"Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere else, Weiss?" Neptune asked.
Weiss responded, "Come on!!! We never go out, and with your strict-ass schedule, we can never have fun together!!! Loosen up a bit Neptune, your parents aren't here anymore, we're far passed high school, and enough chit-chat from your mother…thank god…"
Neptune answered, sighing, "Fine…fine you're right, you know best and I love you, we've never really been open about each other to anybody else either, so maybe Tiller's party will liven things up a bit!"
It's been years since Neptune and Weiss's relationship started, and ever since starting college, they've struggled to be together, intimately as well. Neptune drove them both to the party in his
olden-passed-down SUV by Neptune's parents. Both being born downtown, their black ancestry been their bond since childhood, experiencing a harsh yet relatively safe upcoming, being the first generation in their families to go to higher education. But whereas Weiss grew up with a rebellious nature, Neptune was the complete opposite, composed and determined to simply get a well-paying job, ignoring Weiss recently to pursue his studies. What always discomforted Neptune however was Weiss's carelessness.
For example, when he gazed in Weiss's direction, he saw her skimpy clothes, she wore a little white tube top that overly revealed her giant orb lusty-sized tits, giving off a silky smooth texture off the moon's reflection. She crossed her arms looking out the window, wearing black diamond-patterned trimmed arm sleeves with white leather fingerless gloves, giving off the feeling of a defiant teenager. Neptune sweated a little in nervousness, primarily concerned about Weiss's decision of wearing awfully revealing clothing, he glanced at her distracted color meshed face. Her hair was a luxurious bright green along with her lips and eyes and an engaging mix topped off with her trusty backward white cap.
Even to this day, Neptune's wondered how Weiss's body had matured so rapidly for a
nineteen-year-old, "Maybe she really was a late bloomer, I don't remember her breasts being so overwhelming…" he thought to himself.
"Hey don't worry Neptune, I know you have your concerns but I'm a smart gal, I know how to behave, I'm only yours remember?" Weiss said, winking at Neptune cutely.
The worn-down car approached the raving party, obliterated with toilet paper, vomiting students on the sidewalk, and flashing colors from each window at the two-story home. Countless cars were parked sloppily in the foyer of the house, people still walking in despite it being 6 pm.
Weiss's eyes lit up in excitement, "Holy shit!!! An actual party, I can smell the booze from here! Baby, we're gonna go crazy like there's no tomorrow!!!"
"I don't know Weiss, we have classes tomorrow and I don't know if I'll be able to ke…" Neptune tried reasoning with Weiss.
"Neptune!!! I'm just going to be with some friends, you don't have to worry about EVERY LITTLE SINGLE THING dammit…" Weiss said complainingly.
Neptune's pride felt poor, his traits clearly were one of obliviousness, naiveness, and being an absolute scaredy-cat. Unable to defend his own thoughts without the fear of hurting someone's feelings. Neptune parked his corner at an empty spot near the home, exiting steadily as they quickly combed and adjusted their clothing.
"Ya know Neptune, you could've worn something more…something with more taste!!! Not a formal flannel and slacks, we're not trying to impress anybody Hahaha…" Weiss teased Neptune.
"Hey hey hey…the ladies love it, how I got you no? Besides, what's the matter Weiss, can't handle the new me?" Neptune tried to make conversation.
"Haha…very funny…" Weiss said disappointed. For being together for so long both have had their differences, and Neptune is unable to meet Weiss's standards of a rebellious boyfriend. Although it might've been a phase for Weiss, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing in her life. Not only had they barely shared their first kiss after dating for eternity but only talked about getting physical after marriage, which Neptune in previous conversations had disagreements about. As for both of them being Christian, Weiss's beliefs over the years had faded off, attempting to get a skull tattoo on her face. But losing to Neptune in a bet, to prevent her from "disgracing you with a useless tattoo", she instead got imprinted with the holy cross on her right cheek. It was an ironic choice for how uncontrollable and slutty her vibe was wherever she went. Yet after the tattoo, it was greeted by multiple goldish piercings on her lower lip and upper nose as an act of disobedience from her parents.
"We've gone a long way within the year, Weiss, we're Christians, we're survivors, we play it safe so let's just take it easy for our first party, we don…" but before Neptune could finish his sentence Weiss had already begun jogging toward the deafening house. And from the back, Neptune could see her short blue jeans revealing the bottom part of her massive ass, jiggling, somehow able to keep itself to her wide hips as she swayed. Her humongous milkers were visible from the back as she approached the party, catching the attention of everybody she passed. There was a certainty that everyone she had crossed paths with that day felt emotions of anxiety about her immensely intimidating curvaceous figure.
"TAP TAP TAP…" her dark green short heels impacted the ground, able to stabilize Weiss's incredibly hefty voluptuous body that bounced with vigor. Whether she turned or moved, her large titties followed her with great velocity as if ready to slap someone.
Neptune in a hurry ran after Weiss who already entered the crowded atmosphere, and once set foot in was greeted by the few feet of freedom any person felt while dancing to the chaotic music in the
background, amplified by speakers. Each person shoved Neptune left and right until he found Weiss in the kitchen talking to her "girlfriends" who shared the same insubordinate behavior as Weiss with less respect for morals.
Out of breath, Neptune fell onto his knees covering his mouth from the smell of drugs and alcohol flooding the whole home, asking her, "Are…Are you alright? You just went ahead and I thought you left but now that I'm thinking we should probably head back right? This really isn't what we do and I've got exams to study a…"
"Neptune come on, don't be like that!!! It'll be just for a few hours anyways, live a little Neptune! But if you insist, if you can't really handle it then go back home and stay here for a while, I'll be safe no problems…" Weiss replied.
Giving in to Weiss's armistice he rejected the ladder, instead walking with her, yet although much taller than her looked as if he was trying to hide behind her figure, giving off a scared feeling.
After conversing with multiple of their friends who also attended Weiss and Neptune heard a loud "SLAPPP"
"Nice ass girl…" the white stranger said walking past. Neptune saw the mystery-man leave a handprint on Weiss's jeans, her bubble butt still shaking. Furious, Neptune took a step toward the stranger before trembling and freezing his position from fear, then playing off as if nothing had happened.
"Neptune what…what the fuck, what was that???" Weiss asked Neptune.
"Wa…wait what haha? That was so weird what happened Weiss? Did something happen? What do you…" he said until Weiss interrupted, "Shut up dammit, why can't you just…why can't you just stand up! You're always going about how if I'll be safe when you can't even protect, what's the good of having you around if you can't HELP ME!!!" she lashed out, still piled against the roaring music.
Neptune looked at the ground in disappointment and after a few minutes of walking with Weiss, she turned to him and asked, "Neptune I think you should just leave please, just please, this clearly isn't a place for you, not here, not anywhere like this and nor do I want to make things worse for you…" she said. "But…" Neptune tried talking until Weiss cut him off with, "Listen, I'll be safe and you know that damn well, I just need some time to relieve myself with my girls, and chill for once from all that studying…that guy over there, you don't have to worry about him, he's just being an asshole of a person, a scum…You know I'd never leave you ever for someone that just harassed me, like hell that'd be the most idiotic thing to do alright??? I love you honey okay? I'll see you tomorrow, just go home and do your thing alright?"
Hesitating for a few moments, Neptune thought, "I shouldn't go, but I have other things I need to care about…but if I leave now what'll happen if…no no no we've been together for years…she would never do that to me…" he kept thinking until giving in and chose to leave. Yet along his way
back to the car he couldn't help but feel doubt, feeling betrayal of himself unable to act like a good boyfriend. He got back in his SUV, now focused on returning back to his apartment to study with the thought at the back of his mind that Weiss might do something horrible.
A few hours pass by and Weiss's partially drunk, sober to partly think but tipsy enough to lose her balance, oscillating her huge ass everywhere she steps while talking to her friends.
"Baby Weiss, you gotta see someone else…some fresh meat…that boy of yours doesn't know the hell he's doing, shit he hasn't even made you a woman yet!!!" her friend commented.
"Not now girl, my head's feeling giddy, and NO!!! I'm not leaving Neptune for that, he's stupidly innocent, but that's what makes him cute…" Weiss responded.
"No no no I meant something else, Weiss…just relieve your stress a bit with some company, hell you have no experience with Neptune right? He ain't gonna know if it's just this one night…I know you love him but a girl's gotta go wild every now and then to stay loyal…" Weiss's friend suggested.
"I guess that would be…if it's someone I'll never see again I guess right? If it's to help me focus being with Neptune maybe I can just try a little something…" Weiss replied drunkenly.
"Yeah yeah!!! Just blow some guy, it'll be harmless girl, it's not like he's gonna be taking your virginity, hell my boyfriend just thinks I research everything I do in bed…besides you can always back out any time…" her friend responded.
Weiss idiotically nodded, agreed, and began roaming around carelessly, looking for someone she found appealing to at least give them a good night. "Nope...Nope…Not himmm…No, he's not…Ahhhh him…" Weiss thought aloud, approaching a strong-built character. His hair was combed black which contrasted well with his white clean skin, wearing a brown coat with black pants. He stood near the house's stairs, talking with a group of guys.
"You…you come with me…" Weiss said aloud, dragging the stranger's hand upstairs unable to fully render the man's face. After reaching the top, she walked to the back of the second-story hallways into an empty bedroom, locking the door after hauling the white man inside.
But after turning her head she recognized his face, "What the actual fuck, is this the same guy from earlier, the person who…THAT ONE??? I swear he must've changed into something or whatever…god fuckin booze dammit…I can't think for shit right now…" she thought.
The man commented, "Thought I'd seen you somewhere…you're that same gal from earlier tonight…I noticed you do use a bit of a change in partners from how your boy acted back there…Name's Jaune so don…"
"Fuck off, I know damn well who you are, you're the dumbass from forensics…I knew I saw you from somewhere, but I didn't know I'd be stuck with you…god this was such a mistake I shouldn't have ever even been…" Weiss replied before being interrupted by Jaune 's quick approach to her. Pinning her body with his against the door, Jaune 's bulge from his pants pushed against Weiss's stomach.
"You're practically wearing nothing Weiss…you're so soft everywhere I mean we might as well continue if we're in here, I mean why not right? What's the worst that can happen?" he said enticingly while caressing his hands through her body. His hands covered her wide hips and her love handles, gripping them while watching her body clench in anxiety. Her face blushed in redness and her hands quivered close near her face.
"N…no! We can't, I have a boyfriend, we know each other from school so we can't…I don't even know you!!! It'd be horrible to do that an…and…I should go now…I have to be home I have to go…" Weiss said nervously, trying to move away from Jaune 's position to no avail. He was sturdy and firm, not moving an inch, and pressed her back against the door.
"You know little Weiss…I would let you go freely unless I knew something no one else did…remember when in high school you sent a few odd pictures to your little boyfriend…yeah those well let's just say Neptune's not good at keeping a secret…" Neptune threatened Weiss, pulling his phone and scrolling to her nudes. "Fucking Neptune, fuck fuck fuck…why couldn't you just….UUUGGHHHH" Weiss thought, frustrated at Neptune's foolishness, unable to think of a way out now.
"I don't need to spell it out for you Weiss but in case you didn't get the memo, this'll kick you out from Hopkins, permanently, and any decent-ass job in the future…so unless you want to be a failure from a ghetto-ass neighborhood I'd recommend you keep real quiet. Besides, no one's gonna get hurt, I bet you'll enjoy every minute of it, you'll like it the most I swear hahaha…" he giggled, slowly humping his throbbing bulge up and down her stomach to her visibly drenched crotch underneath her low-cut jeans. With the booze filling her system, her body gave in unable to behave itself from Jaune 's smothered cock ready to be unleashed. Steadily without hesitation, he unraveled Weiss's white tube top, letting it fall to the ground, revealing her luxurious large titties. The instant her covering fell, her breasts released, enlarging from being suffocated by her tight garment.
Letting out a subtle moan Weiss tried weakly resisting Jaune 's ever-advancing hands which began fondling her milkers, sinking his fingers in them before kissing her neck. Weiss herself rejected his offers to no use as he kept toying with her body, watching her thighs rub against each other as they shrieked and wavered.
"No…nooo Jaune stop!!! I can't…I can't do this right now…I'm so drunk…I'm not even thinking straight and you're taking advantage of me like this…it's foul…you know I hate this so just delete the pics and I won't snitch on what you've done to me dammit…" Weiss tried reasoning with him.
"Weiss just calms down…peace and quiet would serve you well…you should know we can't do that…we're not even close to done yet…Oh I see, you want a change in pace huh???" he said before hauling her arm close to the bed, Jaune sat on the bed as Weiss's legs fell to the ground without the support of his hands. He then man-spread his legs, Weiss fitting nicely in the center as he leaned back onto the bed, staring into her eyes intensely.
"Unzip it with your mouth and do it right now…I don't need to explain myself anymore…so let's see what you'll do to get rid of a picture yeh??? Show me your godly holy forgiveness…" Jaune remarked while waving her nudes on his phone over her face.
Shaking off Jaune 's gaze, Weiss bit onto the zipper, strugglingly untangling it, puffing her hot and anxious breath onto his crotch.
"Fuck you're really bad…like really at this Weiss, now I'm more than guaranteed you haven't done this before…wait really? Holy shit you haven't??? You've sent nudes in high school yet you haven't even blown your boyfriend before HAHAHA…that wimp…his cock's probably too scared to get intimate with a babe like you…" Jaune mocked Neptune while talking down to Weiss.
"SHUT UP…Neptune just needs some time to be comfortable with himself…he's gonna love it and this was all a mistake, my first of anything was supposed to be with him…" Weiss replied angrily, shouting at Jaune while still trying to pull down his zipper.
"You know what, let's speed things up a bit…" Jaune said with a devilish smirk, standing up and dropping his pants. Jaune 's massive white cock flung at Weiss, smacking her cheek lightly before resting on her shoulder, beating like a person itself. His huge cut monster's glans were wet with his gooey slimy juices dripping onto Weiss's naked torso.
All of a sudden, Weiss's eyes leered at Jaune 's long and thick shaft on her left shoulder, stuttering her breathing, absolutely speechless by its size. Yet what was really mind-changing was the powerful odor emitted by Jaune 's rod, its arousal spreading like an infection to Weiss's face, making it flustered. It fogged her thoughts like a hypnotist, unable to act until Jaune grabbed her head to be fixed at an angle and moved his ton-like cock to her cheek. Slapping her cross-tattooed cheek, Jaune massaged the tip of his rounded red cock on her lips like lipstick.
"Lo…Jaune ju…just stop we go to th…the same class…I swe…swear I'll report y…you for this…" Weiss attempted one last time to warn Jaune before his violation on her mouth-pussy. Each swirl Jaune 's steel rod took into her inner cheeks and out, her saliva liquids squirted all over her breasts, giving them a shiny appearance. Jaune in his POV, kept watching his wide tip shoving against her fleshy insides, her skin poking outward as if it was stuffed with too much food. Meanwhile, Weiss stared into Jaune 's lustful eyes with a horny and turned-on annoyance.
"Come on Weiss, you gotta put some work in…you don't want a few measly pictures to ruin your life huh??? For someone who loves their dear boyfriend so much, your body is a slut by nature, how could you have not done this already ahhh…" Jaune mocked her, pleasing his hardening tip before gripping Weiss's head tightly and plunging his girthy long cock down her throat.
"AAhhhhhh…your saliva's such a good lubricant, you sure your mouth hasn't been used before? Hahaha…" he chuckled lightly. But the delight he felt was extraordinary, and Weiss, somehow able to absorb his entire beast whole and felt it fill her insides, only able to breathe through her tiny nose. It was all fine for Weiss's sanity until Jaune 's bull of a monster began thrusting itself in and out of her, slimy pre-cum and saliva surrounding his shaft like a shield, glistening brightly.
Before long Weiss couldn't help but clench her hands on his thighs to bear his enormous-stuffing white cock.
"EEECH AAACHH EECCHH" Weiss started gagging, trying to swallow her saliva to prevent herself from choking, draining Jaune 's immense white cock and its fluids. It was incredible how his cock was fat enough not to be munched or scraped by Weiss's teeth, Jaune spoke aloud, "Your tight-ass mouth was made for it…I wonder if Neptune can even compete, what do you think???"
Of course, Weiss couldn't respond, her eyes twitching, her mouth barely holding itself together as his juicy rod slid so smoothly seesawing in then out of her at a constant motion. Weiss could feel the force behind Jaune 's hips, basing like a humping dog, careless of anything else around.
Since the party continued, nobody had the slightest idea either of them was fucking, sure a few knocked or even tried turning the doorknob to their room, but it was locked. "Fuck Fuck Fuck…why won't anyone help me out dammit…fuckkk…Neptune, I should've listened to you…" Weiss kept to herself. Now spurts of juices shot from Weiss's mouth, flooding itself outwards onto the ground, compiling with the drizzling liquid from her pussy.
Jaune 's arousal odor created an overwhelming sense of defeat in Weiss, surrounding each corner of her mind. Its scent marked her body each time she sniffed for air. And with every jolt Jaune plunged into her, Weiss's wide tongue wrapped and coiled naturally around his snakish beast. Her throat slowly inherited Jaune 's massively shaped-cock as its home, her eyes rolling uncontrollably to the ceiling as if she had lost her mind.
Jaune 's curiosity made him lean on his shoulder to see Weiss's short jeans soaked at her crotch, he then smiled, "You should learn to do favors to me too…it's not nice if I'm the only on trying…you know what I'll get this over quickly so we can do the real show for tonight…your little pussy's hungry just like your mouth!!! Use your giant adorable titties, they can surely help stroke my shaft hahah…" he snickered.
Irritated heavily she frowned her eyebrows while looking at him, her pure lewd expression with her lips sucking his cock amused him. "Should I send your pics to our lovely teachers??? I bet they'd love to see what an innocent role model you are!" Jaune threatened Weiss again, waving his phone. With no room to talk a single word, she complied and pushed up her pliable and
doughy breasts, massaging his lengthy white shaft while swallowing his girthy tip. Now at a slightly faster pace, Jaune 's log beamed, feeling her fleshy mouth and her warm milkers sliding it in and out vigorously.
"Ahhhhh holy shittt Weiss you're such a damn slut…you're so sloppy but it makes up for your sexy soft body haha!!!" he laughed maniacally yet calmed.
"AACH ACCCCHH KAFFF KAFFF…" Weiss kept groaning, her body slowly getting weaker and more vulnerable to Jaune 's powerful aura coming from his cock. It radiated, making her surroundings dense, yet somewhat easing her ability to continue sucking his thick cock.
"Here's your first pudding for the night, Weiss, ahhhh here's your reward…" Jaune said, his cock twitching exceedingly, his tip splurting with cum wildly, shooting it in her mouth. To prevent herself from choking on his silky white jizz, her previous yet unholy-looking face tried swallowing his flooding juices. Her slutty expression stressfully devoured his semen, until she finally gasped for breath, falling onto the ground, her arms supporting her torso.
Jaune without worry for her safety grabbed her dirty wet hair, tilting her head backward to see her violated face shaking, her breath quivering. Even after drinking what seemed like buckets of jizz, some still managed to drizzle down her lip and onto the floor.
"Oh god, Weiss you've been waiting for Neptune to do this haven't you??? Is it his noodle black dick that's disgusted you…how his cum would produce a small-dicked kid from you…and yet you've swallowed countless of mine in a matter of seconds heheh…" he remarked, once again mocking Weiss's self-esteem.
"Ju…jus…just let me g…go home…I've...I've blown you s…so delete th…the nudes…" Weiss replied, exhausted.
Jaune still held Weiss's head with his hands, responding with a devilish twist, "HAHAHA…I totally forgot to mention I'd delete only one picture, but that I have a second one too! So my fault Weiss…I should've made that clearer from the beginning…of what we should do to get rid of that itty-bitty unholy nude?"
With no time to wait, Jaune lifted Weiss's withered figure, feeling her minimal forced kicks against his abdomen. All until he threw her onto the bed facing the ceiling, her white hat thrown onto the floor. Weiss herself tried escaping through the door but the bull kept pushing her back to the middle of the bed, pinning her arms down with his and stowing his mammoth intimidating cock on her untouched stomach, steadily rubbing down near her jeans. Weiss's nose was spoiled with Jaune 's scenting large dick, infecting her brain, eroding her thinking capabilities, and relying on her instincts. Her face quavering, her face reddening, yet she blushed from the combination of her prior drinking and the recent blowjob she gave. Weiss's breasts jiggled, spreading themselves onto her torso, feeling hot from the friction between it and Jaune 's giant rod during her fantastic boobjob.
"You do…don't want to d…do this Lo…Jaune please…you know I do…don't like this and you'll b…be in trouble wh…when I tell them…" Weiss said, stuttering along her sentences.
Jaune began untying Weiss's jean shorts to reveal her nature-green laced panties, exposing her pussy lips clamping onto themselves with each wiggle she made to flee. "Well that may be true if you do tell someone but you won't, and if you keep spooking me like this I'll do a hell of a lot more than you think…so be a good little girl Weiss and show me why Christians call missionary sex "missionary" hehehe…" he chuckled again, poking and stroking his long girthy cock around her inner-thighs, using it to pull away her gusset. After a little effort, Jaune succeeded, displaying her fleshy pussy soaking onto the bed sheets, it oozed in excitation.
"Fuck Weiss you're so sexy, tell me…why would God give a girl like you such giant titties and a fat ass to not be impregnated? To not be fucked? What good can Neptune be with his black meager cock, he's not fit for a fine girl like you…" he said deigning Neptune. Yet although it insulted Neptune, Weiss felt complimented, even though sure of her love for Neptune she knew Jaune was somewhat right. How Neptune could be better, "He's too strict but I love him…He's too safe but that's cute…He's gentle but I want something more…" she thought. "He had his problems but I love him!" she spoke aloud.
"Pathetic little girl Weiss, but I can offer you something more…something I know your body has longed for years and years, deprived because of your boyfriend's terror of pleasing his woman…" Jaune said, looking at her. Now he rubbed his fat red tip on her clitoris, it being sensitive tingling her entire body with an unknown feeling since that moment. Her body clenched itself, curling in the newfound joy, moaning subtly but trying her hardest to hold it. "It'll be the last thing if I give him what he wants, there's no way this fucker's going to…" she thought before being cut off by Jaune 's tip inserting itself into her soft stretching pussy. Immediately more of Weiss's juices flooded roughly onto his cock, cumming crazily as her back arched and face beyond lewd. Her tongue stuck out as if trying to lick the roof, her saliva spewing all over her massive milkers.
"HAHAHA WEISSEEE…DON'T TELL ME YOU CAME!!! The…There's no way you gave in so easily, now you make me wonder have you ever put anything more than a finger in your tight cunt??? So ridiculous, now I know you'll have fun fucking with me…" he smiled, watching her figure trying to catch its breath from the adrenaline of pleasure running throughout her body. But Jaune ignored her response and steadily rammed his thick meaty dick, unfurling her small pussy until it reached the entrance of Weiss's womb. With each inch Jaune plunged, Weiss's
moans amplified in volume, now completely uncontrollable. She wrapped her hands around her mouth, "Fuck fuck fuck what if someone hears…dammit Jaune …why is he so big shit…" she pondered desperately trying to contain her loud vocals.
"AAAAAHHH JAUNE NN STOPPPP HOLLLYYY SHIIITTTT…" Weiss groaned in fulfillment, her pussy compressing against Jaune 's steel monster, latching it for more and more.
"Your cunt's so tight and so soft Weiss oh my god…oops said the lord's name in vain, but I think we're wayyyy past that sin right? Clearly, your body wants more and I'd be such a criminal to deny mhm…" Jaune agreed with himself.
"Wa…wait we can sto…stop here it's not too la…late…" Weiss replied. But instead, Jaune began moving slowly to a faster pace each second without any concern for Weiss's well-being. But to his surprise, Weiss's pussy kept quenching with her sticky juices spurting out and enfolding onto his oversized cock. It seemed to beg for more. He grabbed her wide waist for a better handle to thrust into her, watching her smooth breasts in an oscillating motion, slapping from her ribs up to her chin. Now her fingers ran through the bed sheets, trying to seize any aid from Jaune 's rhythmic fucking, plowing her pussy to make her curvy figure wobble violently.
RID OF…OF THOSE PICS DAMMIT!!!" Weiss moaned audibly. She kept panting for breath each time the bull's gigantic cock pressed against her womb entry, emitting his slimy juices into her uterus. "Fuck Weiss…your tight pussy's just made for me isn't it, I can feel your cunt encasing me, it's so fucking hopeless, desperate, and begging to be brimmed and flooded by me. It fits so perfectly with my cock as it squeezes me, I like that your body's enjoying this too!" Jaune spoke to Weiss. Still maintaining his tempo, he massaged her breasts with his right hand, using his other to support his own body weight. So soft and elastic his hands fell into her giant milkers like water. His lips kissed her sensitive neck up to her puffy blowjobby green lips huffing. Weiss then gripped Jaune 's head, running her hands through his hair as if she wanted more, but instead it was her impulses taking over. But before Jaune reached her lips they stared into the eyes of each other, watching their reactions takeover. Jaune stared with wicked happiness whereas Weiss gazed with guilty pleasure, her face in an instinctive gleeful phase. Yet when he finally kissed her on the lips, Weiss could feel her loyalty breaking with Neptune, a javelin through the heart when she finally realized, "I think I…I like this…" she thought. It was all false love but Jaune 's mighty super-sized rod provided what Neptune's pathetic black dick couldn't. "This white fucker I know from school's taking away what I've wanted for years…and yet I don't want to resist him anymore because I know…I know I'll never be able to do this with Neptune…ever probably…" Weiss kept thinking. Jaune 's lips met hers, their tongues exchanging sloppily, neither the dirty kisses they were sharing were ever even considered by Neptune.
Meanwhile, Neptune lay at his desk looking through his medical notes, the lamp lit dimly in a dark room illuminated by the moon. Neptune looked outside for a little break, throwing a ball at the wall not puzzled by the infinite studying and questions that remained for the all-nighter he was about to take but by the thoughts of Weiss being safe and faithful. He trusted her after all the years they'd been together, "God Weiss…please do the right thing…don't do drugs…don't drink…just be my Weiss…" he uttered in his lonesome room. Yet Weiss's pussy was being bulldozed by the same man he couldn't stand up to, what he would think if he found out was obvious. Even Weiss knew Neptune wouldn't do anything about it, but be the cuck he really is and stay silent.
As faulty as much Weiss was, her pleasure grew countlessly greater compared to her guilt. The sensation of Jaune 's monster cock crashing into Weiss's womb made it open up more little by little, her fleshy flaps feeling the bull's friction heating up her insides.
still acknowledging the terrible risks that came with fucking a stranger. Automatically, Weiss's legs lifted themselves to spread farther than before, flexibly moving upward to the ceiling. Her new position made Jaune 's piledrive reach deeper inside Weiss, more of his rounded girthy tip occupying her uterus. And within seconds, Jaune 's log rod grew in width as his jizz came in loads to be ejected forcibly inside of her. Weiss's last moan was one of contentment and elation, a satisfying noise of her pussy being creampied.
"Aaahhhh fuckkk…good thing your first time is doing it bareback, condoms are so unnecessary…plus either way you're taking responsibility for anything that happens hahaha…" he commented. Removing his still rock-hard fat cock from Weiss's pussy left a stretching hole in her, gushes and squirting raining all over the sheets in a gooey substance.
"Ahhhh…holy shit Jaune what the fuck…ho…holy fu…fuck…" Weiss stuttered, trying to make sense of what's just happened. Even though she was drunk when they started fucking, there was no doubt she was more than sober after being weary as her curvy body lay demolished from the bull's rampage.
Neptune ready to sleep lay on his bed, turning and rolling feeling uneasy from not receiving any texts from Weiss. "No hello? No goodnight? Darn…she's probably still mad dammit…I should call just in case right?" he thought in his room. The darkened room was then shortly illuminated by Neptune's phone, he clicked her contact and called her.
"RING RING…RING RING…RING RING…" Weiss's phone rang, Jaune , all the same, put his clothes on and was about to exit the bedroom.
"Hehehe…that's probably your boyfriend to check up on you…a little too late isn't it?" Jaune said to Weiss, looking across her naked mountainous hips. Without saying another word he left the room and soon the party away from Weiss's ruined yet pleased pussy.
But the vibrating noise that shook the phone in Weiss's ripped short jeans kept ringing, giving enough time for Weiss to answer the call as her hand shook while reaching for it.
"Ja…Weiss are you there? I was worried sick about you, what in the world happened? Are you safe?" Neptune asked her.
Weiss replied in an overjoyed groaning tone, "I'm…I'm fine Neptune…I made…I made a new friend honey…"
"Shit we're gonna be late Neptune!!! Step on it now!!!" Weiss shout out in Neptune's SUV.
"Alright, alright!!! Not my fault I was late getting dressed! You gotta wake up earlier Weiss, I can't miss any more lectures this week! What were you even doing in there?" Neptune replied.
Weiss responded, "I was just trying something new but it didn't go so well so I just gave up…sorry…"
"Well what's up with those clothes, you've really been wearing some… peculiar clothing ya know!" Neptune mentioned it to Weiss. Today just like the previous day Weiss had worn revealing clothing. And as Neptune glanced at Weiss another time he peeked at her gigantic exposed breasts half-buttoned with a white shirt, wearing a red & black patterned short mini-skirt. Neptune sweat a little, himself nervous by her immense sexual aura, "Jeez Weiss what're you doing to me…you're doing this just to tempt me huh?" Neptune kept thinking to himself, highly assuming it was all for him. Yet he couldn't be any wronger.
"Alright, we're here, see you after class! Good luck!" Neptune told Weiss, pecking her on the cheek. But Neptune had been feeling somewhat conspicuous since throughout the week Weiss hadn't dared to make eye contact with Neptune for more than a few seconds. "Maybe she's sexually aroused…Maybe she's really fallen for me this month…Maybe she's busy?" he pondered, all incorrect. Weiss held a face of impatience since the party, a frustration after each morning after, and Neptune couldn't guess why.
"Aight Neptune see you later!" Weiss replied with false enthusiasm.
And as Weiss walked into the building she put on her white cap backward, a sort of trademark of who she was. Except nobody really cared about her accessories besides her voluptuous body, Weiss's lower part of her massive ass showing clearly visible for any student's view. With each step, she took her entire figure wobbled seemingly like a heavenly angel in an awing presence. Her silky huge titties were about to explode out of her erotic shirt, a single button holding the clothing together, just about to pop any second.
She entered the building telling herself, "I don't have to do this…"
The whole day went as planned, however, Weiss's expression of agitation grew each hour, anticipating her forensics class, to see him again. "Fuck fuck…why am I doing this again…" she told herself. Entering her last course, she saw Jaune already sitting at his desk, all the way in the back by himself. He stalked her closely, she walked steadily holding her petite backpack in front of her stomach like a shy schoolgirl. Her attire was seductive enough to concern the
teacher, flustering in astonishment at her absurd clothing, but even he didn't question Weiss about it. And a while in the lecture, the teacher taught everybody the relevance of DNA evidence within crime scenes in a demonstration example. Since everybody was paying attention the class fell silent, until Weiss heard and felt a minute sound.
"Aaaaahhhh OOooooohh" Weiss moaned subtly, alerting the entire class to her position. You see, on Monday of the following week after Weiss's incident with Jaune , he gave her a little concealed box that contained a tiny vibrator. He told her, "Whenever you're ready, you know what to do little Weiss hehehe…" Jaune chuckled as he winked at her before leaving. And since then, starting Monday Weiss felt the urge to be filled by Jaune 's white juicy cock. But deep inside her, she wanted to be approached by Jaune like last time, not giving in to his arousing charm hence why she wore inappropriate clothing to seduce Jaune . But enough was enough for Weiss, and Friday she finally submitted to her temptations and put the remote-controlled vibrator inside her delicate pussy.
"So…sorry professor…BUZZZZ…I wa…was just feeling…BUZZZ…a…a little pa…BUZZZZZ…pain so let…let me excuse…BUZZZZ…myself…" Weiss respectfully replied to the lecture hall's silence. Her hands covered her crotch, seeping with juices plopping onto the floor wherever she stepped. She took a peep behind her to see Jaune 's hidden smirk with a pink ovalish look to it. Weiss kept tremoring, struggling to reach the door to exit from her embarrassment.
"I'll…BUZZZZ…I have to…BUZZZZ…use the restroom…" Weiss commented until swinging to the door wide open, lying on the outer wall for the aid of her quivering legs and shaking thighs. And the moment she reached the hallway she let out her groans a little more. "AAAHHhhhh…OOOOhhhhh…fuckkkk…" she moaned while looking at the puddle trail she left. She went to another classroom, yet this one was abandoned, illuminating the orangish sunset through the window so she could have enough time to remove the self-pleasing device.
"I…I have to get…BUZZZZ…get rid of this shit…BUZZZZ…why…why does it feel so goooood…" Weiss thought, fingering her tight cunt, reaching for the gadget.
"CREAKKKK", the door opened.
"Well well well…Weiss you're such a naughty girl, already having fun without me to watch! I knew I'd had brought the right thing for you to play with, let's make sure nobody interrupts us hahaha…" Jaune said viciously as locking the door.
"You know your trail of joy really made it so obvious where you went, might want to do a better job covering that up, but anyways, where were we??? You're drenched baby-maker can't focus today can it? You've been so urged to get together since last week huh?" Jaune asked smiling.
"No…no it's not…BUZZZZZ…that I swear! I've just…BUZZZZ…I don't know…" Weiss replied helplessly.
"I saw your attempts earlier this week, your fuckable body in those clothes really made me turned on so badly, but I stopped myself…I waited until you finally gave in to my requests and without my surprise, you did just that!!!" Jaune responded.
Today Weiss being sober, her vision unblurred could see Jaune 's monstrous aroma-including cock poking out of his black pants. Its direction in which it pointed directed Jaune , to walk closer to Weiss's body which had fallen onto the floor flailing to get rid of the vibrator.
"BUZZZZ…Lo…Jaune …BUZZZZ…I…BUZZZZZ…it's…it's going too fast…BUZZZZZZZZZ…BUZZZZZZ" Weiss tried talking but Jaune increased the vibrator's sensational speed, making her moan loudly.
"AHHHHHHH…OOOOOOhhhhhhhh…" she groaned, squirting her juices onto the floor with her fingers still in her pussy, her figure fell into a more ill position.
"HAHHAA…soiled and moist, fit for my dick…you really have been holding back I'm proud of you and now it's time to indulge Weiss!" Jaune said, standing in front of her alluring body.
"I'll play nice today and start with your hungry pussy…but today we'll have a visitor…I'm sure you know him all and well hehehe…" Jaune chuckled, Weiss's face lighting up in terror.
"Oh but don't worry, he'll be joining us in a few minutes…let's just have our fun together with an appetizer shall we!" he said.
Grabbing her sex-doll-like body, he carried Weiss over his shoulder. No resistance this time, just the leaking juices falling onto his torso, her face one of excitement and panic after hearing Neptune would be entering the room soon. "Fuck fuck…what did he tell Neptune…what did he tell him fuck I'm sorry I'm sorry…" she apologized in her mind, preparing for the moment she has to confront him. Jaune put her figure in a bent-over position over the teacher's desk, riding his white thick cock on her asscheeks, feeling the thin cloth texture of the skirt getting wet, and her rear clenching onto his rod. He stroked himself with her fat bubble ass juddering around, her pussy's liquids increasing in volume, ready for Jaune 's pound.
"AAAhhhh…Jaune nnn fuckkk…at leastttt tak…take th…" Weiss said to Jaune , before his fingers stuck inside of her cunt, feeling its flaps and fleshy feeling tightening around them. He grabbed the small device and threw it out, watching its saliva-like and slimy substance around it dribbling downwards.
"This little thing? Hahahaha…such a cute little device, warming up your insides just for me little girl Weiss…how about we wait for the premiere until your boyfriend comes!"
And without a second too late, the door swings wide open, leaving an echo in the room.
"Alright, Jaune let's settle this once and for all, what happened…" Neptune spoke until he looked at Weiss and Jaune 's position, completely bewildered by what he saw.
"Ja…Weiss what the…Weiss what's happening I…I don't know…Weiss…" Neptune said, watching Weiss's ashamed face blushing from Jaune 's massive dick.
"I…I'm sorry Neptune…I didn't mean for you to see any of this…but now you can help me alright? Let's leave baby…" Weiss responded. But Neptune in disbelief froze, backing up into the corner of the room and curling, shrinking himself.
"HAHAHA…Neptune, what's wrong? Did you really think your slut of a girlfriend wouldn't lose her sanity with a sex drive of her own? Come on, don't you have anything to say?" Jaune commented mockingly. Neptune shriveled without saying another word but solely peeking at what Jaune was about to do next.
"Now time for the show!" the bull said as his mammoth cock lifted up Weiss's skirt to reveal her lustrous curvy ass exposed naked.
"And won't you look at that, she doesn't even have panties on, now I wonder why she would do that?" Jaune said gibingly, slapping her asscheeks with his hands, falling into them like pillows from how squishy they were. "AAAAAHHHHHH…" Weiss moaned, her vulgar expression ignoring Neptune's presence completely. Showing her true desire. Jaune ripped her white shirt off, the buttons ripped off onto the ground, and her titties also revealed no bra, wriggling in their orb-like shape. His hands fondled Weiss's breasts while inserting his girthy tip in her steaming pussy, feeling its lubricant feel flood over his giant cock.
"God dammit Weiss you're so desperate holy shittt…fuckk…I really need to give it to you all…" Jaune grunted. His shaft steadily shoved itself inside her empty pussy, making room for its entry. Her fleshy insides began unfurling, his white cock fitting perfectly in like a worn glove.
EVERYWHEREEE…" Weiss responded to the bull's giant rod.
"And here I thought your virgin pussy was so tight and nice…who knew you could get tighter for seconds fuck Weiss you're literally squeezing me…tell me how much you want me to thrust into you…tell me…" Jaune asked.
And for a second, before Weiss could indulge in herself like a concerned mother she questioned Neptune, "Neptune hone…honey are you oka…" but instead he lashed out. "How could you Weiss, we're Christians, how could you, it's your fault…it's your fault! You could've just asked for me to do this, you could've just asked!" he shouted like a child. Tears drowned his eyes, talking up to Weiss's face that lay kissing the table.
But internally, Weiss felt a flow of disappointment, not to herself but to Neptune, and a fire that spewed against him. "I LOVE YOU NEPTUNE…I DO…but sometimes you don't and won't understand…there are some things you can't help me with…there are always going to be things like this you can't even compete with compared to Jaune …he's an asshole but he's given me something I've never felt before…" she said.
"Well put Weiss…hehehe…well put, better than begging I'd say, you deserve your reward…" Jaune said.
Jaune caressed her enormous tits as his hips began swinging with great force, making her asscheeks clap against his monster white cock. Its sheer thickness was overwhelming if not more for Weiss compared to their first time at the party.
"AAAAAH OOOOOHHHH AAAAAAAHHH FUCKKKKK!!!" Weiss moaned and gasped each time Jaune 's rounded tip banged her womb. Her elbows assisted as a foundation for her hefty voluptuous figure, her breasts now loose to swing back and forward. Weiss's lewd expression was lost in pleasure, drooling in delight and fatigue. And with each moment her nose swelled while inhaling the bull's aroused cock, making Neptune terribly cough onto the floor.
For as much as Neptune hated this moment, hated Neptune, and contemplated his status with Weiss, he couldn't help but wait feebly. "Why why why…why why why…why can't I leave, why can't I move! Why can't I help her!" he thought to himself. And yet instead of doing what he thought of, he remained in his little manhole in the room, watching Weiss get plowed sensationally. His pathetic black dick shrunk, shriveling into an abyss from the intimidation of Jaune 's aura.
AAAAAHHHH…I CA…CAN FEEL IT EVER…EVERYWHERE!!!" Weiss exclaimed. With enough of her leaking saliva, it rinsed her blooming milkers, Jaune 's testicles, full of his jizz stored just for this occasion. Weiss could feel them smack her like ton-weight dumbbells that gave her a spanking, a reminder of his filled-to-the-brim seed just for her. It all no matter how it seemed from the outside boosted her self-esteemed. Sure Neptune commented on her looks but she felt an extra delirium from Jaune 's big cock being attracted to her lusty body.
Jaune ready to pick up his pace latched onto Weiss's wide mountainous hips, clinging to them to support his insane ramming. "Weiss…Weiss…Weiss fuck it feels like you've been practicing your little cunt to suck me dry like your mouth…I need to give it a long-lasting pounding punishment to put it into place…you'd love that huh?" he said, being heard slightly tired.
And if things couldn't get worse for poor Neptune, they did, in such a humiliating matter.
"But before that, little Weiss, tell your boyfriend to move right in front of you, I want him to see you for who you really are…what a grown woman you've become this past week by my cock, hell
maybe he'll learn a thing or two…Nah he won't HAHAHA…" he laughed out loud, still pummeling Weiss's juicy insides.
However, with the little dignity left Weiss had, she refused, her impulses had given in long ago but her consciousness had remained intact somewhat. On cue, her head nodded in disapprovement. But Jaune wasn't mad, for he knew what to do. "Neptune move, MOVE…LISTEN TO MY VOICE…I'M WEISS'S ONLY SOURCE OF PLEASURE…and it'd do you good to behave unless you want me to dominate her pussy again!" he shouted.
Then on word Neptune stood up, his face sunk between his shoulders like a child, his walk stuttering in front of Weiss. He stood shaking, just a few feet away from Weiss's unholy-looking face. Her moans grew in volume as Neptune grew nearer, hearing her noises in glee as she continuously squirted, cumming on Jaune 's fat cock repeatedly. Who knew how many times she came but she didn't care, and it was all the same for her body to keep pleasing its master even if Neptune stood in front of her.
"Take care of my baby Neptune…he'll have a real man's cock now…he won't be a wimp or coward of a boyfriend or a father…he'll belong in my bloodline in the false belief that you're his…and what's even better is that Weiss's going to want more children so how could I disappoint!" Jaune remarked.
COMINGGGG AAAAAHHH!!!" Weiss groaned, bursting into joy. Jaune 's final thrust came, lifting Weiss's legs onto her toes and guaranteeing her his seed. It gushed like a volcano, his white gooey cum flooding Weiss's womb, it's every corner then overflowing through her fleshy pussy. Her tight cunt spat buckets onto the floor, plopping onto the ground. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" her final moan stuttered, her expression in an ahegao state.
Neptune looked in terror, falling onto his knees and praying as if that would do anything. "Please let this be a dream…please let this be a nightmare…" he kept thinking when it clearly wasn't. In all clearness he was weakling, his pride eliminated.
"Well that was such a joy wasn't it Weiss? Hahaha…as per our final session for a while I wish you…" Jaune said before being interrupted by Weiss's outburst, "NOOO!!! No no no…Lo..Jaune we can't…just one more…one more before you go pleas…please…PLEASE!!!" she said begging still lying over the table, her pussy still surging outwards.
Neptune looked at Weiss's face in anger, his hands clenching, and said, "WHAT WHY…YOU'VE HAD ENO…" until he shut up by Jaune 's hand gesture at him, quieting the room.
"Well well well, that is a change in thought indeed…and here I thought you'd been overjoyed by my seed filling…but I can think of another thing we can do! But for this next performance, Neptune please leave, go wait for Mommy and Daddy to finish hehehe…" Jaune demanded, pointing at
the exit, at the same moment the school bell rang. Floods of students crowded the hallways eager to leave and exit the building.
Without saying anything Neptune did as told, walking like a distressed yet reserved student.
"And for you, little Weiss you damn slut fuck you should've told me this was going to be an all-day thing, I could've planned us a dinner reservation at it hell!!! I can certainly tell you'll want a big family, Neptune won't even have a single kid of his own hahaha…" he said.
Weiss replied nervously flustered, "I…I just said that so maybe Neptune would leave and…"
"Nuh-uh huh…you clearly meant it, you can only do so many things when you've been peaked by such a big white cock huh?" Jaune smirked, looking out the window to his right. The entire wall was a clear-through panel, two-stories high which gave him a wicked idea.
"Baby, we're going to take a switch in positions hehehe… walk with me a few steps little Weiss!" Jaune inquired.
Weiss obeyed like a dog. She herself was confused if she actually wanted more or not, both her mind and her body distraught in delight. Her feet wobbled left and right, and her hips swayed uneasily as if they were going to fall until she caught herself, making her way to the semi-visible wall. The only thing that covered her exposed body was the measly little skirt she still wore, playing into the typically college-girl slut uniform.
Now her hot breath hit the sturdy-blue glass wall, watching her peers one-by-one looking up at her. Weiss's massive breasts enlarged onto the wall for support as Jaune right behind her unexpectedly lifted her up in the air, grabbing her thick thighs with each hand. Her legs were now bent close to her torso, free-bourn with her pussy oozing steaming cum from the bull minutes earlier.
"Now that's a view I'd love, take a moment to see your audience before I start, your boyfriend should be noticing any second now!" Jaune spoke.
Neptune walked out, the shining sun hitting his eyes but his face remained unfazed by a temporary trauma. He saw the flocks of students pausing to look into the building, he didn't know why nor did he care but continued to get into his car. And the moment he sat he had a full view of what was going on, Weiss could be clearly seen. Her lewd body was soiled and her face despaired, hopeless with gazing at Jaune 's re-erecting itself underneath her fat-ass. "What the fuck…what the fuck what the fuck WHY!" Neptune yelled out loud in his car. Boys and girls all discussing, "Wait is that Weiss?", "That isn't Neptune behind her right?", "Holy SHITT!!! Girl, she's finally moved on!" people kept talking around Neptune's car, looking at him in confusion. All the boys that had spotted Weiss were getting their most desired wet dream, only a fantasy for them to come true.
Jaune uttered into Weiss's ear, "How does your ass think? Ready for a step up?" he asked, the tip of his towering cock pushing against her asshole.
"AAAahh fuck Jaune shit…I mean…I don't know…whatever you want okay just…just make it feel good please…" Weiss asked, sheepishly asking as she felt dominated and embarrassed every second.
"I wanna hear it Weiss…just say the magic word hahaha…" he demanded an answer. "I…I…Fine…" Weiss gave in.
"Music to my ears!" Jaune responded, inserting his entire chunky lubricated tip into her ass, promptly making Weiss squirt in return.
"AAAAAHHHH" she moaned, feeling unbearably pleasant, sliding into her giant ass.
"If you like that, you'll love my thing whole…I got to hand it to you, your ass feels even tighter than your cunt, I never knew you could do such a dirty thing!" he said.
Knowing Weiss for who she was, and not another moment to waste Jaune spread her thighs farther than before, plunging his shaft into Weiss's small hole. It stretched her insides unlike anything before, a new-found addiction for Weiss's loving pleasure, her reaction one of ecstatic emotion. She held Jaune 's hands to brace herself, "AAAAAH FUCKKK IT'S SO…SO GIANTTTT SHITTTT GOD….OH GODDD!!!", groaning loud enough to be heard outside.
Neptune in his car crept inwards, shutting his ears and eyes with his hands, trying to ignore the obvious truth.
IT INNN AAAAAH MEEE!!!" Weiss exclaimed.
"Your ass is giving me more of a workout but it's so worth it, you're squashing me for more cum huh? You want your ass to be pregnant too huh?" she muttered.
"POUND POUND POUND", their anal fucking could be heard by Weiss's large asscheeks convulsing around. Weiss could feel her oversized milkers moving up and down against the glass wall, a terrific view for the onlookers below. The seemingly dozens of students watching in glory, some even recording on their phones for the whole world to see, who knows how much trouble they'd both be in.
"I guess we can forget about the nudes hahaha…this surely beats any picture but hell your boyfriend will take care of you, I'll make sure my kid gets a good home!" Jaune commented.
AAAAAHHHH!" she kept bursting into moans, cumming back-to-back. It all spewed onto the glass for the world to gaze at.
"Shit Weiss I think I've found my new favorite hole, first your mouth, then your pussy, and now your ass where does it stop! I too could get addicted, I'm starting to think our next visit may be sooner than I anticipated, I've got such a high libido to meet after all…it'd be a waste if my jizz wasn't poured in you!" Jaune said.
It was insane how Jaune 's bull cock could lift Weiss's heavy sexy build by itself, thrusting with all the force he had left. And clearly, from Weiss's tightly squeezing and inexperienced ass it wouldn't take long for Jaune to sow his seed in her.
GOI...GOING MADD!!!" Weiss kept saying to Jaune , begging.
"Take it all in Weiss…remember how we learned in class to never leave any evidence behind? Absorb every drop of my cum with your life because this is your future of motherhood, and whenever anybody questions just mention me, you're my little cum-dumpster you slutty thing!" Jaune kept talking down to her. Yet it was all muted by Weiss's unimaginable pleasure, her expressions spelling it all out.
"AAAAH I FEE…FEEL ITI OOOOH" Weiss groaned, her arms up to her face, in awe of her ass ready to be gushed.
Jaune 's white cock streamed of adrenaline and arousal jetted his love juices inside of Weiss once again, creaming her asscheeks unlike before. It softened her fleshy hole so much, it made removing his rod from her ass seem like nothing. A wide diameter hole marked Weiss's ass as she fell onto her knees moaning one last time of the day. Her sensation today doubled to last time's experience, and she'd be crazy to reject any offer Jaune requested. Gasping for air, she looked outside to see her fellow peers, the crowd applauding maniacally. It was at this moment Neptune knew already what happened without looking, too shamefaced to think he hit his head against the honk of his wheel repeatedly screaming in his SUV. "If there is a god, where…where and why…" he thought.
"Aaaahhh shittt Jaune …everybod…everybody kno…knows nowwww ooooohh it's still flowing out so nicelyyyy…" Weiss said seductively as if hinting at another round.
"No no no little Weiss, you've had enough, more and I'd break yah…and where's the fun in that, but don't you worry I won't leave you waiting too long hahaha…" Jaune responded, breathing heavily on his knees, also drained literally, his jizz depleted.
Still naked, Jaune walked to the table desk, grabbed Weiss's phone, and dialed Neptune's phone number.
Neptune responded to the call but with silence until Jaune said, "Hey there champ, you're Mommy's a little exhausted and Daddy needs to get a jug of milk hahaha…but really you're gonna take care of Weiss well alright? Now be a big boy and grab her for me!" Jaune demanded. He dressed himself up, and squatted down to Weiss's level, looking her in the eye. Not needing to speak, he simply led his hand underneath her chin toward his face and kissed her on the lips. It felt like an eternity, and Weiss she felt more blushed than ever, a love intertwined with sex amazed her mind. Jaune whispered before he left, "See you later darling…", he stood up, and chuckled to himself as he left the room to leave Weiss in peace.
Neptune in a scared state left the SUV, feeling the countless faces gaze at his presence, watching him walk steadily, shuffling back into the building. When he reached the entrance he crossed paths with Jaune who simply glanced at him with a smirk, nodded, and left. Neptune appeared to move more slowly the closer he got to Weiss, his entire body quivering, diminishing in size. He saw the dried pre-cum of Weiss's trial and saw the classroom door it led to. "Why am I so hollow, God's with me, God's with me, Jaune 's gone, why am I scared, why am I like this…" he reflected, acknowledging his own faults. His hand shook turning the doorknob, which uncovered Weiss's naked figure laid out, turned over, and curvily resting. Neptune walked up to her, falling onto her body, and held her demolished being, looking at her marked lewd face, like a sticker forever in that expression unable to take it off.
"Jan…Ja…Weiss…are you there?" he asked. "Ho…honey heyyyy…I…I think…I think I'm pregnant…"