
A Car Ride with a Celebrity

Lee Seng zipped his suitcase and stood it up on the rollers. He stood up, stretching as his body cracked. He grabbed his backpack on the bed and started to double check the bag. Once everything was in order, he zipped the bag up and put the backpack on. He slipped his shoes on and rolled the suitcase behind him to the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

There was a long silence after his knocks, but he eventually heard someone coming to the door. The door beeped and unlocked, revealing a soldier in a hazmat suit. The soldier opened the door all the way and motioned for Lee Seng to step out. Lee Seng moved into the hallway and noticed the sparse amount of doors with tight security. 

'This place is under tight security.' Lee Seng glanced to his left. He noticed a set of double doors at the end of the hallway.