
The Soul Life Orb

"The vessel is the capturer's son and this poor twin-tail is stuck with him… Let's start. Show me the orb." Lady Vix'i motioned at Keng. Keng turned to look at Lee Seng. 

"He has it." Keng pointed. Lady Vix'i looked up at the boys. "Show her." Lee Seng clawed over his heart. The three older foxes watched as a large orb started to pull out. 

"It's huge." Zixin spoke in a tongue Lee Seng could oddly understand.

"It's radiant." Nabi whispered. Lee Seng fully pulled the orb out and looked at Lady Vix'i.

"Strange," Lady Vix'i spoke in the unknown tongue. "The madman's orb fused with their soul bead… What did you do?" Lady Vix'i looked up.

"Uhhh… Why can I understand you?" Lee Seng curiously asked. "What language is that?" Lady Vix'i gave Lee Seng a strange look. 

'Of all things, he questions the tongue of foxes, first?' Lady Vix'i thought to herself. 'He's a strange one.'