
Saviors' Tomb

The gnawers ran straight for the foxes. Zixin and Nabi quickly made work of them. Zixin's fire strikes set the gnawers ablaze, scaring the gnawers from the light source. Nabi, on the other hand, stood in the same exact spot she planted herself on and made work of the gnawers with her tails. Her tails furiously slammed and pounded the gnawers onto the ground, instantly killing them. 

The rumbling of the Saviors' tomb grew louder as Lady Vix'i continued to weave her hands in the air. Lee Seng clutched his chest. The tomb's movement was making him react in a similar manner. Gnawers continued to swarm the area as Zixin and Nabi made quick work of them. Lee Seng turned to the left. 

'There's rumbling coming from that way, too.' Lee Seng observed. The rumbling had concentrated on the tomb and where Nabi and Zixin were fighting. Lee Seng could barely see the forest line from where he was standing and watched as a huge monster crossed his night vision threshold.