
Sight Training: Blindfolds

Keng finished preparing the dinner table as Lily helped Gorrum bring out plates and set the food out. The two had learned how to basically grill meat and potatoes with wild boar. Keng had known about this sort of recipe and was amazed even on Daros this was a dish they made. 

"Where's Elder?" Keng asked, looking around. "He said he was going for a walk. Shouldn't he be back already?" 

"He'll come back soon." Gorrum replied as he set the main dish in the middle of the table. "Bring the rest of the side dishes over and sit. Let's eat." Keng did as he was told and by the time they all sat down, Jyu'so walked in. 

"Just in time!" Jyu'so cackled. He pulled his chair out and sat in it. "I see meat and potatoes. Nothing beats this." 

"Had a good walk, Elder?" Lily asked. Jyu'so nodded.