
The Ring

"Let's find the ring and get outta here." Chan-Yeol ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The adventuring group shouted. They began to look around. Chan-Yeol pulled the holo map up, moving over to a wall. 

"It says it's right here?" Chan-Yeol asked.

"Yes, sir. It seems to be in the wall." The Support answered. Chan-Yeol sighed and looked around. 

"Whitney, take the wall down." Chan-Yeol motioned. A slim man nodded and wandered over. Chan-Yeol stepped off to the side and watched as Whitney began to bend the earth to his will.

"Strange." Support commented. Chan-Yeol looked at the map as Support continued. "The ring… It's moving, sir." Chan-Yeol watched the ring slowly move around. The wall went down and Chan-Yeol and the others noticed a path. It was rough like someone had blasted their way in here. Debris was scattered all around as Chan-Yeol moved in. 

"It's moving further away from you." Support spoke.