Let's Meet

Lee Seng, Evan, Olivia and Ritsuka sat around beneath the shade of the tree. Lee Seng looked at the others, who seemed to agree with Lee Seng. They all were confined to the city and the small little areas outside.

They all heard stories from those who witnessed the utter chaos of the Biohuman serum being released into the world twenty-five years ago. It threw the whole world into a state of panic and altered life as they knew it.

The Old World vanished in a matter of minutes. Millions of people died and the world population shrunk. Sources of food and water became harder to gather. If it wasn't for the Numbers, most of the world still be suffering. The Numbers quickly combated the new world around them as people began to take Biohuman serum shots to aid in the battle to come.

The four knew well what the world lost and Lee Seng hung onto the small flame of hope that he could make a difference.