
All Eyes on Fox Boy

Lee Seng turned to look at the line to his right. Some were diverting their eyes away from him when he turned to check who he was competing against. Lee Seng's tail swung side to side. He looked down at the other end of the gymnasium.

'The difficulty picks up not even halfway down the gymnasium length. I wonder how it's gonna be if you have twenty feet between you and the ranged shooter.' Lee Seng wondered. He shrugged and jumped side to side. 

"Alright, our last group of runners ready?" Mr. Icarus asked. 

"Yes, sir!" The group spoke. Lee Seng readied himself, focusing his attention to the lane in front of him.

"Get ready! Get set! Go!" Mr. Icarus' arm swung downward as the alarm blared. Lee Seng ran forward, body erupting in gold and white wisps. Lee Seng felt himself pick up speed and quickly twirled his body, narrowly missing the bullet and continuing forward.