

Lee Seng grabbed the bag and turned around. There were a couple of people staring at him as he passed. They whispered the usual things he was getting used to as he exited the convenience store. Lee Seng turned right and followed the main road for a while until he reached the front of the Academy. He moved past the academic building and turned right. He followed the road until it led up to the dorm building. 

"Get to the point, Geoff." Lee Seng angrily spoke. Lee Seng sighed as he pulled the front door of the entrance open. 

"You lost control during the exam and killed a squadron of the Academy's security team. You got off scot free and that was pushed under the rug because we didn't want you to be attached to that." Dr. Valentin's voice echoed in his head. Lee Seng shook his head as he hit the elevator button to go up.