare. "…Make sure to also abuse my holes lots, okay? I might not be a dumb bimbo like our teacher, but I'm still a worthless cockhole for big white Faunus cocks. You can't forget that my sole purpose is to please white kings aaaaall day long, aaaall the time. Look at how much my tattoo is glowing… As much as this stupid blonde's." She pulled and released Glynda's nipples multiple times, making her stacked body ripple in orgasms.

"Let's get to that now, then." Jaune released Glynda, letting her tumble forward with unstable footing.

"Nghuuuu ♡… You pig ♡… You can't just destroy my pussy with your hand like that… ♡! Filthy nig- Nghhh!" Before she could restart her complaints, Jaune pulled her onto the bed, fully tore her leggings off, and immediately shoved three fingers in her pussy while keeping them in a hook shape. "Oooooooooh ♡! Nghooooooooh ♡!"

"Just fucking cum and stop bitching so much, teacher…!"

"Very nice… You know how to manhandle a stupid snowbunny, don't you, Jaune?" Seeing Glynda get cruelly pleased made Pyrrha wet to the point of staining her leggings and breathing heavily. "…You're such a fucking stud… Oh?" Her attention was soon drawn to his lower body.

Jaune lowered his pants, exposing his colossal 36-inch white cock. "Instead of using your mouth to sweet-talk me, why don't you use it to milk me?"

"That's so mean of you. Are you implying that I'm just a set of tits, ass, and mouth to please big nigger cocks?" She stared down at him with a smug smile and squatted down until her face was well below his, facing his hanging cock with a depraved smile. "…Because you'd be exactly right. I'm just a cocksleeve for your big white cock… ♡!" She let her tongue out and gave his full dick a slow lick, coating it in saliva; Because of his absurd size, she needed to renew her saliva multiple times to trace the full length.

"If you're a cocksleeve, what are you doing just licking it?"

"I'm measuring how long it is. This is the biggest I've ever seen…! So thick too…!" Her chest heaved increasingly faster, turned on by the strong odor. "Blake and Yang must have suuuch a hard time sucking this big nigger schlong… But you don't have to worry. They have nothing on me in terms of being a meathole for big white cocks. I'll show you, okay? Khhh…!" She flinched slightly due to Jaune suddenly grabbing her hair and pulling hard. "What is it, King…?"

"Are you just going to stand there insulting my girls?"

"You're so right! Sorry for forgetting my role as your hole, King!" Pyrrha grabbed his cock – noting its unbelievable weight – aligned it with her facehole and… "GHLUUUUUUUUUUUUUURGHHHHHHHHH!!!" …Did a feat so unimaginable that Jaune looked at her dumbfounded for a few seconds: She took the entire length in a single go.

The cock was so long and thick that it completely reshaped her skin from the neck down to the stomach, bulging out to degrees that would seem mortal to any normal woman; Yet, to her, a top-notch, devoted BWC slut, it looked easy, going as far as sporting a smug, erotic smile despite her puffed cheeks. 'He loves it…! And this cock tastes so great… ♡! This is the manliest musk I've ever savored… I love feeling my lips against his ripped crotch… Muscular white guys are the best, and Faunuses are even better! This is the cock of a lifetime...! Jaune is used to Blake and Yang's amateur efforts, but I'm a professional cocksucker. Sorry, girls, but I might ruin him for you two. He's my white king now…!' She made sure to maintain constant eye contact to entice Jaune even more, showing her submissive passion in full.

It worked perfectly. Still in shock over her expert oral intake, his cock throbbed violently inside her throat as if trying to break free. "Ghlurhhh… Bhrluuurgh…" Pyrrha gurgled in pain but did not move an inch, keeping her spit-coated lips stuck to the base of his cock, drooling on his crotch. 'Let's play with his big globes here too…' She used a hand to grab his heavy sack and massage it. 'So hard…! So much cum to pump out…! Does he want me to facefuck him myself? Or does HE want to break my face with his dick? He's got really strong legs… I bet he could break my face with this dick and make me choke out on it… Aaah, I'll accept anything, just stuff me with white nut…! Make me gag like a whore…!'

"Nghhhhhh ♡! Ooooooooh ♡! You stupid… ♡! Nigger… ♡! Is this the best… ♡! You can do… ♡?!" On the bed, the moaning Glynda seemed to be adapting to the furious fingerbanging. "I'm not going to be happy… ♡! With just this… ♡! Can't you tell my womanly body… ♡! Can only be sated with a proper dicking?!"

"I'm busy right now, can't you tell?" Jaune smacked her pussy, making her body crunch and shower him with unexpected squirting.

"Oooooooh ♡! Hah… ♡! Hah… ♡! So…?! I'm your teacher…! I have priority…! I demand that you shove that- Oooooooooh ♡!" Again, she was cut off by Jaune's brutal hand.

"Where do you get off acting all tough when you cum like a broken toy?! Seriously, what is THIS?!" He pulled both her nipples until her upper body was slightly in the air; Then, he let go, making her collapse like dead weight while her nipples dug into her breasts from the sheer force, returning to their initial inverted state.

"Mnghhhhoooooooooh ♡♡!!" They did not remain like that for long, soon popping out due to sheer arousal. "You…! You can't… Nghhhhhhhh ♡!"

Pyrrha read the situation and made a decision. 'I see. He's distracted by her. In that case, let me help you, my hung white king! You deserve my full love and devotion… And lust.' With incredible speed and skill, she moved her head all the way back while using a hand to keep his enormous cock straight in the air – both difficult feats, due to its length and weight – and then shot her head forward at full force until her nose and lips were again sunk against his trimmed pubic hair. "Ghluuuuuuurgh ♡! Shluuuuuuurhp ♡!"

"W-wow…" She did it in such a smooth motion that Jaune got distracted again. "Pyrrha, you're-"

"What's wrong with you, stupid nigger?!" Glynda refused to share attention. "Can't you- Ooooooooh ♡!" …So Jaune continued to slap her pussy silly and pull on her nipples, making them burn red as more and more squirt hosed out of her rippling, meaty body. "Uuuuuuuungh ♡!"

While he worked hard at keeping their bratty teacher satisfied… "Ghluuurgh ♡! Bhluuuuurgh ♡! Shluuuuurp ♡!" …Pyrrha used her strong muscles to keep herself stable in a squatting stance while shooting her head far back and far forward. "Bhluuuuuuurgh ♡! Ghluuuuuuuurgh ♡!" Of all the cocks she had ever gobbled and serviced before, Jaune's was by far the most challenging. "Bhrluuuuuuurgh ♡! Shluuuuuuuuurp… ♡!" …But also the most satisfying, making her crotch tingle hard. 'I am getting this vascular cock all lubed up so that it can destroy my pussy soon…! Suck hard…! Drool on its lots…! The wetter it is, the better he'll pound the shit out of me…! And make it nut! Make it nut all the way into my stomach…! His precum is already amazing, I can't wait for the cum itself…! I want him to know how much I exist just to be bred by him…!'

It did not take long for her face to turn into a puddly mess of spit, bubbles, and precum, with her eyes barely holding open due to collateral splash caused by her constant, deep head movements. Jaune's cock was so girthy that each motion was a violent struggle between his cock being crushed and her tight throat being expanded. His veins were so thick that they pushed her neck out, perfectly visible on the outside; Similarly, her abs repeatedly bulged with the head of his cock pushing all the way down her muscular physique.

Pyrrha was fully committed to using her body as a literal cocksleeve for Jaune's powerful, rugged, worthy white cock. 'I'll ruin my face for you, Jaune… ♡! I'm your snowbunny bimbo… ♡! Use my body however you want… ♡! I love how it scrapes on my throoooat… ♡! I'll be hoarse for days… ♡! My face will smell of white Faunus cock for weeks… ♡! My body will remember this taste for months… ♡! I feel it all burning up… I'm going to get pounded so hard by the cock that I'm lubing right now… ♡!' Fully immersed in the degrading, degenerate act of destroying her face with his gigantic cock, Pyrrha had little regard for how bizarre her face looked due to the love juices and borderline-dislocated jaw. 'Suck… ♡! Suck… ♡! Suck… ♡!' Again and again, she used her face like an emotionless pussyhole for his pleasure. Naturally, she felt plenty of pain and oxygen deprivation from the act; She just did not care.

"Bhrluuuuuuurgh ♡! Ghluuuuuuurgh ♡!" While her white king focused on keeping Glynda sedated with heartless pussy slaps and nipple torture, she had to milk him hard and continuously with her throat, swirling her tongue around his length as much as possible to coat it in saliva – a difficult task, thanks to how little room she had between her lips. 'Look at his abs flexing…! He's loving my cocksucking lips…!'

"Fuck, screw this shit…! Come here, you bratty teacher…!" Pissed, Jaune grabbed Glynda by the hair and put her behind, forcefully pulling her tongue out of her mouth. "Instead of being a bratty tease, use that to make up for all the bullshit you said so far- Holy fuck, your tongue is long as hell! This thing is literally made to suck dick!"

Pyrrha glanced for a second to verify it. 'Amazing…! Teacher, not only is your body made to be abused and degraded by hunky, hung men, but your tongue is made to serve them, isn't it?! That's so long…!'

"Ngh ♡!" Even a bit of degrading insulting was enough to make Glynda quiver, though she did her best to hold an angry face. "How dare you speak to me that way?! I'll have you know, I am an EXCELLENT cocksucker, but that does not mean I was born for it, even if niggers like you CONSTANTLY rape my face for funsies! That said, if you're so impulsive and ruthless that you can't hold back, I will, AGAINST MY WILL, suck-"

"Shut up!" He slapped her face, nearly making her tumble to the side. "Pyrrha's already giving me a way better blowjob than a bimbo like you could. Just eat my ass."

"Hmph ♡! Fine…! I'll eat your ass like a little slut, but only because you're offering me no choice and physically imposing yourself on me like a dominant, powerful nigger!" Contradicting her angry look, she drooled and trembled while small volumes of pussy juice gushed out of her burning pussy.

"Yeah, get to it!" For good measure, Jaune gave her nipples a violent flick, forcing a few more spasms out of her before she got to her task.

"Mnghhhhhhhm…!" Glynda did not hold back at all once she got to it. With an enthusiasm that matched her brattiness, she reached around and grabbed Jaune's legs for support while burying her face into his muscular asscheeks with her tongue out. "Brlrlrlrlrhunghhhh…!" With no pause for breath or restraint, Glynda swung her long tongue up and down, bathing his asshole in a sloppy, fervent fashion.

'I love white men who know they're superior and put dumb whores like her down… Let me keep showing my love for you by giving this cock a nice throatfuck, my king…!' Pyrrha continued to frenziedly launch her head back and forth across the monstrous 36-inch white cock, until… 'Hm…? He grabbed the sides of my head…?' Confused, she locked up to meet Jaune's eyes.

It was obvious what he intended to do now that Glynda had stopped robbing his attention.

…And Pyrrha had no intention of resisting. 'Ah… Go ahead, then… Really fuck me up with your BWC, you alpha stud…!'

Jaune sank his fingers into her hair, gritted his teeth, and brutally plunged his hips forward. "GHLUUUURGH!!!" He pulled them all the way back to the tip…

…And then no longer stopped, drilling Pyrrha's face like a lifeless, wet hole meant to take his savagery. "GHLUUUURH! BHRLUUUUURGH!! SHLUUUUUUURPP!!" The act was so vicious and frantic that Pyrrha was unable to maintain steady eye contact with him, having to use all her focus just to keep her tiptoes-squatting stance stable. "BRHLUUUUUUURGH!! GHLUUUUUUURGH!!" If not for Jaune ruthlessly holding her head in place, she would easily tumble over. As a good QOS slut, she had no choice but to endure the girthy, pulsating, veiny cock gouging out every bit of her oral cavity while tears ran down the eyes of her ruined face.


'…Oooooh, yeeeeees…!' Realizing what was about to happen, Pyrrha grabbed Jaune's arms for extra support and tensed her body as much as she could – all to give his enormous, hard cock as much crushing friction as possible.

It was time to gulp down the best cumload of her life.

"BRHHHHHHHGLLLLLLNGHHHHHH ♡♡!!!" The moment when Jaune started pumping semen directly into her stomach was easy to determine; After all, his cock expanded multiple inches in size simply from the ejaculatory pumps. If that was not proof enough, Jaune impulsively squeezed her head, keeping her eyes, nose, and lips totally glued to the base of his shaft.

It was so, so much cum. Easily the thickest, stickiest, most delicious cumload Pyrrha had ever savored in her life.

…Also the longest.

He just kept cumming and cumming. The more he shot, the more he pushed her face against his crotch, smashing her eyes into tankness. Behind him, Glynda continued to maniacally eat his ass, unaware of what was even happening due to how sex-crazed and immersed she was.

Gradually, Pyrrha's face turned pink… Then red… Then veins formed all over her face and neck…

It was just a matter of time until she passed out. Unless Jaune finished cumming soon and released her, she would choke out while getting dense, scented cum barraged straight into her stomach.

…Based on the pace with which her 8-pack abs were expanding into a small belly, Jaune had no intention of finishing his ejaculation any time soon. If anything, Glynda's mindless ass-licking was extending it by a substantial margin.

"Bhlrhrlhl…! Shlrhlrhl…! Stupid nigger…! Making me eat your ass…! Just because it's so tasty…! You'll see…! Bhrlhrl…!"

'This is perfectly fine.' Pyrrha's arms collapsed to the side as her consciousness veered away. 'Use my body to milk as much as you can from your amazing balls… That's what I'm here for… You white stud…'

Indeed, Jaune's orgasm was nowhere near finished.

Pyrrha passed out while her legs shook in orgasmic ecstasy.

The first of many to come.


"Mnghhuuuuuuuuh ♡!! What ♡?!" Pyrrha woke from her slumber with a massive jolt of ecstasy traveling through her body. Her clothes had been torn off. "Oooooooh ♡!!" Before she could even grasp her surroundings, her legs were already quaking; A voluminous jet of love juices shot out of her pussy and landed straight on…

"Bhrluhrhlu!!!" …Glynda's face. Jaune was holding her by the hair in front of Pyrrha's legs; With his other hand, he fingerbanged Pyrrha into squirting and waking up. "Stop this nonsense…! Her cum tastes good, but what I need is white dick…!" Her brattiness remained incessant.

"I'm not going to reward your awful behavior, Teacher." He slapped her ass and spat on her face, making her groan in masochistic pleasure – even if she refused to admit it.

"You're right. You shouldn't." Pyrrha got up from the bed and licked Glynda's face with a smirk. "Bratty isn't good. Instead, let the whore who gave you a nasty suck handle the reward…" She moved to Jaune's side and started massaging his balls to express her feelings.

"You recovered way quicker than I thought." He addressed Pyrrha while bullying Glynda's ass and pussy with his hands.

"Ghhhhhhhhn ♡!!"

"These muscles aren't for show. I have a body thoroughly trained and hardened to endure a TON of white dicking."

"Is that why you have this?" Jaune grabbed her nipple chain. "Connecting your sweet nipples with a chain, huh…?"

"It's so big white alphas like you can easily pull me down and give me the abuse I deserve as a white whore. That's what I get for being so tall… Feel free to tug on it whenever you want a nice suck or ass-eating…" She bit her lips.

"I see… So you want a reward now, is that it…?" Jaune let go of Glynda – who was left recovering and panting on the bed – and brought Pyrrha in with a ruthless hand to the ass. "You're starting to sound as bratty as her."

"No, I'm different." Pyrrha shoved her tongue into his mouth while gradually inching him toward the bed. 'Teacher might have the longest tongue, but mine is the sluttier by far…' With ease, she moved her tongue into his mouth in a submissive way – yet clearly in control – to show her devotion as his cockhole. "I'm not asking for a reward. Instead, *I'll* reward *you*."

"Huh? What does that- Woah!" Pyrrha pushed him against the bed with enough strength to make him almost roll backward. Before he could stand up again, Pyrrha climbed on the bed and held his legs in place, high up in the air.

…And then she aligned the tip of his gigantic white Faunus cock with her drenched pussy. "You never did it like this, did you?" She looked down at him with a lustful smile, enjoying the view of her sex juices dripping down on his erect cock and traveling all the way down to his abs, chest, and face.

"I think Yang might like this position…!"

"She might, but she can't pull it off." Pyrrha tilted her head with an arrogant expression. "You need to be an experienced white-owned slut for this one. Now, as your personal cockhole, let me reward you for being such a handsome white king." Pyrrha squatted down on his cock at full force. "NGHHHHHHHHH ♡!" Though she maintained her eyes locked with his, her arrogant smile instantly shifted into clenched teeth to cope with the massive strain on her body. "F-fuuuuuuuuck… ♡! I've never had one this big… ♡! Look at my abs… ♡! So fucking hot… ♡!" A huge bulge popped out on her midsection, leading all the way to her cleavage. "This is what a 36-inch white cock can do…! This is what it means to get bred as a snowbunny… ♡! Jaune, you deserve to get the best pussy in the world, and that means me… ♡!"

"Khhhhhh…!" Jaune had trouble keeping up with her dirty talk. "…You're so fucking tight…! You're crushing my dick…! Shit…!"

"Yes, I am! I can do it more too…" She flexed her abs. "Nghhhhhhh ♡!!"

Jaune's eyes momentarily shot into the back of his head, returning a millisecond later. "There's no way you can keep that up…!"

"You didn't like it?"

"It hurt like hell, but it also felt super good. But there's NO way you can keep that up. Look at your legs!"

Pyrrha followed his gaze; Her legs were trembling so much that it looked like she was on the verge of collapse at any moment. "Ah, well… I did just crash myself down on a 36-inch white cock, didn't I…? No way around the shaking… But this isn't exhaustion. I'm cumming."

"Khhhhhh… No, you're not…! You're totally overdoing yourself…!"

"Nope. I'm cumming sooooooo much right now. Aaaaah…" Her head fell back and she let out a joyous sigh. "It's so great to feel packed with a fat cock… I feel it all the way up to my boobs… Can't you tell I'm cumming by how I'm squeezing? Why don't I provide you proof? It's coming right up…" Pyrrha looked at him again with a renewed smirk of arrogance.

A few seconds later, her eyes twitched as large gushes of pussy juice fired out of her packed hole, painting Jaune's face with her fluids. "Very goooood ♡… I'm cumming so much without moving ♡! All thanks to your cock being so girthy and twitchy. Hm…? Jaune? Are you…?"

Jaune was gritting his teeth and squinting his eyes desperately. Pyrrha's tight, involuntary squeezes were giving his hard cock stimulation like never before; As a dominant man who always controlled the pace of sex, it was difficult to handle Pyrrha taking charge of his dick.

"Ah, I see… And you're about to cum, too, aren't you? Let me help out." Pyrrha twisted her body slightly and pulled Glynda by the hair with a single hand. "Don't just sulk over there. You're not tired yet, are you, Teacher?" She gently dropped her on top of Jaune's face, facing her while her pussy was perfectly aligned with his mouth.

"Ghhhn ♡… Give me that white dick…!" Glynda was, indeed, not tired yet; She had simply been swarmed by prolonged mini-orgasms due to how viciously Jaune bullied her pussy and clit earlier with his fingers. "Ooooh, fuck ♡… His vile tongue is so slippery… ♡! Mnghhhh?! Mnnnnhhhmm ♡…" Her complaints were quickly suppressed by Pyrrha invading her mouth with her tongue, taking her into a sloppy makeout session that dripped thick strands of saliva directly onto Jaune's abs.

"Muah! Jaune, I feel you pulsating. I'm going to start moving now, alright? You can take out all your masculine energy on Glynda's worthless whore pussy while I work hard to give your cock the white king treatment it deserves. Don't worry… You're going to love this position."

"Oooooooh… ♡!" Glynda answered for Jaune, moaning as he used his mouth to pull on her tender pussy lips, then letting them go like rubber bands; The collision back against her body made her Winchesterh for a split-second and then immediately crunch forward in squirting orgasm, ruining the bed further and drenching Jaune's face with more female sex juices. "Nghhoooooooh ♡! He's destroying my hole with his big nigger lips… ♡! Hooooo- Mnghhmmmmmm ♡!!!" She was promptly silenced by Pyrrha again, with a gentle hand on her neck controlling her breathing and ability to speak.

"You should use that word in a more positive way. Like this: I'm about to give this huge, juicy nigger cock the ride of its life." Pyrrha let out a final giggle before she raised herself all the way to her tiptoes – a necessary length, due to his absurd size – and then squatted down at full speed. "Oooh ♡!" Her body spasmed aggressively while squirt gushed from her own pussy, showering Glynda. She then raised her hips again…

…And there was no more slowing down or pausing.

"HOOOH ♡! OOOH ♡! NGHOOH ♡! HAH ♡! UNGH ♡! NGHH ♡! MNGHH ♡! GHNNN ♡! GUUUH ♡! UUUNGH ♡! HOOOOH ♡!" Pyrrha repeatedly squatted up and down on Jaune's humongous member while keeping his legs up in an Amazon press. Between his distraction with Glynda's gushing pussy, the spasms of pleasure coursing through his body, and Pyrrha using her hands to hold his legs in place whenever they started moving, it was easy to keep the white Dragon Faunus in check.

…Especially after he learned what a treat it was to savor a delicious, soaked pussy while a strong woman like Pyrrha gave his cock the violent pussy milking it deserved. His satisfaction was blatantly represented by Glinda's continuous moans of euphoric pleasure, caused by his constant bullying of her wet hole. "Mnghhhh ♡! Nghhhhmm ♡! Ooooooh ♡! Hooooooh… ♡!"

"This is a beautiful sight… ♡!" The one orgasming the hardest was Pyrrha, who was aggressively raising and crashing her beefy body against his colossal white cock, girthy enough to challenge her forearm's thickness. "Ooooooh ♡! This is the best ♡! Ungh ♡! Fuuuuuck ♡! It's destroying my body ♡! Oooooh ♡! My womb is getting… ♡! Nghhuuuuh ♡! All messed up… ♡! My head too… ♡! Nghoooooh ♡! I never thought it was possible… ♡! Ghhhhnnn ♡! But this perfect cock… ♡! Might be able to… ♡! Mnghuuuuuh ♡! Make me go stupid… ♡! Oooooooh ♡!"

"I'm not shtupid ♡! Don't call me shtuupid ♡! Shtupid nigger ♡! Ooooooooh ♡!" Glynda lacked self-awareness AND awareness of what was going on; Her mind was gone from the moment Jaune first touched her. "Oooooooooh ♡! Uuuuuungh ♡! Can't shtop ghuuumming ♡! Use that shtupid mouth ♡! To serve my white pussshyyyyy ♡! Nghhhhhh ♡!" …Even in a state of confusion, she continued to insult, ignoring any slap that Pyrrha dished out to her face.

"Well, that's fine. Mnghh ♡! I'll just focus on my own thing ♡! Oooooooh ♡!" Pyrrha ignored Glynda and fully focused on the masculine sight of Jaune's shredded abs contracting and sweating with the physical strain forced on him by her own shredded body. "Servicing huge cocks like these is the best ♡! Why should they do the hard thrusting work… ♡? White whores like me are the ones who need to… ♡! Mnghhhh ♡! Suck and ride… ♡! And know our place… ♡! Hooooooooh ♡! All white cocks should be… ♡! Serviced like this… ♡! Always… ♡! Nghoooooooooh ♡!"

"Shtupid, shtupid, shtupiiiiiid ♡!" The half-conscious Glynda could not even keep her eyes properly open due to how much sweat dripped down her hair – she had been stuck in semi-endless orgasm loops for a while now. "Nigger ♡! Nigger ♡! Ooooooooh ♡!"

Seeing such a prestigious woman – their teacher – in such a deplorable mental state due to Jaune's domination of her body turned Pyrrha on more – and encouraged her to contribute to Glynda's collapsing mind. "If my white king is wrecking your mind so much, let me join…!" Pyrrha pulled on Glynda's nipples until they were on the verge of ripping off her body…

"OOOOOOooooooh ♡!!!"

…And then let go until they dug back into her breasts, turning inverted once more.

"UUUUUUunnnnnnghhhhh ♡!!!"

It never took more than five seconds for them to pop back out; A simple consequence of how surreally turned-on she was.

Pyrrha immersed herself in mistreating Glynda's nipples while viciously bouncing her meaty body up and down on Jaune's superb length. Glynda's ripples, squirts, and moans allowed her to ignore the pain of having such a big cock distending her body all the way to her chest, enabling her to focus exclusively on the pleasure. "This is so gooooood… ♡! I've never felt so full of dick before… ♡! And I've never squirted so much either… ♡! Nghooooooooh ♡!"

This chaotic sex act kept going and going for many minutes, until Pyrrha felt something very hot shoot into the back of her womb. "Huh?"

It made her stop.

Jaune had started ejaculating. Based on how much he stuffed into her throat earlier, it would likely be a sizable volume. It would certainly be nigh unbearable to handle taking it all directly to her womb.

"Yes ♡! Yes ♡! Yeeeees ♡!" …So she resumed bouncing on his cock immediately, somehow at a faster pace. Pyrrha was 100% devoted to destroying herself and Glynda as much as she had to in order to maximize Jaune's pleasure. 'This is what servicing white kings is all about… ♡! I feel so fulfilled as a woman… ♡! Oooooooooh ♡!'

"Mnghhhhhhm ♡! Nghhhhhhhhmmm ♡!" Glynda's groans and moans became more erratic due to Jaune's pussy-eating also ramping up; The shock from feeling his huge cock being milked and crushed at its most sensitive moment inevitably made him quiver to entirely new degrees. Because of the position he was in, the only way to vent that physical stress was to more violently suck and lap on Glynda's hole.

"Hah ♡! Hah ♡! Hah ♡! Hah ♡! Uuuuuungh ♡!" At no point did Pyrrha slow down, even though her own body was quaking and trembling in impeditive ways. Any other woman would be forced to pause and endure his entire barrage of sperm before continuing, but not her; Self-destruction at the hands of massive white cocks was the only style of life Pyrrha could accept. As a conscientious, effortful woman, she would brutalize herself as much as needed to maximize his satisfaction.

After a long time of mindless groaning and grunting, all three of them had finished their intense orgasms. Jaune was left panting, Pyrrha was left panting, and Glynda was left-

"Nghhuuuh ♡… Dick ♡… Give me a nigger dick already ♡…"

Despite being momentarily tired, Pyrrha could not avoid laughing at Glynda. "I think our teacher might be a bit broken. Ghhh…" She struggled to speak properly due to the strain of having a small cum belly in place of her eight-pack abs.

"Nigger dick… You can't help but rape me… Just do it… You pig…" Glynda could hardly sit in place, collapsing on Pyrrha's ample chest, drooling on it. "Diiick… Give me diiiick…

"You're never going to get a white king like Jaune to give you what you want if you ask that way, you know… ♡?" Pyrrha mocked Glynda with a sweet tone, caressing her hair. "If you ask for it nicely, maybe he will-"

"Please give my slutty white pussy a lot of nigger love ♡!" Glynda wailed without hesitation.

Whether because she could no longer handle waiting, or because she needed Pyrrha's push, she finally dropped the brattiness and asked for it in a nice, submissive way.

Pyrrha glanced at Jaune. The way he looked at Glynda was a clear answer to what he was about to do.

"What a lucky woman. I'm jealous." Pyrrha let go of Jaune's legs and released him from the Amazon press, getting out of the bed while carrying Glynda in her arms. "Fuck ♡… I came a little with that pullout. Ah, what a shame, it's all leaking onto the floor… Maybe I'll lick it up after." She felt sad about all the cum running down her legs.

"Please give me a nigger dick ♡… Please ♡…" Glynda continued to beg while carried by Pyrrha. She was remarkably single-minded.

Jaune got up after them, sweaty and panting but still strong and ready to fuck. His cock was so hard that it managed to stand up despite its absurd weight. "Alright. I'm going to give you what you want, Teacher. Put her here, Pyrrha." He flicked his dick multiple times, barely making it move.

"Facing which side?"


"Oh, my. I really am jealous." Pyrrha raised Glynda's body with ease and positioned her right above Jaune's glans. "Do I need to be nice with this cumhole?"

"Obviously not." Jaune adjusted his arms in front of him to grab Glynda's legs once…

…Pyrrha released her. "NGHOOOOOOOOOOOH ♡♡♡!!!!" Her heavy, meaty body – a courtesy of her absurd N-cup breasts – collapsed down to half his shaft; At the same time, Jaune grabbed her legs from under her knees and raised her feet all the way above her head into a Nelson hold. "NGHUUUUUUUUUUUUUH ♡♡♡!!!" She entered a convulsion so erratic that only a man as strong and sexually ruthless as Jaune could keep her tightly restrained. Her toes and fingers curled with the whirlwind of masochistic pleasure battering her brain, with massive hoses of squirt firing directly onto Pyrrha's chest.

"Teacher, your sex juices feel kind of good." Pyrrha perked her chest out to let more of it land directly on her erect nipples. "So hot and sticky… But I'm more interested in this thing here…" Pyrrha caressed the length of cock that remained outside Glynda's impaled pussy. "…You're telling me she couldn't take all of you? Don't tell me her cervix is in the way.

"No…! She's just…! Khh…! Really fucking tight…! I don't think I pushed all the way in yet…!"

"Ah, I see… But you're going to fix that soon, won't you…?" Pyrrha walked to his side, aiming to kiss and hug him while he wrecked Glynda's pussy in the hardcore sex position.

To her surprise, Jaune temporarily let go of one of Glynda's legs and tugged on her nipple chains with enough strength to make her fall to her knees. "Eat my ass."

"Hah ♡…" Pyrrha looked up at him. The sight of the muscular, handsome, sweaty white Faunus made every girly instinct in her body burn with desire. "Yes, my king… ♡! I know my place on the floor… ♡! Sorry if I got too cocky… ♡!" She immediately crawled to his behind and buried her face into his asscheeks. "Ghhhhlllllll ♡…" Jaune's asshole was still soaked from Glynda's prior ass-eating, but she intended to fully repaint it with her own spit.

"Nghoooooooooh ♡! Oooooooooh ♡! Uuuuuuungh ♡! NGHHHUUUUUUUUGH ♡! HOOOOOOOOOH ♡! CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMIIIIIIIIIING ♡♡♡!!!" Glynda's howls made the situation on her side of the threesome abundantly obvious: Jaune was hammering her pussy with the necessary brutality to soon hilt his entire cock deep into her womb – and then some.

Every now and then, Pyrrha backed away from Jaune's asshole to gulp down all her tainted spit and take a glance at what was happening on the other side of his sculpted body. 'Squirting again…? Every time I look, she's squirting…! Teacher, aren't you too much of a whore for someone in such a position of power…? Look at her…!'

Because of Glynda's generously curvy body – a significant understatement – her flesh rippled and quaked far more than it should when held into such a tight restraint. Jaune's Nelson hold was heartless, stretching her legs to the point that she felt visible pain. Yet, even then, her flesh still rippled again and again due to the power of his claps against her thick legs and rear, sending earthquakes all the way to her massive tits. They did not spend a single moment in place, always swinging up and down in rhythm with his callous slams, which drowned the room in interminable squelching due to how much Glynda clamped down with her wet walls.

"There's a huge nigger cock destroying my woooomb ♡♡! Hoooooooh ♡! Nghooooooooooh ♡! Ooooooh, it's going all the way iiiiiiinnnn ♡!!!" It did not take Jaune long to fully skewer her.

"Stop struggling so much, you dumb bimbo…!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuungh ♡! You filthy rapiiiiist ♡! White cocks are the woooooorst… ♡! Ruining the bodies… ♡! Of honest… ♡! White sluuuuuts ♡! Nghooooooooooh ♡!" Glynda's voice was a hoarse mess due to the pressure in her abdomen; The outline of Jaune's cock was easily visible on her skin all the way up to her cleavage, along with every vein and bump.

"Tch! What can I even say to a stupid snowbunny like you?! You already know your place but act all mighty…!"

"Stupid nigger ♡! Stupid nigger ♡! Stupid niggeeeeeeeeeer ♡! Ooooooooooooooooh ♡!" No amount of ramping up in Jaune's ruthless slams got her to drop the act; If anything, it seemed to egg her on further.

'It's not like he can rail her much harder than this. He's already risking breaking her hips or something. If Glynda didn't have so much flesh to act as a shield, he'd have to go lighter… And she's already squirting so much too…! I haven't seen her pussy stop it yet…! Is she tightening up more than me? Is Jaune having a hard time? Fuuuck ♡… I'm cumming just from seeing him manhandle…! Go, my white king…! I'll encourage you from here…!' Pyrrha ate his ass with enough intensity to cover her neck and trapezius muscles in veins; It was the rimjob of her life. 'I have to support my white king… ♡! Even if my pussy is throbbing so much that I'm cumming… ♡! Nghhhhhhnnnn ♡!"

"Yeeeeeeeees ♡! Keep goooooing ♡! Oooooooooh ♡! Uuuuuuuungh ♡! Filthy nigger rapiiiiiiiist ♡! How dare yoooooou ♡! Fuck meeeeee ♡! So muuuuuuch ♡! Oh ♡! Hoh ♡! Nghuuuuuuuuuuuh ♡!" The longer it went on, the hoarser her voice became, but her insults never stopped. "I'm breakiiiing ♡! My pussy is breaking ♡! I'm going to lose it… ♡! You evil villain… ♡! You're destroying my body… ♡! For no reason… ♡! Other than the fact… ♡! That you're a nigger… ♡! Who can't control himself… ♡! Against mature white pussiiiiiiies ♡! Oooooooooooh ♡! Huuh ♡?! What is this?! You're going to… ♡! Knock me up ♡?! Your teacher ♡?!"

"Of course I fucking am! After provoking me this much, you think I'm stopping short of breeding you?!" Jaune's face was covered in anger veins. "You said I'm a nigger who can't control himself, right? Guess you just gotta deal with it!"

"I'm going to turn into a BWC sow… ♡?! A breeding ground for big white Faunus cocks ♡?! A stupid white whore whose purpose is birthing white Faunus babies ♡?! That's my role as a woman now ♡?!"

"Fuck, what are you tightening up more for?! Shit, shit…! Just take my seed, you stupid white bitch…! Don't try to murder mi dick…!"

Glynda was in too much of a primitive mental state to care. "It's coming in… ♡! It's beginning to invade my womb… ♡! I feel it, I feel it, I feel it… ♡! I'm about to become your sow… ♡!"

Realizing what was about to happen, Pyrrha doubled her efforts to get the most cum pumped out Jaune's majestic white balls, massaging them while devotedly slurping on his ass. "Shluuuuuuurp… ♡!" The display of dominance, odor of hardcore sex, and scent of sex fluids overwhelmed her brain, making her squirt all on her own while giving him a maniacal rimjob.

"That's it…! I'm shooting it…!" Jaune tightened up the Nelson hold, lunged all the way in until he was bottomed out, and…


'Huh? What happened?' Pyrrha noticed the distinct cut in Glynda's moans.

"Shit, what?! Fuck, I'm cumming, I don't even know what's happening anymore…! Khhhhhhhhh…!" Jaune seemed confused too; Still, he favored focusing on the massive spurts of semen pumping out of his urethra.

Curious, Pyrrha stopped eating his ass and walked to his front. "Wh-whoah, this is…"

"......…." Glynda's head was tilted, her eyes were rolled up in tears, and her tongue was dangling out of her mouth with an indecent volume of saliva oozing out.

Her brain was overwhelmed with pleasure.

"Amazing… You destroyed her so much that she snapped…!" Pyrrha did not look at it as a sight of horror; Instead, she was amazed and envious. "…I want to feel that someday too…! I want to snap with a big white cock inside me…!" The sight was enough to make her body tremble in new orgasms; If not for her super athletic physique, she would likely need to sit down.

Nevertheless, the lack of sounds from Glynda hardly meant Jaune was done. Glynda's belly expanded in real time with his cock lodged deep within, distending it to inhuman lengths. He was stuffing her with an enormous cumload. Small portions leaked out the sides of her packed pussy lips whenever they twitched, but there was little room due to Jaune's girth.

After over a minute of ejaculation, Jaune finally stopped gritting his teeth, with the tension across his body alleviating. 'Shame… I enjoy his veiny muscle pumps so much…'

"Hah… Hah… What happened to her…? Teacher…? D-did I kill you or something…?"

"...…" No sounds came out of the slutty husk.

"…Relax." Pyrrha raised Glynda off his penis by grabbing her by the breasts – intentionally bruising her massive tits with her hands – and put her on the bed. Small streams of cum began oozing out of her hole – a sign that she was intentionally squeezing to hold as much in as possible. "…She just needs a break. Give it five minutes and she'll be back like the bratty whore that she is.

"Oh… Right…"

Pyrrha walked over to Jaune and put one hand on his chest and another on his cock, gently stroking it and getting her fingers coated in gooey semen and pussy juice. "Right now, you should concern yourself with something else." Pyrrha smirked.

"What? Hey…! Wait…" Jaune was gently pushed on a chair and then mounted by Pyrrha.

"We're nowhere near done yet, right? But I think that's fine…" She aligned the massive cock with her pussy lips and chuckled. "…You're nowhere near done yet."


"Guhhh ♡… Nigger cock ♡… I need more ♡…" Glynda started waking up; Less than a minute had passed.


"Oooooooooooh ♡♡!!" Pyrrha threw her entire body weight down, impaling herself with the huge white cock.

Jaune WAS in for a ride.


"Poor guy… We tired him out… It's okay, it's okay…" Pyrrha sat beside Jaune on the bed, caressing his hair and face while he recovered. "…I guess it gets a little rough after the 150th load, doesn't it…? It's okay…"

"I've never… Been drained this much… How can you still move…? Guuuuuh…"

"Because I was built to serve white kings like you. But, you know, I AM tired. I guess I managed to rest by using our teacher a few times, didn't I…?" She looked at Jaune's lower body.

Glynda was on her fours, licking every inch of his legs, bathing his body with her tongue. "Your semen and sweat taste good… I'll clean you up, you handsome stud…" More exhausted than anyone else in the room, Glynda devoted herself like a zombie to cleansing his body with her mouth.

Both Glynda's and Pyrrha's bodies were covered in sweat, cum, and pussy juice, not to speak of all the bruises on their lower bodies and breasts. Even though they chaotically and ruthlessly double-teamed Jaune, he did not take it easy for even an instant, taking full ownership of both women until he physically could no longer keep going.

"Make sure to lick me clean afterward, okay, Teacher?"

"…Sure… Once I'm done with this guy." Her brattiness mostly subsided after enduring the white cock barrage of her life. "Most importantly… Now that you've bred me so sadistically – or, rather, US – how do you intend to take responsibility, Mr. Obsidianhorn?"

"Take responsibility? Uh… Wh-what do you-"

"You're the best fuck I've ever had and I'm carrying your baby now, so… I want to be your wife. Is that okay? I promise I'll be nicer next time… And I'll lick your body clean and drain your balls every day from now on then."

"Hang on a moment, Teacher. Jaune is a Dragon Faunus. Maybe they have their own customs…?" Pyrrha continued to caress Jaune's hair with a motherly smile on her face; When she was not sexually destroying herself to please a fat white cock, she was kind and caring.

Jaune nodded. "Yeah, that's what I was about to say. Large harems are normal for my people. Since I've knocked you up and you want it so bad, you can be one of my many wives, along with Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha."

"No need to even ask me, huh?" Pyrrha joked. "Well, you are right. I will devote myself to you from now on. I mean, I'm certainly pregnant with your child after all the nut you stuffed in my womb, so it's only right."

"…I'm happy to be one of your girls, then." She showed her appreciation by licking him even more passionately while sporting a silly, infatuated smile. "You're a very good young man."

"I-I feel weird now that she's being all nice." Jaune cringed.

"Shhhh… Let her be a good girl for once. Just rest for now, okay…?" Pyrrha gave him a sweet pecker on the cheek. "You need to rest up to fill me up with a lot of white seed tomorrow again. I've never had sex this good, so I think you've made me a bit dependent on white Faunuses. I bet I was your best pussy too." She winked at him.

"About that… It'd be great if you could train Yang and Blake to have the same stamina as you from now on. I'd say Glynda too, but… Uh… I think I'm afraid of her, so maybe not her."

"If you ask me to, I will, but won't three BWC pros be too much for you…?"

"Dragon Faunus puberties last longer than other people's. I've got five more years of growth left… So you three will need to keep up."

"Sounds very exciting ♡…" Pyrrha smiled.

All his girls were in for a ride.