
His Signature

Lee Seng kept quiet for the next couple of days. He avoided Manny as much as possible, only staying in his room when he was sleeping and getting ready for school. Besides that, Lee Seng spent the next few days waiting for news to come up about him.

He picked at his food, slouched over and leaning on the table with his arm propping him up. Thursday came and went as Lee Seng sat with the whole group as they chatted away. 

"Yeah, classes have been pretty easy. I think I'm getting into the groove of things, finally." Olivia acknowledged.

"That's good." Liz nodded. "You guys have honestly adjusted better than most transfer students. I'm glad you guys are getting into the groove of things."

"Oh, speaking of the groove of things." Evan turned to his right. He tapped Lee Seng who ignored him. "Lee Seng." Evan shook Lee Seng out of his daze and he looked up.