
The Path of Music & Light

"I went in and began to hear beautiful music. Music that could possibly calm any being. I followed it, forgetting the game and found Rox'su with a woman. She was playing music and Rox'su was sitting on the ground, watching her. I was so drawn to the music, I sat next to Rox'su and he said to me, 'I guess you found us.'"

"Us? Who's us?"

"I had found Rox'su and the goddess Tear'a. Tear'a stopped playing and told Rox'su he was interfering with her opportunity. They argued and then they both told me they wanted to choose me as their Blessed."

"Two gods wanting to bless the same person? Is that possible?" Lee Seng muttered. Lily nodded her head. She turned to reveal her right cheek.