
The Heart

Evan thought about all his interactions with Lee Seng. They practiced mock battles against each other and Lee Seng was always absorbing information from him. 

"Have you ever been in a rut with what you wanted to do with your power?" Lee Seng asked Evan. He tossed Evan a cold towel and sat down next to him, wiping his sweaty face. 

"Yeah I've been there before." Evan nodded. 

"I think we've all been there." Liz answered. The rest of the group nodded. "Why do you ask? Are you stuck in one right now?" Lee Seng didn't answer for a while. Evan watched Lee Seng as his tail did the thing it usually did when he was thinking. It mindlessly swung back and forth and would sometimes bump into the person next to him. The tail bumped into Evan and he chuckled, snapping Lee Seng out of thoughts 

"What?" Lee Seng asked. 

"Your tail." Evan pointed. He noticed his tail was right next to Evan and pulled it away.