
How to Jog Memories 101

"I'm a Fox Spirit. You and I went to this other Realm called Daros together. You met and saw a lot of other Fox Spirits and I have a companion that looks like me. His name is Keng. Do you remember any of this?" Lee Seng looked at Ritsuka as his shocked and scared face tried to remember. 

"N-no… I don't… Please don't eat me." Ritsuka whimpered.

"I'm not going to eat you! You thinking I'm gonna rape you, steal your soul makes me want to eat you!" 

"Ah! Don't!" Ritsuka ran forward. Lee Seng swiped the blade and grabbed Ritsuka and the next thing Ritsuka knew, he was hitting the wall. Ritsuka gasped for air as he slid to the floor. Obsidian Glass shook has its master coughed.