Walking to school every morning has become a daily routine for Emerald and her sister, Arsalan .
Ever since they had transferred to this new school, the girls found it nice to have some time to catch up on gossip while on their way to their academic departments.
The hot spring sunlight was hitting both of the girls' dark skin, shining on their glistening faces while they read through their history notebooks. It did bother them a little, more because the glazing sun made it much harder to read with the power it was shining.
Emerald, seemingly irritated, closed her notebook shut in a sudden move, and placed it close to her chest, pressing it onto her voluptuous bouncy breasts on which her white school top stretched so wide it was almost going to rip. It attracted attention to her tits that were standing proudly and perky over her smooth stomach, shaped and sculpted to allure and divert any gaze to her ample hips that swayed with every step she took.
"We shouldn't be having a history exam this early in the morning…!" she loudly stated, abruptly standing in place, to which the skin on her thick and meaty thighs reacted by jiggling in waves under her short skirt. The shortness of her skirt barely covered the jelly cake of a fat ass that she had, as much as she tried to be modest.
"I agree." Answered her sister, her stare not moving an inch from her notes, while she still stood in place to stay in sync with Emerald.
Arsalan was the opposite of her. She was a little reserved, more on the shy side, and prioritized her studies over anything. Nevertheless, she also had a curvaceous doll body, and the only way anyone could differentiate her from her twin was that she had shoulder-length hair, while Emerald had ass-length hair.
"Oh come on, we'll study later ! Let's talk about Mr. Jaune instead !" added Emerald, seeking some fun, being way less studious than her sister.
Arsalan 's steps were heard out loud as she initiated her walk again, not wanting to arrive late to school.
"What about him ?" she absently asked, not caring enough.
Emerald's gossipy smile appeared on her face as she got ready to start speaking her mind.
"Have you noticed how much of a square he is ? Always wanting to follow the curriculum, never having any time for fun…" she started, walking a little faster to try and keep up with her sister.
"Isn't that what teachers are supposed to do ?" responded Arsalan quietly, absorbed in her notes while she rushed faster.
The lack of interest hitting Emerald, in addition to having to basically run to catch up with her sister, made her roll her eyes back. "Listen, what if we provoked him with something to see how he'd react ? Plus, you can't deny how much of a sexy piece of white meat he is…" she concluded with an evil smile, to which Arsalan 's eyes widened, making her close her notebook in an instant as she stood in place.
"Emerald ! What are you on about ? And…Something provoking, like what ?" asked Arsalan shyly, a heat of redness rushing to her soft cheeks, matching with the colorful tone of her plump and distinctive full lips.
"Oh come on, don't be acting all innocent…" the lively girl teased her sister while she stood in place, and, taking a hand to her chin to think for a moment, her eyes looking upwards, she tried to come up with a scheme.
A few seconds later and those eyes lit up right as an idea came to her, and she excitedly announced :
"Eureka !" she verbalized while she jumped in place, her bouncy tits covering her view with the force of her happy hopping.
"What ?" her sister asked, as confused as ever, her full focus on Emerald. "You know what ? You'll see later…" finally decided the girl.
The lack of context made Arsalan shrug as she finally diverted her attention back to the sidewalk, acting indifferent. However, she still wondered. What the hell was her sister planning ?
She knew her like the back of her hand ; she knew that Emerald was always up to no good, or maybe up for some trouble.
A few minutes of walking later, and the girls arrived to school. Greeting each of their respective boyfriends with a tight hug and a kiss, they walked their way to class.
Before arriving, Emerald let her sister know, "I'm going to the bathroom." to which her sister ignored her and went to class, as she prepared her things for the day.
It wasn't long until Emerald came back with a big smirk on her face. Nothing looked different about her, and the class started as usual.
Mr. Jaune had arrived, as he broke the loud babbling of his students with his presence, making everyone sit back in their chairs and stare at him striding towards his desk, his tall pale figure, dressed in a palette of beige clothing, passing-by fast, and he deposited his outdated work-bag on it.
As much as his presence was noticeable in the room, he wasn't mean. He was just a white man abiding by the rules, seeming like a progressive person with how he always tried to avoid any confusion and offense towards anyone, making students feel like they could rely on him in any matter, as he always strived for justice and did not tolerate any bullying or unfairness.
"Good morning. We shall begin with our test, now" he said firmly, distributing the papers in silence.
A few minutes in, and Mr. Jaune was slowly walking between the desks, scanning over students' papers as he did so. The room was almost completely silent as students were all focused, the teacher's presence too intimidating to dare move an inch.
The hurried scratches of pens against the paper and Mr. Jaune's shoes against the linoleum were the only signs of life in the entire room, but Arsalan could notice her sister ignore her own paper, a sly smirk on her face.
Right as Mr. Smith crossed over into a new aisle, something clattered against the ground and struck the entire class's attention, every head turning to see the source of the sudden sound. With every eye in the room on Emerald, she mouthed "Sorry !", making everyone's attention return to their tests, but Mr. Jaune's cold glare lingered on Emerald.
The pencil was still on the floor, which the history teacher was near.
He slowly reached down, and Emerald's whisper interrupted the silence again. "Mr. Jaune ! It's okay, I got it !" She said with a smile, but her sister could sense some intentions through that sentence. Maybe some…hypocrisy ?
Being courteous, the teacher signaled with his hand that it was fine, and he still reached for the pencil.
That pencil, nevertheless, was right under Emerald's desk.
Right as Mr. Jaune's head got near the floor, he sensed some movement coming from upwards, to which he responded by looking up. The usual strict and monotone expression he had on his face disappeared, replaced with wide-open eyes, when he saw Emerald's thighs spread apart, from under the desk, and what was revealed to him, made the blood rush to his face as he tried to hide the flustered and flushed cheeks.
She was fully exposed to him from under her skirt, as she did not have any underwear on, her puffy and fat dark pussy exhibited right under his gaze, the spreading of her thighs making her hole open up more to under his stare, and he could clearly see the excitement and the hungriness in her seemingly tight hole, leaking out some of her slick onto the school chair, while she smiled evilly.
The whole scenario could be seen from Arsalan 's peripheral view, which made the shocked girl look around the class to make sure no one was looking. Fortunately, all of the students were focused on her paper, or they seemed to be.
With a small sigh, she looked again under Emerald's desk, and she saw Mr. Jaune hurry up and grab the pen vividly, his face pale as never before, as he stood up quickly and, with a neutral face, he fixed up the folds in his clothing by flattening them up with his hands, and he cleared his voice, breaking the loud silence of the room.
How could he act so naturally? Arsalan thought, shocked by the teacher's ability to act so unbothered and so professional, while having seen one of his sexiest students' horny pussy, right in front of his face.
With every head focused on their paper, the history teacher simply glanced at his watch, like he usually did, and he announced, loudly, "10 minutes left ! Make sure to write down your names !" his voice sounding so natural that Arsalan had to pinch herself to make sure that what she had seen was real.
She looked over to Emerald, and the girl had a massive smile on her face like she was proud of herself, proud of the shameful act she just did on her strict teacher, who seemed to act like it did not happen.
The rest of the test went out with no incident, and, right before the bell, Mr. Jaune announced firmly, "Emerald, I will have to see you in my office at the end of the day."
The mention of his girlfriend's name made Anderson fix his attention on the teacher, a curious stare on his face.
"Why so ?" he asked simply. "I don't think she did anything wrong, today !" he continued, oblivious to what had happened a few minutes earlier.
Listening to the student talk, Mr. Jaune crossed his arms against his wide chest as he put his back against the board.
"It's about her grades. Kindly mind your own academic issues, Mr. Anderson. Or I might have to review your file and call you in too." answered the white man rigidly.
At the words, Emerald could barely contain her excitement. She knew her grades were above average. She was a good student as much as she liked to seek fun and trouble sometimes. This made Mr. Jaune's argument completely illogical.
All she could think about was what he would talk to her about.
Would he threaten to tell her parents ? Would he tell his superiors ? Or perhaps, he may act like nothing happened…
Reading him was too hard, as he always contained his emotions behind a "wall". No one could truly know what he was thinking. This made Emerald even happier, as she could seek her adrenaline rush even more. She would have to spend the rest of the day wondering about the outcome of what was going to happen.
She did, as she tried to mask her excitement the whole day, and she even had to lie when her boyfriend asked her about her grades.
"Oh, my grades have been falling off recently. I expected he might call me in. It's okay though, I'm working on it !" she simply answered him.
Arsalan , however, didn't let it slide. She rushed to her sister as soon as they were alone, and she shook her by the shoulders.
"What the fuck was that, Emerald ?" she interrogated with horror.
The shock on her sister's face made Emerald burst out laughing, trying to catch her breath while she tried to answer her.
"Don't be so stuck ! It's just a prank…I'm sure nothing will happen. He will scold me and maybe give me a small punishment, and that's it ! Plus, he's just an old white man, a colonizer wouldn't get turned on by it or anything…" she said while rolling her eyes, still half sarcastic, sure that what she did was okay.
"Emerald…He's not old ! Plus, what you did was not normal ! You never know how he might react to it…" Arsalan worriedly warned her sister.
"And he's no 'colonizer', he's like way more educated and progressive than any other teacher I've seen…I can't see where you're going with this, frankly." she concluded.
More arguments later, and Emerald still did not seem to back off.
The rest of the day seemed to never end, and the girl counted the minutes until it was time to go see her teacher.
"Are you sure it's a good idea ?" Asked Arsalan one last time.
"More than sure ! Plus, you'll be outside if I need anything." her twin reassured her.
With determination, the tremendously curvy girl put her hand on the handle, and slowly opened the door, to reveal the teacher working at his desk, not reacting to the door opening as he kept on scribbling.
Emerald walked in, the sudden intimidation hitting when she realized what she had gotten herself into, and the embarrassment dawning on her.
"Mr. Jaune…" she tried to get his attention, which she got, when he placed his pen on the table and crossed his arms, a serious look on his face.
"I think we should talk about your recent behavior, Emerald." he simply answered. "You may sit down."
As the girl did so, she noticed the cold glare on Mr. Jaune's face remained. She sat in front of him, and there were no sounds of life.
"You have been missing deadlines." She heard.
Not expecting that, she looked at him stupefied. Well, if he wanted to play it off, that would be easy.
"I'm sorry about that. What can be done ?" said the girl, sensing the cold air hit her neck through the opening of her shirt.
In a second, Mr. Jaune was up.
He went around the desk, and marching closer to her, now standing in front of her, the history teacher raised his hand.
Emerald's eyes lifted, following his movement, still unaware of what was coming, and that was when he pulled her up from her seat, one hand fisting into her thick braids from the scalp. She squeaked in shock, staring up at him with astonishment, her plump and inflated lips parting as her mouth remained open.
"Did you think you were clever, you fucking negro ?" he grunted, his cold glare now accompanied by an unreadable smirk.
"I- Mr. Jaune…" Emerald simply managed to get out. Her head was hurting as the world turned around her, her brain still spinning and thinking that there was no way her own history teacher, her own open-minded and progressive instructor just called her a slur.
It was not real, what was happening around her couldn't be real. She was waiting for him to laugh, to say that it was all a joke.
But he didn't.
He kept staring at her with his strict eyes, his fingers clasping at her hair, as she could feel some rip out.
Outside of the door, Arsalan could hear everything. However, she stood there in shock, her hand on her mouth to mask the surprised pitch she let out.
"I know you were slutting yourself out for me. I saw your little monkey hole, all spread out to my sight." he kept going, and the girl felt herself get engulfed by dizziness as she felt herself doze off into her white teacher's hold.
"Enough, Mr. Jaune. Please." she simply said.
The disgust that was taking her whole, was making her almost gag. However, some part of her…
She felt her own pussy get wetter by the second, as she felt it twitch under her teacher's words.
This couldn't be…
She tried to deny herself of it, to stop her own arousal, but she couldn't do anything about it.
Mr. Jaune's eyes glared down her thick body, lingering on her bouncy and distended breasts through her thin shirt, and he kept lowering his gaze until it reached her skirt, looking right below it, the skin of her meaty thighs looking dark and luscious in the afternoon light that the windows were letting in. She could see the spark in his eyes as he let go of her, letting her heavy body hit the seat with a loud thud, which made the girl shiver and close her eyes shut.
She didn't know where this was going, and she was as excited as she was shocked.
She did not have time to think for longer as a deafening sentence broke the silence around them.
"Kneel in front of me." she heard her teacher say.
She looked up at the white man standing in front of her, her hands fisting so hard to the point they became lighter, and she simply got down on the floor and knelt in front of the unpredictable man.
She was trying to hide her half smirk, the mix of emotions flowing through her.
Her head was raging with horrible thoughts, knowing that it was all wrong, but the twitching and the hungriness emanating from her puffy hole were making everything seem okay, as long as she got to see what was going to happen next.
She had stopped answering him at this point, only obliging to what he asked her to do. "Touch my bulge," he ordered, with a cold voice.
Emerald slowly approached his bulge, which was now half hard at the sight of her magnificent tits right below him, and he interrupted her.
"Say yes, master."
The girl tried to protest, tried to say something. Her ancestors were definitely watching and judging whatever she was doing. Yet, she couldn't refuse.
Her body wouldn't let her refuse anything her white teacher asked her to do.
The hungriness and wetness in her pussy were controlling her, and so, with a quiet voice, she obliged.
"Yes, master."
Her sister, outside, watching everything with wide eyes, was awakened by the feeling of a liquid running down her thighs.
That was when she realized that…No. She certainly wasn't aroused by watching her teacher disrespect her sister that way?!
She refused, and she crossed her thighs to stop the flow of slick running down them. The school was empty at this hour, which explained the confidence of Mr. Jaune.
Emerald, now slowly rubbing on her older teacher's pants, smiled to herself, biting her voluptuous dark lips, trying to hide her smirk. "It's…It's really big," she said quietly.
Mr. Jaune raised an eyebrow, his face changing and looking quite amused.
"What was that ? Say it louder, and don't forget how to refer to me," he answered, his bulge growing larger as he did so.
"It's so big, Mr. Carlto- I mean, master. Your cock is so big, it would stretch me out so bad…" she said confidently this time.
Their little game was getting to her head, slowly getting more into it. "Isn't that right ?" he asked her rhetorically.
"I know you niggers love big white cocks, you lustful whores." he spat, feeling his black
student's hands massage his half-hard cock through his pants. She seemed to have some experience, as her hands were going over his hard-on with determination.
"You have experience with your little stupid boyfriend, am I wrong ?" he said, letting out a chuckle this time.
He was slowly becoming more relaxed, but at the same time more dominating and invading.
His leg moved, and, he slowly opened both of her thighs with a foot, digging the tip of his shoe against her pussy, hard. She was so wet, the slick between her legs stringed all the way to the solid between her thick thighs when he moved it, and she let out a whimper.
"Mr. Car- Master…Mmhhm…" she responded to his tease, completely stopping her motion on his pants as she closed her eyes to feel it better, moving her hips forward to try and feel more of her white teacher's boot.
"Are you enjoying it, you slut ? Spreading your legs for anyone in front of you…Or is it just for me ?" he grinned.
"Master…I only spread my legs for you…Ooh…Keep going, please…" Emerald begged, the hungriness getting to her head slowly.
Her sister, still standing outside and watching helplessly, couldn't take it anymore. Suddenly, the twin barged into the room, interrupting the scene in front of her, and she stood confidently.
"Mr. Jaune. I have seen everything. If you stop now, I won't tell anyone." she tried to bargain.
The white man slowly his head turned around, and his grin grew while he watched her stand with so much confidence.
His boot still on Emerald's cunt, he moved it a little, making the girl squirm and moan out, begging for more.
"I don't think that the girl concerned would like to stop, though," he answered Arsalan , still teasing her sister in front of her.
Arsalan 's confidence was slowly draining out as she watched the teacher turn around to face Emerald again, completely ignoring her presence.
He smacked Emerald's hands that were on his cock again, unzipping his pants to let loose of his throbbing cock
"Now, now."
In a fast movement, he pulled her head closer, one hand clasping at her thick dark braids from the scalp, as he took the tip of his massive white cock against her plump inflated dark lips.
His penis looked like a monster in front of her face, he was so enormous that it almost covered her view.
She smiled with desire, and used her thick lips to place kisses on her white teacher's huge cock.
She tried to take it inside her mouth, to wrap her lips around it, but her teacher held his dick in hand and confiscated it from her, like he was taking her treat away.
"Hold on, you monkey. I think your sister might want to join us. She wouldn't want to stand in the middle of the room the whole time, surely ?" he asked amusedly, his head not turning an inch to face her.
"And she might have to close the door, on her way." he ended his sentence. It was like he knew. He knew exactly the effect he had on these two black women.
They were under him. Obeying his every wish.
He did not wait for Arsalan to agree. Instead, he waited for the sound of the door shutting, to nod his head in approval.
"Good whore." he answered.
Emerald didn't notice the way her sister walked around Mr. Jaune and stood in front of him, next to her sister.
She was too absorbed in the white cock in front of her that she had only one thought in mind. That appetizing huge cock.
"Kneel just like your sister." Mr. Jaune ordered Arsalan .
The girl did, almost immediately, her eyes showing some fear, but the juice that was running down her thighs would contradict her.
The white man noticed it, and, his smirk growing bigger, he couldn't help but comment on it.
"You're already so wet. Tell me, did you enjoy what I'm doing to your sister ?" he asked her, his tip still rubbing onto the other girl's plump lips as she happily kissed it and licked on it, stopping occasionally to moan out while he kept rubbing his shoe on her wet pussy.
Emerald looked up to her superior, her eyes showing her complete submission to him.
She took the thick monstrous cock between her luscious lips, thrusting inside her warm and wet mouth, as the teacher closed his eyes.
"Suck it," he ordered her, forgetting about the question he had asked Arsalan .
Feeling his length thrust in and out of the soaked warmness, he could feel it powerfully as his tip penetrated and left her throat with a loud suction sound.
He did not wait anymore to finally take hold of her head and start to control the rhythm at which she was sucking his white cock.
His shoe left her wet cunt, not focused on his cock. "Start undressing," he told Arsalan .
"Your turn is near." he continued.
He gripped Emerald's hair, adjusting his position as he trusted harshly inside the black girl's mouth, enjoying every whimper and choking noises that his cock managed to pull from her.
If his black student's loud expression was any sign, Mr. Jaune could tell that she was enjoying being used like this…
Arsalan , on the side, was obliging hesitantly, pulling her white school shirt away, her two balloons of breasts bouncing at the sudden freedom awarded, and her white teacher stared at them, a devious smile on his face while Emerald kept on sucking his huge cock.
He pulled away immediately, leaving Emerald's mouth empty at the sudden retreat, stroking himself while looking at Arsalan undress under his sight.
She moved like a gymnast trying to remove her skirt, her thick thighs moving all around and attracting her teacher's lustful gaze.
She was now left with her white panties, soaked from her horny juices, the color perfectly reflecting her dark naked skin.
Even her pussy was see-through the useless piece of fabric. Mr. Jaune could see her thick puffy lips showing out, twitching faster with the way he ate her with his eyes.
"Horny slut. Get here and open that monkey mouth. Aren't you eager already to taste me ?" he asked, moving his cock through the air, tempting her to come closer.
Her eyes faced the floor, though. She was ashamed and couldn't dare look at her white teacher's eyes, all naked and kneeling down for him.
She tried to cover herself, her arm barely covering anything from her meaty and fleshy tits that flowed out, which made Mr. Jaune sneer loudly.
"Don't act so shy, now. I know you're more than happy to show yourself off to me." he said, coming closer to her because she seemed hesitant.
He stood, his huge cock at her eye level, and he placed it onto her inflated lips, just like he did with her sister.
Speaking of which, he looked back at her, and reprimanded her.
"What the hell are you waiting for ? Start undressing, I'll come fuck that nigger pussy when I'm finished with your sister," he told her coldly again. It was like he was a mix of his usual strict self, while allowing some ounce of fun into it.
Emerald nodded her head fast, "Yes, Master." as she eagerly undressed, revealing her huge tits and removing her useless skirt that did not cover anything anyway.
Hastily, she got on her teacher's desk, and laid herself, her thick thighs spread to his view, opening herself up to show him that she was ready.
He nodded with approval while getting back to work on her soaked sister. She was so wet that she was sitting in a puddle of her own juices.
"Mmm…You're shyer, but you're definitely more of a slut than she is…I can see it clearly." he commented, making the girl's face flush under her dark skin, while she lowered her gaze, rubbing her lips on his length while she faced the floor.
It took only the embarrassment and the shame that she expressed, in addition to the presence of her full lips on his cock, and he found himself spilling out, liters of his cum spraying out in shots suddenly inside the girl's mouth, face and onto her massive watermelon tits, covering her whole in his thick white seed, to which the girl squeaked in chock, then accepted it and swallowed what she received.
She used her fingers to scoop up the rest of the thick semen off her enormous curves, licking it up with hunger, while massaging the rest onto her tits, whoring herself out to her master. The cum was creaming on her shapes while she spread it all over, making sure to get it on her hard nipples, and he watched all of it.
"Good girl. I'll give you more of it if you like it, and if you keep on obeying me perfectly. You niggers have to work hard for what you're given." he finished, now stroking himself as he approached the second girl.
Emerald's fat pussy started twitching at the sight, her eyes rolling back into her head as she saw him getting closer to her, closer to filling her up with his white meat.
"Yes, Master ! Please !" she begged, spreading her thick thighs more, her fat black pussy yawning lovingly, dreamily calling for a piece of his huge white cock.
Her wet cunt was screaming with desire for him as he kept getting closer, and, as he placed his thick and round tip on her hole, she gaped in full to receive him.
"Inside ! Please ! Mmmh…" the girl absentmindedly called.
His ego was growing further, seeing the way that Emerald, who was previously his best student, his most serious one, and the most progressive one, was reduced to such a slut for his white cock.
He almost couldn't believe how much she had changed in the span of an hour, maybe.
"Don't you chimps have any patience?" he asked, teasing her with the way his cock slid over her wet pussy, marking the entrance, which started absorbing him inside, slowly, acting like a suction over his member.
"You slaves are really eager for my meat…" he commented, proud of the effect he was having on them.
Arsalan approached them and laid on her stomach right next to her sister, shyly arching her back to her teacher's view. She revealed everything between her ass cheeks, that her thin panty could barely cover. It was nothing but a transparent piece of fabric, and she knew it, reluctantly opening herself up for him.
Looking at the way both of the black sisters were spread out, he did not need more to slide himself right in Emerald's leaky hole, making the student's eyes roll back as she came loudly, squirting out onto her white teacher's cock and stomach, her pussy tightening up over it, the thick lips gripping on his length with force, almost breaking with how hard she clenched.
"MASTER…AHHM…YES…KEEP GOINGGGG…" she screamed, her moans echoing throughout the whole empty school.
His cock, slowly sliding in through the tightness of her hole, went all the way to her closed cervix, hitting it with a full thrust, making Emerald quiver and squeak.
"IT'S SO BIG ! AHHM…MHHM…" she moaned breathlessly, trying to regain her spirits but getting off at the length and width of her white teacher's monster.
However, her pussy was still too tight to receive a rough fuck from him, and it was all she wanted.
Thus, she took her fingers to her pussy as she spread it wide for the white man, spreading her thighs even more, showing him how much she needed him in her, giving him access to her warm and tight insides.
The hung man started thrusting his cock confidently in his student's fat pussy, the back and forth of his hips beginning their work on the girl's hole which absorbed him whole, moaning for more as her pussy swallowed his full girth inside.
"My boyfriend never went this deep…MMHM…IT'S THE FIRST TIME I- I GET TOUCHED THERE…" moaned the girl out loud, only adding up to the arousal of her teacher sliding in and out of her wet hole.
"Mmh…YEAH…MASTER…MMMHM…COLONIZE ME..." she cried out, throwing her pelvis at him, wanting him to hit more of her sensitive parts.
Her puffy black pussy was rhythmically massaging her master's cock, professionally tightening around it and gripping, while also embracing it in its warmness and soaking it up with her soft insides.
The loud sounds of obscene sex could be heard from any distance, the girth of the white cock stretching out Emerald's hole perfectly, colonizing her black pussy along with it, her pussy getting molded after his huge penis.
"Mmh…Be more gentle on my pussy…Ahmmm…If you stretch it too much, my boyfriend won't be able to fuck me anymore…." she hazily moaned out. She still threw her hips at him, which was her signal that she did not actually mean any of it.
Mr. Jaune laughed, his rhythm now accelerating into his black student's hole, "Do you think I give a fuck about your little boyfriend ? Do you think I care about him, and if his pathetic black cock can fuck you again ? You're my slave now. My own nigger. Forget about him. He can never give you what I'm giving you." he firmly said, now determined to stretch her out to the point her hole will be so wide, that her boyfriend could never feel her again.
He keeps fucking her lovingly as if he were her real lover, while she responded to it, "I'M…CUMMINGGGGG...MMHHMM…" his words making her cum like a bitch as her whole body shook, her tits flying out and hitting her in the face, obstructing her view as he fucked her relentlessly, going with as much force as he could, fucking her rough and well while her eyes rolled back and her tongue hung out.
Arsalan was starting to get lonely, and maybe a little jealous, because she started wiggling her thick boulder of an ass in the air, both of the cheeks smacking against each other loudly, her pussy leaking more than ever before, signaling to Mr. Jaune to come give her a taste of his cock.
This excites the white man even more, as he starts fucking Emerald with more precision, his animal instincts taking over as he felt his white cock control him and invade the black girl's pussy, marking it as his own and forever altering it to his shape.
His thick and girthy cock was the biggest Emerald had ever seen, and the biggest she had ever felt. While she came over and over again, the history teacher took the opportunity to go as far as her hole would go, hitting the cervix and signaling that he wanted to go inside.
couldn't continue her sentence, feeling the contractions of her pussy rise up and the sensation of her orgasm come near while Mr. Jaune hit her G spot and made her cum like his true slave, giving her all the pleasure a white cock can give.
"I know you love my white cock, and you're going to open up for me, okay, my black slut ?" it was an order more than a question, and it wasn't long until the girl came all over herself again, his words exciting her too much, and they were both bathing in the black girl's juices.
Her resistance couldn't last, her cervix now fully opening up to receive him, and Mr. Jaune quickly took the opportunity to invade it, his oppressor instincts taking over.
He forced his cock inside, the walls of her uterus exercising pressure on it, not used to feeling something inside, and that's when she lost her mind.
Arsalan was watching her own sister be a shell of what she used to be.
She would have never imagined seeing her like that, but she couldn't do anything about it as her own fat pussy was eager for her turn.
WANT ALL OF IT…BREED ME…" squirmed our Emerald, while Mr. Jaune held her in place as his hips went back to frantically fuck her insides, fucking into her sacred womb.
He was feeling his own cum come near at the words, as he heard the loud gurgling of it flow through his massive balls, and the rivers of it flew throughout his length until it reached his tip. It needed just a few seconds, and that's when Emerald clenched her pussy, milking her white teacher out, "PLEASE, MASSA…I'MM CUMMINGGG…" making him release himself and shoot his white ropes in his student, filling her up to the brim while some of it leaked out of her hole onto the desk, the amount of thick liquid being too much inside of her tight pussy and womb, definitely impregnating her with his white seed.
"Take my superior white babies you fucking nigger, yeah, that's my girl…" he said breathlessly, watching her pussy swallow up all of his cum while the rest still dribbled out.
Arsalan quickly knelt down from her position, and she started to lick out all of the cum that dripped out of her sister, which made Mr. Jaune stare in shock as his empty cock rose again and towered over her.
She ravenously licked everything up from the woody surface, her tongue frantically working over the white liquid as she desperately swallowed it whole, even from her sister's pussy which was dozing off on the pleasure. When she was finished licking every last drop, she took hold of her teacher's cock, and absorbed it whole into her mouth that he hadn't tried yet, and she sucked the cum from the tip and even out of the shaft, making sure no drop was left.
Mr. Jaune was staring in awe as he watched her pull the cock out of her mouth and spat the semen onto her hands, while she spread her legs and took that cum to her leaky black pussy, taking her transparent panties to the side and harshly penetrating it with her teacher's cum on her fingers.
Her eyes rolled back, and, still quiet as she always was, she got off on her own fingers, masturbating with her white teacher's cum mixed with her own sister's juices.
This made Mr. Jaune giggle, proud of his achievements and the way he transformed these two girls into his cum slaves.
Emerald was collapsed, too drained of her own juices, her black pussy exploded and used up by her white teacher's cock, not able to close again by the sole altering that this piece of meat had done to her, as his cum gushed out of her destroyed pussy like a volcano of spunk, as she came again by the aftermath of such a rough fuck.
"Get back on the desk and show me that slutty arch again." Mr. Jaune ordered Arsalan who quickly obeyed, arching herself as hard as she could onto the desk, burying her head deep into the hard wood, showing off her hole that was now leaking of her teacher's own cum.
She was shivering, more than ready to finally get a taste inside of her.
He ripped off her useless panties as he marked her entrance, which made the girl tremble and try to cower.
At the sight, Mr. Jaune raised an eyebrow, a curious look on his face.
"You can't be a virgin, are you ?" he asked, to which the girl answered by simply lowering her head, the embarrassment showing out, even if he couldn't see her face.
"Mm…You're too much of a slutty whore for a virgin…Is it all because of my white meat ?" he asked again, his ego rising.
The girl wiggled her naked ass again, showing off her holes.
"I was saving myself for my boyfriend, but It's okay…Please take it," she said quietly, her shy voice piercing the silence for the first time in a while.
The hung white man giggled to himself. "I'll try to go gentle on your hole, but not too much. You're my slave after all, isn't that right ?" he asked, aiming his cock at her hole, penetrating her by a few inches, making the girl squeak.
Her ass was so thick and spread out to him in this position that he couldn't help but dig his fingers into her thick meat, holding on to her sculpted hips as his cock slid in roughly, by just how wet she was.
"MMMMHMMM…I-"The girl cried out, throwing her hole at him, encouraging him to go farther.
"Take my virginity, please…" she continued, too shy to speak louder.
Her teacher held her by her curved waist, while he thrust himself into her pussy from behind, her protruding hips moving against him, going rhythmically with his thrusts.
While he was stretching Arsalan 's pussy, he aimed his fingers at Emerald's pussy that was leaking out of his own cum, while she was still in position, drained and used up, and he inserted one full finger in her when she least expected it, which made the girl almost jump out, before melting in his touch, joining Arsalan in the moaning, the room being nothing else but a sex dungeon now.
Both of the girls were throwing their pussies at their white teacher, enjoying his actions on their sensitive spots, screaming for him and their pussies twitching and clamming up together, in a CLAP CLAP CLAP sounds, while the flesh smacking echoed in the room, Mr. Jaune huge filled balls slapping against Arsalan 's fat and juicy thighs.
The whole scene was so wet and so sexual, with a lot of juices leaking out and so many moans being heard out loud in the empty school.
The white man was multitasking, giving his cock to a student, and his fingers to another.
"Ugh…YOUR COCK…MMHH…AHMM...I can feel it GO SO DEEP…OHHH…" screamed Arsalan out loud for the first time ever, while her pussy clenched over the thick monster cock in her even harder.
"I'MM CUMMING…MMMH…MASTER…GO HARDER…YEAH…" she kept going, too taken into her pleasure that she didn't notice her sister also screaming and cumming.
FINGERING ME…" the other girl moaned while her meaty black pussy started contracting on the friction. "I CAN FEEL YOUR CUM GETTING MIXED UP IN ME…" she announced, the sounds of liquid being too obvious. Her white teacher was using his own cum as lube to finger her, and she loved every bit of it as she came like a whore.
The colonizer had in front of him two sluts, spread and arched for him, cumming because of him, and it made his own pleasure get close.
He felt the intense pleasure rise in his whole body, going from his balls to his tip, terrifyingly approaching its release, and, having penetrated Arsalan 's womb in one fast thrust, which started crying out and moaning, "NOT MY WOMB…MMHH…UGH…YEAH…I WANT YOUR WHITE BABIES…." she contradicted herself as the pleasure felt too powerful, and he let it all out inside of her in thousands of shots, giving her the biggest load he ever had today.
His own orgasm made both of the girls collapse under him, cumming together and squirting out, screaming for him and melting for him.
The drained white man pulled out, his cock now flaccid and swinging under him, admiring the piece of art he had made.
Both of his thickest students were spread out under him, their fat holes used up and leaking out his spunk, molded after his own white cock, showing how much he has used them and slaved them out for his pleasure, and they both enjoyed it.
He had gotten the absolute worst out of them, making them nothing but brainless whores, slaving away for his white meat.
With a satisfied smirk, he zipped his pants back up and walked out of the class with his paperwork, his usual unreadable expression
appearing again on his face right as he stepped outside of the classroom.
Arsalan woke up at the sound of the door shutting, and she quickly realized what had happened.
With shame, she dressed herself up again, mumbling to herself about how she had been so sinful and a horrible human being.
"What will my boyfriend say ? I can't tell him…He can't know that Mr. Jaune took my virginity…Why did I even do that ? What was wrong with me ?!" she asked herself quietly, getting herself together, picking up her soaked panty from the floor with humiliation.
As she couldn't bare the guilt of it, she woke her sister up by shaking her. "Whaaaaaat ?" asked Emerald, still not realizing the gravity of the situation. "Emerald, wake up. It's urgent," said Arsalan firmly.
"But I'm soooo comfy right now…" answered the girl.
It didn't take long until Arsalan managed to wake her up, to which Emerald's eyes widened when she realized what had happened.
"He- fucked us ?! and I called him Massa ?" she said, like her old self came to her again.
"Yes ! All of that happened ! Do you think we should tell someone ?" asked Arsalan , relieved that her sister came to her senses again.
However, Emerald looked at herself, ounces of cum leaking out of her hole, and her gaze changed suddenly, as her sister watched her lose herself again.
"It was so worth it though…It was even better than when Anderson did it to me…" she said, her eyes rolling back into her head when she got flashbacks of the thick meat sliding in her and cumming in her.
"I hope he got me pregnant…" she continued, which made her sister gasp. "EMERALD !" she shouted, but her sister was too far gone.
A few minutes later, Arsalan had gotten both of their respective stuff and dressed her twin again. "Let's leave now," she said, overthinking everything.
The second morning, Arsalan having breakfast, thinking about how she was looking forward to seeing her sister come back to her senses, but she was dropped her fork when she saw Emerald come down the stairs.
The girl was dressed in nothing but a tiny bikini bra with a mini skirt, barely covering anything of her meaty and flowing-out curves, and she arrived downstairs with a smile.
"What ? You look surprised," she asked her shocked twin.
"You can't possibly go to school like that !" reprimanded Arsalan , which her twin ignored as she walked to the kitchen, her bouncy tits almost ripping out the tiny triangles that she called a bikini bra, and made herself breakfast.
Arsalan had decided to ignore her sister, as she was too far gone, and to tell her boyfriend about what happened.
"I have to be honest with him. I'll tell him after school," she said to herself.
The girls then walked to school as usual, but this time, Emerald's half-naked body attracted way more stares, but she didn't care.
She walked impatiently, almost running to school, excited to see her Massa again.
Arrived to class, all of the stares were on Emerald as she walked to her desk and placed her half-naked thick ass on the seat, thinking she would make Mr. Jaune look.
However, his cold glare lingered on the other students as usual, and he did not give her a single glance.
"He's really unreadable, after all." she thought, a little mad that she couldn't steal his attention.
The rest of the day went as usual, until Anderson took Emerald to the side to speak to her.
"What the hell are you wearing today ? Have you lost your mind ?" he asked angrily, shaking her by the shoulders.
The girl replied by rolling her eyes at him and sighing.
"What do you mean what am I wearing? Can't you see ? It's just the school uniform, a little bit altered to my taste." she replied while chewing her gum.
"You have never done this before…What's wrong, Emerald ?" his voice became a little bit softer this time, as his concern for his girlfriend rose.
"I decided to be myself. The school uniform was ugly, so I cut it like that. Get over it !" she replied one last time, walking away from her boyfriend who stood in place, too shocked to do anything.
She walked with determination to her teacher's office, looking behind her to make sure that her boyfriend wasn't following her.
Opening the door, she was surprised to see that her sister was already there, arched back and getting ready to be penetrated by the white man.
"You do love this position, you whore !" commented Mr. Jaune as he slowly aimed his fat tip, enrobed with tons of foreskin, and inserted it slowly in the eager clapping pussy in front of him, stretching it out leisurely and roughly, in a way that the puffy lips wrapped all around it and grabbed it, swallowing it inside.
"I missed your cock so much…" moaned the girl, who was previously shy, making her sister stare in awe, watching her twin opening up her hole with her fingers, spreading it to receive the monster cock even better. "Go deeper…Yeah…Mmhhh…" Arsalan let out her moans sensually, slowly getting higher and higher with each inch inserted in her.
Mr. Jaune was smearing his precum all around it and inside of it with each thrust inside, not going fully in yet, marking her with his juices, her own falling out and leaking out of her, as he slid in slowly.
With long arduous penetration, he stretched the slutty girl out while she spread herself even more and threw her pelvis at him.
"Go faster…Mhmm…Master…I can't take it anymore ! I NEED IT !" she screamed, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue hanging out when she felt the white man accelerate his rhythm and thrust faster inside of her, using her slippery juices as lube to guide himself even further inside with speed.
"Tell me how much you like my white cock, you slave," he ordered her while still working her insides.
"I LOVE IT…PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR WHITE MEAT, MASTER…" screamed out the girl with an insane amount of pleasure in her voice, while her sister watched her, shocked that Arsalan could finally speak loudly. She smiled, knowing that she finally got to experience the feeling of being high over Mr. Jaune's cock.
The girl's words of encouragement lit a fire inside of Mr. Jaune, and he started plowing her needy and ravenous pussy all the way, smacking his balls against her meaty ass cheeks that
wiggled and giggled with each push, while she arched back and lowered her head even better to be able to give herself fully for the white man.
"MMMH! YEAH ! FUCK ME !" whined Arsalan , arched for her colonizer, her fleshy circular and fat ass cheeks presented right in front of him as he kept ramming inside of her, feeling the tight pressure on his long meaty shaft, her insides massaging it with their wetness and softness.
While she begged for more, the cock inside of her went harder and deeper.
Getting more confident by listening to her words and her moans, Mr. Jaune slammed into her with one full and rough thrust.
This made the black student completely open up her insides for him, the entrance to her cervix loosening up and ready to receive the monstrous cock in her womb while she came like a whore, squirting out her juices onto the man behind her, drenching the sheets and herself up, her soaked thighs and wet pussy leaking out while he kept on fucking her.
LONG…MMHH…" the girl said, obviously enjoying the white cock, which made both her sister and the teacher get surprised.
They thought she was shy, and maybe she did not like it, but she was even more of a slut than her sister, as she lost her mind for the white man.
Mr. Jaune, wanting to appreciate her mega black body even more, took his hand and reached around her curvy and bouncing body, while she was a moaning and squirting mess, and grabbed her pair of gigantic breasts that his hands couldn't even fully wrap around.
Her dark nipples were hard under his touch, and she quickly came once again at the grazing of his fingers right against her sensitive spots, feeling all kinds of emotions for the second time in her life. She was cumming hundreds of gallons of womanly juices, her slick wetting everything around them as she seemed to enjoy herself to the maximum.
Between the loud room filled with moans and heavy breathing, echoing throughout the whole school, the pair was fucking just like lovers, sensuality and need filling them up, while Mr.
Jaune breathed hard on her arched back, while she moved her hips back against him, fucking herself on his erect cock like a needy whore.
Responding to the eagerness in her body language, Mr. Jaune took hold of his black student and bent her over even farther, forcing her head downwards and her ass upwards as he aimed his cock right inside of her cervix, leading it to her warm womb.
"MY WOMB…! MMHH…IT'S SO NEEDY FOR YOU !" moaned the girl, throwing herself at him, while she was getting her pussy destroyed by the huge white cock that her teacher had had.
"SPANK ME !" The ravenous and whorish girl begged, so needily that she seemed almost out of it.
The teacher smiled, a slight smirk on the corner of his lips.
"Who are you talking to, nigger ?" he asked strictly, stopping the movement of his hips on her.
"SPANK ME, MASTER !" the colonized girl shouted out, as her white teacher elevated his hand and approached the thick and fat ass cheeks and smacked them in such a loud SMACK, that it made the flesh of her round ass cheeks jiggle and bounce, her meaty curves going everywhere, his hand print leaving a red mark over her fat ass like he was marking his territory.
"YEAHHHH!! MMHHH" The slutty girl couldn't even gather her spirits enough to form a single sentence, less even a word.
Mr. Jaune didn't move after that, letting the power of his spank fully set in, making her feel the power and the sting on her ass cheek.
Her wet hole was still receiving his cock as he went back to ramming inside of her, slamming his balls with force against her soft flesh as he fucked her roughly and deeply, stretching her womb out.
"Do you miss having anything inside of your monkey womb ?" the oppressor asked her slyly.
"I MISS HAVING YOUR WHITE CUM IN ME ! IMPREGNATE ME !" moaned the mind broken girl as she threw herself back deeper onto him.
Her pussy lips were wrapping perfectly around him, gripping his whole length with eagerness and milking him with the sole strength of her grasp.
He could barely thrust anymore as she was keeping him inside of her, exercising such a grip on him that it rendered him immobile.
He felt it then, his rivers of thick white cum flowing through his long shaft from his tennis-ball-sized testicles, going all the way to his tip while he was inside of her.
Feeling it coming, she kept on encouraging him and begging him to cum in her, "FUCK ME ! AHMM…GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR THICK CUM ! MY PUSSY NEEDS IT !" she moaned
while her pussy twitched and clammed up even more, speeding his process of cumming inside as he exploded in her immediately, soiling her with his musky and thick spunk, splashing it everywhere inside her walls and all around her hole, the sole force of his jet making her whole body jolt as she received his tons of thick cum while she came at the same time, definitely getting impregnated, his fertile cum mixing in with her fertile young black girl's eggs.
Two different kinds of juices mixed together and a loud room later, the pair collapsed onto the desk, Arsalan dropping naked and opened up, her exploded hole still exposed and leaking out, showing how good of a fucking she received.
Emerald was watching everything, and she approached her white teacher.
"My turn now, Massa," she said with loving eyes, a spark in her eyes while she automatically undressed and knelt to take his cock in her mouth.
Arsalan quickly joined her, still high on her orgasm, and both of the naked girls took hold of their teacher's cock, sharing it between them like the two true sisters they were, and Emerald took the shaft between her plump limps while Arsalan fondled the balls with her tongue hanging out.
What they didn't know, however, was that from the office window, both Anderson and Arsalan 's boyfriend were watching, foolishly open-mouthed, feeling absolutely atrocious while they watched their thick girlfriends get colonized by the white teacher.
"Massa, can you cum again in my mouth ?" asked Emerald, to which Anderson's fists clenched, his blood boiling as he felt his rage rise up.
He was going to barge in, to try to do something, but he felt himself too weak and humiliated to dare interrupt.
His anger rose even more when he heard the teacher answer her,
"Of course, I will, I know you niggers love my white cum in you" and he felt his own cock twitch and cower in fear.
Arsalan , on the other hand, was too taken in the fondling of her white teacher's balls that she couldn't say a word, her eyes glazed with an absent look as she took the testicles in her mouth and sucked on them, while her boyfriend watched, seeing his bimbo girlfriend's naked body for the first time, staring at her humongous tits and wishing it was him, wishing he could be the one getting pleasured by his lover's thick body, which made his small dick spurt out in his pants, letting out his drops of pathetic black-man cum, to the sight of such an erotic and humiliating scene in front of them.
Emerald took the whole shaft in her mouth, sucking on it with eagerness, and it wasn't long until Mr. Jaune felt himself release himself, quickly pulling out of the girl's warm mouth and shooting his load all over the naked girls' body, soaking them with his white seed.
The girls frantically started to massage it on their fleshy skin, rubbing the cum all over their huge curves that their boyfriends wished they could touch.
Scooping it, licking it, and swallowing it, they didn't know what to do as so many options were laid out in front of them.
Emerald, having not been penetrated today, hungrily took her cum-soaked fingers to hole and started to fucking herself on them, getting off to her teacher's cum while riding her own fingers, an erotic and sensual scene enrolling in front of everyone watching, including her own boyfriend.
Anderson watched in horror as he saw his girlfriend inserting her teacher's cum inside of her like she needed it to breathe, rapidly getting off and cumming to the feeling of that spunk in her, her eyes rolling back into her head, while her boyfriend watched.
He had fucked her before, but she had never reacted the way she was acting right now. She had become dramatically less smart, having lost all of her right mind to the white man's cock, which made Anderson rage and release himself too, next to Arsalan 's boyfriend who had done the same a few minutes earlier.
The boyfriends were sitting with wet stains in their pants from cumming pathetically while watching their girlfriends get slutted out like their white teacher's slaves, realising how much of a whore each one had become.
It was the worst day of their lives, having to witness the two girls, sitting in a big puddle of both their juices mixed together, licking themselves up from the white man's cock over their dark skin, calling him Massa and Master, begging for his seed, and even cleaning him up with their tongues, making sure not to let any drop go to waste, even massaging the cum over Mr. Jaune's chest with their own tits, playing with the cum like it was some slip and slide, obscenely and whorishly using their bodies to please the colonizer white man.
The last thing the respective boyfriends could hear before passing out from the humiliation and embarrassment of watching their girlfriends act so sluttily, was both of the girls, in sync, asking their teacher. "Massa, please impregnate us today! Give us your white babies…"