
Checkup #2

The Next Day

Lee Seng's mind rolled with the information he found out yesterday from the soul orb. He decided he would do suicide sprints to try to clear his mind, but to his surprise, it didn't work. The door opened as Lee Seng sprinted past the middle of the room, to the 3/4s mark and turned back around and sprinted back to the door. 

A man in a hazmat suit walked into the room with another person pushing a cart full of stuff behind him. 

"You can leave the rest to me." Dr. Valentin told the helper. The helper nodded and moved back through the door. "You've spent three weeks in here and could get whatever you wanted, but you decided to workout, run and practice for those three weeks? They told you could have whatever you wanted if you requested it and the only thing you requested is those Dark Matter balls?"

"Better to keep the body busy than the mind." Lee Seng answered as he sprinted to the halfway mark and turned back around.