Why are you here?

The four continued to make small talk while they finished their meals. Lee Seng crumpled his things together and tossed them into the bag. He leaned backwards, arms supporting him as he drifted off into space.

'Its a really nice day.' Lee Seng thought. He closed his eyes. He could hear his new acquaintances chatting while the autumn wind rustled the leaves above.Lee Seng could hear the students chatting away in the distance.

"So did you guys hear about what they do to transfer students?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng opened his eyes and looked at the three. They were all looking at each other, eventually landing their eyes on Lee Seng.

"I haven't," Olivia and Evan spoke.

"I have," Lee Seng answered.

"What did you hear?" Ritsuka asked.

"They're gonna drag us out in the middle of the night while we're sleeping and throw all of the transfer students into a field zone. We have to make it out before the sun's highest or else we're screwed." Lee Seng explained.