
The Last Class

Lee Seng and Ritsuka found themselves walking into the locker room to change when Mr. Icarus flagged them down.

"Boys!" The Fighter teacher yelled. Lee Seng and Ritsuka turned to look behind them and watched as Mr. Icarus came to a stop a couple of feet away from them. "I got you right before you went to change."

"Ah, Mr. Icarus." Ritsuka smiled. He gave a small bow and Lee Seng listened as Mr. Icarus cleared his throat before continuing. 

"I got your locker numbers right here. They'll unlock if you scan or swipe your student ID." Mr. Icarus told them as he fished out two pieces of paper. He checked the papers and handed them over to the two boys. "Get changed and come out to the gym when you're done, alright? You must be tired from your classes, so this is a good way to end your day."