
XI's Principals

[Soul Bead: 247/800]

XI stood amongst the dead goblins and sighed.

'They're all weak. The kid could even handle this large of a group on his own.' XI thought as they turned their attention forward. A group of tired adventurers were staring at her. They were about forty feet from each other.

"What the fuck happened here?" A large male adventurer asked. 

"Identify yourself! Are you friend or foe?" A brunette woman with semi-curled hair that stopped past her neck. She was standing in the front of the group as her other teammates watched XI Lee Seng. 

"Friend or foe?" XI repeated the question. "I killed all of these goblins and you question if I'm a foe? Are we really foes?" XI stepped over the bodies of the dead goblins and came closer into view. XI Lee Seng's fox ears twitched and the large man and a tall woman moved forward, blocking the brunette woman in a protective stance.

"Those ears! He must be at least a B-rank!" The woman shouted.