
Formally Meeting Lily Wang

"There." Lily looked at the woman. The woman stared back at the young halfling in shock. "'Share a song with those that talk badly about you. Maybe it'll open their hearts to understanding they're just as bad as the ones they slander.'" Lily recited. She stood up and looked directly at Lee Seng. "Rox'su mentioned you would have a temper, too." She smiled. She hopped over the woman's legs and moved straight up to Lee Seng and hugged him. "Rox'su was right about you. You would say something. He also told me to quote that when it got too scary." She pulled away from Lee Seng and looked up at him. 

'Is she just a… little girl?' Lee Seng wondered.

'She's a teenager. A small one.' Keng answered. Lee Seng looked up at Keng who nodded.

"I guess this is how we're formally meeting." Lee Seng stepped away and stuck his hand out. Lily looked at it and shook it.