
Another... You

'W-what's happening?' Eleven croaked. 'What's happening?!?' Eleven could feel an overwhelming power take over him. It clawed at him and pulled him down. 'This… Kid… He's—' 

Ritsuka watched as Lee Seng/Eleven began to collapse onto the ground. The deep and angry voice quickly faded. Lee Seng went quiet. Ritsuka scooted backwards, sword appearing in his hand. 

'W-what was that?' Ritsuka was frantically trying to understand the situation. He had finally regained his memories, only to be given huge bomb. Lee Seng let out a huge gasp as his body twitched. Ritsuka scooted into the wall as he watched Lee Seng let out coughs.

"God I don't remember that being so hard to do…!" Lee Seng coughed. He slowly lifted himself up with his arms, slouching over to the side as he covered his coughs. His eyes locked onto Ritsuka. Ritsuka was scared. "Ritsuka… Are you… okay?"