
A Lady's Opinion

Jyu'so entered the Crystallium Tower, waving at Zixin before he closed the door behind him. The smell of papers, books and incense made him run his nose. Lady Vix'i moved to sit at the table as she waved her hands. A teapot filled with water and began to boil as teacups, plates and snacks floated over to the table. 

"You didn't even come to see me when you were here. Now you come see me after you've left for the Tomb? What do you want, brother?" Lady Vix'i asked. Jyu'so got up on the chair and sat down. He floated in mid air as he folded his arms. 

"There isn't much to discuss with you about what I've been up to, sister. You know how it is to run a village." Jyu'so started.

"Yes, yes, yes. That's why I indulge in research while you dilly-dally like a child. I've heard you've been sticking your nose around Dat'e. Why?"