
Lost Foxes

"We could just Realmwalk outta here and reappear above!" Keng suggested. 

"We could but if we want to be in a specific place, we're gonna have to go through an actual gateway." Lee Seng told him. The older Foxes told Lee Seng how Realmwalking even worked. 

"Well, you Realmwalked with an incantation, right?" Lady Vix'i asked. 

"Yeah, why?" Lee Seng asked. Lady Vix'i took a sip of her tea and nodded. 

"You see, if we use an incantation, it pulls us to our last place within the specific Realm we were in. So since you were in your room back on Earth, that would be the place the incantation to Earth would place you. If your last place is in the Crystallium, for example, you would come back to this place."

"If that's the case why did the incantation place me so far in the Corrupted Forest that night?" Lee Seng asked.