
Disadvantaged Scenarios

The gym floor shifted and changed in front of Lee Seng's eyes. He watched as ten similar lanes with a randomly generated set of objects  sprawled across the ten lanes. Ten training dummies rose out of the floor at the end of the lanes. 

"Alright, pick a lane and you'll be randomly assigned a team number based on the ten lanes! Whoever wants to go first can go first!" Mr. Icarus instructed. The groups began to pull away and line up. Lee Seng looked over at Garcia and Ritsuka and looked at the lane in front of them.

"I guess we're lane 1?" Ritsuka shrugged. 

"I guess so." Lee Seng lifted himself off the wall and moved over to stand with his back to the lane. "Anyone feeling brave enough to go first?" He lifted his hand and looked at Ritsuka and Garcia, waiting for a definite 'yes' from one of them.

"Uh, I-I'm not that great. I-If I go first, d-don't expect a l-lot from me." Garcia stuttered. Ritsuka nodded and moved forward.